By nodulariny, in Agrabah Bazaar

TheChampIsHere said:

I can give you for foil flaggy:

King Triton SRU
Simba lvl 3 x2
(maybe) Goofy lvl 4 SRU

or (maybe)

The King SRU
Simba lvl 3 x2

i value flaggy very high so you woul definitly have to do triton,2x simba lv3, goofy lv4, and something else like a soul eater, or destiny islands. and there is no acceptions you have to send first since i value flaggy pretty high!!

received your cards and money today thnx thirroxin. im going to give you +1 ref. did you get mine or whats the deal on that?

Yep, I recieved it today. I gave you a +REF already, just forgot to tell you. Sorry... sad.gif

Thanks again! gran_risa.gif

Thirroxin said:

Yep, I recieved it today. I gave you a +REF already, just forgot to tell you. Sorry... sad.gif

Thanks again! gran_risa.gif

yep no problem thank you too

i got a non foil Flag Sora and another Foil Promo Kairi

What would you want for it....I can give you: (for foil flaggy)

King Triton
Simba lvl 3 x2
Wyvern x2
Disney Caslte x2
Destiny Islands x1

Thats 1 SRU and 7 Rs....good?

TheChampIsHere said:

What would you want for it....I can give you: (for foil flaggy)

King Triton
Simba lvl 3 x2
Wyvern x2
Disney Caslte x2
Destiny Islands x1

Thats 1 SRU and 7 Rs....good?

King Titon,Goofy lv4, 2x Simba lv3, and Destiny Islands for it and you must ship first. I value Foil Flaggy kinda high only because it is amazing and I have a hard time finding them!!!

I don't think I can add Goofy lvl 4 in there. 2 mid-value SRUs, and 3 pretty high wanted Rs (I never knew people wanted Simba lvl 2). I know you can value it high, so how about:

King Triton
Simba lvl 3 x2
Wyvern x2
Disney Caslte x2
Destiny Islands x1

7 Rs, and $5 is probably worth an SRU (not Cloud, King, or Sephy though)

TheChampIsHere said:

I don't think I can add Goofy lvl 4 in there. 2 mid-value SRUs, and 3 pretty high wanted Rs (I never knew people wanted Simba lvl 2). I know you can value it high, so how about:

King Triton
Simba lvl 3 x2
Wyvern x2
Disney Caslte x2
Destiny Islands x1

7 Rs, and $5 is probably worth an SRU (not Cloud, King, or Sephy though)

How about your original trade goofy lv4, king triton, and 2x simba lv3. If we happen to trade you definitly have to ship first though dont worry i will ship but i value Foil Flaggy kinda high so i dont want to get ripped off or have it stolen

Is there any other SRU you would want that I have an extra of, Like Aerith, 100 Acre Woods, Ansem, or Genie lvl 1. The reason I said, maybe, was because he was involved in another trade.

would you do Simba lv 3 and Sephiroth straight up for it. if you wont do that it is understandable!! if you really want i might do aerith,2x Simba lv3,King Triton, and like 15$, but i really really need triton goofy lv4 and 2x simba lv3 from you

I'm OK with the Aerith, King Triton, Simba lvl 3 x2. But $15 is the price of another SRU, so basically I'd be giving you the worth of 3 SRUs (you could buy another one with $15), and Simba lvl 3 x2. I'll see if I can get the Goofy lvl 4, but I don't think it will work out the best.

TheChampIsHere said:

I'm OK with the Aerith, King Triton, Simba lvl 3 x2. But $15 is the price of another SRU, so basically I'd be giving you the worth of 3 SRUs (you could buy another one with $15), and Simba lvl 3 x2. I'll see if I can get the Goofy lvl 4, but I don't think it will work out the best.

If you get the goofy lv4 will you do your original trade of goofy lv4, king triton, and 2x simba lv 3 or if that doesnt work out we could do Goofy lv4, King Triton, and a rare destiny islands or a rare soul eater, and if you dont like this trade ill do goofy lv4, king triton, and a foil tigger

I would trade ya for the ansem check my thread

I just set up a trade for the foil version with 555, so I'll have to decline. But thanks for the offers anyways...

TheChampIsHere said:

I just set up a trade for the foil version with 555, so I'll have to decline. But thanks for the offers anyways...

ok whatever thanks anyway

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

I would trade ya for the ansem check my thread

well i need your 1x king triton, 3x Simba lv3 non foil, 1x Disney Castle, 1x Destiny Island, 1x Parasite Cage, and 1x Behemoth so send me a message with some other things you want.

updates on mine and my friends thread

opps forgot to delete other version in my thread

minor updates adding yugioh, pokemon, and magic cards section, taking away some traded kingdom hearts cards!!!

Can I get:

Kairi promo lvl 0 foil
Fairy Godmother SR


100 Acre Woods
Fairy Godmother SR
Oogie Boogie SR
Chesire Cat SR

i'll do the foil promo kiari and the SR Fairy Godmother fo NH tigger 2x Simba lv3 and destiny islands. my email address is . i will ship first because i have a lower trade record

OK, I'll just PM you....

TheChampIsHere said:

OK, I'll just PM you....

how do you pm?

Go into your profile, click on friends finder in the left column somewhere. Find me, by typing in thechampishere under the name section. Then once it finds me, click the little icon that looks like an envelope or letter.