Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Hello everyone! As many of you know or have seen, forum Ancient One MCFlainez used to run a site where he'd collect user-submitted Arkham game results. Occasionally he would post summaries of these submissions in the form of Arkham stats reports.

Well, since MCFlainez was lost in time and space years ago, I've taken it upon myself to carry the torch.

You can submit your Arkham Horror sessions at this site:
Arkham Horror Statistics – Submission form

On the 1st of every month (computer access permitting), I will update this stats summary page:
Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

You can view all the player submissions in cell format here:
Submissions to date
or in html-table format here:
Submissions (old format)

You're welcome to ask questions and make suggestions about the stats form in this thread. Since I've created the new Stats Report page, you can now ask for corrections in this thread, or you can email me at .

Enjoy and happy gaming!

Stats report for 1/15/09:
(obsolete; deleted)

Has anyone won with "Join the Winning Team" yet?

Great work, man! Very fun and interesting to read!


Wow, thanks a lot for taking over and keeping up the great work, Tibs! aplauso.gif

That's quite a bit of interesting figures to digest. gran_risa.gif

What, no love for Marie? Dread curse + a .45 and that multi-appendaged freak becomes a stone cold killing machine.

I'm also surpirised that Glaaki has such a bad rep. Haven't played him yet, but he never seemed that tough.

Also I'm very much a fan of Bast. I don't think most realise that the ability to corral monsters where you want them is so amazingly useful.

Tibs said:

• Undefeated combos
These are combinations of Ancient Ones and Heralds that have been attempted at least once, but have not been won by the investigators:

  • Azathoth / Dark Pharaoh

Ah, man, I did Az + DP and did Join the Winning Team in that game partido_risa.gif !

Tibs said:

• Ways the Ancient One awoke
Number of reported games where the AO awoke a given way:

Call Ancient One spell 1

Darn, that's mine gran_risa.gif !

@ Criswell: I always use random investigators, so I can go long stretches without seeing a particular one.

IIRC, there have been 3 "failures" by "Joining the Winning Team." The reason I have it as "failure" is thematic, and the Azathoth / Dark Pharaoh thing I guess is just a consequence of that. Still, the investigators did not defeat Azathoth / Dark Pharaoh! In fact, Dam just doomed the world!

There has been one victory by "For the Greater Good" mission.

Marie is low on the chart because I accidentally replaced everyone's entries of Marie on the first 850 sessions with Diana. This also explains why Diana is in 2nd place. I was curious why Marie only had 10 submissions when characters from Kingsport had in the 50s. When I get to work I'll post the revision of that list.

In case anyone didn't notice, I added a "devoured by 0 sanity and stamina simultaneously" checkbox to the "special events" section.

(Deteled: obsolete)

Great stuff !

Would you have a statistics of the use of extensions (none, DH, DH+KH, etc... all possible combinations) and their success rates ? Just to see which extensions (or their combinations) really make the game more challenging. Thanks in advance.

(This is obsolete now: I've figured this stuff out.)

zeb said:

Great stuff !

Would you have a statistics of the use of extensions (none, DH, DH+KH, etc... all possible combinations) and their success rates ? Just to see which extensions (or their combinations) really make the game more challenging. Thanks in advance.

Unfortunately, I cannot do that. Apparently when you use an array function in Excel, you cannot use wildcards in your search parameters.
So I can't, for example, find out how many times Daisy was involved in a Victory, or how many Defeats used any given expansion, etc. I may not even be able to find out how many people used how many expansions.

In fact, I have to completely sort the results and re-enter the field parameters manually in order to find out that information about the Dunwich Horror herald increasing the chances of the Horror awakening.

If anyone who's an expert at Excel wants to give me some pointers on this matter, that would be great. In the meantime, there's not much more I can do, sorry.

Tibs said:

• Unattempted combos
These are combinations of Ancient Ones and Heralds that have not yet been attempted:

  • Yog-Sothoth / Dark Pharaoh*

*Seriously, guys? I'm surprised!

The next couple of games I was going to use base game + CotDP + Pharaoh herald, so I'll definitely give this combo a try!

Tibs said:

• Undefeated combos
These are combinations of Ancient Ones and Heralds that have been attempted at least once, but have not been won by the investigators:

  • Azathoth / Dark Pharaoh

That's another combo on my list (as is Ithaqua + Dark Pharaoh), since those are the two least often used GOOs for me so far.

Tibs said:

• Team size vs. Chance to win
Percent of games won by certain sized investigator teams:

Clearly we see a bell-curve pattern emerging here.

That fits my theory quite nicely! One of the players in my regular group firmly believes 'more players = easier game' - that'll show him gui%C3%B1o.gif

Tibs said:

• Special events
The number of games in which a given special event occured

Dual-Color OW battle 29

I wonder how many of these have actually been won? So far we've had no luck there, though we've been incredibly close once.

Edit: Did I mention I hate this editor?! How can you multiquote messages properly? Breaking up the quote blocks doesn't seem to work sad.gif

Well, I am myself a programmer, but I'd rather work with a Python script than with Excel macros. If you do not mind, is it possible to send me a copy of the table not only in Excel format, but also OpenDocument format (ODS) (Google should allow you to do this) ? I could write a parser in Python that would collect the stats and would then be reusable (I'll release them of course). I cannot do that this week-end unfortunately, but next week I can try it. Thanks.

zeb said:

Well, I am myself a programmer, but I'd rather work with a Python script than with Excel macros. If you do not mind, is it possible to send me a copy of the table not only in Excel format, but also OpenDocument format (ODS) (Google should allow you to do this) ? I could write a parser in Python that would collect the stats and would then be reusable (I'll release them of course). I cannot do that this week-end unfortunately, but next week I can try it. Thanks.


Be nice if this post could be fixed permenantly on the front page.

AndrewClarke said:

Be nice if this post could be fixed permenantly on the front page.

The thread never got stickied on the old forums, so I don't expect it to be here. Plus I can understand if it's not in FFG's best interest to sticky a thread that reveals the true difficulty of some of its characters. I mean, the analysis of Final Combat successes alone is kind of revealing.

In case anyone didn't see, I added a new checkbox to track which rumors you passed/failed.

I'm writing this sentence as of July 13, 2010, a year and a half after this was originally posted. Not only has this thread been stickied (obviously), but I just now noticed that FFG's own The Spaniard actually remarked on this thread! Awesome!

I was interested in the chances of each type of victory, so I extrapolated the following data. I assumed all loses were from the final battle.

So if you go in to seal Cthulhu you have about 51%, but if you don't you still have about 8% of defeating him in battle.

  • Name Win Seals /close Win Battle % Lose %
  • Azathoth 63.8% 0.0% 36.2%
  • Tsa 60.5% 2.2% 37.3%
  • Cthulhu 50.8% 8.2% 41.0%
  • Yog 55.0% 8.3% 36.7%
  • Yibb 56.7% 10.0% 33.3%
  • Atlach 29.7% 10.8% 59.5%
  • Eihort 59.3% 11.1% 29.6%
  • Y'golnac 34.9% 13.9% 51.2%
  • Shub 43.1% 20.0% 36.9%
  • Glaaki 23.5% 23.2% 53.3%
  • Ith 51.8% 24.9% 23.3%
  • Abhoth 28.1% 29.6% 42.3%
  • Shudde 26.7% 30.7% 42.6%
  • Hastur 35.2% 39.8% 25.0%
  • Narly 35.7% 40.9% 23.4%
  • Yig 16.3% 62.2% 21.5%
  • Average 41.9% 21.0% 37.1%

Holy crap Glaaki has some nasty %. Only Yig is tougher to seal sorpresa.gif . Not that Glaaki being a nasty bastard comes as a surprise to me.

Hi all! I'll be doing stats reports every 1st and 15th of the month (or closest work day afterwards). I'll also try to represent upsets in lists by using + and -.

• Stats report for 02/02/09:

(Deleted: obsolete)

It may be uneccessary, but I would like to see an option where you can differentiate between using a board expansion and using just the cards from a board expansion. For example, I may play a game with just the Arkham and Dunwich boards, but still used the Kingsport cards.

As a general rule, if you're using the Kingsport board, you're using KH. If you're using the Dunwich board, you're using DH, no matter what other components you're using from these expansions. If you're using the Next Act cards, you should consider checking the KiY box. Everything else is a gray area.

Using AOs/investigators from certain expansions, (most) heralds, guardians, Injury/Madness, or Epic battle does not necessarily mean you are using that expansion. Many components are designed to be integrated with the base game independently of most of the expansion's other components. Marie Lambeau against Shudde M'ell/King in Yellow/Nodens could very well be entered without checking any of the expansions boxes.

For the most part, it's up to the submitter's discretion. If you're using all the Gate and Location encounters from Curse of the Dark Pharaoh , but none of the Mythos cards, then are you really playing without Curse of the Dark Pharaoh?

Tibs said:

As a general rule, if you're using the Kingsport board, you're using KH. If you're using the Dunwich board, you're using DH, no matter what other components you're using from these expansions. If you're using the Next Act cards, you should consider checking the KiY box. Everything else is a gray area.

Using AOs/investigators from certain expansions, (most) heralds, guardians, Injury/Madness, or Epic battle does not necessarily mean you are using that expansion. Many components are designed to be integrated with the base game independently of most of the expansion's other components. Marie Lambeau against Shudde M'ell/King in Yellow/Nodens could very well be entered without checking any of the expansions boxes.

For the most part, it's up to the submitter's discretion. If you're using all the Gate and Location encounters from Curse of the Dark Pharaoh , but none of the Mythos cards, then are you really playing without Curse of the Dark Pharaoh?

Well the main reason I wanted to include this was because of a theory I've been throwing around in my head. As my group claims (and as these statistics seem to proove) four players is the ideal number to play with. Now if you used both boards, the game would effectively could as four players. So you would still have the five players but you wouldn't be spawning two monsters at each gate and you would count as four. Mainly I would like to see how playing with 5 players and both boards stacks up to playing with just four players and playing with just five players.

Also, the Yog-Sothoth/Ghroth undefeated combo has been defeated! My team of 9 investigators beat that tonight with a closing victory. We lucked out on the mythos which threw gates at the locations we had sealed. All the gates that did open tended to draw in an investigator which was the main thing keeping us from a sealing victory (plus the clue tokens are spread much thinner with 9 players). We also had the extreme luck of drawing two Eltdown Shards with out initial draw. Combined with Wendy's Elder Sign, we were able to effectively counter-act Ghroth's biggest benefit and start in a good position.

Acebob said:

Also, the Yog-Sothoth/Ghroth undefeated combo has been defeated! My team of 9 investigators beat that tonight with a closing victory.

Nice! And that also will be the first 9-investigator game of the stats then.

I was waiting for the 9p game to get submitted!

To address your point, I could generate a separate set of investigator-size-driven stats for games that involved both boards. I don't think I'd want to do this too often, because it would generate a lot more space. But checking it out once might be neat.


Wow, and you managed to get all 9 characters to the Hospital to counter the Virulent Disease rumor. Bravo.

Zeb, do you have any of your info on hand?

Which combination of expansions was most common? Which was most difficult?

Tibs said:

Zeb, do you have any of your info on hand?

Which combination of expansions was most common? Which was most difficult?

I sent you this morning a new output of the script I made, that can calculate most of the stats you publish there, plus the expansion combinations of course. I hope you'll like it. However I'd prefer to be up-to-date and recalculate the data, so if you could please send me the latest data (in ODS format) then I could send you the latest stats.

Then if you want I can post the results and my little analysis I sent you by email.