Compiled Resources List

By Nate, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I saw that in the Unofficial Species Menagerie 3.0, the Chiss is now listed as outdated. I know that they were going to be official defined in an upcoming suppliment but didnt think it was out yet. Are the official Chiss stats known at this time?

Edited by RockSoldier

I saw that in the Unofficial Species Menagerie 3.0, the Chiss is now listed as outdated. I know that they were going to be official defined in an upcoming suppliment but didnt think it was out yet. Are the official Chiss stats known at this time?

Not yet. The "outdated" is more of a preemptive measure, since at the time it was published all we knew about when Enter the Unknown would be released was "Q4 2013," which is anywhere from October to December. So rather than do yet another update of the USM just to remove the Chiss and the Toydarians when the book did get released, it was decided to simply put them at the back of the file.

Plus, some folks enjoyed comparing and contrasting the USM versions of species such as the Duros, Gran, Mon Calamari, Ithorians, and Sullustans to the ones that FFG published in the Age of Rebellion Beta.

ah, ok. I hope it does come out before the begining of the year, that is when my group is going to officially start playing. I dont want to start with playing with my Chiss character then have to change some stats if they are different when the Enter the Unknown comes out.

ah, ok. I hope it does come out before the begining of the year, that is when my group is going to officially start playing. I dont want to start with playing with my Chiss character then have to change some stats if they are different when the Enter the Unknown comes out.

According to FFG's own status tracker page, the book is slated for a December 6th release date, so you're covered there.

Also, if the initial post is being updated, there's a new version of Ways of the Force out there.

Thanks for the heads-up, Morningfire; I've updated the link.


I'm sure this has been done before, but I made some background pages from EotE PDF materials (specifically Under a Black Sun ). They turned out pretty well! The blue lines are just Photoshop guides... they don't translate to PDF or print. I just kept them there in case people wanted to use columns in Photoshop. They're not perfect, but they'll work for what I need them to do. Maybe they'll do for you, too.

evenpage_sm.png oddpage_sm.png

You can download them from the link below.


Edited by Simon Retold

Has anyone updated their Talent Tree resources to include the Enter the Unknown specialisations?

(I preordered the book, but am planning a new character and think Archaeologist may be a better fit than Scholar.)

I've updated the links to Maveritchell's material supporting adventures in Mos Shuuta.


I've updated the links to Maveritchell's material supporting adventures in Mos Shuuta.


Nate, thanks for tossing those up there. One quick note: "Bendu's Shadow/Stalitz Flight" is its own separate adventure, not part of the Mos Shuuta extras.

Any chance you could add page references, Doc? Or is that too much text?

Fistful of Dice: Edge of the Union, an old west conversion has been completed and posted:

It can be found HERE.

First time reading this topic :) Great job gathering up all of these resources!

You may want to include my character generator/GM tools. The link is in my signature. I recently released a new version with all of the updated source data, including AoR Beta, EtU, and BtR. It also includes Donovan's wonderful Species Menagerie.

You can read the forum topic HERE .

Morning Folks, just wanted to add my work to this thread for your consideration...

Edge of the Jedi v1.03: A Jedi Career and three Lightsaber Form Specializations for FFG's Star Wars RPG

I recommend downloading it from Drive, instead of just viewing it on Google's page. The colors and better and the text is clearer.

Worked on and shared through my " Fragments from the Rim " blog, my place to talk about Star Wars gaming and Costuming.


The Tatooine resource is no longer working.

The Tatooine resource is no longer working.

It still works fine, but because it was using a direct download link, it gave you the "your download is restarting." If you let it restart, it would have refreshed the download here:

I finally got around to turning my thread on starfighters into an easier-to-access pdf for everyone's enjoyment. Even if it doesn't make it into the first post, I still wanted to share it.

I'll start up on my freighter chapter now that the thread has gotten quiet for a few weeks.

Edit: I don't know why, but Google isn't letting anyone view the file, but you CAN still download it by clicking on File >> Download.

If anyone has any ideas here, I'm all ears.

Further Edit: Google clearly doesn't want me to share the awesomeness, so I'll share this as a file on Dropbox. The link is right here . Enjoy!

Edited by LibrariaNPC

I finally got around to turning my thread on starfighters into an easier-to-access pdf for everyone's enjoyment. Even if it doesn't make it into the first post, I still wanted to share it.

I'll start up on my freighter chapter now that the thread has gotten quiet for a few weeks.

Needs permission to access.

I finally got around to turning my thread on starfighters into an easier-to-access pdf for everyone's enjoyment. Even if it doesn't make it into the first post, I still wanted to share it.

I'll start up on my freighter chapter now that the thread has gotten quiet for a few weeks.

Google Drive is asking for permission to access this area. You may want to look at your sharing options for the PDF.

Needs permission to access.

Google Drive is asking for permission to access this area. You may want to look at your sharing options for the PDF.

Sorry about that! I've fixed that up, so you should be good to go.

I keep forgetting that my docs tend to default to private. If you see another snag, let me know and I'll get right on top of it.

Edit: I made the changes, but still no dice. You can download it, though, but can't view it online.

Final Edit: I posted it on Dropbox now, because Google Docs doesn't seem to be agreeing with anyone lately. Blech.

Edited by LibrariaNPC

With the arrival of Enter the Unknown, the many adventures already published and the upcoming supplements, I see it happening that we will have to look over many different books to have access to all the equipment, vehicles, specialization trees, talents etc.

May be we have to work on a pdf recompilation of all the official equipment and vehicles already out there, like Doc has done with the talent trees.

Definitively if I have time and the strength, I will work on it. I will let you know.



With the arrival of Enter the Unknown, the many adventures already published and the upcoming supplements, I see it happening that we will have to look over many different books to have access to all the equipment, vehicles, specialization trees, talents etc.

May be we have to work on a pdf recompilation of all the official equipment and vehicles already out there, like Doc has done with the talent trees.

Definitively if I have time and the strength, I will work on it. I will let you know.



I started work on a spreadsheet of this a little bit back, but haven't had much time lately to fill it all in:

If anyone is interested in helping out...