
By The_Rip-Off, in CoC General Discussion

The_Big_Show said:

How about rather than remaining negative, we wait and see how the next 6 AP's (Julia's story) work out.

Well, some of the most negative players are the ones who playtested that set. For what it's worth. The final versions could always change.

The_Big_Show said:

Carioz said:

Well, to me wait and see means not buying, and you cannot be more negative to a product than refusing to buy it ;)

I give up. How is that helpful and less negative?

I really dunno, after all you suggested to wait and see: waiting and seeing doesn't mean buying, so... gran_risa.gif


Marius said:

The funny thing is, however, that Masks, Avatars, Brotherhood and Conspiracies where taken as an example of Nate's design and thus of the future of the game. This conclusion has been inacurate at best, since it was based on incorrect information and false assumptions. It could still be that the sky is falling, but it would be nice to critisise for the correct factors, instead of assumptions.

Which parts are incorrect ?

Marius said:

Well, the less gets banned the better. R-O's main problem was that it could happen turn one, due to the rituals. I still think there is a place for such an effect in the game, though proposed that the Rituals needed to be gone first. Then the meta could show whether R-O is still a problem.

Yes, it was all the Rituals. Being able to do a first turn R-O with Ancient Gold, Temple of Nef-Ka, Dec Masoleum, and transients had a completely different game effect than doing it with the Rituals.

Marius said:

Maybe it means "new releases are going to have white borders" ?

Reread Kotwica's post on pg 3

Marius said:

Furthermore the offer to replay was taken as an admission of guilt. ...After the fact I've read about threats of violence and other such behavours

He admitted cheating and nothing was done. This is competent TO-ing? If Scott doesn't surrender the title, he should be stripped of it. Who reported the threats & where? First I've heard of it.

Marius said:

Also, TO skills are a completely different skillset than being a designer. Even if Nate didn't come to the right conclusion in an emotionally charged situation, that doesn't have any bearing on his design skills. These are seperate events that some here have presented as a cohesive whole.

Quite so. You're the only one making the (rather smug and arrogant) conclusion that our feelings about the championship and feelings toward the new cards are connected. The playtesting was done well before GenCon, and we thought they were poor designs then.

Marius said:

My personal agenda is to do everything I can do to keep the game alive and make it better. This puts me nominaly on your side. The comlaint that "Teh Sky Is Falling" isn't something I can use constructively though. Neither does pointing fingers to "people hellbent on ruining the game" (If anything, your comments have been rather counterproductive in keeping the game alive so far...)

What makes the game better, cheerfully going along with what comes or pointing problems and trying to fix them? No one is trying to ruin the game, the game's state is in FFG's hands. We're trying to help them improve it. Carioz's excellent posts pointed out area that need fixed, he didn't tear anything down. Sitting back and saying "I like this card" or "this card is funny" does little to improve the playability and ultimate survival of the game.


thorondor said:

Carioz said:

Tarota said:

The other cause of less options is that 3x nerfs combo decks greatly (and I am not saying just turn one decks, but combo in general). While this may not be apparent a combo deck, in Cthulhu, needs to have triggered its winning condition by turn 2 the latest, otherwise any rush deck (the best of them are designed to win by turn 2.5) can walk over it. Now, I hope some AGoT player can cofirm this, but at 3x combo decks in AGoT are almost unheard of, right?

as a long time AGOT player i can confirm ... that its the other way round ;-)

i remember combo decks during the Valyrian Edition phase, when a well-designed Baratheon deck could win in the first round. i faced such a deck once, where my opponent won before i could do a single action (also because of a bad starting hand).

and this is no fun neither in AGOT nor in COC (where i made the same experience).

so while of course combo is nerfed with 3x, it doesnt mean its completly removed. honestly, i prefer control decks, that are winning slowly, mainly because i am re-acting to what my opponent is doing. i like to have an answer in my deck for every situation, and then try to work for the solution during the game.

for me this is much more PLAYING the game, while combo driven environmant is more about DESIGNING a deck. both needs a lot of skill, and both can be done on a very high level. just a matter of flavour ...

Hmm.... are you sure this wasn't a pretty superb Baratheon rush deck? I've really only ever seen or heard of a very bare handful of combo decks in AGOT. One was the Valyrian era Tavern Braggart combo that was errata'ed into impossibility pretty much as soon as it was discovered, then the ITE era Septon combo deck that Ktom immortalized, and the last was a discard combo deck that Dobbler used at Regionals last year, that really only worked well in multiplayer.