That will probably help in keeping them off your back.
Love the detailed character sheets it makes.
That will probably help in keeping them off your back.
Love the detailed character sheets it makes.
Btw, here's what I've done so far on the data editor . It'll allow you to edit the descriptions of all the various pieces of data used by the generator. I'm also working on allowing you to add your own items to certain collections, such as weapons, armor, gear, and probably skills.
Awesome! I have new gear and tweaks to old gear I would love to add.
That will probably help in keeping them off your back.
...and more awesome. The adjustments you have made I also think will keep them, "off your back".
Thank you for doing this Oggy! And thank you for making the adjustments to keep your work alive.
Amazing work! You will need to purge it of trademarks and copyrighted descriptions (fortunately, game systems cannot be copyrighted, only descriptions of), but do whatever you have to to make this happen and . . . keep the Empire off your back.
"I'm sorry -- I had to purge the XML. I had no choice."
I am so pumped for this, thank you Oggy!
This is really impressive. Please keep us updated.
Looks great. the only thing I would recommend is increasing the spaces for text in the actual sheet so you can fit more or in a larger font. Right now nearly half the available real estate is used up with graphics leaving only small boxes for the info you need.
Edited by FuriousGregAmazing work! You will need to purge it of trademarks and copyrighted descriptions (fortunately, game systems cannot be copyrighted, only descriptions of), but do whatever you have to to make this happen and . . . keep the Empire off your back.
"I'm sorry -- I had to purge the XML. I had no choice."
OT - Is it just me or does every picture of Boba Fett look like he's a little knock kneed?
Edited by FuriousGregThis is fantastic. I'm not sure if I've followed the entire conversation, but a few questions (apologies if they've already been answered):
1) If text is removed, would the generator be designed in such a way that a user could add their own text in?
2) Will there be customizable options (trees, skills, etc)? For example, my campaign has two Jedi players, so I'm currently fiddling with custom talent trees for them. Would there be any way for me to "build" that into my own version of your generator?
Regardless of the answers, this is great!
Looks great. the only thing I would recommend is increasing the spaces for text in the actual sheet so you can fit more or in a larger font. Right now nearly half the available real estate is used up with graphics leaving only small boxes for the info you need.
Thanks! Exactly the type of recommendation I was looking for. If people find the character sheets too "fancy" or graphics-heavy and want a more terse version, let me know. Maybe I can create two different versions.
This is fantastic. I'm not sure if I've followed the entire conversation, but a few questions (apologies if they've already been answered):
1) If text is removed, would the generator be designed in such a way that a user could add their own text in?
2) Will there be customizable options (trees, skills, etc)? For example, my campaign has two Jedi players, so I'm currently fiddling with custom talent trees for them. Would there be any way for me to "build" that into my own version of your generator?
Regardless of the answers, this is great!
1) I've created a data editor that will allow you to modify all descriptions so that you can eliminate the default "For details, please see page X" descriptions I was forced to add. You'll also be able to modify the stats of a few items, such as armor, gear, weapons, and skills.
2) All careers and specializations are contained in separate XML files. While the data editor only gives you a front end to modify just a few portions of the data, you can always get down-and-dirty with the XML files. The Data directory contains two other directories, "Specializations" and "Careers". Each contain XML files that describe the specializations and careers available for the generator. For instance, there's a "Bounty Hunter.xml" file for bounty hunters, an "Assassin.xml" file for the Assassin specialization, etc. You can create your own career by adding a new XML file to the Careers directory (for instance, "Jedi Master.xml"). Likewise, you can create new specializations for your Jedi Master by adding XML files for specializations (for instance, "Jedi Consular.xml"). The career files reference previously defined skills and specializations by a key value. The specialization files reference talents defined in the "Talents.xml" file. And, of course, you can always add new talents if you want as well. As long as all the files are present, and all the references are valid, the new classes and specializations will show up in the generator.
Doing all of this goes beyond the scope of the documentation I'll be including
, but you should be able to figure out the structure of the files. If not, just ask me and I'll tell you how they're organized.
Can't wait to play with the character editor!
Wow that looks so awesome, can't wait to give it a go.
Well, after tinkering with the data to make sure the fine legal minds at LucasFilm or Disney or FFG or wherever won't have a problem with anything, I think we're ready for the primary release of the character generator. Here it is!
SW:EotE Character Generator 1.0 Release
This is a Windows-only release. Just unzip and copy to a directory. Make sure you include all of the data. You'll also need the full .NET 4.0 framework installed (not just the Client install). More than likely, this is already installed on your computer, but if not, you can find it here .
There's two executables. SWCharGen.exe is the character generator, while SWCharGenDataEditor.exe allows you to update the pathetically uninformative descriptions I was forced to use for everything. It will also allow you to update armor, weapons, gear, and even skills. There's also a 13-or-so page PDF that passes as documentation. It should go over all major points of the generator and the editor.
For most questions, just post to these forums so everyone can benefit from the answer. If you want to contact me directly, send me email at .
Enjoy! Oh, and one more thing... there's not a lot of error trapping in this thing
so if you modify the data and you did something wrong, more than likely the app will just crash. I'll work on making it more error-friendly in future releases.
Edited by OggDude
The application is awesome! Thank you so much
It has a few resolution problems (at least in my computer). If need any specific report I'll send it.
Again, thank you so much!
U did a really great work!!!
thx a lot for the job
I think an entire world owe u something for that
wow I love it
The numbers are all off for me, sadly. They don't appear in their boxes.
I also discovered I have 10 extra XP I haven't spent... I think...
The numbers are all off for me, sadly. They don't appear in their boxes.
I also discovered I have 10 extra XP I haven't spent... I think...
Hmmm... it might have something to do with your resolution or your desktop settings. It looks like it's not properly stretching the panel background. I'll see if maybe making it the correct size from the get-go will fix it.
Thanks for the report!
Edit: Actually, I checked and the image isn't being stretched. Are you configured to use a desktop theme by any chance? Is your resolution not at a standard 72dpi? What's the character sheet look like? Are things similarly out of place?
Edited by OggDudeI also discovered I have 10 extra XP I haven't spent... I think...
There's always the possibility that I have an issue with experience calculations. However, every change you make could positively or negatively effect your available experience. For instance, if you buy up a skill to rank 5, then make a change somewhere that gives you an extra rank in the skill, your bought ranks will be adjusted so that total ranks isn't over 5. That might cause you to have a "mystery" gain in XP.
If you do find some combination of things that you believe gives incorrect XP totals, just tell me what you did and I'll check it out.
Edited by OggDudeGeneral Note
If you're wondering where to begin with entering descriptions, I would start with talents. Talent descriptions are the only ones that appear on your character sheet; the rest are just for convenience as you use the generator. So, create your character, then do a print preview for your sheet. Go to page 3 and take a look at all of the talents and force powers that show up. Make a note of them and go into the editor and add descriptions just for them. Don't be too verbose with talent descriptions; there's limited real estate for them on the character sheet. I recommend using the terse descriptions found in the talent trees, as opposed to the long-winded descriptions found in the Talents chapter. If a description has something like "per ranks in BlahBlah", shorten it to just "per rank." Also, DON'T USE HEADERS IN TALENT DESCRIPTIONS. You won't like the result on the character sheet.
If you use the as-you-need-it approach to adding descriptions for talents, you shouldn't get bogged down or frustrated entering them in for hours at a time (I know this from experience). Of course, if you have the time...
This looks phenomenal. I know myself and others would definitely use it for character creation. It would be neat if you could upload a picture of your created character!
Played with it and it looks nice. It seems you're not reducing the encumbrance on worn items by 3 for armor.
Amazing job. Just going to throw out the stuff I noticed. Like the above poster, it doesn't take into account the encumbrance of worn armor being lowered by 3. There is no medpac, only emergency medpac, but it has encumbrance of 2 like a medpac. I run a droid marauder and he started with 2 ranks in melee, I've upgraded melee 3 times, which has cost me 15/20/25 exp for a total of 60xp. In your character builder, it ignores the 2 ranks I got from my career/specialization, and charged me 5/10/15 exp for melee 3/4/5, giving me 30 extra xp. I started with a brawn of 4 and used my first rank of dedication on brawn, which correctly increases my soak, but incorrectly increases my wound threshold. I also had some of the aforementioned resolution problems, where I use a relatively low one since I use a tv for my monitor. It is fixed by just upping my resolution, but I don't really want to do that everytime I use this program. I got several random crashes, most often when I clicked through the sections rapidly.
Outside of bugs and onto features, perhaps allow us to put in custom backgrounds/obligations/ambitions? If this is an option, I couldn't find it.
That is all I can think of. Fantastic work. I signed up for an account here so I could pass on these bugs and let you know what a great job you did. Mad respect.
Played with it and it looks nice. It seems you're not reducing the encumbrance on worn items by 3 for armor.
Could you tell me what page that rule is on?