Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

MacRauri and I will be there at opening on Saturday (10am). All are welcome.

Gonna be @ Tower on Monday 2-10pm. Mixing up my new decks :-)

Do you think FFG could give all of us some prize support for the longest thread ever?

Hey Magni,

I will be stopping by Tower tomorrow evening after I get off work...should be there around 5:30. Looking forward to meeting you and playing some cards! Anyone else going to be there?

Hey all. It's been awhile since I've had a chance to stop in and play. Hope I still remember how to play ;)

I plan on showing up to TG Monday night. I'm a couple of packs behind (Battle of Hoth & Escape from Hoth I believe), so I'm interested in seeing what kind of decks are out there.

Sweet! I'm excited I even have a little gaming table in case it gets busy so i can play behind the counter area. I got 4 decks ill be testing

1 Scum

2 Rebel

1 Sith

A few of us will be getting together on Saturday, at 1:30pm at the Fantasy Flight Event Center to play some Star Wars and test out some new (and for some of us, crazy) deck ideas.

The more the merrier!

Is anybody going to be playing anywhere tomorrow?

Yeah there's something at the FFG event center. JKoellner, Gandorf and I should be there

Greetings! - Ill be @ Tower Games from 6 - about 11:30 (monday/today) I got some new decks I would love to test. Also we are going to move the Tower Games SWLCG league to Mondays - Benesh missed out on season two game kit. So im trying to think of some alternative prize support or we could just go for the season 3.

Edited by Magni

Like MacRauri said, there is some sort of announcement being made tonight at the FFG Event Center. Not sure what it'll be about, but a few of us will be there to play some cards and be present for the announcement.

I'm interested in hearing what happens or is said tonight at the Event Center. I just wish it was closer to me since I live south of the river. I'll probably end up at TG around 4:30-5 tonight so at least Magni has some poor soul to test his decks on.

Things blowing up at work right now means that I've got to miss out tonight. Have fun all!

What of this announcement?

They are opening a location up the road it sounds like. Serving some food and drinks. I didn't end up going las night, someone else probably has some better info.

That would explain the job postings for cooks.

Is this an open-to-the-public location, a new gaming venue that serves food and drinks, or is this some new office space for FFG HQ?

They're moving the Event Center a block south and renaming it the Game Center. There's going to be a lot more floor space, and also an onsite eatery, fountain drinks and beer. Grand Opening will be week before worlds.

That is an excellent idea. It gives people a reason to go and play there instead of playing at home or somewhere else. This way, if you want to play Mansions of Madness, but only have two people, you can go and have drinks and maybe find others to play. Or, if you start a night playing SW LCG, but get bored, you will be able to find people playing other things, willing to teach you new games, etc.

Great move on the part of FFG. Getting the wine and beer license was a great move. Let's hope they up it to a full bar one day! :)

Edited by divinityofnumber

Universe Games is doing another tournament this Saturday. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend, but somebody needs to show up and beat Gandorf for me /angryfist

I really wish Universe would get into the 21st century and start posting these events here or on facebook, i saw nothing on Frozen north and nothing here.

i swear the dont promote anything, sadly i just agreed to pick up a 12 hour shift this monday @ tower games, so count me out.


Well, when our seminars all done I'll probably want to relax some. I think I'll swing by on that Monday. You still got that servants of the dark side deck?

I will be at tower this monday as well...really enjoy playing with you guys and trying out new decks...looking to pick up some new cards as well!

Greetings Everyone! - Just wanted to say me, and benesh, and patrick have been @ tower every monday and were starting to build up a pretty stable community. We also play Netrunner but im really excited that for the last 2-3 weeks we have had 3-4+ every monday playing sw. To me this means when ballance of the force drops we will have a reliable dojo.

So the point of all this is that ... 1 we were not the number 1 thread on the forums so i wanted to fix it. 2 i wanted to invite anyone else looking for a stable group to show up on monday at tower games!!!!


Yeah, Mondays have been fun, but I think I'm still going to be sporadic on whether or not I make it.

For people looking for weekend games JKoellner and I will be at the FFG EC tomorrow (Sat) afternoon. If we get enough we can try some 2v2 too!

Last Monday's 2v2 was a blast, but I'm sorry to say I can't make it tonight. The in-laws are in town.

I should be able to be there next week. I'm interested in hearing if there have been any more team deck ideas that seem to really work well together.