No news is... not good news?

By lingster, in X-Wing

I've not seen any news since the inital announcement of the game. Very little, if aything has leaked out about this game. A few pics that didn't showcase a lot of anything a long time ago.

If this game is coming next year, where'a all of our news? why have we not gotten anything more about the game? better pics of the minis, etc. etc.

I mean, at least Wings of War is returning... and it's called Wings of Glory. AND we've got pics, news, product information, etc etc. etc. Oh,and it doesn't have anything to do with FFG.

I'm not knocking FFG, I just want to know why we've not gotten anything more about this game. The fans want information and the lack of updates, etc. etc. isn't winning anyone over.

Heck, there's a video game that's coming next year that's got so much anticipation surrounding it, it's crazy. and new information each week comes out. Even if it's a little bit, it's still something.

All THAT is certainly No News, mighty Lingster. There's all sorts of threads & posts venting about the selfsame thing. I understand the rules are likely still in a state of flux, but you'd think they could post a pic of an X-Wing or something. Make a passing mention about followup 'boosters.' Something easy, anything.

Balanced on the knife-edge of patience, waiting for some words from FFG.

Well, it could also have a lot to do with the license. It may be that they are being required to not say much due to the agreement with Lucus...

I have to agree with Gobbo on this one.

Lucasfilms is notoriously secretive, so I expect that FFG is having to run every last thing by them as well as keeping it under their hat.

...and it's still pretty early. FFG usually starts teasing us with previews about 3 months out. We're probably a little further than that om release. I strongly suspect that it will be worth the wait.

i have pre ordered my copy from maelstrom games using their christmas money off voucher. not that it will be here for xmas . . .

I have info that it's coming out in January, but I'm being dismissed by those in the Star Wars card game area. Don't know what to tell you.

Your photo on that board has me pretty much convinced - wanna post it here, too?

Odd that FFG would wait 'til so close to release to announce it (not to mention releasing in the January dead-zone), but stranger things have happened...

"I knew it all along; had to be a mistake...What are you doing? Trust him trust him!" -- C-3PO

You know, I had a feeling all along that it would be a January release. I wonder why they (FFG) are so secretive about it. It could be that the Lucas license really does force them to be tight-lipped, as has been suggested elsewhere on the forums. Hopefully we get an official announcement soon.

Here's Will's photo from the LCG board:


Looks pretty legit, in my uninformed opinion. Though I see it still doesn't mention how many ships are in the box (doesn't even show the box, actually)...

Good pull, I. Jordan! It does indeed look pretty legit. Thank'a verra much!

I think we have to face the liklihood that, in spite of all our musings/wishings/pleadings that it will indeed be 2+1. That's the only concrete information we have received. If release is indeed January, then the decision would have been nailed down long ago. We can HOPE for more, with the Lucas huttlike conniving, but expect three ships.

STILL, if taken from a typical discount website, I'm game for the cost... for a startup. we'll go from there.

I concede that the document does look official. I even went to the Facebook page of Southern Hobby Supply and they announced the release of the two new FFG Star Wars games on Dec. 5. That date coincides with the date on the publication shown in the photo. However, even if FFG is requesting orders by Dec. 30, I'm still not convinced they will be able to deliver the product in time. One source of doubt is the "Upcoming" page. It still lists the Star Wars titles as "At the Printer." The next step is "On the boat" which takes 4 to 6 weeks. Then it has to shipped which takes 1-2 weeks. If everything that can go wrong does go wrong, and we see the maximum of these time ranges, it will take at least 2 months to get these games. A more optimistic view puts it out in January assuming that it gets on the boat in the next week or so. If it takes longer to finish up the printing and assemble the games, it could take longer. Alternatively, it may be on the boats already and the "upcoming" page simply has not been updated, in which case a January release is totally plausible. But it still seems fushigi (mysterious/strange) that we've had no updates if it's coming out next month.

Yes, I'm starting to find it really hard to believe we'll be seeing this/these game(s) within the next month. Surely they'd have cranked up the PR machine by now, if that were so.

I don't get Prometheus 'til June, I don't get X-Wing 'til who knows... somebody gimme something!!! enfadado.gif

Well, F-Toys' Collection 5 has just been announced, for February. Revell's two new SW kits are slated for January. And Old Republic is supposed to be out this month, I believe!

Okay, I admit... that's pretty cool. gran_risa.gif

IG-58, are you playing TOR now? I'd love to read your thoughts about it (on whatever appropriate board you may be sharing them).

Really sure we won't be seeing X-Wing in January now. In the meantime, I bought my son FFG's Talisman for Xmas, and it's lots of fun... we've already bought one expansion, and we'll be going back for more soon. So, yay FFG, but boo lack of news.

IJT, I would love to be playing Old Republic , but there's some problems with that:

1. My computer kinda took a dump. Second time this has happened; I think it's the graphics card. When I get my January bonus I'll take it in, but for now I can't afford it and can't even play the original KotORs or Age of Empires III on it. Galactic Battlegrounds is the best it'll do. So, I'm doing a lot more with model kits.

2. Even at peak efficiency, I rather doubt the machine could handle OR. I never could get Mass Effect to run without the camera & controls just pingin' all over the place (damned shame, as I think I'da really liked that game).

3. I'm still leery of MMORPGs. I heard most of OR can be run solo, but how much? Last thing I wanna do is spend a lot of money for a Good Time and be getting constantly PWNed by some group of punks who need to feel good about themselves.

BACK ON TOPIC: Isn't X-Wing supposed to be released December 2012? Or am I thinking of something else?

X-wing is actually slated for "early 2012" according to the list of upcoming FFG games. They've been saying First Quarter in some of their interviews, but I'm not sure if "early 2012" is sooner or later than "1st quarter." They say the game is at the printer now, and has been for some time, so apparently getting all the parts together is proving tricky. That's my guess, anyway, considering that Anton said in one interview that they are still working out the kinks in the durability of the miniatures themselves.

@IG-58: By the way, The Old Republic actually has different servers for people that like to fight other players and servers for players that like to team up with friends to face the computer. It seems like it'll work, but I'm not going to be playing either.

I have nothing important to say. Just trying to keep the X-wing forum live. I hope we get some new soon. At least the LCG got the news of being pushed back into development. Of course, I'd prefer an official news page for X-wing. It's hard to believe it hasn't even been a whole fortnight yet since we entered the new year.

As for your comment, Parakitor, I'm thinking "early" is the first six months and "late" is the second six months. If anything is "mid" then it is probably the middle six months.


I came to check out the forum, saw you'd posted (Budgernaut), and thought, "oh no! X-Wing's been pushed back to 'In Development' too!"

No news really IS good news! lengua.gif

On that note, I'm pretty glad both games won't be releasing at the same time. Easier on everybody's wallets, and it gives us time to really get into each game, and decide if we wanna stick with 'em.

(and for the record, I'd think of 'early' as the first four months, 'mid' as the middle four months, and 'late' as the last four months. Not that that means anything. gran_risa.gif )

Semantically, "early" could mean as late as June 30th, since that IS technically the first half of 2012.

Gad, I hope I'm wrong.

Well, I was mostly being spiteful in saying that early was the first 6 months. I prefer the early, mid, late model where the year is divided into 3 parts. I hope it is sooner than June. May could be good, just in time for my birthday.

So I just checked the "Upcoming" page and for some strange reason, both Star Wars games have the "Updated" label on the pictures. I say "some strange reason" because I can't figure out what's updated about it. Is it just the order in the queue that changed? It looks like it happened on the 14th of January. I just wish we'd get some update soon. I'd like to hear what FFG has to say about their own product.

Game solicitations are sent out all the time for upcoming product. I see them every month and there are often and all items have speculative release dates. There are always items that dont hit that mark. With FFG they NEVER tell you when something is coming until its on its way to the distributors. Believe NOTHING that is in any industry solicitation. Especially in the gaming industry.
