I read the "Fear" part of the GM section. It doesn't address how leadership can be used to negate fear.
EotE Core Rulebook Errata
Added the Leadership question. I'm not sure this was even meant to be a mechanic; it might just be a suggestion for a way in which a creative PC could use the skill. But, I added it anyway just in acse.
1) Flame projector stats (p 160) vs underbarrel flame projector stats (p 192). The underbarrel version is completely superior. You can put the underbarrel mod on your flame projector and exclusively use the attachment instead of the weapon...
2) p194 Enhanced Optics Suite... "Removes difficulty to all...surveillance checks."
"The character chooses to make an attack. He selects what skill he will use to make the attack , and which vehicle weapon system he will be using ."
Otherwise it could be interpreted that you could fire all your vehicle weapons (ok, only once, but still...)
The Citadel Light Freighter is Silhouette 4 and mounts a Medium Tractor Beam. That weapon can only be mounted on Silhouette 5+.
Changing it to a Light Tractor Beam with Range [Close] and Tractor 2 fixes the issue.
Pg. 406. Hutt Crime Lord. Skill listing.
Do they really have a Resilience of 8?
p. 152, Encumbrance, top right column. There's an example there of the effect where being too encumbered causes you to lose your free maneuver which doesn't marry up to the rules explanation in any way. Here's what I think the fix is, but obviously it would be great to get the design team to weigh in.
The rule says if you are encumbered above your Brawn, you lose your free maneuver. Given that many characters will have a Brawn of 2, and some blasters have an encumbrance value of 2, that seems really punitive. I expect that instead, it ought to be for encumbrance greater than encumbrance threshold (5 + Brawn). If that is correct, then the example should state that Luke, with a Brawn of 2, loses his free maneuver if he goes above 7 encumbrance.
The book explains it:
If Luke is encumbered with 8, he retains his free maneuver.
If Luke is encumbered with 9 or more, he loses his free maneuver.
In other words, if the weight you are encumbered by is equal to or greater than your brawn value-->no free maneuver.
You are not encumbered if you are within your encumbrance threshold. (I.e. 7 or less for Luke).
Edited by revanantYep, on rereading that page I just realized this. I do think the phrasing is a little awkward and unclear (it should probably say something like "if you exceed your encumbrance threshold by your Brawn or more" instead of "if you are encumbered by your Brawn or more", IMHO). But not an erratum per se.
We need clarity on the talents that add successes on spending a Triumph (Knowledge Specialization pg. 138, Smooth Talker pg. 142).
It is not clear if you gain all the ranks for all the skills chosen. For example, if Smooth Talker is selected twice and Coercion and Deception are chosen, do they both get 2 Successes for each Triumph used, or would the skill have to be chosen twice to gain the additional ranks for it.
Page 216
Last Paragraph before Strain and Strain Threshold says to track wounds up to two times your wounds threshold. Do you die at this point? Book doesnt say anything about it.
Issue with weapon attachment; the Weighted Head attachment (pg. 193) says it only works with bludgeoning Melee weapons or Brawl weapons. Requires 2 hard points, however absolutely none of the weapons in the core book that it can go on have 2 hard points. Most in fact have zero; somebody with Tinker could theoretically throw it on shock gloves (which have 1), but that's it. **** Imperial patent office must have filed the plans for a better club away next to the ones for effective guard rails
EDIT: Oops, forgot my other issue (more questions than errata); does extra ammo cancel out one "out of ammo" result each, or any of them? And how would it interact/compare with the Spare Clip talent? If I read the Spare Clip talent right, you don't need a maneuver to reload, which would make it superior to extra ammo at least even if extra ammo never gets "used up".
Edited by MDBTypo, Page 109:
Coordination Skill
"A character may attempt to reducing damage suffered when falling, diminishing the impact..."
Shoud read:
"A character may attempt to reduce damage suffered..."
Big thread, tried to skim through it and see if this has been addressed but I didn't see anything in the original post.
Clarification on "Acquiring Talents"
Page 93: "If it is not a ranked talent, he counts as already having purchased it, and may proceed through the second specialization tree."
Does this mean once purchased toughened (for example) cannot be purchased again, even in subsequent appearances in the same tree (a good example would be Marauder spec)? Also if Toughened appears in another specialization tree, can it be purchased if so desired? Or
it be skipped as it is considered "already purchased?"
Edit: partially withdrawn as I just discovered that Grit/Toughened/Dedication/etc *are* ranked but not noted as such in the talent trees (confusing)
Edited by CaiedPage 251. Digger Crawler (Sandcrawler) has no pilots listed as crew.
I couldn't find this listed in the thread so here goes:
In Chapter 7, pg. 271, Upgraded Weapons:
Hard Points Required: 0 if replacing an existing weapons system. 1 if adding new weapon system. Weapon systems combining two or more weapons always cost one hard point, even if replacing an existing weapon system.
Example of problem: YT-2400 from pg. 265 lists Weapons as: Turret Mounted Twin Medium Laser Cannons. PCs wish to upgrade to Twin Heavy Laser Cannons. PCs must spend 2 HP (1 for each weapon systems) to do so because of the text "Weapon systems combining two or more weapon systems always cost one hard point, even if replacing an existing weapon system." Player YT-2400 now has 3 remaining Hard Points.
Players later decide they don't like how their Heavy Laser Cannons are performing and replace them with Quad-Laser Cannons. This costs 0 HP because they are replacing an existing weapon system, and even though these are a linked system, they are sold as a bank.
Players decide they were better off with the Twin Medium Laser Cannons and reinstall them. PCs must again spend 2 HP to do so. Player YT-2400 is now down to 1 remaining Hard Point despite having done nothing but test out new weapons.
Observations: I believe the rule needs some clarity. As worded it seems vague.
- Does replacing an existing linked system cost hard points if going to another linked system?
- e.g., Twin Linked Medium -> Twin Linked Heavy
- Does replacing an existing linked system with a non-linked system grant hard points back?
- e.g., Twin Linked Medium -> Single Heavy
- Does installing a linked system over a non-linked system, then installing another linked system over that one actually PERMANENTLY reduce ship hard points?
- e.g., Heavy -> Twin Linked Heavy -> Heavy
In the Talent Tree block descriptions, Point Blank is described as working at close range and engaged. "Close range" is for starship combat; the talent's description in the Talents chapter correctly lists "Short range."
The Heightened Awareness talent also lists "close range" instead of "short range," though the description in the Talents chapter is likewise erroneous.
I'll do another update tonight. Thanks guys!
Pg. 136
Hard Headed (Improved)
The entry lists only the Bodyguard tree as having the talent, but the Mechanic tree has it as well.
Pg. 264
The YT-1300 description, 2nd paragraph
"It mounts only one weapon, a medium laser cannon on the dorsal fun mount ..."
But the stat block lists a medium laser on the dorsal and ventral mounts.
Edited by Doc, the WeaselThe difference between 1 liter of bacta and a full tank isn't present that I can find; there's also no rule on how much bacta is needed/used.
Have we actually had any clarifications come back from the developers regarding things like the Twi'lek's Threshold score (final beta update listed it as 11 + Brawn, whereas the rulebook has 10 + Brawn)?
Have we actually had any clarifications come back from the developers regarding things like the Twi'lek's Threshold score (final beta update listed it as 11 + Brawn, whereas the rulebook has 10 + Brawn)?
We actually got some clarifications courtesy of the latest Order 66 podcast.
Turns out the change to Wound Threshold for Twi'leks is intentional, as is the wonky pricing on various upgrades for the Force Powers. From what Sam Stewart said, if there's a change between the Final Week Beta Update and the core rulebook, the majority of those changes are deliberate, with obvious typos like the Surveillance skill listed for Sensors in the vehicle chapter or instances of character-scale combat/weapons referring to "close range" instead of "short range."
The Citadel Light Freighter is Silhouette 4 and mounts a Medium Tractor Beam. That weapon can only be mounted on Silhouette 5+.
Changing it to a Light Tractor Beam with Range [Close] and Tractor 2 fixes the issue.
Can you please provide the page references for both the freighter, and the text where it states that tractor beams can only be mounted on ships of Silhouette 5?
pg 338, a typo in the Yag'Dhul section, "The planet's three moons and complex orbit results in extreme tidal forces that expose portions of the plant to hard vacuum"
I reckon that's supposed to be "planet."
Page 277
Force Sensitive Exile Tree
Quick Draw is colored blue (passive), but should be red (active)