No news is... not good news?

By lingster, in X-Wing

I. J. Thompson said:


Ha! I'm glad I'm not the only one! I feel your pain.

I just got on to say, Hey FFG, we're still here. Where are you?

Adendum: I find it extremely disconcerting that X-wing is consistently at the bottom of the "At the Printer" list.

FYI: the "At the printer" list is in alphabetical order. Wasn't sure if you were kidding or not, Budgernaut.

But yeah, with the prospect of The Lord of the Rings LEGOs AND Star Wars: The Old Republic LEGOs this summer, combined with a lack of news from FFG, I'm starting to partition my free cash towards non-X-wing endeavors. I hope to hear some news soon.

I haven't really studied FFGs press release timing at all. For those of you who have, would you say that we won't hear any news until release is imminent?

Parakitor said:

FYI: the "At the printer" list is in alphabetical order. Wasn't sure if you were kidding or not, Budgernaut.

Doh! Open mouth; insert foot.

bsmith13 said:

I haven't really studied FFGs press release timing at all. For those of you who have, would you say that we won't hear any news until release is imminent?

Some of the games announced a couple of months ago seem to be lost in time and space. My retailer still features this game arriving on January, 31st, but clearly it's impossible.

My idea is that both the X-Wing and the Star Wars LCG will be released when Episode I - 3D will hit the theaters. Sadly, it's a long walk. But no news, no images, no communications, no anything it's not a good sign for an imminent release

I wrote to the customer service link the other day and heard back yesterday. I was told that it's now scheduled for release until second quarter 2012. That was as specific as they got.

tiepilot1138 said:

I wrote to the customer service link the other day and heard back yesterday. I was told that it's now scheduled for release until second quarter 2012. That was as specific as they got.

Well, nice to know something official :-) Thanks for sharing :-)

So, the latest word is 2nd quarter, i.e. sometime between April 1 and June 30.

Though the newsfeed says that the game has gone to the printers, I noticed that there is no word on exactly how many minis are in the starter set. I plan on buying the game, but I would be disappointed if there were only 1 X-Wing and 2 TIE Fighters. However, given the lack of any information to the contrary, I would bet that that's what we are going to get.

How depressing that this got delayed as well. I was hoping that even though the card game got pushed back, X-wing would remain on schedule.

The STARSHIP BATTLES subforum on the Wizards of the Coast boards is more active, informative & productive than this place. A game that was effectively defunct like three years ago, in a company that lost it's licence at least a year ago. And it's relatively hoppin'.

That does not really bode well. Juuuuust sayin'.

It's like waiting an hour for the waiter to bring you your dinner. When it finally comes, whatever it is, chances are you're gonna hate it.

FFG, we need some breadsticks over here!

Several Different Senarios come to mind:

1) The Card game push back forced them to push back the franchise license release date (reasonable, since the card game is cheaper to produce, so if you can't get that out the door fast enough, your Return on Investment for the License fee is slower to recoup)

2) Lucas Licensing or Fantasy Flight rejected the game due to quality or cost issues, sending it back to the mini manufacture to work out

3)Last minute play testing gave them a great idea and they went back to the drawing board

4) The decided to wait until they could buttress the launch with an RPG announcement, but the RPG isn't ready for the black cloth to come off.

5) With WizKids releasing their spaceship miniature game tomorrow, they may not have wanted to saturate the market, especially when the variety and depth of the heroclix ships is looking really good at a fraction of the price per smaller but pretty high quality ship--$25 for the starter with 4 random unique ships from a total of 40+ ships)

6)The designers took out fat cash advances because they know they will be ROLLING in money once this ships, and all got drunk and missed their flight back from the Caribbean.

My money is on door number 6!

What Wizkids "spaceship game" is that? I saw one for Trek, with 24 ships and a bunch of cards, but none with forty ships and randomization.

I wouldn't mind looking into that, myself...

IG-58 said:

What Wizkids "spaceship game" is that? I saw one for Trek, with 24 ships and a bunch of cards, but none with forty ships and randomization.

Yeah, I only saw the HeroClix Star Treak ships, "Fully compatible with all your HeroClix but intended as its own separate game."

Thanks, but no thanks. WotC killed my enthusiasm for blind purchases. I'm standing behind FFG's fixed distribution method all the way.

Budgernaut said:

WotC killed my enthusiasm for blind purchases. I'm standing behind FFG's fixed distribution method all the way.

I actually liked the blind-buy model - it kept costs down, making it easy to amass a lot of pieces. I was never a complete-set collector, so I'd just pick up whatever rares I wanted from online stores... it worked well for me.

With this game, while it'll be nice to get exactly what I want, the price is pretty daunting. Like, I think it'd be nice to have six Y-wings, but... for $90? That's a case (84 pieces) of SWM right there...

I. J. Thompson said:

Budgernaut said:

WotC killed my enthusiasm for blind purchases. I'm standing behind FFG's fixed distribution method all the way.

I actually liked the blind-buy model - it kept costs down, making it easy to amass a lot of pieces. I was never a complete-set collector, so I'd just pick up whatever rares I wanted from online stores... it worked well for me.

With this game, while it'll be nice to get exactly what I want, the price is pretty daunting. Like, I think it'd be nice to have six Y-wings, but... for $90? That's a case (84 pieces) of SWM right there...

That's a really good point. I guess the part about fixed distribution I'm looking forward to most is the card game rather than X-wing. I should have posted this over there. See, I used to buy the Star Wars Miniatures at $15 a pack and no matter how many I bought, there were always more to buy. Sometimes I'd buy 3 or 4 at a time. With the card game, it's reduced to $15 every month because you can't use any more cards than that. But for a miniatures game, you're right, I. J. Thompson, it's good to have a squadron instead of just a few ships and this system won't be as cheap to do that, even if you consider rare-hunting in the Starship Battles game.

Anyone notice how the Star Wars Living Card Game was pushed back until "Holidays 2012" at the earliest due to massive redesign?

One wonders if X-Wing will suffer a similar fate...

It's being supposed that the LCG is being pushed back to include pvp, but X-wing won't have that problem. Still, it's all conjecture at this point...

Too bad that the dearth of news from FFG leaves us little to do BUT waste our time in idle conjecture.

Heh. "Dearth Vader". Heh Heh.

Well if SW:TCG does go over to PvP, I'll be spending more time over here, I think. I probably could have convinced my wife to play coop and at the very least I'd be able to play solo, but I know she has no interest in PvP card games. I have been able to get her to play SWMinis with me, and the X-wing rules seem intuitive enough that it's something we could probably do together, even if it is in a versus format.

I really hope they follow the surge of Star Wars activity with an X-wing announcement pretty soon. The demo from GenCon seemed so intriguing, I'm really looking forward to reading the rules or hearing what the first expansion fighters will be.

Yes, if The Card Game goes pvp, I'm done with it. Now would be a great time to hear more about X-wing!

Parakitor said:

FYI: the "At the printer" list is in alphabetical order. Wasn't sure if you were kidding or not, Budgernaut.

But yeah, with the prospect of The Lord of the Rings LEGOs AND Star Wars: The Old Republic LEGOs this summer, combined with a lack of news from FFG, I'm starting to partition my free cash towards non-X-wing endeavors. I hope to hear some news soon.

LEGO is not pluralised. It is Lord of the RIngs Lego and Star Wars Lego. Lego bricks, lego men, lego kits, but not Legos. Lego is 1) a brand name and 2) a collective term. A pile of lego bricks is a "pile of lego", not a "pile of legos".

Sorry, completely random aside, and incredibly pedantic, but it is one of my pet peeves (every time I hear it it grates in my ears slightly). That and people trying to claim Hitler was elected to power.

Anyway, it's FFG. They make random announcements that something is coming, and then you hear nothing for two years, presume it has been dropped and suddenly a new expansion is released. No news is normal news.

I also find it amusing that people here are going "If the LCG is going PvP I will play this more", even though this is a PvP game. Not that I am criticising, as I am in a similar mold, it just might seem like a contradictory attitude to others. I would rather the card game was cooperative, but I still like the idea of a competative miniatures game.

borithan said:

Parakitor said:

FYI: the "At the printer" list is in alphabetical order. Wasn't sure if you were kidding or not, Budgernaut.

But yeah, with the prospect of The Lord of the Rings LEGOs AND Star Wars: The Old Republic LEGOs this summer, combined with a lack of news from FFG, I'm starting to partition my free cash towards non-X-wing endeavors. I hope to hear some news soon.

LEGO is not pluralised. It is Lord of the RIngs Lego and Star Wars Lego. Lego bricks, lego men, lego kits, but not Legos. Lego is 1) a brand name and 2) a collective term. A pile of lego bricks is a "pile of lego", not a "pile of legos".

Sorry, completely random aside, and incredibly pedantic, but it is one of my pet peeves (every time I hear it it grates in my ears slightly). That and people trying to claim Hitler was elected to power.

Anyway, it's FFG. They make random announcements that something is coming, and then you hear nothing for two years, presume it has been dropped and suddenly a new expansion is released. No news is normal news.

I also find it amusing that people here are going "If the LCG is going PvP I will play this more", even though this is a PvP game. Not that I am criticising, as I am in a similar mold, it just might seem like a contradictory attitude to others. I would rather the card game was cooperative, but I still like the idea of a competative miniatures game.

Well if we're going to get nit-picky, then LEGO is always, always CAPITALIZED. Show me one official instance where LEGO is not capitalized. You can't! And if LEGO can't be plural, then you can't put it at the end of something. You can't have Star Wars LEGO, it's LEGO Star Wars. Check the site out for yourself at Now that you've pointed it out, though, I see that there are no places where LEGO is pluralized on the website. By that I mean it is never used plural. It's not like Pokémon where pokémon is both plural and single. LEGO just can't be plural. You want plural LEGO Lord of the Rings? It has to be LEGO Lord of the Rings sets, or bricks or some other appended plural noun modified by the LEGO product title. Am I being hostile? Maybe. But that's what you get when you attack my twin brother!

I owe you an apology, borithan. I read your reply and let my emotions cloud the way I read it. I can see now that you were trying to be diplomatic in the way you were stating your opinions.