Super Excited

By MyNeighbourTrololo, in General Discussion

Maybe additional major cites will be added later as vinyl stickers for the game board.

Or maybe we'll get different boards a la Powergrid.

Maybe additional major cites will be added later as vinyl stickers for the game board.

Or maybe we'll get different boards a la Powergrid.

That could work! Each board could have some distinctive locations for each continent and different encounters and such. With the smaller board, it might be easier for expansions to do something like that.

I have no idea how Powergrid works, but I'm assuming from this talk here that smaller boards are added around the main board, so that when you land on that spot you're directed to have an encounter in the smaller board? Well, even if that isn't the case, I could see something like that happening here no problem. Exactly how far you take it, though, could be interesting - how about a small board, say the same size as a Capital board in Warhammer: Invasion, for, say, London, which has specific locations within the city that you can investigate? Too far? Hm.

Additionally, the map does have these numbered locations at intervals, such as the number 14 (city?) space in Finland, which could easily have a mechanic that adds a 'Helsinki' location token to that space with future expansions, much as it appears R'lyeh is added to the number 3 (sea?) space in the video at 4'16. Unfortunately, Rome is such a big location that it obscures Marrakesh, so without a lot of fiddling, we probably won't get to that place. Actually, looking at the map, Rome has taken over most of Western Europe. Another Hm. At least there are defined spaces in Central America, Indonesia and India to allow for a 'Helsinki'-type future expansion.

Incidentally, how hilarious is it to be discussing expansions for a game that has barely been announced?! :lol:

They could also do alternate world maps, with different locations.

Plain and simple FFG owns when it comes to the Lovecraft universe! I can't wait for this game! I am addicted to all things Lovecraft and when I saw the video for this new game I was ( am ) totally stoked!

Ia! Ia! Cthulhu Fhtagn!

Edited by TampaBoardGamer

This looks great! I am stoked there is finally an Arkham game other than Elder Sign, almost all of my gaming friends will enjoy!

I'm going to have to remain "cautiously optimistic" on this until I see more details.

This game really looks like it's the best of all previous lovecraftian games plus new stuff. The Spells and Conditions are clearly drawn from Mansions of Madness, the core concept is of course akin to Arkham Horror, but the housekeeping of Mythos and board effects is streamlined a la Elder Signs. And then there's a level of narrative focus that outshines even the stories they tell through the Living Card Game. Plus a mechanic where you are actually trying to foil the Ancient One in particular ways, not merely run around gathering mcguffins...I can barely contain my excitement!

Do you think ignoring the mythos behind the game that it has enough new in it to make it a worthwhile purchase if you've already invested into Arkham Horror?

I'm just trying to decide if it's really worth having both games on the shelf or just sticking with the one game...putting aside the adoration for Lovecraft bias.

Do you think ignoring the mythos behind the game that it has enough new in it to make it a worthwhile purchase if you've already invested into Arkham Horror?

I'm just trying to decide if it's really worth having both games on the shelf or just sticking with the one game...putting aside the adoration for Lovecraft bias.

This will be a really cool game. Better then AH. AH is good game but the time of this game is pass. Now time for the bettter Version of AH= EH. i cannot wait for this one!

I really like what's been revealed so far. Simple changes like having location numbers on the back of clue tokens will have a profound effect on the game, no more clumping of clue tokens like in AH and you won't get the same kind of dilution problems when combining multiple AH expansions. It'll force players to travel around the board because while you are holding clue tokens from a location no more will appear in that location. I'm hoping the same mechanic is used for gate placement.

The idea that once an investigator dies he stays on the board so that another investigator can go and have a last encounter with the dead/dying/insane to recover some of his clues is great, I can't wait to see how that plays out.

Bank loans with unknown consequences when you default is another good addition, in AH you could take a loan and give all your items/money before defaulting. If there is a chance that you may lose your kneecaps you'll think twice about trying that in EH.

I've a feeling that monster movement won't be part of the game, in the other HPL games a monster is placed in a specific location (a street or room) and it makes sense that the next investigator to go there will encounter that monster. In EH the monster would be tied to a city, it makes no sense that the next investigator would find the same monster.

I was hoping that the building of the mythos and encounter decks would be tied to the AO, e.g. the AO would have 3 symbols and the decks would be built by shuffling all the cards with these symbols together. This seems to have been a recent trend I. FFG games, there are some unknown symbols on the mythos cards which could be related to this but the encounter cards have no symbols. This would have tailored each game to the AO, e.g. if cthulhu was the AO the you would encounter deep ones more frequently in coastal locations, hastur would have riots and madmen happening, shub would have more monster attacks an opportunities to join the cult.