And here's the Honey! I decided to give it a different colour, so it would stand apart from the Wildfire. The problem I had was that it turned out much "dirtier" than I intended. I'm just having difficulty controlling the staining of the wash on light surfaces, where it shows up a lot more. In the end, the texture is so beat up that I didn't think it was necessary to add chipping effects, it might have been a bit too much texture. This was also my first experiment with the decals, and while applying them was much easier than I expected, they did present a couple of problems. First of all the decal has a much higher reflectivity than the plastic, so the decal region stands out depending on the light angle. To diminuish that, and also to tone down the decal colours a bit, I applied the wash over it, but then this highlighted the borders of the decals... any suggestions regarding these issues?
Also, here's my work in progress Hot Dog. I applied some decals and wahsed it. Since I wasn't very happy at how dark my Pounder turned out, I gave it some heavy drybrushing with a lighter green, which I think turned out quite well. Next step, weathering.