Hello everyone! As many of you know or have seen, forum Ancient One MCFlainez used to run a site where he'd collect user-submitted Arkham game results. Occasionally he would post summaries of these submissions in the form of Arkham stats reports.
Well, since MCFlainez was lost in time and space years ago, I've taken it upon myself to carry the torch.
You can submit your Arkham Horror sessions at this site:
Arkham Horror Statistics – Submission form
On the 1st of every month (computer access permitting), I will update this stats summary page:
Arkham Horror Statistics Reports
You can view all the player submissions in cell format here:
Submissions to date
or in html-table format here:
Submissions (old format)
You're welcome to ask questions and make suggestions about the stats form in this thread. Since I've created the new Stats Report page, you can now ask for corrections in this thread, or you can email me at
Enjoy and happy gaming!