One other thing I noticed... can't equip more than 1 armor.
Granted I know this is typically not possible, but what about heavy clothing and a personal deflector shield? Maybe I just have a rule incorrect?
One other thing I noticed... can't equip more than 1 armor.
Granted I know this is typically not possible, but what about heavy clothing and a personal deflector shield? Maybe I just have a rule incorrect?
Looks absolutely wonderful and useful.
But I'm getting the same layout problems where the numbers aren't in the correct boxes, identical to what's above.
Edit: Same widescreen layout and default stuff but running Win7.
Are you also seeing similar problems with the summary panel on the bottom right of the main window? If so, download the latest version and see if that goes away. If it does, I'll make a similar change to the character sheet pages and see if that fixes your issues.
Yup fixed the preview pane at the bottom right for me. Char sheet preview when printing is still off.
Cool! That means I should be able to fix your char sheet issue as well, using the same technique. That should be in
One other thing I noticed... can't equip more than 1 armor.
Granted I know this is typically not possible, but what about heavy clothing and a personal deflector shield? Maybe I just have a rule incorrect?
I was trying to do the same thing with my char as well, but after reading the description for the personal deflector shield, it doesn't sound like you can use much of anything else with it. Plus, it doesn't say you can wear more than one type of armor. That's why I limited equipped armor to just one item. If someone else knows otherwise, let me know and I'll change the way I handle equipping armor.
Looks absolutely wonderful and useful.
But I'm getting the same layout problems where the numbers aren't in the correct boxes, identical to what's above.
Edit: Same widescreen layout and default stuff but running Win7.
Are you also seeing similar problems with the summary panel on the bottom right of the main window? If so, download the latest version and see if that goes away. If it does, I'll make a similar change to the character sheet pages and see if that fixes your issues.
Yup fixed the preview pane at the bottom right for me. Char sheet preview when printing is still off.
Cool! That means I should be able to fix your char sheet issue as well, using the same technique. That should be in
Thanks a lot! And again, thank you for your hard work and dedication to making such a stellar product.
You dont need to worry about the number of players in the game. You couldn't we simplify this and have an " Extra Points in Obligation " box, with the options:
And assume that anyone with the rules will pick a number appropriate to their group
Then two further drop downs:
That way its not telling us that we are overspent on XP or Credits when we're not?
I did read up on that. However, your starting obligations can really be anything. You can have 1 or 2, possibly more if your GM tells you to, plus the values are based on the number of people in your group, again with GM discretion. The generator doesn't roll percentile dice for anything; rolling dice is for players, not the generator
The generator just takes what you give it, and calculates costs. So, if you want to use that feature after talking with your GM, add the obligation and then add the XP or credits on the Description pane. The generator does keep track of where your experience comes from, just like it keeps track of where your skills are coming from (species, talents, items, etc), or where your stats are coming from. It just doesn't really care if you go over
It'll will inform you when you spend too much, however.
Note that this also applies to purchasing characteristics. You can do this at any time, not just when you start your character, because there's no "starting" mode to the generator. You should just make sure you're not going over your starting XP when you purchase stats on your new character, and, of course, don't cheat and buy more later on
I wanted the generator to be as flexible as possible, without putting situational constraints on your actions.
Sadly, the update does nothing to fix the issues I'm having. I'm also not sure about how to disable themes in Win8, if that could be causing problems. Regarding the extra XP, it was just points I'd overlooked. Dedication here I come!
I keep getting an error for the print preview when force powers are selected on the character: "unhandled exception has occured in your application."
Email me the character that's having the problem and I'll check it out.
Email sent
Sadly, the update does nothing to fix the issues I'm having. I'm also not sure about how to disable themes in Win8, if that could be causing problems. Regarding the extra XP, it was just points I'd overlooked. Dedication here I come!
Was the summary panel at the bottom right having the same issue? And is that now fixed?
I would love to see the ability to add species using the Editor. I have a player who is really enjoying his Ewok. He built the character using the Excel spreadsheet that added the Unofficial Species Menagerie. Perhaps you could add the species from it as well, or configure the editor so we could add them?
Here is the link to the excellent work of the GSA on the species Menagerie
I would love to see the ability to add species using the Editor. I have a player who is really enjoying his Ewok. He built the character using the Excel spreadsheet that added the Unofficial Species Menagerie. Perhaps you could add the species from it as well, or configure the editor so we could add them?
Here is the link to the excellent work of the GSA on the species Menagerie
Something like this?
Indeed good sir, indeed!
Was the summary panel at the bottom right having the same issue? And is that now fixed?Sadly, the update does nothing to fix the issues I'm having. I'm also not sure about how to disable themes in Win8, if that could be causing problems. Regarding the extra XP, it was just points I'd overlooked. Dedication here I come!
I feel like this is the kind of thing that would have been noticed earlier, so maybe I'm just reiterating something. Your skill purchase doesn't appear to take into account career/spec./species skills when calculating XP costs of leveling them. It's a flat "how many levels have been bought ."
Ex. Smuggler Pilot has chosen a rank in Pilot (Space) from his career skills. The first rank he then buys only costs 5 xp. It should cost 10 (because he's going from rank 1-2 of a career skill).
Really slick program, though. Great work on the interface.
Edited by MaveritchellI feel like this is the kind of thing that would have been noticed earlier, so maybe I'm just reiterating something. Your skill purchase doesn't appear to take into account career/spec./species skills when calculating XP costs of leveling them. It's a flat "how many levels have been bought ."
Ex. Smuggler Pilot has chosen a rank in Pilot (Space) from his career skills. The first rank he then buys only costs 5 xp. It should cost 10 (because he's going from rank 1-2 of a career skill).
Really slick program, though. Great work on the interface.
That's been fixed in the latest version. Try downloading it again and see if it works.
From a developper to another: Very nice!
One thing I'd like to change, is the character sheet, I don't really like that version of the character sheet, too expensive in ink!
I love the style that Kallabecca did :
(Use version 4). So, my question would be, do you plan on having custom character sheet? I don't know what report engine you used, but it would be great if we could have custom ones!
Very nice!
Hi Oggy,
First, I just wanted to say thanks for such a great character generator!
Now for a question and a comment.
My question is with regards to droids. Your generator gives droids a rank in Discipline. I looked through the section on droids in the Core Rulebook and couldn't find where that is addressed. Could you tell me where that came from?
The comment is about the encumbrance penalty. In your generator, when encumbrance exceeds your Brawn, there's a note that your character no longer earns a free maneuver. On page 152, under Encumbrance Threshold, it seems to indicate that the free maneuver is only lost when the encumbrance threshold is exceeded by a amount equal to or greater than your Brawn.
There's an example with Luke (Brawn 2, encumbrance threshold 7) where he only loses the free maneuver when his encumbrance is 9 or more.
A couple of questions about editing the xml files.
Are key names unique within a class, or are they globally unique. ie If I wanted to create an item with the Key "TRAND" am I going to run into problems because this is the key used for Trandoshans in species?
Is there a list of the Key's which have been used?
If not, are there any limits on Key length? If I use a common prefix (say 'C3P4' or 'DN3T') at the start of all my Keys that should ensure no clashes.
If I manually edit the files, will later versions of the program have a change log so I can see which files have been updated and manually copy my changes across? For that matter if I just update the description, am I going to have to redo that it you ever update the xml files?
By the way - its a fantastic program. Thank you
Hi Oggy,
First, I just wanted to say thanks for such a great character generator!
Now for a question and a comment.
My question is with regards to droids. Your generator gives droids a rank in Discipline. I looked through the section on droids in the Core Rulebook and couldn't find where that is addressed. Could you tell me where that came from?
The comment is about the encumbrance penalty. In your generator, when encumbrance exceeds your Brawn, there's a note that your character no longer earns a free maneuver. On page 152, under Encumbrance Threshold, it seems to indicate that the free maneuver is only lost when the encumbrance threshold is exceeded by a amount equal to or greater than your Brawn.
There's an example with Luke (Brawn 2, encumbrance threshold 7) where he only loses the free maneuver when his encumbrance is 9 or more.
You are correct in both accounts. I did a lot of copy/paste when I created the species; the skill modifier was probably from another race. I also misunderstood encumbrance. I think the key there is that you need to be ENCUMBERED by a value at or greater than Brawn. So, yeah, it's if you exceed your threshold by your Brawn or more.
Both changes will be in
A couple of questions about editing the xml files.
Are key names unique within a class, or are they globally unique. ie If I wanted to create an item with the Key "TRAND" am I going to run into problems because this is the key used for Trandoshans in species?
Is there a list of the Key's which have been used?
If not, are there any limits on Key length? If I use a common prefix (say 'C3P4' or 'DN3T') at the start of all my Keys that should ensure no clashes.
If I manually edit the files, will later versions of the program have a change log so I can see which files have been updated and manually copy my changes across? For that matter if I just update the description, am I going to have to redo that it you ever update the xml files?
By the way - its a fantastic program. Thank you
No global keys. They're only unique within their grouping (ie, Talents, Species, Armor, Weapons, Item Modifiers, etc).
Also, no key length limits. In fact, keys don't have to be upper case, either. I was just using upper case (and keeping them somewhat short) as a convention. They just have to be a unique string within their grouping. Adding your own prefix for your additions is actually an excellent idea.
My first change log, I did mention changes to Gear.xml. What I'll do in addition for future logs is have a "Data File Changes" section that will list all data files that have been changed so it'll make it easier to do a merge.
Edited by OggDudeHey, any thoughts on making this a click once application? Would handle auto updating, etc with every release.
If you would like to consider it I would be happy to help with the information needed to do this
(are you hosting the files personally? what kind of server? IIS?)
Sorry don't know if I missed this yet, but is v1.0.0.2. out? is now ready. Use the same link as before. Here are the changes:
I'm not going to be able to get back on here until probably Monday night or Tuesday morning. Coincidentally, I'm going to a gaming convention this weekend. This will be the first one since EotE's release, so I'm going to be bringing a few characters (printed up by the char gen, of course) and seeing if someone's running a game.
Oh, and since none of the new species I added came from FFG, I added all of the descriptions (courtesy of Wookieepedia and a few other places). I've got more to do, but it takes awhile to add these things. Someone mentioned that one of their players had an Ewok character, so I forced myself to go up to Ewok before I stopped
I'll add more next week.
I haven't checked this out yet (plan to this weekend), but a minor suggestion...
How about including a link to the program in your signature? It'd make it a lot easier for folks to grab a copy without having to dig up the thread or keep checking the initial post.
I haven't checked this out yet (plan to this weekend), but a minor suggestion...
How about including a link to the program in your signature? It'd make it a lot easier for folks to grab a copy without having to dig up the thread or keep checking the initial post.
Excellent idea