Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

With the exception of the removal of the doom tokens and game length fields, the form and the report are exactly the same.

Tibs said:

With the exception of the removal of the doom tokens and game length fields, the form and the report are exactly the same.

That's interesting. So, apart from being unable to download the report, I'm not able to see a table that is published on the net. Wondering why.

Oops! I'm not used to scoring victories, so I think I've calculated the wrong score in my previous report. The score should be 20, not 15. Would it be possible to change it, if it's not too much to ask? =)

Good luck getting a response from Tibs…he's "hit-or-miss" these days…must be the numbers getting to him.

Right. Yes, sorry. Very hit-or-miss.

Your score has been corrected.

Professor, I like the look of the Crafthulhu kickstarter website. Was there something in particular you wanted me to go over? The pieces look great and I can see many painters having a great time giving them a once-over.

Thanks! I guess I'll have to get used to scoring victories --- at least if I am to report the scores. =P


Thanks for taking a look at the site; hope you noticed we did follow-up with you regarding the spreadsheet conundrum; and hopefully everything else is going well.

Cheers, Joe

Oops, I know I saw your message about the spreadsheet, but I swore I sent back a reply? Ugh, my brain.

A ninth player, UCLA SOS , just Joined the Winning Team vs Azathoth!

Chris, for some curious internet black-out, I'm not sure if I logged once or twice my latest game against Shudde (the one with the Groth Herald). Could you check this and eventually fix it? Thx!

It was on there once, but Ghroth was not listed. Fixed!

Tibs said:

It was on there once, but Ghroth was not listed. Fixed!


Chris, still a problem with the revised stats: I'm still not able to see the most common rumors table. Can you fix this in some way?

That table has been removed. I didn't feel like it was saying anything too meaningful.

Ok then. I'll remove the table from my files as well

Tibs, sorry, I forgot to log that the DH woke up in my lat game (Abhoth + Ghroth). Can you fix this for me please?

Is it possible to register multiple heralds during one game somehow? I for one don't like to use Lurker without another herald (since he acts like a guardian, and the most powerful one at that imo), but there is no way to stack heralds at the moment.

Sorry if this has been asked before, I'm just curious (and too lazy to sort through 50+ pages). :-)

I'm just going by the official rule: one herald per game (with a separate entry for Dagon & Hydra).

Lurker becomes a bit fiercer with the Miskatonic expansion.

If ever you're unsure which to indicate when submitting, choose the herald that affected gameplay the most!

That's a very good point, Tibs ~ I play all of my games with Nodens, the King in Yellow and Lurker…

Okey, thanks. That's an excellent recommendation. Rules only say 'Players should generally limit themselves to one of each (herald and guardian) type at most' though, but I doubt there are a large number of players stacking heralds.

Well, if the counter is correct, we're well over 9,700 games ~ it may be the month of May 2013 that pushes the statistivs over 10,000 games! I will definitely be contributing to that number, Tibs.

Tibs, some goblins tricked my pc and disconnected it from the LAN while submitting my latest game. Then I received some curious error messages from googledocs. Would you mind checking that my latest game (Ghroth + Ghatanothoa) was recorded just once?

Thanks a lot


All is well—no worries.

I clean up the duplicate entries whenever I see them!

Ok! Thanks for checking!