A New Arkham Investigations Website

By OldManWhateley, in Fan Creations

Over the past two years, a couple of things occured that brought me to this project. First, Megaupload was closed down - naturally this would have not been a problem, but I suffered a hard drive crash some time ago that swept away all my files (including my original casebook files for Arkham Investigations). My case files had been uplaoded to Megaupload, and so I found that I no longer had my files! From feedback on Nephilim's original site, my casebooks needed some revisions, but without copies, there was little I could do. Then, I contacted amikezor through the forums and he was kind enough to send me a zip file of all the rules and case books he had saved on his computer.

As far as the original Arkham Investigations site (which can be found at arkhaminvestigations.barkingdoginteractive.com/ ), it seemed that nephilim was not updating the site any more. So, with the fresh copies of the rules and case books, I set immediately about to design a new site for Arkham Investigations.

Here is the link to my new site: arkhaminvestigation.onlinewebshop.net/index.html

At the moment, I have only two pages uploaded to the site, the HOME page and the RULES page. At the moment, the English and German language rules are ready for download on the site, and I hope that I may convince amikezor to work on a French translation as well.

I have already gone ahead and revised my first case book, Dark Dreams of Dagon , and only have to upload the case files to the site. I should have those up by tomorrow. For now, here is some pics of the new case book for Dark Dreams of Dagon to wet everyone's appetite:



I have also begun revising my second case book, The Haunting , which is in need of a great deal of work. However, the revision should be completed in a few days at the latest. After that, I must upload the expansions/play aids for Arkham Horror to the site (which includes the Arkham Book Club, Arkham Nights: Street Locations, etc).

Finally, I have the rough outlines of three case books once the site is complete (I am looking at a week's time frame for the site work to be completed). The first to be uploaded to the site is called, The Thing in the Darkness . This case book is already partially written and should be completed by the end of the week.

After that I will be working on a pair of cases that require the use of Arkham Horror expansions. The first, The Dunwich Horror , will naturally require the so-named expansion. The second will be a case involving the town of Innsmouth and, as such, will require the Innsmouth expansion.

Lastly amikezor recently informed me that he has two new case books written in French. I have asked him about the possibility of gettign translations fo both to post (in French and English) to the new site.


As promised, I uploaded the Expansions to the site:

Arkham Nights: Street Locations and Arkham Book Club .

In addtion, I uploaded three caebooks: Cthulhu: Dread Sleeper of R'Lyeh , Whispers in Darkness and my version 3.0 of Dark Dreams of Dagon .

On nephelim's original Arkham Investigations site, he did have a German translation of the main Arkham Investigations rules but, sadly, the link is inactive. So, for now, only rules in English are available.

Now I am off to edit my other case, The Haunting . With luck, I should be finished in a few days and will upload it to the site.


Old Man Whateley

Excellent news !!!!!

amikezor said:

Excellent news !!!!!

Thanks amikezor! To be safe I am backing up all the Arkham Investigation files onto disc - just in case gui%C3%B1o.gif

If anyone has Arkham Investigation fan-made material they wish to have added to my site, feel free to contact me and I will do so.

There are few things in french. I'll email you.


Awesome :)

We have been losing a lot of fan content lately due to hosting problems (STILL trying to find a complete Golden Scarab).

This is great news. I will post it at my blog.

Thanks suicidepuppet for the enthusiasm and for posting it on your blog! That will certainly help spread the word. I have in fact the files for Golden Scarab. I will include those in the Expansion portion of the new site tomorrow.

And to clarify, I have revised my first case book, Dark Dreams of Dagon , which is ready for downloading on the new site. I am about half way through editing the case book, The Haunting. I hope that it will be ready by the end of thsi week. This work is more like a total re-write than simple editing. Version 1 contained many glaring errors that mdae The Haunting unplayable. However, when it is uploaded to the site, I will have fixed all errors by then.

Oh DON'T be teasing me about the Golden Scarab…I have been looking for so long…and not just me…over at BGG there are posts of other folks looking too. That would make my week :)

Something I did notice over on the new website, on the expansions page, the English Foldable Tomes v2.1 link goes to the token sheet.

Glad to see you back and I will definitely be sending you traffic. Have you considered making a design guide for AI? Maybe have others creating casebooks? I think Strange Eons is set up to make a case book (I might have that wrong so please don't shoot me) and a style guide/how to manual might draw even more in…just a thought…

Time to spread the news :)

suicidepuppet said:

Oh DON'T be teasing me about the Golden Scarab…I have been looking for so long…and not just me…over at BGG there are posts of other folks looking too. That would make my week :)

Something I did notice over on the new website, on the expansions page, the English Foldable Tomes v2.1 link goes to the token sheet.

Glad to see you back and I will definitely be sending you traffic. Have you considered making a design guide for AI? Maybe have others creating casebooks? I think Strange Eons is set up to make a case book (I might have that wrong so please don't shoot me) and a style guide/how to manual might draw even more in…just a thought…

Time to spread the news :)

It is good to be back! I have to find the disc I had saved Cult of the Golden Scarab on, but I am positive that I have it. I will post an update in this thread when I have it uploaded to tne new site.

Thanks for catching that link error! I went ahead and put in the correct url for the download. Should anyone notice things like on the site, please let me know and I will correct the mistake swiftly. In addition, I made comment pages available for my casebooks so that I can get feedback on them - did you like it, was it enjoyable, are there any mistakes? I did not include comment-leaving for the other case books since I did not write them. But should anyone download any material from the new site, and mistakes are found, let me know (either on the appropriate comments page) or by emailing me directly at oldmanwhateley@gmail.com .

With perseverance, I hope to have The Haunting and two other brand new case books uploaded in the next few weeks. As I mentioned, The Haunting will be uploaded first, hopefully no later than the end of the week.

An AI guide would be a good idea. Yes, Strange Eons can be used to format and write case books. It is great for doing so. Once you uderstand how it works on Strange Eons, it makes writing case books much easier. On the Strange Eons site, there is a short tutorial concerning the casebook editor, as well as other features on the program. Here is the link: cgjennings.ca/eons/samples/index.html

EDIT: Before I finished this Reply, I went looking for the disc containing Cult of the Golden Scarab….and I found it gran_risa.gif All the files seem to be there, but they are in .Eon format except the rulebook. Maybe I could export them from Strange Eons in pdf…nonetheless, I will have them added tomorrow on the Expansions page of the site and ready for downloading.


Old Man Whateley

Hey man, as long as it is a complete Golden Scarab I'll take it on 8mm film, 8 Track Tape…anything :)

It is so good to see someone return to the community. From the forensic research I've done, on the web and in forums, it seems like a lot of the early and middle period folks have moved on from the AH community, leaving behind decaying links and deleted files. I've only been involved for about a year now and so many things are from the 2007-2009 period.

Anyway, just glad to see some good news for a change.

I've been working on a pdf journal version of my blog, Darkness over Dunwich, and haven't posted a lot lately but there is so much goodness going on I might just go ahead and get this new stuff posted. The AH community could benefit from a shot of good news and I think you might just be the Doctor to start it off. I hope this boosts everything up, I know it has me. Wednesday is going to suck, but when the suck is over I get to check out OGL Horror (really looking forward to getting a copy of that finally), read over the play test of Lovecraft Country Horror v2 and check out (fingers crossed) Golden Scarab.

Many thanks for this. It means a lot.

And now sir there are case books to write! :)

Ha, ha, I promise no 8mm film or anything of that sort! I must admit that I too was one of the community populace back then that wandered away from Arkham Horror. For me it was the fact that, since I had written some of the case books, I grew bored with playing the game since there was no new material out there. However, recently I began playing Call of Cthulhu lcg once more and that led me to a desire to play Arkham Investigations…I suppose that was all I needed! Now I have made a it my personal mission to refresh Arkham Investigation as best I can and go about getting some new material out there for everyone to enjoy.

Do me a favor if you could and add your blog url here and I will add it to the LINKS page of the Arkham Investigations site. The more networking the better!

Hi there, I also have the golden scarab. You can find it here .

EDIT: ooops. sorry, this is the french version. I do not have the original version anymore.


amikezor and Guillaume A (from the investigations website) is the same person, being me ;-).

I have a lot of work these days, but you should add the french rules, the Cthulhu case as well as the Into the Void case (in french only sadly) to your website. I thought that the original Cthulhu case could be improved, so I actually changed it in the french version so that there is more connections between the vignettes and to improve the coherence of the story.

A french fan (BukarooB) re-designed the vignettes and the new ones are much nicer ! See here .

You can find all material in french on the arkham french wiki, here .

Anyway, starting next week, I shall have more time (hopefully :-). But again, I am super-excited about your new website. Great job !!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

In just a quick run through I did a count off the list from the google site:


And noticed that a few cards are missing but I believe that I read somewhere that those extra cards were never completed. Is that accurate?

I just knew when I saw those folders unpacking it was kicking the crap out of my partial version :)

Again many thanks. Even the creator didn't know if there were still copies out there.

My crappy day just went Mega-Joy!

And I will vote again for a 'Style Guide To Arkham Investigations'. I HAVE to contribute something now.

Now let the weirdness flow…my first look at the Golden Scarab…YES!

Ah, thanks for the links, amikezor!


I uploaded the Cult of the Golden Scarab to the Expansions page today and it is now ready for downloading. I also added the link to the French Arkahm Horror wiki page that amikezor provided. Look for it on the Links page. The wiki has some items for Arkham Investigations, but they are in French.

Thanks to amikezor, there are now Fench translations available for download of the Arkham Investigations rules and the case book, Cthulhu: Dread Sleeper in R'Lyeh .

As I tend to work better with an agenda, I have set out a schedule of sorts for what to work on:

  1. Complete revision re-write of my casebook, The Haunting . I am currently in the middle of this work and hope to be finished by the end of the week.
  2. A new casebook, entitled, The Dunwuch Horror . I decided to do this project next since none the previous casebooks use any of the wonderful expansions. I have tossed around the idea for this casebook for several years, and I thankfully have all my hand-written notes from long ago. This case will be quite large in size and danger, and I hope it will be a great deal of fun to play.
  3. A translation of amikezor's French casebook, L'Appel du Vide (Into the Void). My French is quite rusty but I think I should be able to manage…
  4. A new casebook, The Thing in the Darkness . This case I have already begun to write - I intended to finish this right after The Haunting but now it is pushed back for a time.
  5. Write some campaign rules to allow players to run an entire campaign of casebooks, allowing for improvement of their Investigators.


Old Man Whateley

suicidepuppet said:

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

In just a quick run through I did a count off the list from the google site:


And noticed that a few cards are missing but I believe that I read somewhere that those extra cards were never completed. Is that accurate?

I just knew when I saw those folders unpacking it was kicking the crap out of my partial version :)

Again many thanks. Even the creator didn't know if there were still copies out there.

My crappy day just went Mega-Joy!

And I will vote again for a 'Style Guide To Arkham Investigations'. I HAVE to contribute something now.

Now let the weirdness flow…my first look at the Golden Scarab…YES!

Ha,ha, I am very happy to made your day so wonderful! As I reflect on the idea to begin a new Arkahm Investigations website, the more I am glad I did. The Golden Scarab is a perfect example of why it was such a worhty idea to pursue. I did not know that even the creator no longer had copies of it! Now we will have a depository for any and all Arkham Horror/Investigations fan-material there is still out there.


Old Man Whateley

This is a very exciting time for AH fan content. After MH dropped all we have really seen from FFG have been the monster minis and no talk of anything new for the game.

The fans though have been hard at work. There is a near complete Dreamlands expansion, A new version of Lovecraft Country Horror is about to be posted, and Vermont Horror is now all packed up nice and neat for download, and lots of smaller projects that all show promise.

And now the return of Arkham Investigations.

I have many things to be grateful for today… :)

suicidepuppet said:

This is a very exciting time for AH fan content. After MH dropped all we have really seen from FFG have been the monster minis and no talk of anything new for the game.

The fans though have been hard at work. There is a near complete Dreamlands expansion, A new version of Lovecraft Country Horror is about to be posted, and Vermont Horror is now all packed up nice and neat for download, and lots of smaller projects that all show promise.

And now the return of Arkham Investigations.

I have many things to be grateful for today… :)

I hope you are right! But as far as FFG's new content, I am not sure where else they can go with Arkham Horror. They have covered nearly every aspect of Lovecraft's world….It might be up to to the fan-base to create new material. And that should sound as a rallying cry to all of us!

For my part, I managed to complete the editing/re-write of my casebook, The Haunting tonight. I will upload the casebook in the morning. I feel that I have fixed all the mistakes that plagued my first version so that it is now fully playable. I would very mcuh appreciate feedback on both of the revised casebooks on the new site in case there are further mistakes that need to be corrected.

I have already begun the intial work on the next casebook, The Dunwich Horror , this evening. My ultimate goal is to release two entirely new casebooks by mid-July.


Old Man Whateley

OldManWhateley said:

  1. A translation of amikezor's French casebook, L'Appel du Vide (Into the Void). My French is quite rusty but I think I should be able to manage…

I actually started to translate this case some time ago but then got distracted. I could manage to finish the translation by sept.

FYI, I have also a second case that is half done ("Evil Spirit") that is an attempt of a new genre of investigations. And finally, I have been working on Arkham of Madness a mix between Arkham Horror, Arkham Investigations and Mansions of Madness for almost a year. The first scenario is being play-tested by some french gamers. I should be able to translate this as well before oct-nov.

Wow…a lot going on…now the creator of the Golden Scarab expansion has hooked me up with a copy he has and I will be going through and comparing to make certain I have as complete a copy as possible.

Guys I am PSYCHED :)

It's been kinda crappy lately and with AH being my goto game for fun and distraction this has all been a big boost for me. I'll do as I just did in email form and thank you guys and everyone else who have been working on this 'labor of madness' called AH and its many facets.

I'm going to be posting about all the recent events in brief on my HPL blog http://darknessoverdunwich.blogspot.com/ and then covering things in more depth when I get the zine/journal version up and running of Darkness over Dunwich (covering HPL gaming, fiction, film,etc).

Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing everyone's upcoming output :)


As promised, I have finished the reiwrite and editing of the case, The Haunting , and have uploaded it to the new site. The zip file contians the casebook and all handout and cards in pdf ready for printing. I took an additional day to do some more proofreading to catch any mistakes that may have still lingered…

Now, I am off to open some ancient and forbidden tomes to write the next casebook, The Dunwich Horror


Old Man Whateley

I'm on it :)

And why do I keep getting this visual image in my head that you are sitting in an old office from the 20's pounding this stuff out on an manual typewriter…I can hear the clatter of the keys from time to time…and the occasional pause because you keep hearing something out in the darkened hall…


(hehehe…just keeping the mood)


I am feverishly ( or is it fiendishly) pouring over the new case book entitled, The Terrible House . It is shaping up to be a very good case book with a great deal of new material. Here is a sample of the first three pages of the new case book:




I wrote the casebook much in the style that I used for Dark Dreams of Dagon , so expect a good deal of atmosphere and lierary prose.

I also have begun to construct a number of props for my personal use while playing Arkham Horror/Arkham Investigations. I created a new page on the website for various props that I am constructed, along with design plans/templates for others to do so. The Arkham Horror PRops page can be found here : arkhaminvestigation.onlinewebshop.net/props.html

For now, I have uploaded my new Eldritch Dice Tower and the pdf needed to build your own. Here is an image of the tower:


Cheers, Old Man Whateley


I have continued my ferverish delving into certain unspeakable of forbidden tombs and managed to find some more great props for use in Arkham Horror/Arkham Investigations. Vist the Props page of the Arkham Investigation site for more details.

The first is a great Investigator play mat to better organize your cards and tokens.


The second are three printable pdfs for constructing tuck boxes for easy storage of your Arkham Horror components such as cards and markers. Each tuck box is full, high-quality color.


very nice, keep it coming !