Hi! I'd like to buy these Super Rares:
1x Aladdin lv4
1x Beast lv2
1x Queen of Hearts lv8
1x Jafar lv8
1x Monstro lv2
How much shipped to Finland?
Hi! I'd like to buy these Super Rares:
1x Aladdin lv4
1x Beast lv2
1x Queen of Hearts lv8
1x Jafar lv8
1x Monstro lv2
How much shipped to Finland?
do i have anything you would want for cloud. if your saving it for a seph then nevermind i dont have one but id offer quite a bit for a cloud
hey would you trade your chip/dale check my thread
43710r9drum84k8dud35 said:
what would you trade for my sephiroth????
im prolly not sure right now because i already got a Sephy
Keen_Player said:
Hi! I'd like to buy these Super Rares:
1x Aladdin lv4
1x Beast lv2
1x Queen of Hearts lv8
1x Jafar lv8
1x Monstro lv2
How much shipped to Finland?
i definitly will trade those but i dont need much and im not sure on the finland shipping
nodulariny said:
Keen_Player said:
Hi! I'd like to buy these Super Rares:
1x Aladdin lv4
1x Beast lv2
1x Queen of Hearts lv8
1x Jafar lv8
1x Monstro lv2
How much shipped to Finland?
i definitly will trade those but i dont need much and im not sure on the finland shipping
Do you mean you can't ship to Finland or is it too expensive? Oh...
Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:
hey would you trade your chip/dale check my thread
i need your aerith, foil riku promo lv2 and parasite cage msg me back
Keen_Player that just meant i will get back to you i have to calculate it out!
Ok. I would appreciate it if you could give prices for these Super Rares, too (even if they are your last copies):
1x Peter Pan lv3
1x Moogle lv1
1x Lord Fortune
Thank you!
Now I only need these cards:
1x SR Queen of Hearts
1x SR Jafar
1x SR Peter Pan lv3
1x SR Moogle lv1
1x SR Lord Fortune
Have you calculated the shipping cost to Finland? Those cards seem to have disappeared from your list but do you still have them?
Keen_Player said:
Now I only need these cards:
1x SR Queen of Hearts
1x SR Jafar
1x SR Peter Pan lv3
1x SR Moogle lv1
1x SR Lord Fortune
Have you calculated the shipping cost to Finland? Those cards seem to have disappeared from your list but do you still have them?
I have them,but since i only have one of them and im trying to complete my collection i cant trade them! on other notes the shipping to Finland cant be done srry.
do i have anything you want for 2 soul eaters
Updates adding wants
i have the unc you want but i also have SR aladdin lvl 3 SR simbalvl 2 SR clayyton and R blizaga im interested in your goofy 4 let me know what you think. oh and i dont need the soul eaters anymore and if you see something on my thread that you ant let me know
capncrunch said:
i have the unc you want but i also have SR aladdin lvl 3 SR simbalvl 2 SR clayyton and R blizaga im interested in your goofy 4 let me know what you think. oh and i dont need the soul eaters anymore and if you see something on my thread that you ant let me know
Whats unc?
oh sorry uncommon i have the lady luck, fira, yellow opera. i just said unc to shorten it sorry. im sure they are nothing major but i was just letting you know i have them.
Would you be willing to trade your Soul Eater R and Disney Castle Lv.1 R for my Ursula Lv.8 SR and Clayton Lv.8 SR? Two rares for two super rares, let me know!
hey which cards are you still needing? I'm not sure what you trading already, but I have a lot of your wants
JuNiBaNtAiTaIcHo said:
Would you be willing to trade your Soul Eater R and Disney Castle Lv.1 R for my Ursula Lv.8 SR and Clayton Lv.8 SR? Two rares for two super rares, let me know!
i cant do this because i could get those two cards from my friend and i value those two rares higher than the SRs
Morbidsanity said:
hey which cards are you still needing? I'm not sure what you trading already, but I have a lot of your wants
This is a updated list so i still need all those cards as of right now.
updates needed
i have SR aladdin lv 3 SR Simba lv 2 SR uffie and imight be able to get a nonholo kairi. im interested in parasire cage SR adn destiny islands SR let me know what you want to do.
I'll help the cause. I have a spare NH Simba lvl 1, but I have every card out (including the X card), so I am in no need of any cards at the moment whatsoever besides Set 4. So out of curiousity, what could I get for Simba lvl 1 NH, could I get maybe 1 SR for it. I really don't want any NH cards right now, unless they are NH promos, it never hurts to have spare of those.
Also, are you all right with sending first. I know you have a problem with it, and you say if the person is +5 below you, then they have to send first. But you are +13 below me, if you were at +12 since I am a +25 top trader on the site as of right now.
TheChampIsHere said:
I'll help the cause. I have a spare NH Simba lvl 1, but I have every card out (including the X card), so I am in no need of any cards at the moment whatsoever besides Set 4. So out of curiousity, what could I get for Simba lvl 1 NH, could I get maybe 1 SR for it. I really don't want any NH cards right now, unless they are NH promos, it never hurts to have spare of those.
Also, are you all right with sending first. I know you have a problem with it, and you say if the person is +5 below you, then they have to send first. But you are +13 below me, if you were at +12 since I am a +25 top trader on the site as of right now.
I already got the promos yesterday from thirroxin just dony feel like updating.
capncrunch said:
i have SR aladdin lv 3 SR Simba lv 2 SR uffie and imight be able to get a nonholo kairi. im interested in parasire cage SR adn destiny islands SR let me know what you want to do.
i do either of those for all 4 including the NH Kairi, but i rather would like to do Destiny Islands because i have two of them.
if you mean all 4 of mine for one of yours then nvm. i dont need either of those cards that badly