Minneapolis, MN

By divinityofnumber, in Star Wars: The Card Game

We didn't get in any 2v2 last night, but this Friday is the grand opening of the Game Center. Anyone interested should attend!

Do we know the hours of the new store yet?

Also, I can't go Friday night, but am hoping to get up there on Saturday something.

During the week they open now at 9am and stay open until midnight. Weekend hours are the same as they were before.

That will be a nice change. I used to be in the area sometimes, but go to The Source instead because FFG didn't open until 4pm.

I agree the earlier opening will be a nice change. I also find myself in the area sometimes after lunch time. Now if SOMEBODY would just catch up with his grading we could finally get some games in!

Anyone going to the new EC on Saturday? If so, when will you be there. I need to get some games in before Thursday.

Shad and I should be there around 1:00. See you there Dion!

I will try to be there about that time, but it might be more like 2pm.

Mick, Shad, & Nick,

Thank you for the games and the advice. I look forward to seeing you on Thursday.

PATRICK i foudn your tie fighter it made its way into my cards (i was looking for it and cleaning out old decks)

YAY - sorry it took me so long


Anyone else still trying to decide what they are going to play tomorrow? I have my dark deck decided on, but I'm trying to decide on which one of the 4 light decks to play.


I will be at the FFG EC at 11 or at around 12 depending on when the baby wakes me up. I cant play in the tourney but i have 2 good decks i will warm up with you guys if you want :)




That is great news! Thank you very much for looking for it...sorry I placed it in your things! Good luck to everyone this weekend and anybody who is free should come Monday evening to play at Tower so we can get some 2v2! Wish I could play this weekend but I have to work!

Good Luck to Mick and Shad, who are are in the top 5 after last night.


great job Mick and Shad! Got some news for everyone, i talked to Ian at FFG no shop in the twin cities will get to host a regional this year, only the FFG event center. So thats kinda lame, i also found out the Store Championship kits will be 60$ we could have a small tourney @ tower and everyone chips in 10-15. Kinda lame though but FFG will be hosting one too.

Ill get benesh to preorder if i can otherwise we will need to pitch in and get one and just have a limited admission to the event.

Benesh is down with hosting a SW Store Championship! - So were in, ill have him pre-order the kit! Additionally, we have one Season Two Kit, i would like to host a Starwars League with the start of the new Force packs!

Benesh is down with hosting a SW Store Championship! - So were in, ill have him pre-order the kit! Additionally, we have one Season Two Kit, i would like to host a Starwars League with the start of the new Force packs!

I dont know when store championships will be held, i assume that FFG will have some control over that. Currently i think the meta is played out in SW, we will begin the league with the start of the next Cycle - it will prolly start when everyone gets back from winter break!

I'm also inspired by alot of the home made stuff i saw at worlds, alt art force cards coins whatnot i think im gunna try and whip up some stuff for us.

By far the most intimidating moment in the tournament was when Tom laid out his custom made Thrawn playmat. It threw my whole game off.

Store championship would be sweet. I don't know why we would have to limit attendance though. If we get a critical amount charge normal tournament rates and if fewer show up I think we can each chip in to fill the difference. As for the meta being played out: maybe, but I feel the 2v2 meta is in its infancy! You guys should organize something for that! ...once we all recover

Is there sny way to run an event that allows players to choose the light side or the dark side? I would love to see how that might work.

In truth Marth, im a uber nerd. I would LOVE to do a DS vrs LS theme, even a campaign - take control of planets to unlock to unlock pods whatever! But right now for most of our SW events @ tower we are pulling 4 people on average, i wanna start drumming that up to 8 before we run anything to serious or that requires to much commitment. Mick was talking about a "boys night" for testing decks, and strengthening the local meta.

Here are some thoughts i have after worlds:

1. holy **** was that fun and i did not even get to play 100% because of a tired wife and a wild 1.5 year old.

2. the SW community is not only nice, they are really good AND they show up in force for BIG events.

I think a 2v2 event might be nice, but as Always people want to fight for "promos" or other cool things, right now the SW promos stink besides the playmats so... here are my thoughts.

1. I have a MFA in art, i should be able to drum up some sweet alt art cards for us that we will give out as promos @ tower. Ill digitally paint them myself make them cool and make them so that people want to play with them. Im thinking, Force commitment cards unique for each faction, instead of vader you could have Storm troopers on them, or mando commandos jawas.. whatever...

2. I wanna make alt art affiliation cards for us with Characters on them, Thrawn, Vader, Luke, Ben, Yoda .. ill work up the art myself so its not THAT illigle. But really it would jsut be a gift between friends, it might be a good way to practice landscapes too... i could do locations like the Jedi Academy, Imperial Palace, Deathstar.

3. We need to make some sweet team shirts for the next world @ ffg, i know how to silk screen!

I also have a REALLY REALLY nice digital printer that can do transparencies, i could get 10 cent Magic foil singles print out art on a transparency and transfer it onto the chem stripped magic card.

Toodles! ... I dunno really im just thinking of ways to pull bigger SW cards, get more people out of the house.

I'd be excited to play for some custom-made Magni-swag. But I'm not sure how I feel about wearing a t-shirt that says "star runner"

I was thinking a T-Shirt with a snow trooper on it, something about MN Star Wars

Worlds was amazing. There are two of us here that are definitely interested in getting together and playing semi-casually (i.e., playing decks in the testing phase, rather than completely polished T1 decks).

I am usually only available on Friday nights, though, and I know that people have usually been meeting up for SW on other nights of the week. So, if there are any interested in playing on Friday nights at FFG or elsewhere, please say so.