Got it. Equipped armor will now contribute 3 less to your encumbrance value, to a minimum of 0.
Got it. Equipped armor will now contribute 3 less to your encumbrance value, to a minimum of 0.
Well, after tinkering with the data to make sure the fine legal minds at LucasFilm or Disney or FFG or wherever won't have a problem with anything, I think we're ready for the primary release of the character generator. Here it is!
SW:EotE Character Generator 1.0 Release
Hey FYI... you should go back and put a link in your Original post. Most people if looking for it will look in original post.
Amazing job. Just going to throw out the stuff I noticed. Like the above poster, it doesn't take into account the encumbrance of worn armor being lowered by 3. There is no medpac, only emergency medpac, but it has encumbrance of 2 like a medpac. I run a droid marauder and he started with 2 ranks in melee, I've upgraded melee 3 times, which has cost me 15/20/25 exp for a total of 60xp. In your character builder, it ignores the 2 ranks I got from my career/specialization, and charged me 5/10/15 exp for melee 3/4/5, giving me 30 extra xp. I started with a brawn of 4 and used my first rank of dedication on brawn, which correctly increases my soak, but incorrectly increases my wound threshold. I also had some of the aforementioned resolution problems, where I use a relatively low one since I use a tv for my monitor. It is fixed by just upping my resolution, but I don't really want to do that everytime I use this program. I got several random crashes, most often when I clicked through the sections rapidly.
Outside of bugs and onto features, perhaps allow us to put in custom backgrounds/obligations/ambitions? If this is an option, I couldn't find it.
That is all I can think of. Fantastic work. I signed up for an account here so I could pass on these bugs and let you know what a great job you did. Mad respect.
Good stuff, Maynard! Thanks for this. I made the following adjustments:
Could you upload some screenshots of the resolution issues you're seeing?
my only suggestion is to turn it into an app I can put on my Ipad. then I would me more than pleased with this wonderful program you have created. . . I would be dancing in the streets.
Correction on the wound and strain calculations... Reading over page 31 again, I believe wound and strain is calculated using "starting" characteristics, which would be species base PLUS purchased stats. It wouldn't make any sense if it was just species, since something like "10 + Brawn" would always yield the same exact result for each species.
Anyway, that's the change I made. I'll probably make another build tonight with the changes I've accumulated today. So far, those have been:
As you can see, I use a very low resolution. A scroll bar added to the side would accomodate me, however.
Regarding wound threshold, I fear you misunderstood me. I'm playing a droid marauder with 4 brawn and 3 ranks of toughness. My wound threshold is 20. When I purchased the dedication talent, I increased my brawn from 4 to 5. Your program correctly increased my soak by 1, but incorrectly increased my wound threshold by 1. Brawn only adds to wound threshold during character creation.
As you can see, I use a very low resolution. A scroll bar added to the side would accomodate me, however.
Regarding wound threshold, I fear you misunderstood me. I'm playing a droid marauder with 4 brawn and 3 ranks of toughness. My wound threshold is 20. When I purchased the dedication talent, I increased my brawn from 4 to 5. Your program correctly increased my soak by 1, but incorrectly increased my wound threshold by 1. Brawn only adds to wound threshold during character creation.
Do you have a reference for that?
I tried the app and I really like it. However, I didn't see where you could take extra obligation for extra XP and Cash. I checked through the PDF and didn't see it either. Am I missing it?
As you can see, I use a very low resolution. A scroll bar added to the side would accomodate me, however.
Regarding wound threshold, I fear you misunderstood me. I'm playing a droid marauder with 4 brawn and 3 ranks of toughness. My wound threshold is 20. When I purchased the dedication talent, I increased my brawn from 4 to 5. Your program correctly increased my soak by 1, but incorrectly increased my wound threshold by 1. Brawn only adds to wound threshold during character creation.
No, I understood you
I was using the final Brawn calculation to determine wound, minus attachment Brawn, when I should have only been using the species base value, plus purchased value. I did notice that attachments (for instance, the strength enhancing system) explicitly mentioned that it doesn't increase wound or soak, so I had that one handled. I just didn't realize that other sources of Brawn didn't increase wound, either. So... wound is calculated only from species base, plus purchased, while soak is calculated with any source of Brawn, with the exception of Brawn that comes from attachments. That should work out OK.
Out of curiosity, what is the resolution of your monitor? I'm guessing you're working with 600 vertical?
Received a nicely worded request from FFG today to take down the DiceRoller app. All it had was rolling dice and critical hits, I'm not sure distributing blanks for all the descriptions is going to be enough here. :/
Oggy, do you have your settings set to get email from administrators? Might want to check that email...
Received a nicely worded request from FFG today to take down the DiceRoller app. All it had was rolling dice and critical hits, I'm not sure distributing blanks for all the descriptions is going to be enough here. :/
Oggy, do you have your settings set to get email from administrators? Might want to check that email...
There is a BIG difference between your app and this one - FFG is offering for sale a dice roller app. FFG is not offering for sale a character generator. Other character generators (Excel versions) have been around for a while with no issues.
I tried the app and I really like it. However, I didn't see where you could take extra obligation for extra XP and Cash. I checked through the PDF and didn't see it either. Am I missing it?
I did read up on that. However, your starting obligations can really be anything. You can have 1 or 2, possibly more if your GM tells you to, plus the values are based on the number of people in your group, again with GM discretion. The generator doesn't roll percentile dice for anything; rolling dice is for players, not the generator
The generator just takes what you give it, and calculates costs. So, if you want to use that feature after talking with your GM, add the obligation and then add the XP or credits on the Description pane. The generator does keep track of where your experience comes from, just like it keeps track of where your skills are coming from (species, talents, items, etc), or where your stats are coming from. It just doesn't really care if you go over
It'll will inform you when you spend too much, however.
Note that this also applies to purchasing characteristics. You can do this at any time, not just when you start your character, because there's no "starting" mode to the generator. You should just make sure you're not going over your starting XP when you purchase stats on your new character, and, of course, don't cheat and buy more later on
I wanted the generator to be as flexible as possible, without putting situational constraints on your actions.
Received a nicely worded request from FFG today to take down the DiceRoller app. All it had was rolling dice and critical hits, I'm not sure distributing blanks for all the descriptions is going to be enough here. :/
Oggy, do you have your settings set to get email from administrators? Might want to check that email...
There is a BIG difference between your app and this one - FFG is offering for sale a dice roller app. FFG is not offering for sale a character generator. Other character generators (Excel versions) have been around for a while with no issues.
There's a big difference between a compiled app and an excel spreadsheet, as was discussed on page 1. I'm giving Oggy a heads up, not attacking him.
looks really good man!
Edited by yugwen18Hopefully not to jinx it but there are X-Wing Miniatures squad builder websites which have existed for quite a while without any problems...
Hey there. I'm using a widescreen 1080p monitor, default set-up in Win8 if that makes a difference. I'm getting the same issues with the character sheet, as shown below.
I keep getting an error for the print preview when force powers are selected on the character: "unhandled exception has occured in your application."
I keep getting an error for the print preview when force powers are selected on the character: "unhandled exception has occured in your application."
Email me the character that's having the problem and I'll check it out.
Hey there. I'm using a widescreen 1080p monitor, default set-up in Win8 if that makes a difference. I'm getting the same issues with the character sheet, as shown below.
Do you have Large Fonts enabled, or maybe Themes? I can't get this problem to reproduce.
Looks absolutely wonderful and useful.
But I'm getting the same layout problems where the numbers aren't in the correct boxes, identical to what's above.
Edit: Same widescreen layout and default stuff but running Win7.
Edited by OgreBane99
As you can see, I use a very low resolution. A scroll bar added to the side would accomodate me, however.
Regarding wound threshold, I fear you misunderstood me. I'm playing a droid marauder with 4 brawn and 3 ranks of toughness. My wound threshold is 20. When I purchased the dedication talent, I increased my brawn from 4 to 5. Your program correctly increased my soak by 1, but incorrectly increased my wound threshold by 1. Brawn only adds to wound threshold during character creation.
No, I understood you
I was using the final Brawn calculation to determine wound, minus attachment Brawn, when I should have only been using the species base value, plus purchased value. I did notice that attachments (for instance, the strength enhancing system) explicitly mentioned that it doesn't increase wound or soak, so I had that one handled. I just didn't realize that other sources of Brawn didn't increase wound, either. So... wound is calculated only from species base, plus purchased, while soak is calculated with any source of Brawn, with the exception of Brawn that comes from attachments. That should work out OK.
Out of curiosity, what is the resolution of your monitor? I'm guessing you're working with 600 vertical?
1280x720, native resolution of my tv.
Version is now available, using the same link, as above. Here are the final changes:
Looks absolutely wonderful and useful.
But I'm getting the same layout problems where the numbers aren't in the correct boxes, identical to what's above.
Edit: Same widescreen layout and default stuff but running Win7.
Are you also seeing similar problems with the summary panel on the bottom right of the main window? If so, download the latest version and see if that goes away. If it does, I'll make a similar change to the character sheet pages and see if that fixes your issues.
This is probably obvious, but just in case... if you download the latest version, and you've made changes to descriptions, or added gear, etc, don't just copy the base files from the archive over the old ones
You'll overwrite your changes. In, I fixed Rodian starting stats in Data/Species/Rodian.xml, and made a few minor changes to Data/Gear.xml. If you've modified either of those files, you may want to merge them.
Looks absolutely wonderful and useful.
But I'm getting the same layout problems where the numbers aren't in the correct boxes, identical to what's above.
Edit: Same widescreen layout and default stuff but running Win7.
Are you also seeing similar problems with the summary panel on the bottom right of the main window? If so, download the latest version and see if that goes away. If it does, I'll make a similar change to the character sheet pages and see if that fixes your issues.
Yup fixed the preview pane at the bottom right for me. Char sheet preview when printing is still off.