EotE Core Rulebook Errata

By player266669, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The Citadel Light Freighter is Silhouette 4 and mounts a Medium Tractor Beam. That weapon can only be mounted on Silhouette 5+.

Changing it to a Light Tractor Beam with Range [Close] and Tractor 2 fixes the issue.

Can you please provide the page references for both the freighter, and the text where it states that tractor beams can only be mounted on ships of Silhouette 5?

The Citadel Light Freighter is found on page 261. The table that describes what Size (Silouette) of ship is able to mount which weapons is found on page 271.

Page 277

Force Sensitive Exile Tree

Quick Draw is colored blue (passive), but should be red (active)

I think it should be a passive.

The active is to draw your weapon out. The passive is to do it very quickly.

Good finds!

I updated the Typos & Errors section witj more stuff and will continue to monitor and udpate as time permits.

Again, thanks to everyone for sharing and please do remember to put page numbers with your stuff. That makes it easier to verify, and I do like to double-check everything just to make sure my lead post is completely accurate.

Page 277

Force Sensitive Exile Tree

Quick Draw is colored blue (passive), but should be red (active)

I think it should be a passive.

The active is to draw your weapon out. The passive is to do it very quickly.

It's active. It is listed as such in the description in the Talents chapter, as well as appearing as such on the other specializations' trees. The text also describes it as an incidental rather than a maneuver.

Page 396: Sullustan Pilot-For-Hire - Either equipment should include heavy clothing or adverse environment gear, or soak should be 1.

Page 398: Spaceport Security Officer

Soak should be 5 or armor should not be padded. Melee Def is listed at 1, no reason shown.

Edited by aramis

Page 396: Sullustan Pilot-For-Hire - Either equipment should include heavy clothing or adverse environment gear, or soak should be 1.

Page 398: Spaceport Security Officer

Soak should be 5 or armor should not be padded. Melee Def is listed at 1, no reason shown.

Those aren't errors, the book specifically states that it makes adjustments to enemies that don't correlate to PCs. They are often treated as having passive talents, but don't mention them if they are really so passive as to make modifications to values rather than new effects.

page 83

Pilot Talent Tree

Improved Dead to Rights

"additional damage equal to Agility (round up) ..." can drop the "(round up)" since full Agility score is not a fraction.

Page 396: Sullustan Pilot-For-Hire - Either equipment should include heavy clothing or adverse environment gear, or soak should be 1.

Page 398: Spaceport Security Officer

Soak should be 5 or armor should not be padded. Melee Def is listed at 1, no reason shown.

Those aren't errors, the book specifically states that it makes adjustments to enemies that don't correlate to PCs. They are often treated as having passive talents, but don't mention them if they are really so passive as to make modifications to values rather than new effects.

There are a number of adjusted entries, but most of them note the reasons. I found one other such entry. The SSO is a case of soak being reduced, not increased, and is not accountable for with any extant talent.

In any case, such items should be at least noted in the errata so that AR types like me know that they are in fact intentional, not errors.

The Planetary Governor (p405) has a 1 point discrepancy in soak - which might be from a talent.

And a genuine typo:

406: Black Sun Vigo. Description of Crippling Blow says "increase damage by 1" instead of "increase difficulty by 1"

Have we actually had any clarifications come back from the developers regarding things like the Twi'lek's Threshold score (final beta update listed it as 11 + Brawn, whereas the rulebook has 10 + Brawn)?

We actually got some clarifications courtesy of the latest Order 66 podcast.

Turns out the change to Wound Threshold for Twi'leks is intentional, as is the wonky pricing on various upgrades for the Force Powers. From what Sam Stewart said, if there's a change between the Final Week Beta Update and the core rulebook, the majority of those changes are deliberate, with obvious typos like the Surveillance skill listed for Sensors in the vehicle chapter or instances of character-scale combat/weapons referring to "close range" instead of "short range."

Would it be too much to add "semi-official" answers/clarifications such as this to the main post? Perhaps in a different color? I'd even like to see "community census is" as some unofficial answers in yet another color.

Pg. 35 and/or 93

We have conflicting rules about what specializations you can choose your 2 of 4 free skills from during character creation.

Pg 35, Select Specializations, 2nd paragraph

"If the character can choose multiple Specializations at character creation (whether due to some factor of character creation or because he purchases an additional Specialization with starting experience) he must select one and only one Specialization from which to choose his two free ranks in two career skills."

Pg. 93, Acquiring New Specializations, 2nd paragraph

"These skills now count as career skills for the character (although he does not gain free advances in them as he did with his first specialization)."

It seems like pg. 93 could be referring to purchasing a spec in play , but it's not quite clear.

Also, there needs to be some consistency on whether "specialization" is capitalized.

Those two sections refer to different things. One says that you only get two free ranks from your first Specialisation. The other notes that all the career skills of a specialisation are career skills for the character.

I did a search for this, nothing came up so apologies it it's already been mentioned.

pg 195, Optical Camouflage System - Rules Clarification.

"This attachment can be equipped on any type of armor but is nearly useless on laminate and plastoid heavy armor..."

The OCS mod has an HP cost of 2, thus it won't fit any armor but Laminate and Heavy, which seems like something that might need correcting.

I did a search for this, nothing came up so apologies it it's already been mentioned.

pg 195, Optical Camouflage System - Rules Clarification.

"This attachment can be equipped on any type of armor but is nearly useless on laminate and plastoid heavy armor..."

The OCS mod has an HP cost of 2, thus it won't fit any armor but Laminate and Heavy, which seems like something that might need correcting.

Probably not. It was likely included for forward-compatibility. A lot of things like that were included for that reason according to the devs on the Order 66 podcast. (Ep 14 & 15)

I did a search for this, nothing came up so apologies it it's already been mentioned.

pg 195, Optical Camouflage System - Rules Clarification.

"This attachment can be equipped on any type of armor but is nearly useless on laminate and plastoid heavy armor..."

The OCS mod has an HP cost of 2, thus it won't fit any armor but Laminate and Heavy, which seems like something that might need correcting.

Armored clothing or adversre environment gear both can be modified by the Tinkerer talent to have an additional HP, thus allowing you to add the OCS. And, as noted, there may be future types that can have it added.

I did a search for this, nothing came up so apologies it it's already been mentioned.

pg 195, Optical Camouflage System - Rules Clarification.

"This attachment can be equipped on any type of armor but is nearly useless on laminate and plastoid heavy armor..."

The OCS mod has an HP cost of 2, thus it won't fit any armor but Laminate and Heavy, which seems like something that might need correcting.

Armored clothing or adversre environment gear both can be modified by the Tinkerer talent to have an additional HP, thus allowing you to add the OCS. And, as noted, there may be future types that can have it added.

I'd completely missed the Tinkerer talent, may have to grab Outlaw Tech to pick it up. Thanks.

Under Blaster Rifle/Carbine

It goes on to speak about how stormtroopers use the E-11 blaster rifle with folding stocks, so they can be used as a heavy pistol at short range. Would it use the range light skill while being used as a pistol or would it still be ranged heavy? Also does this apply to all models or simply the E-11. Also does this apply to the carbine, or only the rifle?

Having held a modern, semi-automatic reproduction of the British Sterling (the carbine used to make the E-11 in the movies), I'd say that a carbine with a collapsible stock can probably be handled & fired pistol style, but the extra weight involved is going to make it more difficult to do so over any period of time.

For comparison purposes, the Sterling weighs in at about 6 lbs, an all-steel M1911 pistol at about 2.5 lbs, and a gallon jug of water at a bit over 8 lbs. With combat rounds falling at about the 1 minute mark, think of holding 3/4 of a gallon of water at arm's length for 30 seconds to a minute at a time.

If I were going to rule on it, I'd say a carbine or rifle with a collapsible stock can be handled/used as a pistol, but it will incur a setback die to do so.

I appreciate your anecdotal information but it unfortunately doesn't answer any of the questions I asked. Would it apply to rifle and/or carbine, would it be the E-11 only, or all models of rifle/carbine and which skill would it use while being fired in a pistol like manor. Light or heavy?

I appreciate your anecdotal information but it unfortunately doesn't answer any of the questions I asked. Would it apply to rifle and/or carbine, would it be the E-11 only, or all models of rifle/carbine and which skill would it use while being fired in a pistol like manor. Light or heavy?

Carbines come in two basic flavors - those that are small rifles using pistol cartridges, and those that are pistols with long barrels and stocks. Pistol actions differ somewhat from rifle actions, and that makes a difference.

Those with pistol-style low-travel actions (not many these days) don't need a stock ... the stock is for aim stability.

Those with higher-travel rifle-style bolts need the stock for the recoil spring.

There are even machine pistol versions of the AR-15 - like the Olympic K23B - that are intended for 1 hand operation.

I have a friend who has an M1911 converted to a carbine - a 12" barrel, and a detachable stock. Tack-driving accurate, and can still be fired 1-handed, as it is still balanced; remove the stock, however, and it gets hard to handle, as the center of gravity moves too far forward.

For blasters, however, the difference seems to be more one of size... and given the size of the K23B...

but note that the stirling, when made to look like the E-11 (which was itself converted from the sterling), is front heavy. The E-11 is likely also to be front heavy, and thus it's going to be hard to handle 1 handed, but not impossible. I concur with the others that, 1 handed, use Ranged light and add a black.

I believe that you'd always use Ranged (Heavy) with a carbine, regardless of how you're holding it.

Under Blaster Rifle/Carbine

It goes on to speak about how stormtroopers use the E-11 blaster rifle with folding stocks, so they can be used as a heavy pistol at short range. Would it use the range light skill while being used as a pistol or would it still be ranged heavy? Also does this apply to all models or simply the E-11. Also does this apply to the carbine, or only the rifle?

For simplicity's sake, I'd say leave it under Ranged (Heavy). That tidbit about "folding stock" is probably just there to account for scenes in the movies where we see the heroes using a carbine/rifle one-handed while the bad guys constantly use them one-handed.

As to whether it applies to all models, I'm inclined to say no, but as the GM that'd be your call to make, not FFG's.

Here are my Folding Stock attachments from a PDF of mine when I tried to add folding stocks during Beta. It includes a simple enough added house rule regarding Aiming and Pistols that actually makes sense to myself and my players even if you don't use my attachment stock:


FOLDING STOCK (Rifle or Carbine)

A hinged stock that may be attached to any Rifle or Carbine. The stock allows for a smaller, more easily maneuverable or concealable weapon when needed. Note that this "attachment" may also represent permanent removal of a stock. If so, the weapon hard point cost is still one (no hard points are used, but the weapon loses a single hard point due to its reduced size).

Base Modifiers: When folded, a Carbine can’t benefit from two consecutive Aim maneuvers, only one. Also, the Carbine uses Ranged (light) when the stock is folded, reducing the Engaged range penalty by one. Rifles can’t Aim at all if the stock is folded and retain the Ranged (heavy) skill. Encumbrance for both Rifles and Carbines is reduced by 1 when the stock is folded.

Modification Options: Innate Talent Mod (Quick Strike).

Hard Points Required: One.

Cost: 200 credits.


A hinged stock that may be attached to any Pistol except a Holdout Blaster. The stock allows for a more stable weapon for ranged firing. Note that this "attachment" may also represent permanent addition of a stock to a pistol.

Base Modifiers: When extended, the pistol may benefit from two consecutive Aim maneuvers, not just one. If it is a Heavy Blaster Pistol, the weapon uses Ranged (heavy) when the stock is extended thus adding (DifficultyDie) while at Engaged range. Encumbrance is increased by 1 when extended.

Modification Options: None.

Hard Points Required: Two (One if installed permanently).

Cost: 200 credits.

House Rule Regarding Folding Stocks

To make my concept of a Folding Stock work, I was forced to add a simple house rule.

Pistols may not normally benefit from two consecutive (BonusDie) Aim maneuvers, only one (BonusDie).

It made sense that Pistols would not benefit from Aiming as much as stocked Rifles are Carbines would and it supported my Folding Stock attachment.

In my games the E11 has always been a Carbine, not a Rifle. My rant/justification is somewhere at these forums.


First post updated, including a section to document NPC discrepancies just in case they are actual errors. I do agree with Aramis that they should at least be noted.

p213, Cover should state "allows the character to gain ranged defense 1" rather than "increases ranged defense by 1"

Edited by WarrenH

I appreciate your anecdotal information but it unfortunately doesn't answer any of the questions I asked. Would it apply to rifle and/or carbine, would it be the E-11 only, or all models of rifle/carbine and which skill would it use while being fired in a pistol like manor. Light or heavy?

Well, I answered it, but apparently managed to do so without it being obvious since you missed it, so I'll repeat it here where it will be more obvious.

If I were going to rule on it, I'd say a carbine or rifle with a collapsible stock can be handled/used as a pistol, but it will incur a setback die to do so.

Edited by Voice