Home Brew Powers-- a dedicated thread

By Saizo, in Cosmic Encounter - Fan Variants

I like Harbinger quite a bit... I edited the wording a little in the database entry to read "All other players need one more foreign colony than normal in order to win"... or something to that effect- so it doesn't name a specific number (in case people are playing 4 bases to win, or some other variant).

I would suggest adding something to the Super that maybe forces Harbinger to reveal the card when he gets it... The old Miser wild was exactly the same (win with one fewer bases), but it was changed in two subsequent publishings because people felt the sneaky win you couldn't do anything about cuz you didn't know anyone had the card was kind of a cheap way to win.

Messianic said:

DIRGE [M:FFGfo] Gains turns when losing Christopher Oliveira

At first I read this as one sentence, as if the player had to lose Christopher Oliveira to gain a turn. True story.

The Warp said:

oatesatm said:

MANTIS (Devours Opponent's Encounter Cards)

Mantis is probably a little too close to Chronos, which I expect we'll see in an upcoming release (it's a classic alien that's been around awhile.

Man, I tried so hard to come up with something unique, but not unrealistic according to the spirit of the game. Thanks for checking it out, maybe I should try to get more acquainted with everything that's out there because the FFG version is my first. I guess it's back to the drawing board.

Adam said:

Messianic said:

DIRGE [M:FFGfo] Gains turns when losing Christopher Oliveira

At first I read this as one sentence, as if the player had to lose Christopher Oliveira to gain a turn. True story.

I also read it that way and looked up and down the alien trying to figure out who/what Christopher Oliveira was. I personally have a habit of trying to mod myself into a game, so it wasn't totally out the realm for me, I just wouldn't expect someone to post it, so I thought it was funny ... until I realized I was reading it wrong.

The good part about making up an alien that is already in the game is that you're at least thinking along the right lines.

The first list of aliens to check out would probably be the list with Mayfair as Author: redamedia.com/warp/anypower.php3

It includes all of the Eon aliens and quite a few additional ones... and even the Eon aliens they modified are close enough to the original to give you an idea of what it's supposed to do (Doppelganger is the most significanly changed alien, and I have my own revision of it as well).

After that, I'd recommend perusing Matt Stone's aliens, and Gerald Katz (and mine!). Probably best to skip over the "themed" aliens at first since I doubt we'll be seeing those for some time.

Check out the Bizarro while you're at it. ;)

I was trying to type it out the way it appears in the Warp, sorry for the confusion, I'll reprint the last two ones with my name underlined to make it easier on peeps along with a bunch of new suggestions. Feel free to edit the notes to your knowledge of the game Jack if you think the power is of a different type or requires a different skill level. If any of these powers are ripoffs please let me know as well. Thanks.

ZENITH [M:FFGfo] Ignores certain players. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power to Shun. At the beginning one of your offensive encounters, after receiving a ship from the Warp, declare a certain player to be shunned and give them your Shun token. A shunned player cannot attack, use their power against directly or indirectly, ally with or against you, or play any card that would directly or indirectly effect you. You cannot encounter this player and they cannot encounter you; another Destiny card must be drawn. You do not have to change who you shun each turn you have. A shunned player can Cosmic Zap you to un-shun himself. Do not use in a 2 player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may stop any one player from receiving any kind of rewards as an offensive or defensive ally.

Super: A shunned player is effectively out of the game unless he is a main player or an ally.

History: The Zenith have expanded their Psionic gifting to such a high degree that they virtually shield themselves from those they deem to be inferior. This has quickly led them to taking over their mostly gas giant solar system, where even adverse weather patterns are treated as non-existent.

ELITE [M:FFGfo] Controls resources. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power to Micro-manage. At the beginning of the game only you draw a hand of cards; this hand must be replenished to 8 cards at the end of every encounter. These cards effectively belong to all the players but are inaccessible unless they need to be. If you are the main player in an encounter you may choose an encounter card and play it face down, then give the hand to your main opponent who does the same. The hand goes back to you after his cards is played face down. Other cards such as edicts and flares may only be played by the player who is currently in possession of the hand. If you are not the main player in an encounter then you must give the hand of cards to the offensive main player first who will chose and play an encounter card face down, followed by the defensive main player, then the hand is returned to you. This power does not stop players from gaining cards of their own via their power or consolation or deals, but they can never draw a hand of their own even should they run out of their own cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Draw a hand of 8 cards of your own if you have no cards. You may use cards from either hand, but the Elite hand must go back to the Elite player whether or not you use a card from that hand.

Super: You may use this to force all other players to discard half of their cards at random, rounded up. These discarded card now become your own personal hand that is not shared with other players. You may use valid cards from either hand at any time when they are in your possession.

History: Very wealthy and powerful beings have devised a plan for universal domination. First they agreed to control the economy of every galaxy they can find, then they will plan on massive population reduction before the forced slavery begins...

DREADNOUGHT [M:FFGfo] Creates black holes. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Compression. Whenever you are a main player in an encounter, either after alliances have been made but before encounter cards have been played, or after encounter cards have been revealed, you may declare "Black Hole". All ships involved in the challenge are set aside in a special area, all cards used in the encounter are also set aside in the special area; both players effectively lose the encounter. When ever you wish to create a new black hole, all previous cards and ships must be returned to players who owned them, all ships return to bases and all cards return to player's hands.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: At the beginning of one of your offensive encounters you may chose one card from each of your opponent's hands at random and set them aside together, these cards are effectively removed from the game until you lose this card. When you lose this card all cards all returned to their original owners.

Super: Your ships are not set aside from the encounter and do not go to the Warp when you create a Black Hole. You may continually create Black Holes until you lose possession of this card. When you lose this card all ships and cards are returned to their original owners.

History: A very highly advanced race of aliens specializing in dimensional travel and combat, the Dreadnought are rarely seen on the battlefield. Perhaps this is because in dire times they can trap a few of themselves and enough of their enemies in alternate realities long enough to win a larger war raging outside...

OUTCAST [M:FFGfo] Covers star systems. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Outbreak. You do not have normal 20 ships at the start of the game, but instead have as many ships as their exist external planets in the game. You do not win the game by having a certain number of external bases; instead you win by having all of your tokens out of the Warp and on to all the external planets. You are only allowed to put one ship in the cone as a main player or ally and are only allowed to have one ship on each external planet. You are free to have as many as you want on home planets. You win any encounter in which you play an attack card in automatically; even if your opponent's total would normally win. You cannot lose your power by any means, and cannot be Cosmic Zapped.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may use this to win any encounter in which you play an attack card in automatically; even if your opponent's total would normally win. Discard this card.

Super: When you lose an encounter your ships do not go to the Warp but return to one of your homeworlds. If you have no ships to draw from the Warp at the beginning of your turn draw a card instead from the deck.

History: The Outcasts are not specifically a race of aliens on their own, but are a utopian community of rejects from all different alien homeworlds. These ones looked down upon have planned to reorganize the universe to be a harmonious place where rejection no longer exists by intermingling on all possible worlds.

ROMAN [M:FFGfo] Taxes ships on shared planets. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Imperialism. Whenever an offensive player begins their turn, and you have a ship on a planet in which the offensive player also has a ship, you may demand a card from him at random for each of his ships on each planet in which you both have ships. If the offensive player runs out of cards or does not have enough to pay his tax, he draws a new hand and his turn ends as a loss.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: If you are a main player in an encounter and your main opponents shares any colonies with you on any planet, take a card from him at random, if he then has no encounter cards, he must draw a new hand and loses the encounter.

Super: Whenever you begin your turn as the offensive main player you may also demand a card for each ship owned by every player who has ships on your homeworlds, for each homeworld.

History: The Roman legions slowly started to conquer the galaxies in their range of control and now desire to spread their influence as far as they can. All aliens that have been subjected to these beings have been force to pay tribute to their leaders and give worship to their gods.

MIRAGE [M:FFGfo] Creates false planets. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power to Deceive. Whenever an offensive main player wins an encounter in which you were not involved in, you may declare a "Mirage". The defensive main player returns his ships to his other colonies besides the one just lost, and the planet the offensive main player has just won is replaced with a false planet counting for no one and possessed by no one. The defensive main player now has an extra planet in his system and also an unoccupied homeworld. The offensive main player now has a colony on a "Mirage" planet that doesn't count towards a win for any player. When a "Mirage" planet becomes unoccupied it is removed from the game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: Whenever you lose cards as a result of a deal or consolation, or any power directly used against you by another player, draw a card for each one lost in this way.

Super: You may also use your power as a losing defensive main player.

History: Reptilian beings from a desert world, these creatures know the difference between reality and illusion. Watching other creatures in their world follow after sunstroke-induced deceptions, they learned of the weakness of a dehydrated mind. Unfortunately for their adversaries, the Mirage have developed their technology to mimic this effect, allowing them to confuse their attackers.

TITAN [M:FFGfo] Linked to lone homeworld. Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Presence. You do not have the normal amount of home worlds at the beginning of the game; instead you have only one huge home world in which you place all your ships. As a main player in an encounter your total amount of ships is equal to all your ships on your home world, instead of how many you put in the cone or have defending a colony, unless that total would be less.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Combat type power.

Wild: As a defensive main player your total amount of ships is equal to all your ships on your home planets, unless that total would be less.

Super: As a main player in an encounter your total amount of ships is equal to all your ships outside of the Warp, instead of how many you put in the cone or have defending a colony, unless that total would be less.

History: The Titan are beings of legend. Supposedly huge beings able to crush most other lifeforms with ease, they are actually normal-sized beings with immense power gained through a spiritual link to their galaxy-sized home world that is said to literal be their mother. The hearts of these beings are linked to each other in a mystic connection even they themselves do not understand.

Elite is a super neat idea, like a reverse Doppleganger. It's especially interesting to imagine him interacting with hand powers like Mind, Miser, Doppleganger, Aura, Mutant, etc. All of which could work in the same game as Elite but would have to use different strategies.

RAGNELL [M:TG] Ships Worth More As Allies

You have the power of friendship . As an ally, use this power for each of your ships to be worth 3. You may also make your ships subtract from the total if you wish. Your ships are worth 1 each for rewards (as usual).

In addition, as an ally, use this power for any Reinforcements you play to be worth 2 more than their original value.

History: The Ragnells are an extremely loyal race, and will give no sympathy to those they choose to be their enemies. All must prepare themselves if the Ragnells enter a battle to fight for their friends.

Wild: As an ally, once encounter cards are revealed, you may send up to 4 extra ships.

Super: You may ally with any number of ships you want (i.e. more than four).

This is an Expert and Combat power.

The subtract option seems like an unneccessary complication of the power, which is otherwise pretty neat. Only against Loser it would be helpful. Your ships would already subtract against Anti. Of course, maybe you're just trying to make the other side lose, but I don't think anyone would invite an alien/player willing to do that. It's a cool power though, similar in concept to Sapient from Cosmic Online.

When would you declare the subtract option, anyway? Before cards are played, before they're revealed, after?

Alright --- I tried to redo Mantis, mainly because I like the name, and added Panthera. And, I'd like to get some feedback on them, I think I have the right idea here, but they might need a little tweaking to make them Warp-Worthy, and any suggestions are appreciated. As always, I apologize if they are repeats in any way.

MANTIS (Devours Opponent's Cards)

You have the power to Prey. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to force your opponent to discard as many cards in his or her hand as you have ships in the encounter. If, after using this power, your opponent is left with no encounter cards in his or her hand, they must continue the encounter without playing an encounter card (playing no encounter card is equal to playing an attack 00 card). If your opponent was left with no encounter cards, after the encounter is resolved, your opponent discards his or her remaining cards, if any, and draws a new hand.

The Mantis have struggled for centuries at cultivating lasting friendships with other species, even amongst their own kind they have a tendency of turning their houseguests, visiting for a meal -- into the meal. They look innocent and mild when observed in their natural environment, remaining still in fervent prayer, but don't be fooled by their sincerity, otherwise you might find yourself invited over as ... err, for a meal.

Wild Flare

As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, you may change your opponent's encounter card into an attack 00.

Super Flare

As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may look through your opponent's hand and choose the cards you want to discard up to the number of ships you have in the encounter.

PANTHERA (Hunts Opponent's Ships)

You have the power to Hunt. Whenever your player's color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, move all ships from a foreign colony to another planet in the same system and use this power to send any other player's ships on that planet, up to the number of ships you moved, to the warp. The ships you send to the warp may come from several oppponent's.

If you do not have any foreign colonies, and your player's color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, you may use this power to send 4 ships from any of your colonies to the warp to establish a foreign colony, on any other player's planet, with 2 ships from any of your colonies. The ships coexists with the ships already there, if any. If this power is zapped, you do not lose the sacrificed ships to the warp.

Having roamed the darkest reaches of their homeworld, the silent but deadly Panthera have become such adept hunters that even the bravest of explorers not dare venture into the depths of the planet's surface. But with visitors no longer stumbling into their daunting abode, the Panthera are being forced to sacrifice their comfort zone and broaden their hunting grounds beyond the confines of the atmosphere and into the vast horizons of the cosmos.

Wild Flare

As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may take 1 ship from any of your colonies and move it to another colony. On the planet you move your ship to, send 1 ship from any opponent on that planet to the warp. You may not strip a planet of your ships, or establish a new colony, in order to use this flare.

Super Flare

Whenever your color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, you may move all ships from a foreign colony to another planet in any other player's system and send all opponent's ships on that planet to the warp. If this card is zapped, you may still use your alien power as normal.

Adam said:

When would you declare the subtract option, anyway? Before cards are played, before they're revealed, after?

Eh, probably before cards are played. I put in the subtract option so he would still be a big help in any case where the low total wins, although in hindsight Loser is the only such case at the moment.


DROVE [O:TG] Sacrifices Ships For Reinforcements

You have the power of expendability . As a main player or ally, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to send some of your ships that are not in the encounter to the warp. Each sacrificed ship acts as a +2 Reinforcement and are subject to all factors which affect Reinforcements. (Ships may be placed on encounter cards during reveal to aid in calculations.) If you are zapped, you do not lose your sacrificed ships.

History: While they are average in almost every aspect, the Droves have one thing going for them: a massive population. While they have no battle strategy, few resources, and little intelligence, their overwhelming numbers have won them many a fight.

Wild: You may send one of your ships not in the encounter to the warp to cancel a Reinforcement.

Super: Ships used as Reinforcements are not lost to the warp.

This is an Advanced and Combat power.

Comments: Similar to previous ideas for Kamikaze, kill off some ships to raise your score. Sacrificed ships count as Reinforcements, however, meaning you could play them to raise your opponent's total as well (against Anti-Matter, don't want Spiff to crash-land, etc).

NI [O:TG] Terrorizes Locals

You have the power to Ni . Whenever a player’s colour is drawn from the Destiny Deck, or a player is targeted by a Wild or Special Destiny, you may use this power to force the selected player to lose a number of ships (their owner’s choice) or cards (at random) equal to the number of ships you have in that player’s system. For example, if Blue has four ships in Red’s system, and a Red destiny card is drawn, Red must lose 4 ships, 4 cards, or a combination of both. If you have no ships in the targeted player’s system, they lose no ships or cards.

History: Thou must be careful when thou explorest the cosmos, for the Ni hast within them a most potent power. In the most simplest of syllabic strokes, thy supplies shall dwindle to pitiful amounts. Verily, thou must beware!

Wild: Once you point the cone at a system where you already have a colony, you may take a random card from the system owner’s hand.

Super: You may use your power on any one player, not just the one whose destiny was drawn.

This is an Advanced and Rules power.

Comments: Ni!

Hmmm.... there doesn;t seem to be a private message feature, nor does the email option from The Warp work... so I guess I must be slightly obnoxious on the forums then...


@Jack from TheWarp:

I don't know if you notice the large chunk of aliens I posted on this same 4th page up above, there's 7 of them and as far as I know they are all unique. I don;t know if you didn't notice them or just didn;t want to add them to TheWarp for some reason, but if you could add them that would be cool. Also feel free to edit the experience level text, since you are far more knowledgeable in that area then myself. Also again, if any of them are ripoffs of existing powers let me know, thanks.


LOL @ NI. Monty Python ftw

Gosh, so obnoxious ! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Fear not... I have them on track for inclusion... I just got sidetracked by tons of stuff over the last several days. I will also be popping in other aliens that were put on this thread, using people's Forum ID unless they prefer their names (in which case, just let me know).


PYGMY [M:Warp] Colonies Count as Half ( Jack Reda)

You have the power of Half. Each of your home worlds counts as only half of a foreign colony for all other players (rounding down). You do not lose your power as a result of occupying too few home planets.

History: When the Cosmos was young, the Pygmies lived on twin worlds, rich with valuable resources. A gravitational anomaly caused the two planets to collide, scattering the Pygmies among the ruined rubble of their former homes. The ragged and inhospitable chunks of debris on which the Pygmies now live serve only as a staging ground for their invasion of other worlds.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: When a player is to collect rewards, he or she may only take half as much as they are entitled to (rounding down).

Super: As a defensive player in your own system, the value of your opponent's attack card is worth half (rounding down).

When would you Cosmic Zap this power?

Pygmy is unzappable! Yes, you have to just get as many bases in that system as you can, or try to avoid it. Of course, as the offense, you can't really avoid it, but going in you can have other plans than gaining a base... use up a low attack card, go for the Negotiate and try and get cards from Pygmy. The power is mainly a defensive deterrent... who will ally with the offense to gain half a base? Or, go for it knowing you have to get another one over there at some point... anyone you can convince to help you attack once will almost certainly be interested in going the second time (but you then have to make sure you aren't half a base behind them at that point).

Although now that I think about it more, "unzappable" is not entirely accurate... It depends on the FAQ's interpretation of when a Cosmic Zap can be played in regard to stopping a Super Flare from being applicable (or in Pygmy's case, can he Zap himself to use the Wild? Especially when his power has no "Use" description to be zapped at).

The Warp said:

Although now that I think about it more, "unzappable" is not entirely accurate... It depends on the FAQ's interpretation of when a Cosmic Zap can be played in regard to stopping a Super Flare from being applicable (or in Pygmy's case, can he Zap himself to use the Wild? Especially when his power has no "Use" description to be zapped at).

I was just curious considering that one of the cardinal rules of Cosmic seems to be that any power can be zapped, any card thwarted, any Flare disrupted, etc. It may be specific, but present nonetheless.

Perhaps the use happens during resolution of an offensive win; when a colony is established on Pygmy's planet, you can Cosmic Zap him to have the colony (or colonies, if offense has allies) count fully? You'd need a means to distinguish the half-colonies from the full ones (Cosmic Counters work).

This would also serve as a reason you might re-conquer an existing colony. Could there be a rule for Pygmy that states a successful offensive win on a planet where one already possesses a half-colony would turn it into a full colony?

I suspect we'll be seeing some powers down the road that have an essentially unzappable element to them. Human is almost in this vein... you can zap his +4, but that doesn't really do you any good if you're opposing him. His immunity to Cosmic Zap is only thwarted by taking away his home planets. Then there's Masochist and Tick-Tock who can't lose their powers from losing home bases... so we're certainly venturing into previously uncharted territory with some of the new aliens. I'd rather stay away from full colonies/half colonies that are tracked. I'm open to the idea that you can Zap him when you establish the base, and if that's your fifth base, you can win right then... but if not, at the end of the encounter, it's back to a half a base.

As to the idea of re-establishing a colony where you have one to make it count as a whole... I think it's probably more elegant to just make a player attack a different planet. It will be rare when it's more advantageous to attack somewhere that you already have a colony than to just take a chance on one of the other four... remember, even if Pygmy isn't on the planet, it's still half a colony when you establish- so there's always a decent chance one of the other planets will be as easy to attack as one where you already have ships.

So, I was trying to figure out the template but can't exactly get it and couldn't find any information on this at The Warp. Anyway, here's a power I thought up, inspired by an old Magic favourite.

VAULT Saves up Turns (mattherobot)

You have the power to Bide. At the start of your turn, if you do not already have a Vault token, you may use this power to skip your entire turn and send one of your ships to the warp in order to take one. If you do, nobody (including you) may play any powers or cards during your start of turn.

During any of your resolution phases, you may use this power to discard a Vault token in order to take an extra turn after your current one ends.

History: Ancient masters of strategy, the Vaults were long-hated for their mysterious ability to defy time. Disappearing for ages, they would become manifest just long enough to strike, vanishing as quickly as they had arrived.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced.

Wild: After encounter cards are selected but before they are revealed, you may remove all ships on your side from the encounter, treating this as a win for the opposition in all other respects. Return these ships to their owners' colonies in any way you choose.

Super: You may use your power to gain a Vault token even if you already have one.

The Warp said:

I suspect we'll be seeing some powers down the road that have an essentially unzappable element to them. Human is almost in this vein... you can zap his +4, but that doesn't really do you any good if you're opposing him. His immunity to Cosmic Zap is only thwarted by taking away his home planets. Then there's Masochist and Tick-Tock who can't lose their powers from losing home bases... so we're certainly venturing into previously uncharted territory with some of the new aliens. I'd rather stay away from full colonies/half colonies that are tracked. I'm open to the idea that you can Zap him when you establish the base, and if that's your fifth base, you can win right then... but if not, at the end of the encounter, it's back to a half a base.

As to the idea of re-establishing a colony where you have one to make it count as a whole... I think it's probably more elegant to just make a player attack a different planet. It will be rare when it's more advantageous to attack somewhere that you already have a colony than to just take a chance on one of the other four... remember, even if Pygmy isn't on the planet, it's still half a colony when you establish- so there's always a decent chance one of the other planets will be as easy to attack as one where you already have ships.

But, unlike with any other alien (in FFG, anyway... ignoring Schizoid here), there is a possibility of getting colonies on all of Pygmy's planets and then having to attack him again! What then? Completely worthless encounter, or allow the player a redraw? Perhaps there should be the possibility of establishing multiple colonies on the same planet, distinguishing them by having separate stacks. Or maybe alter the power so that it reads: "When you establish a colony on Pygmy's planets, do not adjust your colony counter. You only adjust your score once you have re-attacked a Pygmy planet on which you already had a "colony" and reinforce that base." Not worded well, but you get the idea. It's not really elegant either, though, because if you're as forgetful as I am, half the time we don't adjust the colony tracker for a few turns and have to refigure everyone's totals. Probably it would be simplest to allow a redraw, or maybe you are satisfied with letting the Pygmy's color become a worthless destiny draw in the case I've described above. It would be a bit annoying, but hey.... sometimes that is Cosmic! :)

As for the Zap, I like the idea that he can be zapped at the end of the encounter but that it only helps if it lets you win on that encounter. This will make players really think twice before zapping any other power, adding a nervousness about the card that I like. I don't like the idea of unzapability, myself. Human is amusing because he is "mostly harmless" without the Zap, so it doesn't bother me.

Pygmy's a really fun idea. I like alternate win aliens, and this sort of fits in.

For now I expect that once you have 5 colonies in Pygmy's system, you're pretty much screwed. 2.5 colonies is all you can get there. So, if you do have 5, you have to attack a base where you already have ships, even though you won't necessarily gain anything.

I don't believe it will happen very often... I've almost never seen a player gain 5 bases in only one system in a normal game (even 4 is pretty rare). I think most players will not be too keen on using Wild Destiny to attack Pygmy... just not worth it for them.

Question for matttherobot about VAULT: the power reads: "If you do, nobody (including you) may play any powers or cards during your start of turn." Which turn does this refer to? He's skipping one turn just to get the token... can you clarify when this "no powers" thing takes place, and for how long? Thanks!

The Warp said:

For now I expect that once you have 5 colonies in Pygmy's system, you're pretty much screwed. 2.5 colonies is all you can get there. So, if you do have 5, you have to attack a base where you already have ships, even though you won't necessarily gain anything.

I don't believe it will happen very often... I've almost never seen a player gain 5 bases in only one system in a normal game (even 4 is pretty rare). I think most players will not be too keen on using Wild Destiny to attack Pygmy... just not worth it for them.

Question for matttherobot about VAULT: the power reads: "If you do, nobody (including you) may play any powers or cards during your start of turn." Which turn does this refer to? He's skipping one turn just to get the token... can you clarify when this "no powers" thing takes place, and for how long? Thanks!

Sorry, it's a little unclear. The intention here is that the power triggers before anything else has a chance to go off. So, if you are Vault, then you first decide if you want to use your power. If so, all that can happen is that your power goes off (possibly with the flare), and maybe someone zaps you. If you're not zapped, your turn is immediately over. There's no chance for any other "start of turn" powers to happen, nada, the turn is full all intents and purposes skipped.

Not sure if there is any precedent for this kind of wording or timing in Cosmic, but throwing it out there. It's not integral to the power, you could just say the turn ends immediately after the "start of turn" phase.

In addition to Mantis and Panthera, I'm going to try and venture into the alternate scenario power:

NOMADIC (Leaves Home System)

You have the power to Migrate. At the start of any player's regroup phase, before the offense retrieves a ship from the warp, use this power to win the game if you have all of your ships, that have not been removed from the game, on your foreign colonies. You must have no ships on your home planets or in the warp. You do not lose this power because of having too few home colonies, and you may still win the game via the normal manner.

Coming from a barren and debilitated home, the Vagrant have searched the universe for a more productive world to call their home. By nature, they are a gentile species, but having searched now for many years, are finding the most suitable planets to also be the most hostile. But they will be leaving their enfeebled home, and now, at all costs.

Wild Flare

You may use your alien power if you have at least 1 home colony.

Super Flare

You may win the game if all of your ships, that remain in the game, are not on your home colonies (can be on foreign colonies or in the warp).

MANTIS (Devours Opponent's Cards)

You have the power to Prey. As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may use this power to force your opponent to discard as many cards in his or her hand as you have ships in the encounter. If, after using this power, your opponent is left with no encounter cards in his or her hand, they must continue the encounter without playing an encounter card (playing no encounter card is equal to playing an attack 00 card). If your opponent was left with no encounter cards, after the encounter is resolved, your opponent discards his or her remaining cards, if any, and draws a new hand.

The Mantis have struggled for centuries at cultivating lasting friendships with other species, even amongst their own kind they have a tendency of turning their houseguests, visiting for a meal -- into the meal. They look innocent and mild when observed in their natural environment, remaining still in fervent prayer, but don't be fooled by their sincerity, otherwise you might find yourself invited over as ... err, for a meal.

Wild Flare

As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, you may change your opponent's encounter card into an attack 00.

Super Flare

As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may look through your opponent's hand and choose the cards you want to discard up to the number of ships you have in the encounter.

PANTHERA (Hunts Opponent's Ships)

You have the power to Hunt.
Whenever your player's color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, move all ships from a foreign colony to another planet in the same system and use this power to send any other player's ships on that planet, up to the number of ships you moved, to the warp. The ships you send to the warp may come from several oppponent's.

If you do not have any foreign colonies, and your player's color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, you may use this power to send 4 ships from any of your colonies to the warp to establish a foreign colony, on any other player's planet, with 2 ships from any of your colonies. The ships coexists with the ships already there, if any. If this power is zapped, you do not lose the sacrificed ships to the warp.

Having roamed the darkest reaches of their homeworld, the silent but deadly Panthera have become such adept hunters that even the bravest of explorers not dare venture into the depths of the planet's surface. But with visitors no longer stumbling into their daunting abode, the Panthera are being forced to sacrifice their comfort zone and broaden their hunting grounds beyond the confines of the atmosphere and into the vast horizons of the cosmos.

Wild Flare

As a main player, before encounter cards are selected, you may take 1 ship from any of your colonies and move it to another colony. On the planet you move your ship to, send 1 ship from any opponent on that planet to the warp. You may not strip a planet of your ships, or establish a new colony, in order to use this flare.

Super Flare

Whenever your color or a wild card is drawn from the destiny deck, you may move all ships from a foreign colony to another planet in any other player's system and send all opponent's ships on that planet to the warp. If this card is zapped, you may still use your alien power as normal.