Home Brew Powers-- a dedicated thread

By Saizo, in Cosmic Encounter - Fan Variants

RUNWAY [b:FFGfo] Penalizes Chosen Card Plays (Zach Gaskins)

You have the power to dictate style . As a main player or ally, whenever a card is played during an encounter in which you are involved, you may use this power to take that card and place it face up in front of you (the "display"). A maximum of 5 cards may be arranged in front of you in this fashion; if you acquire a 6th, you must discard one to make room. You may take only one card per encounter in this fashion.

At any time, if any other player wishes to play a card that exactly matches one that is face up on the display, use this power to require that they either sacrifice a ship to the warp, or allow you to draw a card from their hand at random. If a card appears multiple times in the display, the cost is multiplied according to the number of copies on display (i.e. 3 copies of the card raises the cost to 3 ships/3 cards). Once this cost is paid, the card is officially played and is in effect (and may be responded to).

This power can be Cosmic Zapped when you attempt to add a card to the display, or when someone wants to play a card that is on display (eliminating the cost). If a Cosmic Zap is on display when this occurs, it does not require a cost to play (however, Cosmic Zapping others' powers still costs).

History: The Runway are the arbiters of haute-couture in the galactic expanse. They have their numerous sensory organs set on what is fashionable and what is tacky. So when they hear of interstellar conflict, they can't help but stick their noses in and demand that all parties involved engage each other in a stylish, dramatic fashion. Those who go against the opinions of the Runway find themselves socially and financially ostracized for reasons no one seems to be able or care to explain.

Wild: [Main Player] When you reveal your Encounter card, you may discard additional copies of that exact card in your hand to aggregate their effects: Attacks sum together, multiple Negotiates give additional Compensation (1 additional card from opponent's hand per additional Negotiates played), or if used to deal, cause the opponent to lose 1 additional ship to the warp for each additional Negotiate if the deal is quashed/failed (You still only lose 3).

Super: [Any Phase] The cost in ships/card draws is increased to two per copy of the card on display.

SEVER [M:TG] Takes Planets Into Subspace

Game setup: Move all but one of your planets off to the side. These planets start the game in subspace.

You have the power of subspace . When you win an encounter as the offense, use this power to take the target planet into subspace. (Your attacking ships and allies land on the planet as usual.) Move the planet off to the side, but keep it in the same player’s system. A planet in subspace cannot be attacked by any player other than you unless he or she has established a colony elsewhere in the same system.

In addition, as a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, use this power to add 1 to your total for each home planet in subspace, and 3 for each foreign planet in subspace.

History: For eons the Severs have resided between universes, waiting patiently for the time to strike. To that end, they have developed technology that can rip out parts of the cosmos and place them into subspace.

Wild: As the defense, you may declare one planet off-limits before the offense chooses the target planet.

Super: When you use your power, you may send any opposing ships to subspace (your alien sheet) instead of the warp. All effects that take ships out of the warp may instead take ships out of subspace and place them in the warp.

This is an Expert and Rules power.

I hereby informally dub the Sever as "My Own Private Prawish".

EDIT: Misread part of Sever. Sounds very cool.

I like the idea of putting defeated planets off-limits. It'd be especially useful against powers like Virus and Macron where you sometimes don't even want to win against them if you somehow can, just so the Will with 4 colonies whose turn is next can't score an easy win.

CIRCUIT Trades Technology Cards (Adam Rouse)

You have the power to Switch. At the start of any other player's turn before Tech is researched, you may use this power to look at all of his Tech cards. You may then take one of his Tech cards and replace it with one of your own. All researching stay in their home system and are placed on the newly switched card.

History: From a world of constantly raging electrical storms, the Circuits have long ago learned to use these currents to their advantage. Preferring to use their opponents' energy against them, the Circuits are confident that conquest of the cosmos is as simple as a flick of a switch.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.


Wild: At the start of any other player's turn, you may remove one ship from any of his Tech cards.

Super: You may use your power to switch all of your Tech for all of your opponent's Tech. If either player ends up with no Tech, his researching ships return to bases.

SCIENTIST Researches Multiple Technology Cards (Adam Rouse)

You have the power to Brainstorm. When you draw cards from the Tech deck (including at Game Set-up), use this power to place all Tech drawn face down in a stack. If you already have a stack, add the new Tech to the current stack. When you place a ship on the stack, it is researching all cards. If you reveal a Tech and there are still Tech left in the stack, you may leave any or all researching ships on the stack. You may only reveal one Tech per encounter. When you are zapped, keep only one Tech from those drawn, but it is still added to the stack.

History: The only race in the universe to discover fire and electricity on the same day they invented the wheel, the Scientists can follow multiple trains of thought simultaneously. And given time, one of these trains of thought will assuredly lead to the defeat of their enemies.

Restriction: Use only in a game with Tech.


Wild: When you draw Tech, choose two to keep.

Super: You may reveal one additional Tech.


By the way, there is an alien called MERCENARY mistakenly listed under my authorship on the Warp. I don't know who created it.

Some corrections... I don't understand why the EDIT feature has disappeared from my post despite there being no replies before this one... grumble.

1. Last sentence of Circuit's power should read "researching SHIPS" not just "researching".
2. Circuit's power and super power apply only to unrevealed Tech, not to revealed Tech that stay in play.
3. Scientist's Super should read "one additional Tech PER ENCOUNTER".

Also, although it's not explicit in the way I wrote it (but I don't feel like doing another rewrite and double-posting the same power since I can't edit), if Switch switched Tech with Scientist, he would switch only one card, not the whole stack. If using Super Switch, he'd unstack them first, and Scientist would stack any received Tech immediately. Best rewrite might be "Whenever you draw or otherwise receive Tech..."

I think the edit feature vanishes once you close your web browser or leave the site or something. Anyway...

PIPE [O:TG] Redistributes Ships At Will

You have the power to relocate . During any player’s regroup phase, you may use this power to move your ships from one colony to another. There is no limit to how many ships you move, where they come from, or where they end up as long as your colonies do not change in number or location.

You may also use this power to move other players’ ships in the same manner, provided both you and the other player have colonies at each end of the move.

History: Everywhere the Pipes go, they form a comprehensive complex of transportation tubes. These superb silos use magic and technology as one to teleport anything to anywhere.

Wild: If you win a colony as the offense or as an offensive ally, you may send some of your committed ships to other colonies.

Super: You may use your power at any time.

This is an Advanced and Rules power.

RESENT [M:TG] Punishes For Not Inviting

You have the power of vengeance . If a main player does not invite you to be an ally, give him or her a Resent token.

When you are a main player, and you oppose a player with one or more Resent tokens, use this power to decrease the opponent’s score by 2 for each Resent token. If your opponent has allies, their Resent tokens are also figured into the total. The affected players’ Resent tokens are then discarded. If this power is zapped, Resent tokens are still discarded.

History: The Resent have always helped others, even when not asked to do so. But when they learned that other races were unwilling to accept unwanted help, they became determined to show everyone else what being “nice” is all about.

Wild: If you are not invited by a main player, you may decrease his or her total by 5.

Super: Your opponents may only discard half of their Resent tokens at once (rounding down).

This is an Expert and Rules power.

VICTOR [M:Warp] Wins by Winning

Game setup: Place eight tokens on this sheet (seven if playing with four planets per player).

You have the power to Win. Each time you win an encounter or make a deal as a main player, use this power to discard one token from this sheet. If there are no more tokens on this sheet, you immediately win the game. You may still win the game via the normal method.

History: Hailed as conquering heroes, the strapping and clever Victors have been celebrated as favored champions throughout known space. Even their enemies grudgingly admit that the Victor's penchant for winning is admirable and noteworthy. To the Victors go the spoils.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: As an offensive main player, you win an encounter in the event of a tie.

Super: You may use your power as an ally. If the main players make a deal, you may still remove a token even though you are not part of the deal.

Here's a simple one I came up with a while back:

FRIEND [O] Enters deals
You have the power of camaraderie. Whenever a deal is begun, if you are not a member of the negotiations, you may choose to become a member.

Restriction: Do not use in a two-player game.

History: A generous, gregarious race, the Friends take pleasure in assisting others -- especially when it is to their own eventual benefit.

Wild: If you fail to make a deal, you do not lose any tokens to the warp.
Super: Rather than becoming an additional member of a negotiation, you replace one of the previous participants. This counts as a loss for the replaced player.

Comments: The Friend is a pretty dependable way to stop negotiated base-for-a-base game ends. And it's very good at getting you bases quickly if you fall behind. But it's is a pretty tough power to play well, since you can only benefit directly if the other players in the deal agree with you on the terms. If you're too heavy-handed with it, you'll make a lot of enemies and gain nothing for yourself.

Sounds like a weaker Diplomat, though I certainly don't mind making Diplomat weaker. The main text of the alien is rather vague as to how he becomes a "member" of the negotiations, but fortunately the super flare implies how it works.

If any of these are ripoffs of already existing powers let me know:

Power: HYDRA

You have the power to divide attacks.

When you are the offensive main player in an attack you may attack two planets at the same time. You must aim the cone between them; they must be adjacent planets with ships on both of them of your main opponent. The defensive main player must now play two encounter cards, one for each of his colonies under attack. It is possible to win or lose both battles, or win one while losing the other. You must then split up your ships equally between the two conquered planets should you win; yet your allies must choose which planet they want a colony on; they cannot have both. As a defensive main whenever you lose an encounter send half of the ships of that colony rounded up to the warp and place the rest on any other colony of your choice, must it must go to only one colony. Lone ships are sent to the Warp.

Wild: You may play two attack cards together during an encounter in which you are the main player.

Super: You may attack three adjacent planets. Upon losing defense send only a third of your ships rounded up to the Warp. Lone ships are sent to the Warp.

History: The hydra are an ugly amphibious race of deep-space dwelling creatures. Rising to dominance in their home world earlier in their history, the Hydra are able to survive in the vastness of space itself. With their multiple heads and appendages they can bring down many adversaries at once in battle; even their ships have this signature mark on them.

Power: Lumine

You have the power of Insight.

You must draw your first hand of cards last. When drawing your first hand, or any new hand of cards, you may look through the remaining pickup pile and make an 8 card hand of your own choosing.

Wild: You may look through the pickup pile at the beginning of any player's encounter once, but must keep cards in exact order.

Super: You may look through the pickup pile at the beginning of any player's encounter once, but must keep the cards in exact order. At the beginning of your own turn you make look through the pickup pile and rearrange it to your desire once.

History: The incredibly powerful mental and spiritual energy the Lumine exude has been known to intimidate lesser races who have even though about fighting against them. These beings practically create their own worlds and are never left in the dark nor are unprepared for cosmic battles for dominance. It is even said that some of these beings can manipulate entire events of history should they be given the chance...

Power: Rancor

You have the power of persuasion.

At any time during any players turn you may effect any outcome you desire to happen if you can successfully get a majority of players to agree with you, once. This can include but is not limited to: a certain player automatically losing a fight or winning it, despite cards played, denial of offensive or defensive rewards, removal of a colony, more or less ships moved to or from the Warp. Possibilities include anything that will not create an instant win and will not allow any player to gain or lose more than one colony in a turn. This power cannot be used to effect any turn other than the one it is used on and can only effect one player. If you successfully persuade the majority to your opinion, gain one persuasion token and then enact the agreed upon decision. During your turn only you may discard this token and effect any one action you desire without any other player needing to agree with you, provided it follows the before-mentioned rules.

Wild: You may use this power on a turn in which you are not a main player to threaten a player to give you ships, a colony, or cards or else his power is zapped this turn.

Super: You do not need to discard your persuasion tokens on your turn when you use them, and you only need half of the player to agree with you to gain a new token.

History: The Rancor are quite the talkers. Gifted with golden mouths, literally. These mineral-based beings are so skilled in the art of manipulation, they have honed it to a fine degree, and convince their enemies to destroy themselves. Stirring up trouble for their own profit is second-nature to the Rancor, and many aliens must come to grips with these creatures in the Cosmic Encounter.

Adam said:

Sounds like a weaker Diplomat, though I certainly don't mind making Diplomat weaker. The main text of the alien is rather vague as to how he becomes a "member" of the negotiations, but fortunately the super flare implies how it works.

That's a good catch on the text. I decided to edit the version we used for clarity, but my on the fly edit added a new ambiguity. I'd suggest changing "you may choose to become a member" to "you may choose to become an additional member."

The idea is similar to the Diplomat, but the effect on the game is quite a bit different. Where the Diplomat increases the number of deals (both directly by using the power, and indirectly by encouraging people to make deals to avoid the Diplomat's power), the Friend tends to discourage them. But on the positive side, as the Friend you get to be a part of all those deal which do occur. On the whole, though, it does tend to be weaker than the Diplomat.

Messianic said:

If any of these are ripoffs of already existing powers let me know:

Power: HYDRA

Power: Lumine

Hydra is similar to DoubleHeader and Feint and Gemini and Decoy... :)

Lumine is a weaker version of Aristocrat (which is itself kind of a wonky power). I kinda like Lumine, but if Aristocrat is out there, he pretty much cleans the floor with Lumine.

Rancor is pretty cool... I'd like to try that one out for a bit, and see how it fares.

The Warp said:

Lumine is a weaker version of Aristocrat (which is itself kind of a wonky power). I kinda like Lumine, but if Aristocrat is out there, he pretty much cleans the floor with Lumine.

Lumine gets to pick his hand on every new hand, not just at the beginning of the game.

But, that happens a couple times per game (more with certain powers), so it is still weaker than Aristocrat, due to Aristo's ability to draw flares every turn. I like the idea though. Maybe Lumine should get to choose his draws when he gets rewards too.

Also, I might think about adding text to say he is not allowed to take his own super flare. (Aristocrat has this text.)

And now a pair of semi-related aliens (despite being on opposite ends of the thermal spectrum).

MAGMA [M:TG] Erupts Volcanoes On Planets

You have the power to erupt . If you lose an encounter by 10 or more, use this power to cause a volcano to erupt on a planet of your choosing on which you have a colony. All ships on the chosen planet other than yours go to the warp.

History: Formed of silicon-based superheated substances, the Magmas have the skills to turn the eruptions of volcanoes into an art form. Predictably, they also have a temper as hot as their bodies. Even a pointless loss may drive them to rage.

Wild: If you lose an encounter, you may send all opposing ships to the warp. Your opponent still technically wins, and defensive allies do not claim rewards.

Super: You may choose any planet to erupt, not just those you have a colony on.

This is an Advanced and Rules power.

FROST [O:TG] Freezes Ships On Planets

You have the power to freeze . At the start of any player’s encounter, you may use this power to freeze a planet of your choosing. Push the frozen planet away from its system (or mark it with a token). When a planet is frozen, no ships other than yours can launch off of it (unless a player has no other choice, in which case one ship may be launched). Three planets may be frozen at once; freezing another would require you to thaw one out.

History: Extreme axial tilt forced the Frosts to hibernate to survive their ghastly cold winters. Ironically, their hibernation techniques were based around self-freezing. Now, they have decided to bring their icy lockdown upon the rest of the universe.

Wild: As the defense, if you lose an encounter, you may keep your ships on the defeated planet.

Super: You may freeze up to six planets at once. You may not freeze all the planets in a single system.

This is an Advanced and Rules power.

Isn't Magma's wild flare a better version of Shadow's?

There is a problem with Magma and Frost. I like the thematic ideas, but they share a weakness that pops up in home brews all the time. Shared bases are not a good target for alien powers, because you only gain them through alliances or deals.

This type of power can basically be paraphrased as "You have the power to make sure nobody will ever ally with you." You might gain an ally or two when defending. But, why would anyone ever help you on offense (or invite you to help their offense)? All that does is give you a target for your power. By the same logic, why would anyone ever make a deal with you?

If your ability is to penalize people who cooperate with you, they just won't, and you will have no power.

It's nice that this thread has its own sticky, but it could use even more love. I just wandered over to the Arkham Horror threads, and they've got some nice-looking solutions for fan-produced stuff. It's all separated, with its own graphics, and it looks like a lot of thought and care went into it. It's worth checking out ... and then implementing here. gui%C3%B1o.gif

I just thought of these this evening. Perhaps all they're good for is proving that I have spent too many years in IT...

VENTURAN -- Researches Tech with Lucre

You have the power of venture capital . Instead of using ships to research your Tech, use this power to apply Lucre to the card instead on a 1:1 basis. When you have fully researched your Tech or if the Tech card is flipped prematurely, all invested Lucre returns to the box. If you lose the use of this Power, you must substitute ships on a 1:1 basis for any invested Lucre on Tech cards that are not fully researched and return all invested Lucre to the box. If you do not have sufficient ships available to cover, you must still return all invested Lucre to the box.

Phase: Regroup; Mandatory

History: Arising on a planet full of resources considered valuable by the other worlds but of limited practical application, the Venturans quickly learned to shop for what they needed. Now they are embarking on a spending spree across the Cosmos.

Use only in a game with Technology and Lucre.

Wild Flare: Once per turn, you may invest 1 Lucre on a Tech card instead of a ship.

Super Flare: You may invest 2 Lucre per encounter rather than 1.


GATZ -- Licenses Tech from Others

You have the power of licensing . You do not receive Tech cards of your own. However, in any encounter in which you are a main player or an ally, you may use this power to take any other player's completed Tech card and use it as your own, in exchange for an amount of Lucre equal to half the research cost of the card, rounded up. You must return the Tech card to its owner at the end of the encounter if it is still usable.

Phase: All, Optional

History: Lacking a creative streak, the Gatz lurk on their rainy world envying their more accomplished brethren. They have resolved to rise up from laughingstock status and terrorize those who looked down upon them.

Use only in a game with Technology and Lucre.

Wild Flare: After winning your first encounter of a turn, you may pay 5 Lucre to draw a new tech card instead of sacrificing your second encounter.

Super Flare: By paying the full research cost of the Tech card to its owner in Lucre, you may keep the Tech card permanently, as if you had researched it.

TheDukester said:

It's nice that this thread has its own sticky, but it could use even more love. I just wandered over to the Arkham Horror threads, and they've got some nice-looking solutions for fan-produced stuff. It's all separated, with its own graphics, and it looks like a lot of thought and care went into it. It's worth checking out ... and then implementing here. gui%C3%B1o.gif

It's because there is a program for AH (Strange Eons) which allows VERY easy creation of attractive-looking homebrew material. Until we get blank alien and card templates, it's going to be a lot of work to do anything similar.

DIRGE [M:FFGfo] Gains turns when losing Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Mourning. Whenever you lose an encounter as the defensive main player, take a Mourning token. At the end of any one of your offensive encounters, whether you have won or lost, you may discard a Mourning token and immediately take another “mourning” turn. If you win this “mourning” encounter, you may not discard any more tokens until every other player has gone and it becomes your turn again. If you lose this “mourning” encounter and still have Mourning tokens, you may discard another one and take yet another “mourning” turn. If you have a second natural turn you may not discard a token on your second natural turn if you have discarded one after your first.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever you lose an encounter as a main player or ally, you may discard cards up to as many as the number of your ships lost to the Warp and then draw a new card for each one discarded.

Super: Whenever you lose an encounter as the defensive main player, the offensive main player must not take a second turn, if this was his second turn, take another Mourning token.

History: Normally a rather emotionless civilization prizing the lives of their own, the Dirge take the intense sorrow the feel and use it as energy, spurring themselves to action. The universe has yet to see the disastrous results of their own interplanetray warfare; and the Dirge just may bring their sorrow-causing ways back on thier heads.

Still haven't gotten to know all the powers out there, so forgive me if this is a repeat in any way, and I'm of course open to suggestions. My intent here was to come up with something that has the potential to backfire (such as Mirror or Calculator), but is powerful enough to be somewhat disruptive. Although, I might need a little help with the flares, I think what I have is okay, but so far, flares seem to be the most difficult part of devising an alien power.

I did have the thought of changing the phase from 'after encounter cards are revealed' to 'after encounter cards are selected but before they are revealed'. Please let me know what you think after you look at it.

MANTIS (Devours Opponent's Encounter Cards)

You have the power to Prey . As a main player, after encounter cards are revealed, you may use this power to discard your opponent's encounter card and force him or her to play another encounter card. You may do this as many times in an encounter as you have ships involved in the encounter (For example, if you have 3 ships in the encounter, you may force your opponent to discard up to 3 times). If, after using your power, your opponent has no encounter cards left in his hand, he or she discards the remaining cards and draws a new hand, then the encounter continues normally.

The Mantis have struggled for centuries at cultivating lasting friendships with other species, even amongst their own kind they have a tendency of turning their houseguests, visiting for a meal -- into the meal. They look innocent and mild when observed in their natural environment, remaining still in fervent prayer, but don't be fooled by their sincerity, otherwise you might find yourself invited over as ... err, for a meal.

Wild Flare

As a main player, you may force your opponent to take his encounter card back into his hand and replace it with another encounter card, if he or she has no other encounter cards, your opponent cannot play an encounter card in this encounter and the encounter continues normally without your opponent playing an encounter card.

Super Flare

If, after using your power, your opponent has no encounter cards left in his hand, he or she discards the remaining cards but does not draw a new hand, you then win the encounter.

HARBINGER [M:FFGfo] Wins easier than opponents Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Omen. All other players must have 6 external bases instead of 5 in order to win.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Novice. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: If you lose an encounter as a defensive main player, you may destroy any one colony of the offensive main player of his choice, excluding the colony he just established at your loss. Give this card to him.

Super: You win the game if you have 4 external bases instead of 5.

History: The Harbinger are a dark and foreboding legion of soulless beings. Hailing from a black hole, these conquerors will stop at nothing until the entire universe is annihilated. Each victory they gain is a sign that the end is near.

NIGHTMARE [M:FFGfo] Replays negative events Christopher Oliveira

You have the power of Recurring. At anytime in an encounter where a card was played that had a negative effect on its opponent, you may take that card and place a token of the color of the player it was played against on it after it is discarded. You may take any offensive edicts, flares, techs, or you may take the losing player's encounter card. You may discard a token of a player's color and use the discarded card against the player whose color matched the token on it only if it is a valid timing and only if you are a main player or an opposing ally in the encounter. Once these cards are played they are discarded. You may only take one card per encounter, but you may use as many as you have during an encounter. You may not hold more than 3 cards waiting to "recur", and cards waiting to "recur" cannot be taken, lost or harmed by any power or effect. If you are zapped the card takes no effect and is discarded.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: Whenever you win an encounter as an offensive main player, your opponent must keep their losing card instead of discarding it.

Super: You cannot be zapped. There is no limit to the amount of cards you can have waiting to "recur".

History: Wake up sleeper! Your own worst fears have come upon you, again and again! Trapped in the labriyth of subconscious, when will this nightmare end?

oatesatm said:

MANTIS (Devours Opponent's Encounter Cards)

Mantis is probably a little too close to Chronos, which I expect we'll see in an upcoming release (it's a classic alien that's been around awhile.

I must have inspiration or something... anyways:

ZENITH [M:FFGfo] Ignores certain players Christopher Oliveira

You have the power to Shun. At the beginning one of your offensive encounters, after receiving a ship from the Warp, declare a certain player to be shunned and give them your Shun token. A shunned player cannot attack, use their power against directly or indirectly, ally with or against you, or play any card that would directly or indirectly effect you. You cannot encounter this player and they cannot encounter you; another Destiny card must be drawn. You do not have to change who you shun each turn you have. A shunned player can Cosmic Zap you to un-shun himself. Do not use in a 2 player game.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Advanced. This is a Rules type power.

Wild: You may stop any one player from receiving any kind of rewards as an offensive or defensive ally.

Super: A shunned player is effectively out of the game unless he is a main player or an ally.

History: The Zenith have expanded their Psionic gifting to such a high degree that they virtually shield themselves from those they deem to be inferior. This has quickly led them to taking over their mostly gas giant solar system, where even adverse weather patterns are treated as non-existent.

ELITE [M:FFGfo] Controls resources Christopher Oliveira

You have the power to Micro-manage. At the beginning of the game only you draw a hand of cards; this hand must be replenished to 8 cards at the end of every encounter. These cards effectively belong to all the players but are inaccessible unless they need to be. If you are the main player in an encounter you may choose an encounter card and play it face down, then give the hand to your main opponent who does the same. The hand goes back to you after his cards is played face down. Other cards such as edicts and flares may only be played by the player who is currently in possession of the hand. If you are not the main player in an encounter then you must give the hand of cards to the offensive main player first who will chose and play an encounter card face down, followed by the defensive main player, then the hand is returned to you. This power does not stop players from gaining cards of their own via their power or consolation or deals, but they can never draw a hand of their own even should they run out of their own cards.

Notes: The recommended experience level for this power is Expert. This is a Resource type power.

Wild: Draw a hand of 8 cards of your own if you have no cards. You may use cards from either hand, but the Elite hand must go back to the Elite player whether or not you use a card from that hand.

Super: You may use this to force all other players to discard half of their cards at random, rounded up. These discarded card now become your own personal hand that is not shared with other players. You may use valid cards from either hand at any time when they are in your possession.

History: Very wealthy and powerful beings have devised a plan for universal domination. First they agreed to control the economy of every galaxy they can find, then they will plan on massive population reduction before the forced slavery begins...