23 minutes ago, KCDodger said:Awww! Thank you, Darth. Genuinely.
You're all so good, honestly.
And so are you!
23 minutes ago, KCDodger said:Awww! Thank you, Darth. Genuinely.
You're all so good, honestly.
And so are you!
2 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:
I know others besides KC who are on this path. Despite seeing the journey It's not something I can ever really understand because I'm not that person with those feelings and needs.
Just like I'll never truly understand being Black in America.
Just like I'll never truly understand wanting children.
Just like I'll never truly understand religious faith.
However, I've been all over the globe, and the 1 thing I can understand is that everyone wants to be happy. And I also understand, because I've seen lots of happy people that aren't like me, that there are hundreds of life paths to get there.
So, yeah, this.
Love ya, @KCDodger
As someone that just came out as trans myself just knowing that there are good people in the X-Wing community is very helpful. Thank you.
3 minutes ago, Npmartian said:As someone that just came out as trans myself just knowing that there are good people in the X-Wing community is very helpful. Thank you.
We're here for you. The number of us that care for you far outweigh the number that hate you. You are loved and you are valid.
1 hour ago, Npmartian said:As someone that just came out as trans myself just knowing that there are good people in the X-Wing community is very helpful. Thank you.
If you need any resources, I have a ton! Just hit me in DMs.
Take that bigots. All it took was one person to expose how horrid they are and people are coming together against you. It's almost like you're...a bad person at worst, or heavily misguided at least.
Edited by Ebak2 minutes ago, Ebak said:Take that bigots. All it took was one person to expose how horrid they are and people are coming together against you. It's almost like you're...a bad person at worst, or heavily misguided at least.
Who are the bigots you’re referring to?
3 minutes ago, Pooleman said:Who are the bigots you’re referring to?
Was a general application of a term, not aimed in anyone in particular. Basically the point is, people can be bigoted, but in the end people with empathy and care will always be there to shout down the abuse with "We stand with you."
Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun
54 minutes ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:
I think this is silly. Nancy Pelosi did the same thing Cruz did in 2004. It’s perfectly legal and within the senators rights to object. people have very short memories.
2 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:
11 hours ago, Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun said:
Petty harassment sure is fun as long as it doesn't happen to me.
12 hours ago, Pooleman said:I think this is silly. Nancy Pelosi did the same thing Cruz did in 2004. It’s perfectly legal and within the senators rights to object. people have very short memories.
Except if you read the article, she didn't object. Senator Barb Boxer and Representative Staphanie Tubbs objected. And not on the basis of fraud, but rather acts of voter suppression. See the direct quote from the article:
Pelosi noted that "under the rule of law today this House will accept the election of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. There is absolutely no question about that. This isn't about in any way rejecting that outcome," she said at the time. "It is instead to discuss the real problems with our electoral system."
There also the little thing that Pelosi didn't encourage an angry mob to march on the Capitol building.
2 hours ago, 5050Saint said:Except if you read the article, she didn't object. Senator Barb Boxer and Representative Staphanie Tubbs objected. And not on the basis of fraud, but rather acts of voter suppression. See the direct quote from the article:
Pelosi noted that "under the rule of law today this House will accept the election of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. There is absolutely no question about that. This isn't about in any way rejecting that outcome," she said at the time. "It is instead to discuss the real problems with our electoral system."
There also the little thing that Pelosi didn't encourage an angry mob to march on the Capitol building.
Whataboutism continues to be a constant problem. "Well...this person was also bad." Okay...two bad things happened, doesn't make them right.
On 1/7/2021 at 2:05 PM, codytx2 said:I am talking about ignoring violence when convenient, blatant hypocrisy, and the tribalism. DC was actually on fire a few months ago with the only responses of a some blacked out social media accounts. Libs justified, ignored, or did whatever to make that acceptable (except the few times it got close to their homes). Same thing far right are doing now for the buffalo hat dude and the rest of his jack*ss friends. Don't like Trump challenging the election? Want him to shut up and accept the election results? MSM & Libs spun the Russia story the last 4 years solely to erode the legitimacy of his win. (Not saying Russia did not interfere I am saying they equally attacked and helped all candidates). All I saw was #notmypresident. Or "but the popular vote". And you can save the tired fascism label. Liberals literally want the government to control every aspect of your life. Everyone the same. No dissenting voices; especially if you're a woman or minority or lgbt which somehow doesn't make Libs racist or sexist or any other -ist. Put on your blue Biden "Rebuild America" hat and keep pretending it is so different than the red MAGA one.
See this is the problem with the right. You can attack the Capital with violent intent towards the politicians you disagree with and somehow pretend that it's the same as protests against vast systemic injustice that did not attempt to impede the democratic process. Were there riots in the summer? Yes. Does that mean that somehow the subject of those protests are invalid? No. Frankly the majority of protests in the summer were non violent, until the police turned violent. Once tear gas and rubber bullets start flying, things quickly devolve into chaos. It's called a police riot, for those of you who don't seem to understand how peaceful protests turn violent.
You also have literally no understanding of left leaning politics and it's frankly just depressing. So lost in your hateful little world that you can't step outside yourself for one minute and feel some F***ing empathy for your fellow man. Please, continue to tell us libs why it's wrong to treat Black, LGBT, Women, etc, as if they are people who deserve the same rights, freedoms, and feelings of security that cis white christian men have enjoyed for centuries. Clearly it's absurd for us to expect the cops to not murder unarmed civilians, or the president to not be a raging racist that wants all people of Mexican decent to leave the country.
Gotta love that your actually criticizing the left for pushing the Russian election interference narrative while also acknowledging that it did in fact go down that way. You deflect and try to pretend Russia was hurting everyone, but at least you got closer to reality than any of us expected you to.
Right wing politics is fascism in it's early stages. Fascism before it's got complete control of a country. They other marginalized groups, attempt to deny reality constantly for their benefit, do everything in their power to indoctrinate and radicalize the populous to allow for easier control, and as we have seen last Wednesday they attempt to intimidate or violently silence their political opponents. Fascists are Fascists sir. You can deny the label all you want, but I'm not seeing any Neo Nazis or KKK members showing up to BLM marches. They prefer to be in the company of like minded b**tards which can be found in ample supply at any Trump Rally.
Make better choices, get better idols, and start living in the real world with the rest of us. If you want to see liberties eroded and stripped away, you need to start looking at the kind of policies the GOP has pushed through over the course of decades. Remember, it wasn't a BLM march or a ANTIFA group that tried to silence those in Congress they disagree with. It was Trump supporters, and indeed Trump himself by his mere refusal to take any action until after the Capital was seized. Make no mistake, while the left outright hates Trump, we have done nothing violent towards him or his toadies in the Republican party. This blatant act of domestic terrorism is not the first that has been born from Trump either. It's simply the biggest so far.
Biden sucks, but at least he isn't as corrosive to democracy as literally any right wing lunatic.
Edited by Hippie Moosen17 minutes ago, Hippie Moosen said:Right wing politics is fascism in it's early stages
Actually, no. Taken to the extreme and bad things happen but neither left or right is inherently bad until the extreme is reached. American Democrats, by the way, are hardly full on hard line left either... though by saying that doesn’t excuse any bad apples.
Trump politics are bad. Are all Republicans bad? No. Fiscal conservatism in itself isn’t a bad thing. Again, cutting rights to health care and such is going too far.
You can’t resolve a conflict by throwing hyperbolic accusations.
1 hour ago, LagJanson said:You can’t resolve a conflict by throwing hyperbolic accusations.
Welcome to the FFG forums.
A man kneeling during a sports ball games was un-American and an attack on freedom according to Conservative media so I don't give a crap what they think is fair and balanced discourse.
We are here because conservativism is hyperbolic by its nature.
Edited by All Shields Forward2 hours ago, LagJanson said:Actually, no. Taken to the extreme and bad things happen but neither left or right is inherently bad until the extreme is reached. American Democrats, by the way, are hardly full on hard line left either... though by saying that doesn’t excuse any bad apples.
Trump politics are bad. Are all Republicans bad? No. Fiscal conservatism in itself isn’t a bad thing. Again, cutting rights to health care and such is going too far.
You can’t resolve a conflict by throwing hyperbolic accusations.
I wish I could agree with everything you said. I really really do. There's a reason they say, "every cynic is really just a frustrated idealist." I will however apologize for my hyperbolic outburst as it does nothing to help anyone. I was venting, as this entire situation has me at my breaking point regarding my patience for right wing leaders and supporters.
In the interest of being more rational and polite I will try again in a post following this one
Edited by Hippie MoosenSadly in the US, the right has been lurching farther and farther into the extremes of right wing ideology for a very long time. To stay relevant, the left has sadly been lurching towards the right along with them. The left is closer to a centrist party now as a result. That's how you get to where we are now. A place where obvious extremism is only criticized because taking actual action to remove the problem would not only go against what is considered normal, but likely result in what we saw on Wednesday. Extreme action from the extreme followers of a side with an extreme ideology. Frankly I was expecting worse when Trump lost. I hoped for a peaceful transition, but have lived through the radicalization the right wing. I watched it unfold as I was growing up and on wards into adulthood. We live in a post Fox news, post Alex Jones, post Social media echo chamber world. An event like Wednesday's, and I fear worse events that may yet transpire, feel inevitable in this current climate.
This does not necessarily mean that the right is moving towards a fascist dictatorship, but for the first time in my life, people have frequently been asking the question, of whether or not the POTUS will assist with a peaceful transition of power. This should not have to be a question, but sadly the situation in this country has devolved to the point where the answer to it cannot be taken as a given. What's more, if the reaction to the election, the numerous failed law suits, and the continued claims of election fraud despite any evidence of said fraud didn't provide us with Trumps answer to this question, the Wednesday Riot and his reaction to it most certainly did. Trump is undeniably taking measures that would be more in line with a fascist dictator taking part in democratic theater, rather than a leader who believes in and respects the democratic process. The support he continues to receive from the right wing leadership and average Republican voter is disconcerting to say the least, as it seems to suggest that tribalism in this country has finally progressed to the point where at least one side is more than willing to abandon democracy in favor of allowing their chosen representative to maintain his position despite the evidence of his loss.
As I type this the leaders of the right are attempting to distance themselves from their claims of election fraud in the aftermath of the act of domestic terrorism they are at least partially responsible for. If the Republican voters indeed do not stand by the president they put into office or the sycophants who have sought to support him and his dangerous rhetoric, they must begin to speak out against them. Don't allow the congressmen and senators who propped up the lie of a stolen election to pretend they had no part in what transpired on Wednesday. Vote them out when the time comes, or better yet demand they step down from their positions. Provide the rest of us some proof that you are not the fascists we have feared you becoming for decades. If they do not rebuke Trump and his accomplices, they will be admitting they stand by the rioters, not to mention the terrorists that planned to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and the Terrorists who have been planning additional and far more violent and targeted raids on the capital whom congress received briefings on Yesterday. Prove our worst fears, our hyperbole, wrong. We beg you...
Edited by Hippie Moosen12 hours ago, 5050Saint said:Except if you read the article, she didn't object. Senator Barb Boxer and Representative Staphanie Tubbs objected. And not on the basis of fraud, but rather acts of voter suppression. See the direct quote from the article:
Pelosi noted that "under the rule of law today this House will accept the election of President Bush and Vice President Cheney. There is absolutely no question about that. This isn't about in any way rejecting that outcome," she said at the time. "It is instead to discuss the real problems with our electoral system."
There also the little thing that Pelosi didn't encourage an angry mob to march on the Capitol building.
Trump didn’t encourage any violence. In fact the mob had already stormed the capitol while Trump was still speaking to the crowd.
9 hours ago, Ebak said:Whataboutism continues to be a constant problem. "Well...this person was also bad." Okay...two bad things happened, doesn't make them right.
Referencing the other side isn’t “whataboutism”. If prominent politicians and media personalities spend the whole summer justifying political violence and destruction it’s perfectly fair to ask why they object to the other side of the aisle performing acts of political violence.
45 minutes ago, Pooleman said:Trump didn’t encourage any violence. In fact the mob had already stormed the capitol while Trump was still speaking to the crowd.
lol that's legit untrue
1 hour ago, Pooleman said:Trump didn’t encourage any violence. In fact the mob had already stormed the capitol while Trump was still speaking to the crowd.
Er... you may want to check that "fact" out for yourself...
Let's go to the tapes, shall we...
As I have been told, the immediateness of it is what makes it actually incitement, which is a fairly hard hurdle to clear.
8 hours ago, LagJanson said:Er... you may want to check that "fact" out for yourself...
My “fact” is true. The mob stormed the capitol before Trump was finished speaking. I’ll even provide a left wing source for you.