Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

On 1/3/2017 at 7:47 PM, Tom Cruise said:

I have no idea if any of this will be useful to any of you, but here's some visual assets I made for my own Roll20 games.

I found that players were forgetting the Diceroll macro Roll20 uses for EotE dice, so I made this as a little reminder to leave on the screen at all times, haven't had a single forgetful player since. ( Here it is as a transparent PNG to blend in with backgrounds that aren't black). Naturally only gonna be useful for people who play on Roll20 and use the API script for Star Wars dice, but figured it might help someone out.


I also made some tokens for destiny points, so I could just leave them on the "table" as a nice little visual reminder.

09boguM.png hLGjXIm.png

I might be able to dig up the PSDs for these if anyone needs them for some reason, just shoot me a PM or something.

For the die rolling, do you not use the character sheets? They're amazing!

I find the character sheets kinda cumbersome compared to just typing in the roll. They are pretty nice, though.

On 08/02/2017 at 1:44 AM, Lifer4700 said:

For the die rolling, do you not use the character sheets? They're amazing!

Would that work as a plug in for a bb style forum or would it require some tinkering?

6 hours ago, April said:

Would that work as a plug in for a bb style forum or would it require some tinkering?

The character sheets to which I am referring are part of They are built using HTML/CSS, but I don't know if they could be extracted to work in anything else. They are also tightly integrated with the Roll20 Edge dice system API.

Thanks for the clarification.

This is great info, thank you!

On 1/14/2017 at 11:35 AM, tiederian said:

I remember a few months back or so coming across either a website or program (I can't really remember to be honest) that had loads of stat profiles on it, but the main use it had was you could build your own NPCs into the 'software' and it would show you the dice pool for each check. It was SUPER helpful for remembering what you're rolling for minion groups, as that obviously changes based on how many minions are left. Does anyone know where I can find that again? I wasn't GM'ing at the time so stupidly forgot to bookmark it.

Is this site you were thinking of?

If not, it's still a sweet tool. Props to Stoo Goff

11 hours ago, jarick098 said:

Is this site you were thinking of?

If not, it's still a sweet tool. Props to Stoo Goff

This is cool, I hadn't seen it before. I have two problems, though. 1st, no print feature. 2nd, it does not correctly calculate dice pools for minion groups. But very cool.

On 2/24/2017 at 10:04 AM, Edgookin said:

This is cool, I hadn't seen it before. I have two problems, though. 1st, no print feature. 2nd, it does not correctly calculate dice pools for minion groups. But very cool.

How are the minion group skills calculated? It appears correct to me.

It upgrades up to the stat, then as the group increases, it only adds greens. So a group of 6 stormtroopers should have YYYY (3 upgrades turn 3 Green into 3 Yellow, 4th upgrade adds a green, 5th upgrade turns the green into yellow), that website shows YYYGG.

On 2/27/2017 at 4:57 PM, Edgookin said:

It upgrades up to the stat, then as the group increases, it only adds greens. So a group of 6 stormtroopers should have YYYY (3 upgrades turn 3 Green into 3 Yellow, 4th upgrade adds a green, 5th upgrade turns the green into yellow), that website shows YYYGG.

Actually, the website is correct. Multiple minions in a group do not directly upgrade dice, they add skill ranks. Page 360, Edge of the Empire (under Minions can fight as a group ): "A minion group gains one skill rank for each member of the group beyond the first, if that skill is on the minion's list". I've made this mistake myself, several times.

The links to OggDude's Character Generator are broken.

I don't know if I saw it here or someplace else on this forum, but can't find it anymore. There was a nice sheet with circles (or ovoids, I am not sure) to treck the distances with minis, tokens and such.

If someone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful.


Inspired by OggDude's Microsoft Word adventure template (thanks a lot, OggDude! Character generator is also awesome), I decided to put one together for LibreOffice.

I also took a lot of guidance and fonts from this style guide:

The zip file contains the LibreOffice template, all the images and fonts I used, as well as a readme. I actually based a lot of styling on the Force and Destiny Lure of the Lost, but some components from the Edge of the Empire. A bit of a mix, but of course you can play with it. I'd like to add in all of the colours and themes properly for EotE and AoR at some point, too. I hope this is helpful for some people. and Destiny Adventure Template -

On 4/2/2017 at 5:01 AM, dipicacyx said:

Inspired by OggDude's Microsoft Word adventure template (thanks a lot, OggDude! Character generator is also awesome), I decided to put one together for LibreOffice.

Thank you! This is great

Can I humbly submit my Discord Dice rolling, destiny pool displaying, super simple character tracker bot?

All, my apologies that I've been slow in updating this list.

Ian2400, I fixed that link. Depicacyx and Skyjedi, I added your items.


On 3/20/2017 at 8:18 AM, Seam said:

I don't know if I saw it here or someplace else on this forum, but can't find it anymore. There was a nice sheet with circles (or ovoids, I am not sure) to treck the distances with minis, tokens and such.

If someone can point me in the right direction I would be grateful.

Seam, is this what you had in mind?


Hi Nate,

While you're adding things, can you add Ownemead's excellent dice roller to the list?

Here's the thread:

Hi. I prepared some resources in Polish, if anyone understand my difficult language. 8 planets, 3 races (Togorians, Echani and Thyrsian), 2 fully experimental specialisations (Echani Motukai and Thyrsian swordmaster) and some basic translations English to Polish.

Here is a link if anyone is interested :)

I took the liberty of reworking GM Hooly's excellent combat quick reference guides so that they're more stylistically compatible (and I think a bit easier to parse).

I hope people find these useful. I find they're great to get printed 2-sided and then laminated.

I've attached a PNG preview and the PDF of the two pages covering the 2 combat modes.

Star Wars Combat.pdf

Star Wars Combat.png

Edited by robus


Edited by robus