Just arrived but some figures distorted!

By meggypeggs, in Cadwallon: City of Thieves


Just received my copy but noticed a few figures leaning one way or the other...

Anyone know any tips to straightening out the figures so I can paint them?

Game looks excellent quality barring this small problem... gran_risa.gif


heat them slightly with a hairdryer.

Will they return warped after a short period or stay in that shape?

Dive them into hot water, then into cold one, It should work.

thanks...the hot/cold water worked a treat...

They went back to the warped stage after 12 hours after the hot/cold water...thanks anyway...

will try the hair dryer...

I got my game today and like you some figures are distorted, did the hairdryer work ???

I just dipped my in hot water.

Tea pot on the stove. Dip, flex, dip in ice water. May need to repeat 2 - 4 times depending on how severe the plastic has been deformed.

bloody shocking that this is the case, ive a good mind to ask for replacments, in fact I will.

I had done the hot and cold as per the norm with most bent pieces. However there are a couple that are being stubborn as hell and going back to their warped state. It is just the bases but man they just won't stay flat. I thought maybe after I soften them up I will put them in coloured gang bases and then dunk them in the cold and see this that helps. Even found my Duke fig I ordered had a bit of a bend in his base and sword was bent.

Tried the the hot and cold water trick on most of the figures.

They retained the corrected shape for a day then when I started painting them and noticed a few slyly starting to bend back over the past few days.

Sneaky bastards. Still what can you expect from a bunch of thieves.

FFG could look at the way they are being packed to reduce the amount of distortion on the figures.

Yeah I am sure the next print run might get some better care shown to them. I wonder if the pre-painted sets had any bend to them?

I had the same problem, 14 of the figures were warped, either leaning forward at near 45 degree angles, or the bases were distorted. One of the figures, the base was so warped it had those white bent marks in it. Im going to have to get a replacement for that one, but I think I'll try the warm/hot water treatment before I complain. It just seems weird that theyd just jam as many figures as they can into tiny bags....of course they're going to get bent like that.

Ugh, and I was so excited to get it today too....

My figs keep going back to the bent state i got em in after a while. Done the hot and cold water thing 3 times now.

Reading that people got distored pre-paints makes me question if its worth buying them. Dont really understand how the pre-paints can bend when they come in a box which looks very well protected. Makes me wonder if they were bent when they started painting em.

Hi, in my case, the original figures were a bit distorted and had trouble staying on the bases. The prepainted figures however were much better and had hardly any distortion at all. I used a blob of bluetac to keep them on the bases and after they are pushed int the look great. I also have the Duke and he is not distorted at all. Personally, I am very happy with the prepainted minitures. I have spent many hours painting all my Talisman minitures and the ones for Drakon and I only wish that FFG provided more prepaints!

Enies said:

Reading that people got distored pre-paints makes me question if its worth buying them. Dont really understand how the pre-paints can bend when they come in a box which looks very well protected. Makes me wonder if they were bent when they started painting em.

This sort of thing happened to the Confrontation & AT-43 prepainted figures too where you occassionally find bent or damaged figures in the protective plastics cases. This could have happened during manufacture or packing at the factory.

Lovely, I've been trying to get replacements for the unpainted figures but have not heard anything either way from Fantasy Flight for over a week. I started debating just shelling out the $60 and getting the painted figures, but if they're just as bad it really puts me at a loss. I was going to ask for Dust Tactics for Christmas, but given this is the second figure based game Ive bought from Fantasy Flight with problems (though the issues I had with Tannhauser were not quite as bad as with Cadwallon) Im hesitant to get another even if Im not paying for it.

Sounds to me like they could use some more folks in Quality Control. Extremely disappointing. Also sounds like they should look into using harder plastics like the stuff used for Warhammer 40k figures and such. Those dont warp and bend like this soft stuff does.

Eliz, I completely agree, and it is extremely disappointing. It's even irresponsible. If anything, charge a few dollars more for the game and give us one that we can play. It's this exact issue that turned me off to the StarCraft game (that and some ridiculous typos on the cards.)

CanadianPittBull, I don't understand: your Duke miniature came bent? But you asked if the pre-painteds were bent. If your Duke fig was, my bet is at least some of them are. I put the Collector's Miniatures on my profile because I intended to buy them. I'll try to figure out how to take them off until I actually buy them, which I'll wait to do until I see more people on this thread say they've ordered them and they look good. Pretty ridiculous.

FFG, do you see a pattern here?

Oddly enough, the painted figs I have are a bit more distorted than the unpianted figs that came with the game. Mostly its an issue with the bases being a bit warped.

I find that a tiny bit of blue tac (poster putty) works well for just holding the models in the colored bases and keeps them stable. Its a temporary solution and super glue would work just as well if you want something a bit more permanent.

Its never good to have distorted models, but given the plastic these models are made from, a bit of distortion is (sadly) to be expected to a certain degree. I have to give Dust Games big props on the sculpts though. These are one piece models and they rival GW's quality as far as detail goes (and in some way exceeds GW since they undercutting is pretty good).

Best way to fix bent models comes from experience with playing Wizkid's Clix games. They are made of the same type of plastic I beleive and are fixed the same way.

Dipping the bent portion of the model in boiling water for a few seconds, withdraw the model from the boiling water and hold the bent bit in a fixed position while you immediately dunk the model (while holding the bent portion in the position you want) into a deep bowl of ice water with a dozen ice cubes. Hands and all.

The quicker you can reshape the offending bend and then dunk the whole assembly into ice water, the better the reshaping will stay. Its shocking the plastic to take a new form and keep that form with the rapic temperature change.

Some times it takes a few tries, but it does work.

Well all as I can say is I did it exactly the way Fantasy Flight said and it ended up recking a few of the figures. which now have the white stress marks on the legs from using this method four or five times to try and get them to stay standing straight (and they still go back).

This is the first time Fantasy Flight hasnt been very helpful in resolving a rather critical problem. I think I'm going to end up just throwing the figures out and taking a chance on the painted sets. From the pictures they come packaged the way the origional ones SHOULD have come - individually packaged in a form fiting container to ensure that the piece stays the way it was supposed to be instead of jamming all the figures into a tiny plastic bag and recking them all. Bent bases I can deal with because I can always contact cement them into the colored bases to get them to stay in and stay flat, its simply a matter of the pieces standing up properly. If the conditions still garbage then I'll simply return the figures and be forced to junk CoT. At least I didnt pay full price for it, so if I'm forced to junk it I'll only be out $40.

I’m not being funny but I'm disgusted that the contents are faulty.
It has spoilt my enjoyment of the game as I also have a warped board (2 now as the replacement sent came warped too!!!)!
I can only blame the company who made these, supplied to FFG from the start.
If FFG had any respect from us, the gamers who keep this company running they would issue replacements for every set handed into them. End off.
I was so excited to get this game and thrilled when it arrived boxed…gutted when I simply looked at the contents.
FFG should read these forums and act rather than get on with the next products…

Yeah, Im shocked that they used cheap soft plastic instead of the kinda hard plastic that you could associate with a Games Workshop or Dust Tactics figure. Heck even that plastic they use for toy army men would have been an improvement. That said, I find it slightly ironic, that Tannhauser uses soft plastic for their miniatures, and I have thus far not noticed any warping with them though I do have my suspicions on a few.

I think the most upsetting thing was not even that the figures were warped, flaking, etc...that was irritating but not upsetting....but it was that when I contacted Parts Replacement who had been so helpful in fixing the defects with the Tannhauser game I purchased, they would not replace them only provide instruction on how to "fix" them...which didnt work and actually ended up wrecking a few of the figures.

But given that Tannhauser figures use (probably) the same type of plastic I am inclined more to believe that it is not so much the plastic thats at fault, but the manner in which they are so heartlessly packaged, trying to stuff half the figures each into two bags that are way too small. That was what shocked me the most and when I saw that I knew there were going to be issues.

But at least the game wasnt too expensive so its not like Im out a lot.

Has there been an official response from FFG re: the Quality Control of these figures? I got mine this week and I can barely some into the base and have them stay there. Don't even start with the the things that stick out of figures like the swords and whatnot. It reflects very poorly on FFG to release a product with such poor quality. I"m disappointed.

It disturbs me the number of people reporting these bent, broken minis

I have purchased Cadwallon this week, and to my dismay, not only were they bent (in some cases terribly bent, almost completely bent in the middle) but also half missing, half of them duplicate... so unplayable

I have emailed FFG replacement parts, but no reply yet

Here are the sad pictures of my minis


I have purchased the painted minis, still to receive them yet, and i am also afraid they have the chance of coming bent

Now that is unexcusable, given the price one has to pay for the premium painted minis!

I will have to try the hot water/cold water solution, but I really don't think anyone has to. This shouldn't be something that we as consumers should even be doing.

Quality Control should be on this, and the moderators who are supposedly watching this board should be saying something about it to those that can do something about it.

How about it, FFG? Are you listening?