Sigmar's Heirs the Campaign! Session Reports

By Fenderstat, in WFRP Gamemasters

Awesome stuff guys! I wish my crew was as awesome as yours is. Makes for a great read and inspirations that I can only hope will turn out half as good for me as it did for you all!

It will be. Just get your players involved in their characters. That's kinda what we did. I could have made a horribly bent character, the bits are all there to make swordmasters bleed cheese out their ears. But I put together a decent backstory and got more into that than killing enemies and BAM, I have a character I want to play.

Revenant Session 5 is up

Check it out here

So we have the party not talking to each other again, one of them has been accused of necromancy by the high priest of Ubersreik and another is set to conduct the trial against him? Don't think they put that option on the party sheet!

So I have now realised that Anierra's ability to dodge is directly proportional to how much Dan wants to murder me.

So when the whole party is getting harassed and chomped on, it's buffet night on my pointy earred ass, but when a Strogoi vampire leaps out of nowhere and decided to give me clawmark go-faster stripes, (strength 7!) I'm dodging all over the gaff like it's going out of fashion.

Session 6 is up!

Check it out here

One of the more fightier sessions (in fact it had 2!). Bat swarms, ghouls and a Strigoi Vampire a tough mix, almost had one of the group's throat ripped out but he succeeded against a five challenge strength test, it seems Klaus is so stubborn not even Morr himself wouldn't take him.

Good to see "Revenant" was a nice, dangerous scenario for your group demonio.gif


Emirikol said:

Good to see "Revenant" was a nice, dangerous scenario for your group


Hold your horses there Jay it's still going! They've done it all backwards. They discovered the ghouls and killed Gorash first! They've just captured Klex Narnscabber and will be discovering the plot lead shortly (ie. the first thing theywere supposed to do). They have absolutely no idea who or why Gorash was doing what he was doing, it was almost as if he was a wandering monster hiding in a cave for no purpose they'll find out his motices soon enough though. I even drew a picture of him.

Kudos for you for writing a clever scenario, I like your high level approach to it, detailed but not enough to make it inflexible.

Yea, I saw that Gorash is dead..that will give you flexibility on his "eternal" goal and the danger of that could be modified depending on your mood.


Fenderstat said:

Session 6 is up!

Check it out here

One of the more fightier sessions (in fact it had 2!). Bat swarms, ghouls and a Strigoi Vampire a tough mix, almost had one of the group's throat ripped out but he succeeded against a five challenge strength test, it seems Klaus is so stubborn not even Morr himself wouldn't take him.

I'm starting to wonder if Anierra is stepping in to save his hairy ass because she wants to be the one to give him that final whallop to the chops…

Oh yeah, Jay, you are never going to guess what managed to give Gorrash his just desserts…

Revenant Session 7 is up!

Check it out here

Well we played with one ages ago but I have been mega lazy with the updates, I had them all written up but in case no-one actually visits the link to the actual report (for some reason) I like to draw pictures of important NPCs encountered in that particular session. My art equipment went AWOL when I moved house early may and I have only just found it again so I can finally do the update. It also doesn't help that I have been indoctrinated by the Reapars as I am having extreme problems peeling myself away from Mass Effect 3, but I digress.

Warhammer!! That's what I'm talking about! The one with the perilousness! This session was basically one big fight, big fights are relatively rare in most of my games so when they happen they happen big time. We almost lost Klaus again (four critical wounds and four wounds from knock out) but once again Morr took a look at him and told him to bugger off as he didn't want his surly arse in his realm and the zealot survived another day! Plus zombies! My group fights so many undead that they will be crying tears of joy when they come across a chaos cult, in almost a year of real time playing the haven't even met a single cultist.

Hey GMs, run revenant LF7, it's good.

So were doing this again. I stopped updating it when I was moving house and stopped playing it while spending XP points on a career change (unfortunately I am still in the transition stage at the moment). Now I am on a break which means 1. I can play it and 2. I can update it.

I did a quick summary on what's happened which can be found here and we'll get into the meat of it on the weekend. We moved onto a home brew adventure of mine which will keep us tied up for a while.

And we have a new player! That's important too!

Shattered Dreams Session 1 is up! Check it out here .

Well I had to shake off the cobwebs. Hadn't gamed for many months let alone GM a highly social session. Lucky for me I have good players so I don't need to work so hard. I pilfered the start of edge of night for this adventure. One of my players had already played the skaven part but not the ball, while the other had played the ball but not the skaven. I took the ball and changed it to suit my needs and we'll get into the meat of this custom adventure next session.

We have a new guy on the team now. His character is Luthor Essing and is a Knight of the Verdant Field.

Annierra suffered an awful lot of stress, apparently from getting a good look at herself looking like she'd been dragged through a ditch backwards...

Shattered Dreams Session 2 is up, have a read here

I like to call this one, the one wear I stop plagiarising the edge of night. Time to investigate investigators! Nah seriously this was the return of Klaus and since he's not a "good guy" anymore he will steal anything which is not nailed to the floor. Plus he got to kill someone.

Jeez Dan, it's called character development...