Sorry for the repeat of a couple aliens, I was using them to cut and paste to get the format right.
Home Brew Powers-- a dedicated thread
The Warp said:
Fear not... I have them on track for inclusion... I just got sidetracked by tons of stuff over the last several days. I will also be popping in other aliens that were put on this thread, using people's Forum ID unless they prefer their names (in which case, just let me know).
I just emailed you with my real name for credit should you include my aliens.
MarkHB said:
The Warp said:
Fear not... I have them on track for inclusion... I just got sidetracked by tons of stuff over the last several days. I will also be popping in other aliens that were put on this thread, using people's Forum ID unless they prefer their names (in which case, just let me know).
I just emailed you with my real name for credit should you include my aliens.
I don't seem to have this email... but then, I have a ridiculously aggressive spam filter... it eats everything. I generally have to see an OBVIOUS subject line, and then I make a Rule that auto drops all future emails from a person in my Warp folder (or wherever). Send it again, and I will keep my eyes peeeled.
jack @ redamedia . com (minus all the spaces)
Resent. The original subject line (and I can see how your spam filter might have grabbed this) started with "Credit for my aliens"; now it's just "FFG Homebrew thread (Resent)". My email address starts with my screenname. Thanks!
OK, what kind of editor tries to require a popup window to do a freaking Paste?
DETERRENT [O:Warp] Plays an Attack card for Each Ally - Jack Reda
You have the power to Discourage. As a main player, you may use this power to play one attack for each ally you have, face up (you must have enough attack cards for each of your allies). Your opponent may then surrender, giving you an automatic win. If this happens, you must give your played attack cards to your allies. Your ships coexist with your opponent's on the defensive planet if you were attacking. If you were defending, your opponent and his or her allies return their ships to their colonies. If your opponent does not surrender, proceed with the encounter; your attack cards add together. If you are Cosmic Zapped, you put the attack cards back in your hand and play one normally.
History: Stockpiling weapons for many generations, the Deterrents garnered a reputation as destructive and reckless. The display of force that ever accompanies the Deterrents serves as a warning to others of the potential retaliation that awaits any force foolish enough to engage them. The only solace the Deterrents have in their overwrought existence is the knowledge that they will not go down alone.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Combat type power.
Wild: Show this flare to a player that tries to Cosmic Zap you. They may change their mind and keep their artifact. If they do not, they lose the use of their power for the remainder of this encounter.
Super: You may play one additional attack card when playing your deterrents. If your opponent surrenders, you keep one of the attack cards and give the others to your allies.
Deterrent is interesting, a nice combat power, but how would it be decided which ally gets what card (s)? Do you assign it when it's played or deal them randomly?
By the way Jack, have you had an opportunity to critique my 3 aliens at the bottom of page 5. I think I'm getting a bit closer to the feel of the game, but if you have any feedback it would be greatly appreciated.
I should be up to date on this thread for aliens.... although I haven't added Child yet... I wanted to see if there will be clarifications or a new version.
As for Deterrent- he decides which ally gets which card.
ON ANOTHER NOTE.... I was thinking we might want to have a separate sticky thread called "Homebrew Lab" or something, where we chew on ideas and tweak them till they are as good as they can be... and we can compare them with other, similar aliens that are already in the database... I don't expect anyone to be 100% familiar with all of them (even I am not THAT whacked).... but there's a chance someone here has read something that rings a bell.
One thing that might be helpful (and that would be a great addition to The Warp's data on powers) is what game assets the powers affect. We already have a couple of categories (Rules, Combat, Meta), but is there a definition that you go by, Jack, when you assign these types to powers?
This would help us to quickly scan through the database and see if a power is duplicated/similar.
Nice one, Jack.
I like how Deterrent's power is linked to allies. It makes good thematic sense, and also creates a unique game play interaction (at least I think it's unique -- I haven't read all 1200+ powers on the warp either).
Some ally-based powers are weak because the potential allies are basically controlling whether you get to use your power. But this one gets around that problem (at least partially) with the rule that you give cards to them, thus providing an extra incentive for people to join you. Then again, you can dump bad cards on them too, but you have to be careful about abusing that ability or you won't have allies in the future.
The Wild Flare is cool too, with a different perspective on the "deterrent" concept. Well designed all around.
Here's the general rule of thumb I use for categorizing the aliens (and it was culled from Gerald Katz' system- though I have fiddled with it some):
Combat: this is for an alien whose power essentially directly helps a player to win an encounter (Virus, Anti-Matter, Deuce...)
Resource: this if for aliens that get you things like cards or ships from the warp (or Lucre) (Barbarian, Filch, Vulch...)
Rules: this is for aliens that change the way you do something in the game (Dictator, Machine, Oracle...)
Meta: these are aliens that make use of other aliens (Plant, Reincarnator, Pentaform...)
Provided, many aliens kind of blur the lines.... and some of the aliens on the Warp were categorized by people other than me, so I might disagree with how they are categorized (and there are undoubtedly a few miscategorized ones in there).
As for the Experience level... this too was something that Gerald Katz started with his Power of the Day on rec.boardgames.ce, and we've been using it for awhile. I've tried to squeeze the FFG experience level in there too, but I think that FFG's red, yellow, green system is not completely about the experience level of the user... it is also about the effect an alien has on the game (although that still does correlate to how well a novice player can adjust to it). For example, I think Virus is a simple concept to grasp, and new users love playing Virus... the reason it is a Red Alert alien (or Expert on The Warp) is because it is hard for new players to grasp a strategy for dealing with Virus as an opponent... new players having Virus in the game may create an undesirable gaming experience that turns a player off of CE. You need a few games under your belt before you see how to work on defeating an alien like that. As a result, not all the Viruses in the database are Expert level. I'll probably change that one of these days.
Here are a few remakes of previous powers in TheWarp to make them better and/or more FFG-friendly:
CELL (M:FFGfo) Merges Or Splits Planets. Christopher Oliveira [Don't add these brackets to description. This power was formerly known as Velcro, but that's a lame name]
You have the power of Attachment. As a winning main player, you may merge the planet you attacked or defended with 1 of the planets next to it or you may split the planet in to 2 planets. All tokens on both planets are placed on merged planets should you merge; you decide how to divide the tokens among the 2 planets resulting from a split should you split. If you lose your power all merged and split planets remain merged or split.
History: A species of more advanced and sentient organisms where 2 individuals can merge into 1 and 1 individual can split into 2, the Cells find it natural to do the same with planets.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.
Wild: On the first challenge of your turn, instead of making a challenge, you may split a planet where you have a base in the selected system. This is considered an successful challenge.
Super: As a winning main player, after/instead of using your power, you may chose any player's hand to split or merge including yourself. If you chose to merge a hand, select a player and a player adjacent to him, they must then combine their cards, shuffle, and then be dealt out to each other as evenly as possible. If you chose to split a hand, the chosen player must chose at random half of his hand rounded up and give it to an adjacent player. If you merge your own hand with an adjacent player you may look at and chose half of the combined cards to be your hand, give the unwanted other half to the adjacent player. If you split your own hand you may chose which half is kept and which is given to an adjacent player.
WRAITH (M:FFGfo) Has Unknown Number Of Ships. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Invisibility. At the game setup, remove your colony tracker from the game. Instead of placing ships on your home worlds, you instead place Specter tokens on your planets in any way you want. First grab any amount of 1,2,3, and 4 value tokens until you have reached a total of 20 in value, now show them to all the players so they know you do not have any more or less than 20 total ships in value on your home worlds. Now you must arrange the tokens on your planets face-down so no one can see what your ships values are on your planets, but in such a way that every planet has a total of 4 ships value of tokens, no matter how many tokens it takes to achieve that. You now show all other players 8 tokens of 0 value that were not in the game, you must place 2 of them on each of your planets.
As an offensive main player or ally you may place as many of your tokens from your colonies as you like, provided the total doesn't exceed 4 in value, including 0 value tokens, you can also put only 0 value tokens in. Only when encounter cards are revealed do you flip over your tokens for players to know what you put into the encounter, after totals are added, you must flip them back over. All lost tokens go to the warp, even 0 value ones, but still face-down. Whenever you take a token from the Warp it must be shown to all players.
Whenever you show your true ship count by flipping over your tokens on offense or defense or when removing one form the Warp, you may replace any or all of your tokens that have a value between 1 and 4 with any tokens not in the game, as long as it adds to the same total, and you may add to them a 0 value token not in the game. Original tokens are set aside from the game, tokens now in the game are flipped over after they are shown.
If you lose your power, place ships onto all your colonies and into the Warp for the total value of your Wraith tokens; remove the tokens from the game until you regain your power. Put your colony tracker back into the game. If you regain your power after this, repeat the process from game setup, only with the total value in ships that you currently have, placing the 8 0 value tokens wherever you want.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.
History: The first colonists to the Wraith home system landed on its planets and discovered a fully-functioning civilization without any apparent citizenry. When the entire expedition was wiped out the following year, only one answer made sense. Since then, generations of scientists have labored unsuccessfully to make the Wraiths visible. Some say that the entire species is a figment of the Universe's collective imagination.
Wild: As a main player this turn after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this to make all Reinforcements played added to your side alone.
Super: Your hand is now Invisible. You are considered to have 0 cards in your hand for all other players and they cannot interact with your hand in any way. Your home planets are invisible, all other players must draw a Wild or Special destiny card to encounter you on your home planets.
Here are some new ideas I've had:
JESTER (M:FFGfo) Interchanges Ships And Cards. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Frivolity. At any time where you are required to lose ships to the Warp, you may instead discard a card of you choice for each ship you would normally lose. You can chose to lose both ships and cards in this way. If you lose on defense and chose to sacrifice cards, your ships must be moved to a different colony of yours. At any time where you are required to lose or discard cards, you may instead pick and chose any of your ships from any of your colonies and send them to the Warp. You may lose both cards and ships this way. If you are forced to discard your hand for a lack of encounter cards and use this power, for each sacrificed ship, set aside a card that must be discarded, the rest must be discarded as normal. Now add any set-aside cards to your new 8 card hand. You cannot use this power to keep a card discarded after use by sacrificing a ship for it.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Resources Power.
History: Maniacal laughter fills the hollow void of the cosmos when the eccentric Jesters show up. It seems they have little regard for their own resources and well-being, and nonchalantly exchange this for that with a smile on their faces and a terrifying chuckle. Could it be that laughter is the best medicine for universal domination?
Wild: If a player takes consolation from your hand or from a deal, he must lose a ship to the Warp for each card taken. If this card is Zapped you may sacrifice 3 ships of your choice to the Warp to keep the card, but it is still Zapped.
Super: After Alliances have been decided in any encounter, you use your power against any one player involved in this encounter. You dictate how much of each in ships and/or cards must be lost. The player discards cards at random and chooses which ships to send to the Warp. This applies to each instance the player would lose cards or ship this encounter. This may be used in addition to your personal use of your power for yourself. This power cannot be used to allow another player to keep a card after use by sacrificing a ship for it.
BANE (M:FFGfo) Reverses Opponent's Power. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Counter. Whenever you are a main player and your opponent uses his power, use this power to reverse his power into a weakness. ex: Virus's ships now divide instead of multiply, Cudgel loses double the amount of ships he put in if he loses, Mind gets his hand looked at by you, Tick-Tock adds another token to himself, etc. Reverse the person it is used on, the person effected, etc. If the power is not one that can be reversed, use this power to Cosmic Zap your opponent.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.
History: Ever the cosmic killjoys, the Bane seek to nullify and stabilize the universe through forcing their unruly enemies to crush themselves. These galactic party-poopers have made an art out of being boring and unimaginative, and would rather envision a more homogenous cosmos.
Wild: You may use this when your opponent uses a Wild flare to reverse the power of the flare if possible. Otherwise, use this to Zap his flare.
Super: Whenever you use your power, any of your opponent's allies will have their powers reversed if used, or Zapped if unable to be reversed; any Super flares used by your opponent and his allies will also be reversed if possible, if not then they are also Zapped.
There are also some powers from TheWarp that honestly should be removed because they are repeats. Two of them so far are Hypocrite and Renegade, because they do the exact same thing as the Super Lunatic flare. Lunatic encompasses the Hypocrite entirely and adds more to him while being the opposite of Renegade in which effect is normal and what is a Super Flare. I would keep either Renegade or the Lunatic which is better in my opinion, and remove the others for redundancy sake and a smaller, cleaner site.
If I find other redundant powers I will notify you.
One thing that would make looking at power on TheWarp 10x better is if you put the ability to search powers by words. Not just the name of the power, but any power that includes a specific word that is searched for will pop up. This would REALLY help annihilate duplicate aliens and clean a ton of the clutter, as well as making it easier to find an alien you remeber the skill of but not the name among the 1200+ powers.
A more flexible search is on the menu... in the meantime, I just bring everything up and do a normal find on a word or phrase....
As to duplicates... yes, they are a couple - but many, while similar, aren't necessarily exact... I don't mind having them in there... they were usually the product of people from different times and places that didn't have the luxury of looking up every idea someone else had... with the new ones that get posted here on this forum, I try to point out when one is too much like an existing one (and other people have done the same). I also want to avoid having separate entries for one person's revision of another person's idea (though revision ideas for published aliens is all right by me). I'd prefer if mutual collaboration were employed... if you can't contact the peson, then I'm fine with having the separate entry and putting something in the notes that mentions the original author and info.
BULL [M:TG] Takes Over Others’ Encounters
You have the power to butt in . When a destiny card is drawn, take the card and place it on your alien sheet.
When any player other than you flips a destiny card that matches your held destiny card, use this power to become the offensive player for the encounter. The encounter proceeds as normal, except you are the offense as opposed to the player whose turn it is. The outcome of the encounter is still used to determine whether the player whose turn it is gets a second encounter. You do not take a ship from the warp when you butt in; if you have no ships with which to attack, you cannot use your power. Once the encounter is over, discard your held destiny card. The turn order resumes where it left off. You then restart the process.
History: The Bulls have never been able to leave well enough alone, and have always (whether provoked or not) charged straight into a situation. Unable to resist the allure of combat, they must attack once the flag flutters - whether they like it or not.
Wild: You may choose to use the destiny card on the discard pile, instead of drawing a new one.
Super: Once you butt in, you may attack any player of your choice.
This is an Expert and Rules power.
Comments: You know the myth how bulls become enraged etc when they see a red flag? Same idea here, once the destiny comes up, Bull must take over the encounter.
JESTER (M:FFGfo) Interchanges Ships And Cards. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Frivolity . At any time where you are required to lose ships to the Warp, you may instead discard a card of you choice for each ship you would normally lose. You can chose to lose both ships and cards in this way. If you lose on defense and chose to sacrifice cards, your ships must be moved to a different colony of yours. At any time where you are required to lose or discard cards, you may instead pick and chose any of your ships from any of your colonies and send them to the Warp. You may lose both cards and ships this way. If you are forced to discard your hand for a lack of encounter cards and use this power, for each sacrificed ship, set aside a card that must be discarded, the rest must be discarded as normal. Now add any set-aside cards to your new 8 card hand. You cannot use this power to keep a card discarded after use by sacrificing a ship for it.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced . This is a Resources type power.
History: Maniacal laughter fills the hollow void of the cosmos when the eccentric Jesters show up. It seems they have little regard for their own resources and well-being, and nonchalantly exchange this for that with a smile on their faces and a terrifying chuckle. Could it be that laughter is the best medicine for universal domination?
Wild: If a player takes consolation from your hand or from a deal, he must lose a ship to the Warp for each card taken. If this card is Zapped you may sacrifice 3 ships of your choice to the Warp to keep the card, but it is still Zapped.
Super: After Alliances have been decided in any encounter, you use your power against any one player involved in this encounter. You dictate how much of each in ships and/or cards must be lost. The player discards cards at random and chooses which ships to send to the Warp. This applies to each instance the player would lose cards or ship this encounter. This may be used in addition to your personal use of your power for yourself. This power cannot be used to allow another player to keep a card after use by sacrificing a ship for it.
BANE (M:FFGfo) Reverses Opponent's Power. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power to Counter . Whenever you are a main player and your opponent uses his power, use this power to reverse his power into a weakness. ex: Virus's ships now divide instead of multiply, Cudgel loses double the amount of ships he put in if he loses, Mind gets his hand looked at by you, Tick-Tock adds another token to himself, etc. Reverse the person it is used on, the person effected, etc. If the power is not one that can be reversed, use this power to Cosmic Zap your opponent.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice . This is a Rules type power.
History: Ever the cosmic killjoys, the Bane seek to nullify and stabilize the universe through forcing their unruly enemies to crush themselves. These galactic party-poopers have made an art out of being boring and unimaginative, and would rather envision a more homogenous cosmos.
Wild : You may use this when your opponent uses a Wild flare to reverse the power of the flare if possible. Otherwise, use this to Zap his flare.
Super: Whenever you use your power, any of your opponent's allies will have their powers reversed if used, or Zapped if unable to be reversed; any Super flares used by your opponent and his allies will also be reversed if possible, if not then they are also Zapped.
LUMINE (M:FFGfo) Choses Cards From Deck. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Insight . When drawing a new hand of cards, you may look through the remaining deck and make an 8 card hand of your own choosing. Whenever you are entitled to cards from the deck you may chose whichever ones you want. You may not change the order of the cards.
Notes : The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced . This is a Rules type power.
History: The incredibly powerful mental and spiritual energy the Lumine exude has been known to intimidate lesser races who have even though about fighting against them. These beings practically create their own worlds and are never left in the dark nor are unprepared for cosmic battles of dominance. It is even said that some of these beings can manipulate entire events of history should they be given the chance...
Wild: You may look through the pickup pile at the beginning of any player's encounter once, but must keep cards in exact order.
Super: Whenever you are a main player in an encounter and your opponent draws a new hand, is entitled to compensation or gains any cards from the deck, you choose which cards from the deck are received.
ARBITER (M:FFGfo) Gets Players To Help Change Rules. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Persuasion . At any time during any players turn you may effect any outcome you desire to happen if you can successfully get a majority of players to agree with you, once. This can include but is not limited to: a certain player automatically losing a fight or winning it, despite cards played, denial of offensive or defensive rewards, removal of a colony, more or less ships moved to or from the Warp. Possibilities include anything that will not create an instant win and will not allow any player to gain or lose more than one colony in a turn. This power cannot be used to effect any turn other than the one it is used on and can only effect one player. If you successfully persuade the majority to your opinion, gain one Persuasion token and then enact the agreed upon decision. On any of your offensive encounters after Alliances are made but before encounter cards are played you may discard a Persuasion token to take 3 cards at random from you opponent's hand and discard the ones you don't want. You may discard 2 tokens after encounter cards are revealed to force a deal. After Destiny is decided you may discard 3 tokens to gain a colony on any planet of that color, this counts as a successful encounter.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert . This is a Rules type power.
History: The Arbiters are quite the talkers; gifted with golden mouths, literally. These mineral-based beings are so skilled in the art of manipulation, they have honed it to a fine degree, and convince their enemies to destroy themselves. Stirring up trouble for their own profit is second-nature to the Arbiters, all the while feigning neutrality in the Cosmic Encounter.
Wild: On a turn in which you are not a main player, you may threaten a player to give you a certain amount of ships from the Warp, a colony, or a certain number of cards from his hand or else his power is zapped this turn.
Super: You only need half of the players to agree with you to gain a new token.
MORPHEUS O:Warp: Copies Played Cards
Game Setup: Place 4 Cosmic Tokens plus 1 for each player in the game on your alien sheet.
You have the power to Morph. When another player plays a card from the Encounter deck, you may use this power to remove a token from your sheet. Instead of putting the card in the discard pile or back to a player's hand, place the card in front of you. It does not count as part of your hand, but you may play it at any time as if it were. Once played, it is discarded. You may only have one "morphed" card in front of you at a time.
History: Suffering from generations of low self-esteem, the Morpheus prefer to live vicariously through others - taking on their appearance, characteristics, and behavior. Only through succeeding in the footsteps of those they admire more than themselves do the Morpheus begin to see their own worth. Once they reach a state of true pride, surely they will have no one left to emulate.
Author: Jack Reda
Type: Rules
Experience: Advanced
Wild: You may turn your encounter card into a Morph card.
Super: You may have two "morphed" cards face up in front of you at a time.
So in a 5 player game, you would have 9 uses of this power. After that, you're normal again?
Big Head Zach said:
So in a 5 player game, you would have 9 uses of this power. After that, you're normal again?
Correct.... Morpheus has to be methodical in the use of his power. Not only deliberate about when he uses it to get a card, but also when to use that card.... he can't just drop it when he sees a better card- he needs to have "played" that "morphed" card, because he can only "remorph" at the time another player plays their card... he doesn't just sort through the discard pile to find one he likes. I feel like 4 + x number of players is a decent number of uses. In a 4 player game it would be equivalent to one hand of preferred cards. Certainly cards like Cosmic Zap and Card Zap are great candidates... and when someone plays a 40, it's nice to be able to also take advantage of it. I expect in most games Morpheus won't even be able to use up all of his tokens, since he'll want to wait for a really good card, or a card that counters specific aliens well. Plus, when he does get a good card, he can sit in front of him as a deterrent until he does use it. For the purposes of an encounter card, it does sit face up until he wants to play it... at which point he would turn it face down in the planning phase... everyone knows what he played, but that won't bother him too much. Taking an encounter card someone else plays will occur at resolution, just before it goes to discard. And yes, Morpheus can take a flare. At the point when it would be returned to the player's hand, it goes face up in front of Morpheus. When he plays it, it also does NOT return to his hand, but is discarded.
This is a revision of the Cosmic Encounter Online Martian to give him some flares and to make him better all around and more in line with FFG.
MARTIAN [M:FFGfo] Immune To Other Powers. Christopher Oliveira (Revision)
You have the power of reality . No Alien Power of any other player in the game can be used to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively. This includes Parasite allying with you, Tick-Tock losing a token upon your successful defense, Human allying with or against you, Oracle trying to make you play an encounter card face up, etc.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice . This is a Rules type power.
History: Often thought to be nothing more than imaginary "little green men", the Martians in time showed what they really were. The universe and all its fury seemingly has no effect on this primitive race, and they march on undaunted by all the other beings that share the expanse of space with them on towards cosmic mastery.
Wild: No Artifact of any other player in the game can be used to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively.
Super: No Flare can be used by any other player in the game to effect you in any way whether positively or negatively.
PHOTON O:Warp: Plays a Card from the Discard Pile
You have the power to Disperse. As a main player in an encounter, before cards are played, you may use this power to discard your hand and search through the discard pile for any encounter card to play.
History: A singularly focused intelligence, the Photons have evolved with an obsession for maintaining a symmetry at every point in spacetime. They consume massive amounts of energy in order to find equilibrium between an outcome in the past with one in the future. The Photons are unable to concern themselves with creature comforts - the dispersal of their own belongings factors into the overall equation. Those things they rid themselves of now will play their roles in time.
Author: Jack Reda
Type: Combat
Experience: Advanced
Wild: As an ally, you may search through the discard pile for a reinforcement to play in this encounter.
Super: When you discard your hand to use your power, you may keep any non-encounter cards that were in your hand.
Comments: Photon is definitely not a power that hoards cards. At the cost of tossing everything, he can draw a known quantity. As a result, Photon can feel like he'll never have a "bad" hand. If he has good cards, he can avoid using his power. Photon also never has to worry much about aliens like Hacker, Mite and Barbarian.
Here are some Tech-based powers and a regular one.
COLLOID [M:FFGfo] . Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Homogeny . No one is allowed to place any ships towards researching Tech unless you do so first during the same encounter.
Restrictions: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice . This is a Rules type power.
History: After many eons these mercury-based beings have found a way to become one with the universe. The Colloid are able to control the use of machinery by bonding with it secretly for as long as they desire, rendering it all useless until they decide to act suddenly against their enemies.
Wild: Once during each encounter you may chose a player who puts a ship towards researching his Tech and instead put that ship into the Warp.
Super: No other player may have any more Tech cards then you do being researched or owned.
WARMONGER [M:FFGfo] Uses Tech As Weaponry. Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Demolition . As a main player after alliances have been made but before encounter cards are played you may declare a "demolition". When doing so discard one of you Tech cards. For each ship you had on it, or whatever the value or it is as a fully researched Tech, send that many ships from your opponent in the encounter to the Warp and the same amount for each of his allies. Only ships directly involved in the encounter are effected. The encounter then continues as normal. If he still wins the encounter without ships he cannot gain a colony as offense and loses his colony as defense. Also when using demolition as the offensive main player all ships on the defending planet are effected as well as the defending allies. Even if the same player has a colony on the planet and has ship in the defense, he loses and equal number of ships from each as if it were 2 different players.
Restrictions: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced . This is a Combat type power.
History: In the world of progress and intelligent responsibility, the Warmongers are looked down upon for their extravagant waste of technology and virulent worldview. They do not see it the same way. The Warmonger's moto is "everything is a weapon", and they employ this philosophy to the most destructive degree.
Wild: As an offensive main player after alliances are made but before encounter cards are played you may declare a "demolition" and discard your Tech. Your main opponent must send ships to the Warp equal to the amount of ships researching your Tech or its value as completed, his allies must send the same amount. Only ships directly involved in the encounter are effected. The encounter then continues as normal. If he still wins the encounter without ships he loses his colony as defense. Also all ships on the defending planet are effected as well as the defending allies. Even if the same player has a colony on the planet and has ship in the defense, he loses and equal number of ships from each as if it were 2 different players.
Super: During any encounter after alliances have been made but before encounter cards are played, you may sabotage one of the main player's Techs of your choice declaring "sabotage". They discard it and then for each ship researching the Tech or whatever its value as completed is, send that many of that main player's ships on his side to the Warp, and also each of his allies. Only ships directly involved in the encounter are effected. The encounter then continues as normal. If he still wins the encounter without ships he cannot gain a colony as offense and loses his colony as defense. Also when using "sabotage" against the defensive main player all ships on the defending planet are effected as well as the defending allies. Even if the same player has a colony on the planet and has ship in the defense, he loses and equal number of ships from each as if it were 2 different players.
FUSION [M:FFGfo] Wins With Completed Techs. Christopher Oliveira (Tech)
You have the power of Construction . At the beginning of any player's regroup phase if you have completed Techs in your possession equal to the number of players +1, use this power to automatically win. You may still win by the normal method.
Restrictions: Use only in a game with Tech.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.
History: One of the most intuitive and clever races in all the cosmos, the Fission are strangely reclusive and stay out of most skirmishes and major battles. Unbeknownst to the rest of the intergalactic world is that they are secretly building a super weapon of war out of many high tech parts that can eliminate entire galaxies...
Wild: At the beginning of your turn you may discard as many Reinforment cards as you desire and place that many of your ships on any Tech you are reasearching.
Super: Whenever you win an encounter as a main player you may place as many ships as you desire that you had involved in that encounter onto a Tech you are researching.
SADIST [M:FFGfo] Send Ships To Warp To Win. Christopher Oliveira
You have the power of Pain . Whenever you send ships to the Warp as the main player in an encounter or by use of a Flare or Artifact, use this power to receive a token. At the beginning of any player's regroup phase if you have tokens equal to the amount of players besides yourself x25 you win automatically. If you are using 4 planets then it is tokens equal to the amount of players x20. You may still win via the normal method.
Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced . This is a Rules type power.
History: A civilization that glorifies pain and pleasure in primal, brutal rituals; the Sadists barely manage to keep their own race alive. Desiring to spread their worship across the universe, these beings enter the cosmic encounter with peering eyes and blood on their hands, and desire only to kill as many living things as possible.
Wild: Whenever you send another player's ships to the Warp, you may draw one card from the Deck for each player during each instance.
Super: You may use your power as an ally.
Messianic said:
Apologies if this has been created before. A quick search in The Warp database didn't find anything.
HAZE Realigns the hyperspace gate
You have the power of hazy targetting
Game setup : All planets must be arranged in a continuous circle, with an obvious left and right planet. If a planet is removed from play, the planets originally to the left and right become adjacent. If a new planet is placed in a system, it must be placed between two planets, of which at least one is in that system.
When the hyperspace gate is aimed at a planet, you may use this power to change the target to an adjacent planet. This may change the defensive main player.
Restriction : Use only in a game with individual planet tiles.
History : Evolving on a planet with a lot of mist, the Haze often took advantage of the poor visibility to avoid potential predators. Now they hope to use their skills to sow confusion amongst the other races of the universe.
Wild : When the hyperspace gate is aimed at one of your planets, you may redirect it to an adjacent planet in your home system.
Super : You may change a target up to two planets in either direction instead of just one.
Quick question: how many of these powers have been used before? For me, it's fun on occasion to think up random powers, but I've only written up one and I haven't used it yet. Do you all use your powers before you post them or just think up interesting ideas and put them up for other people to use?