RUNWAY [b:FFGfo] Penalizes Chosen Card Plays (Zach Gaskins)
You have the
power to dictate style
. As a main player or ally, whenever a card is played during an encounter in which you are involved, you may use this power to take that card and place it face up in front of you (the "display"). A maximum of 5 cards may be arranged in front of you in this fashion; if you acquire a 6th, you must discard one to make room. You may take only one card per encounter in this fashion.
At any time, if any other player wishes to play a card that exactly matches one that is face up on the display, use this power to require that they either sacrifice a ship to the warp, or allow you to draw a card from their hand at random. If a card appears multiple times in the display, the cost is multiplied according to the number of copies on display (i.e. 3 copies of the card raises the cost to 3 ships/3 cards). Once this cost is paid, the card is officially played and is in effect (and may be responded to).
This power can be Cosmic Zapped when you attempt to add a card to the display, or when someone wants to play a card that is on display (eliminating the cost). If a Cosmic Zap is on display when this occurs, it does not require a cost to play (however, Cosmic Zapping others' powers still costs).
History: The Runway are the arbiters of haute-couture in the galactic expanse. They have their numerous sensory organs set on what is fashionable and what is tacky. So when they hear of interstellar conflict, they can't help but stick their noses in and demand that all parties involved engage each other in a stylish, dramatic fashion. Those who go against the opinions of the Runway find themselves socially and financially ostracized for reasons no one seems to be able or care to explain.
Wild: [Main Player] When you reveal your Encounter card, you may discard additional copies of that exact card in your hand to aggregate their effects: Attacks sum together, multiple Negotiates give additional Compensation (1 additional card from opponent's hand per additional Negotiates played), or if used to deal, cause the opponent to lose 1 additional ship to the warp for each additional Negotiate if the deal is quashed/failed (You still only lose 3).
Super: [Any Phase] The cost in ships/card draws is increased to two per copy of the card on display.