Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

The previous report had 8774 games logged. This one here 8952. So, yeah, it's certainly updated. Probably Chris forgot to change the "Report as of" cell. Can't say anything about your games reported missing, though

Oops… the date is the last thing I update, just so that nobody dropping in halfway through my updating process thinks the report is up-to-date (If you can follow that!).


I can't find my name in the contributors list. =( That's why I'm wondering.

Bit of a mishap occurred there (new MS Office ruins everything, it seems). It should be up-to-date now: you are on row 265.

Yay! Thanks. ^_____^

Haha "New Office"… Cthuhul couldn't dream up worse, could he?

Full Doom Track said:

Haha "New Office"… Cthuhul couldn't dream up worse, could he?

Dude, he PRACTICED before making that. It's like the perfect storm of rage and insanity.

I don't know if this would be too difficult, but a summary page showing what you had entered would be really awesome!

I don't know if this is what the above post meant, but is there anyway to access the raw data? It would be nice to see what the "average players" results are (since more than 40% of the data comes from only 30 submitters) and it would be nice to see more recent data broken down as some of the more recent expansions seem to be lost in the data (only 10% with MH).

Stats and games are my two favorite things so I'd love to toy around with the numbers you're looking at.

Finally, sorry if this is a repeat question, new to the thread :) Thanks a ton for keeping this running for so long! Super interesting.

Steinbran said:

I don't know if this is what the above post meant, but is there anyway to access the raw data? It would be nice to see what the "average players" results are (since more than 40% of the data comes from only 30 submitters) and it would be nice to see more recent data broken down as some of the more recent expansions seem to be lost in the data (only 10% with MH).

Stats and games are my two favorite things so I'd love to toy around with the numbers you're looking at.

Finally, sorry if this is a repeat question, new to the thread :) Thanks a ton for keeping this running for so long! Super interesting.

Is this what you were looking for? The same link can be found in the first post of this thread (submissions to date).

Oh weird, I checked all the links the first time and I got an error when I clicked on this one…thanks!

Chris, any chance to see the monthly report up? ::smling::

If it's possible, I wonder if you could shange my resent report against Rhan-Tegoth to a Victory by Final Battle instead of a Loss.

I tried out the final combat once more after I read on the forum that I had done completely wrong the first time.

He becomes a bit easier when you realise that you don't need those extra successes he adds with his attack each time you attack him, just once per stamina token.

In my first battle I was up in over 25 additional successes needed to remove a doom-token :P

Tibs, when I recorded my latest game (the Shudde M'ell one recorded some minutes ago), I wasn't able to find any longer the "game lenght" entry. Is it my browser, or did you choose to delete it? In case, it lasted 18 Mythos (most of them played with ELEVEN blights in play. What a mess… ::laughter: :)

Okay guys. Major news. But since I like telling stories, I'll lead in with that.

The end of last month was very busy because it was my last undergraduate semester. Then the Christmas holiday had me running about, and I had to manage deadlines for applying to grad schools. Lastly, for the previous week, I was in Long Beach, CA attending the 221st American Astronomical Society convention. That is part of why I haven't updated the report.

The other part is that, frankly, I've been getting sick of doing it. It takes me an hour to actually get it done, and my new computer doesn't even have Excel , which I use to generate the report stats. My old computer is out of commission, my laptop is slow and the version of excel is actually newer than what I've been used to using, so it takes longer to get through the documents.

In essence, part of the reason I even have to do updates—and most of the reason why they take so long—is that I was having difficulties with Excel array functions and wildcard characters, which are necessary to give things like a given investigator's win ratio or an expansion's difficulty. Previously I had been using a tedious trick to give the results, but today I buckled down with my spare time and figured it out. Furthermore, I actually automated the process, so that almost every element of the report is updated each time a game is submitted!

I give you the "new" and "improved" Arkham Stats Report !

Important notes and changes:

  • The lists re-arrange themselves by way of a pivot table, which I reluctantly learned to use today. However, a re-arranging table does not carry its formatting with it: as a result, some lists (AOs and Investigators) are no longer color-coded by expansion as they once were. If someone can tell me how to allow an "OR" boolean expression in Google spreadsheets's Conditional Formatting, I'd love to know.
  • Today I discovered that each Google spreadsheet has a number of upper limits—i.e., Arkham Statistics has a finite lifetime. To prolong this, I've removed fields that I've had no use for: doom tokens and game length , as Julia noticed. The stats spreadsheet is currently about halfway through its life. It's possible that Google will raise this limit before then, but we'll see.
  • Previously, in the Contributors tab, I had generated a list where I had manually grouped alias names (eg, Cariosus and Cariosus league scenario 1 ) so that that user had a higher contributor total. Because of the new on-the-fly formatting, I can't do this anymore. You'll notice, for instance, that I dropped from 1st contributor to 6th. Someday I might format my own entries so that they all say "Tibs." Just be mindful of this.
  • All submitted entries have once again been grouped into a single page of the spreadsheet ("Submissions"), and so will take a while to load. Keep this in mind.

Tibs, I downloaded the "improved" statistics as xlsx, but there is no way I'm able to open it with any of the three different Excel versions we have scattered around the pc at home. I was able to open it partially with Excel 2010, but got the error message "some content of the file was not readable" and then the system crashed. I tried several times to download - open, but nothing worked


Thanks for pulling this together for all of us ~ and congratulations on surviving the school year and everything else going-on with you.

As for the Excel question, I'll show your post to my girlfriend, who along with her MBA is an absolute whiz with spreadsheets. I'll see what she can figure out and let you know.


Tibs said:

The other part is that, frankly, I've been getting sick of doing it. It takes me an hour to actually get it done, and my new computer doesn't even have Excel , which I use to generate the report stats. My old computer is out of commission, my laptop is slow and the version of excel is actually newer than what I've been used to using, so it takes longer to get through the documents.

In essence, part of the reason I even have to do updates—and most of the reason why they take so long—is that I was having difficulties with Excel array functions and wildcard characters, which are necessary to give things like a given investigator's win ratio or an expansion's difficulty. Previously I had been using a tedious trick to give the results, but today I buckled down with my spare time and figured it out. Furthermore, I actually automated the process, so that almost every element of the report is updated each time a game is submitted!

The Microsoft Office software was never meant to handle very large documents --- or at least they've always done a poor job at it, so I understand your frustration.

Nice job with the automation. Since you're saying "almost every element", I'm a little curious: which elements are not updated? Will these elements be updated about once a month, like before? One thing I noticed when having a look at the submissions is that a recently reported game was submitted four times. So it seems there is still some minor things to maintain in order to have an accurate report. But I guess removing duplicate entries won't be a big demand. =)

The one thing that will be manually updated, rather "checked," is the big "Which expansions should I use?" image. People don't seem to be adding any votes to the linked thread, and the image hasn't changed in years.

I'll still be performing maintenance, such as removing duplicates or repairing submissions. I just fixed those entries up.

Julia: jeez, don't know what could be happening there. Couldn't even figure out what to suggest. Maybe downloading each page at a time, if that's possible?

Tibs said:

Julia: jeez, don't know what could be happening there. Couldn't even figure out what to suggest. Maybe downloading each page at a time, if that's possible?

The only thing I can think of is that I receive a message: "google docs requires too much time to calculate the formula". No way I can download anything on any way (single pages, all the pages, or whatelse). Copy & paste of every single cell seems to work, but I lose all the formatting, so, perchentages look strange (25700% of defeats sounds funny. And wrong) and all the rest.

So, if anyone was able to download the whole spreadsheet and is willing to e-mail me the excel, I'd be very grateful. I'm available on providing cranberry cookies on a monthly basis to whom is available to gently do this for me every 1st of every month :-)

Hey Tibs!

Thanks for doing all this. I'd have to say that this has been an invaluable resource for all of the Arkham Horror community!

My question centers around this; do I still use the same formula to make submissions?

Thanks in advance!

Ok, a friend from this very forum has downloaded the excel for me and sent over via e-mail. Same troubles as per direct download. Tibs, have you tried downloading them? Just curious.


I'll send you an e-mail, as well, but I know that you've been busy and haven't had a chance to review e-mails often…I sent you one on BGG's site too the other day. Anyway, regarding your question, my girlfriend looked at the google spreadsheet and determined that unfortunately, you can't do what you want to do in terms of maintaining the highlighted areas while using the pivot table. Sorry.


Anyway, I can copy-paste values from small blocks of cells, so, I created a template and put in the cells the values from the on-lin sheet (not very practical, though, so, in case there is a way to fix this…)

Anyway, there is no more "most common rumors" table, but these values should be somewhere. Is it possible to have the table visible?
