Predictions/Hopes for RRG

By SirCormac, in Star Wars: Legion

So as an Imperial player, I am super excited about the RRG update to drop in November that promises to give us a massive re-balance, especially to the older units, many of which, to be fair, were DOA. I know the Imperials the best, so I am just going to go through them, and this is mainly my wishlist, so feel free to include your own.

1. E-Web: The E-Web has been DOA pretty much from the first moment it dropped, and losing the plodding keyword helped, but not by much. Being able to move and shoot is a critical element to Legion, and it often goes unnoticed how often you need to move and shoot until one pays attention. This is a big part of why exhaust weapons and cumbersome weapons, to the most part, aren't useful. One solution to this would be to remove the Cumbersome keyword from the game and simply make these weapons cost more (or cost what they originally cost), but I think for the E-Web we have a simple, elegant solution: Make the gun range 1-4. It is a heavy machine gun mounted on a tri-pod, it should have better range, but regardless of 'realism', this would make them usable. Being out-ranged by so many things in the game AND being unable to move and shoot to deal with being outranged make it virtually unplayable. I also wouldn't mind a Cover 1 keyword to simulate Sandbags and to help the E-Web with Cover (it often struggles to get into cover because of it's awkward size), but I would understand if they didn't do this. In conclusion, I think the simplest answer is to give it Range 4. I don't think it breaks it, as it still is clunky and fills a support slot (something Empire rarely fills, so it screws up the order pool).

2. Speeder Bikes: Bikes got a huge point discount a year ago, and they still are way too fragile. It seems that FFG has finally figured out what makes speeders work in STAPs (and to a degree TaunTauns), and it seems a huge part of it is the Agile Keyword. I actually think FFG should change the Speeder X keyword to be like Scale in the sense that it contains other keywords. I think Speeder X should include Agile X, Cover X, AND that your cover can never be reduced below your X (to show it's hard to hit you because of how fast you are going). This would give both Speeder Bikes and the two Rebel Speeders alot of life and perhaps a chance to actually see real play time (The Airspeeder would need Outmaneuver, but with Agile 2, it might not blow up instantly). I'd even be fine if these changes made bikes (or the other speeders) MORE expensive, if it actually made them playable. They just blow up waaaay to quickly against any player who knows what they are doing. They need a buff to defense to put them on par with STAPs, not simply a points reduction.

3. Dewbacks: Oh boy, these guys were DOA, and how they were playtested side-by-side with Tauntauns will always confuse me. Dewbacks are as bad as Tauns are good. If a Dewback spurs, it is still slower than a Taun (albeit only slightly), but has to gain 2 Suppression to sort of keep up with the Taun, on a unit that will gain a bunch of suppression from a bunch of fire. It HAS to take Endurance to fix it's own problems, while Tauns can take Tenacity to increase damage output, and all of it's weapons are pretty bad and you need to pay for them, while Tauns get an amazing Range 2 shot that complements their charge perfectly. Basically, Dewbacks are a dumpster fire, but you already knew that. Now I think Dewbacks really need a good, range 3 weapon to compliment them (I would LOVE Iden's Repeater for them, 2R 1B 2W, Critical 1, Impact 1), but alas, they have nothing like that right now. I've done alot of thinking on this, and I THINK that their Flamethrower is relatively on par with the Tauns native gun. The Tauns are fast, and Range 2 is no problem for them, and with Sharpshooter 1 and Surging Red dice, it is almost a guaranteed 3 hits past cover, which is amazing. The Flamethrower is more damaging to Infantry squads, but sucks in other situations, and is only Range 1, and Dewbacks are slow and struggle with Suppression. If a Dewback with a Flamethrower cost the same as a Taun (90 points), they MAY see play (or they may still suck too much). The other guns are way worse than what the Tauns use (other than range, but they still suck), so if they equip those guns they should be cheaper than Tauns. I believe the Dewbacks should be no more expensive than 70 points to reflect this. Alternatively, the word Spur I believe is a bit of a failure. It has way too much downside to make Dewbacks and Vader really usable. I think a change to Spur to be (Gain 1 Suppression to increase you speed by 1 for the remainder of the Activation) would go a long way to alleviating this. Op Vader needs the help too.

4. Vader: Both Vaders have real, real problems, and it has always been my argument that, if you had access to Commander Vader and Commander Luke for the same cost, I would always take Luke over Vader. I think the difference between them is that much. Both Vaders need a MASSIVE point reduction to be viable, since they are so slow. Vader has clearly suffered from 'Big Name syndrome'. If he was designed the same way, but was named after some rare Dark Jedi in Legends no one had ever heard of, her would be waaaaaay cheaper, but since he's named Vader, he must be expensive, he's Vader!!! But he also sucks for his cost. I think nothing less than a 20 point reduction for both Vaders would be way too little, and would still not be enough. In all seriousness, if Iden and Op Vader cost the same, would you take Op Vader over Iden? Maybe, but the fact that I think that's a legitimate debate shows how week Op Vader really is. I am hoping for a 30 point reduction from both, but don't expect it. I think both Vaders will drop 20 points (so Op Vader 150, Com Vader 170) and they probably still won't see play, and will get ANOTHER 20 points off in a year. Maybe someday Vader will be usable...

5. Scout Troopers: If Scout Troopers came out today, I'm convinced they'd have Scout-3 and Red saves. They clearly have armor on (more armor than ISF who get semi-surging Red dice) and yet get White-Surge Dice. I know FFG will never do it, but I think those are your fixes right there. What about Strike teams? Well, they are a completely seperate card, so you could leave that alone? Otherwise you increase the cost of Imperial Snipers and give them Red saves. You wouldn't even need to do it that much, since CIS and GAR get Red save Snipers for 52 points, AND have Impervious. Grant it, their Sniper weapons aren't as good, but trading Impervious for High Velocity/Pierce seems like a fair trade. Anyways, if the Empire had Scout-3, Red saving Scout Troopers, they would be a legit threat as Assault Infantry, which is clearly the role they are meant to fill. Also, they would no longer surge defensively or offensively, and would work amazing in Aggresive Tactics lists. I doubt FFG will ever fix these guys, but this is a wishlist, so there ya go.

6. Heavies: Both Imperial heavies aren't bad, but they definitely aren't up to snuff with the AAT. I have played the ATST alot, and really love it, so am excited for any help. If you run the numbers of it's health compared to the health of the new tanks, the ATST is over paying for it's health by about 15 points (and considering the weapons on the new tanks are better, it should probably be cheaper). My suggestion for the AT-ST is A) Reduce it's cost to 155, B) Give it Critical 1 on the main gun and reduce the Impact to 2, C) Reduce the cost of all of the guns by 5 points D) Make the Mortar Range 3-Infinite, and the 88 Range 1-4. These changes might be enough to put it on par with the new tanks. One problem with the ATST is the ranges on its guns are all funky and don't synergize. This would help alot, and make taking Weiss a little more reasonable (as you'd have a nice shot to use with him at any Range band). The Tank isn't in as bad a place as the ATST, but I think giving it a slight points reduction (maybe 5-10 points), and reducing it's Impact by 1 and gaining Critical 1 would help immensely. Adding Critical to the ATST and the Tank wouldn't invalidate the Hammers pilot, but would make it more of an option than an auto-include. Also, if I could redesign Weiss, I'd keep him at 10 points, but give him Arsenal 1 instead of 2, and make him not exhaust. This would give the ATST Arsenal 3 with him, and with the changes to the guns, actually make the ATST kinda scary. Anyways, probably will never happen, but it is nice to dream.

That's about all I can think of for the Imperial side, and like I said, these are more wishes than predictions, and I'm excited to see what they do. What are you hoping for? What would you like to see?

Edited by SirCormac

Both Vaders need to be more tanky. I think they need defensive surge at minimum, so Deflect would just be a nice bonus if you happen to have a dodge token instead of the current "Oh god I need to activate now and basically waste his activation just to trigger Force Reflexes and not die!!!"

49 minutes ago, SirCormac said:

If you run the numbers of it's health compared to the health of the new tanks, the ATST is over paying for it's health by about 15 points

Genuinely curious if you could break down your cost evaluation.

9 minutes ago, arnoldrew said:

Both Vaders need to be more tanky. I think they need defensive surge at minimum, so Deflect would just be a nice bonus if you happen to have a dodge token instead of the current "Oh god I need to activate now and basically waste his activation just to trigger Force Reflexes and not die!!!"

He wouldn't need to be tankyer if he spent less time exposed

The problem with the E-Web is that its offensively impotent. It needs barrage, gunslinger, or a rule like the saber tanks beam weapon to make it actually feel like a heavy machine gun. Range 4 wouldnt hurt either. But the E-web definitely needs to do more damage.


Scout Troopers: If Scout Troopers came out today, I'm convinced they'd have Scout-3 and Red saves.

Theres absolutely nothing wrong with scout troopers other than the fact their heavy weapon options are way too expensive.

8 black dice with sharpshooter 1 is insane offense for only 60 points. The problem is the unit dies too quickly but making the heavy weapons worth taking would give them a fifth trooper which would improve their survivability greatly.

I would decrease the cost of the heavy weapons by X then increase the cost of strike teams by X. that keeps the cost of strike teams the same while making the heavy weapons cheaper for the full unit.

Edited by Khobai
1 hour ago, SirCormac said:

1. E-Web: The E-Web has been DOA pretty much from the first moment it dropped, and losing the plodding keyword helped, but not by much. Being able to move and shoot is a critical element to Legion, and it often goes unnoticed how often you need to move and shoot until one pays attention. This is a big part of why exhaust weapons and cumbersome weapons, to the most part, aren't useful. One solution to this would be to remove the Cumbersome keyword from the game and simply make these weapons cost more (or cost what they originally cost), but I think for the E-Web we have a simple, elegant solution: Make the gun range 1-4. It is a heavy machine gun mounted on a tri-pod, it should have better range, but regardless of 'realism', this would make them usable. Being out-ranged by so many things in the game AND being unable to move and shoot to deal with being outranged make it virtually unplayable. I also wouldn't mind a Cover 1 keyword to simulate Sandbags and to help the E-Web with Cover (it often struggles to get into cover because of it's awkward size), but I would understand if they didn't do this. In conclusion, I think the simplest answer is to give it Range 4. I don't think it breaks it, as it still is clunky and fills a support slot (something Empire rarely fills, so it screws up the order pool).

Maybe give them help with deployment like Scout 3.

Give all exhaust upgrades cycle.

15 minutes ago, arnoldrew said:

Both Vaders need to be more tanky. I think they need defensive surge at minimum, so Deflect would just be a nice bonus if you happen to have a dodge token instead of the current "Oh god I need to activate now and basically waste his activation just to trigger Force Reflexes and not die!!!"

I second this. Especially since we see him outright tank wounds all the time in the canon. In one movie we see Vader get shot in the hands multiple times, kicked off an edge, slashed in the shoulder with a lightsaber... and he wasn't even phased...

The change suggested to E-Webs is a good one although I would just keep it to just a range upgrade. Giving a unit cover 1 to simulate using sandbags is fine, but doesn't make sense for a movable turret. It'd make more sense for the FD to get that. I'd also change the generators to have cycle.

Speeders should all have either outmaneuver or agile (or both) by default. Except the BARC, which would lose agile from adding the sidecar gunner. If those got added, I do agree that a minor increase in points would be needed.

The change to Spur would help a ton with Dewbacks (and OP Vader). As others have suggested, both forms of Vader should be more tanky. He doesn't need to be some super speedy melee boi, we have enough of those and that's not what Vader has ever been shown to be.

I'd rather not see scout troopers get red defense if only because I don't want to see a short range unit that potent also be fairly durable. Jacking up the value of scout they have is a goodish start, but I don't know what to do with em.

Like you said the imp Heavies aren't that far off. I'd really only touch the weapons on the ST and see where that takes it. The Occupier being brought down 10 would probably be enough for it.

Edited by thepopemobile100

Both Vaders should get defensive surge. But I think Commander Vader should go down to 7 wounds if he gets defensive surge. 8 wounds and defensive surge is a bit too much. 7 wounds with defensive surge is still super tanky compared to all other characters.

I would also like to see spur changed so it lasts the entire activation.

And I would like to see commander Vader get some kindve command ability. Because it makes no sense that he has no command abilities when hes the Empire's 2nd best commander.

Commander Vader should have an ability called "you have failed me for the last time" that puts a suppression token on a friendly unit and lets them immediately perform a free attack but if they fail to kill an enemy model with that attack they suffer 1 automatic wound.

Why are we paying 190 points for Vader when Anakin is only 160? Vader needs to do way more.

Edited by Khobai
35 minutes ago, Darth Sanguis said:

Genuinely curious if you could break down your cost evaluation.

It's pretty simple. The ATST pays 170 points for 16.5 expected health. The AAT and the Saber pay the same for 18 (and the Saber has native Outmaneuver and both can benefit from Aggressive Tactics) while the ATST cannot. Regardless, going on 'paying for health' alone, the ATST would pay 155 to pay for the same expected health as the other two.

Rather than decrease its cost I would give the AT-ST Arsenal 3

That puts its offense on par with the Saber Tank

I suppose you could also lower the base cost of the AT-ST and change General Weiss to give Arsenal +1 all the time instead of exhausting to give Arsenal +2 for one turn.

The AT-ST should be able to fire 3 weapons though. Its ridiculous that it can carry so many weapons but cant properly use them.

Edited by Khobai
24 minutes ago, Khobai said:

The problem with the E-Web is that its offensively impotent. It needs barrage, gunslinger, or a rule like the saber tanks beam weapon to make it actually feel like a heavy machine gun.

I like this idea, would be interesting.

25 minutes ago, Khobai said:

Theres absolutely nothing wrong with scout troopers other than the fact their heavy weapon options are way too expensive.

8 black dice with sharpshooter 1 is insane offense for only 60 points. The problem is the unit dies too quickly but making the heavy weapons worth taking would give them a fifth trooper which would improve their survivability greatly.

Here I must disagree. Fleet troopers with the Scatter Gun are only 7 more points and hit harder, and they are never taken, because, as you say, they die too quick. Scout troopers with Red dice would hit hard, but still be limited to ground movement. I think it would be very fair. Compare them to Mando's. Mando's don't hit as hard but have crazy defense and mobility. Scout troopers would be more glass cannon but slower. Regardless, it's all moot because they won't fix Scout troopers.

17 minutes ago, Khobai said:

Rather than decrease its cost I would give the AT-ST Arsenal 3

That puts its offense on par with the Saber Tank

There is one problem here: the range bands on the guns need to change. There is nowhere the ATST can use Arsenal 3 at this point unless it splits fire (excluding Ranges 1-2). So the range bands would need to change (as I suggested above)

Edited by SirCormac

There is one problem here: the range bands on the guns need to change. There is nowhere the ATST can use Arsenal 3 at this point unless it splits fire. So the range bands would need to change (as I suggested above)

main guns 1-4
twin blaster 1-3
grenade launcher 1-2

so it can use 3 weapons at 1-2

the only weapon that needs to change is the mortar. but more because its bad than anything else. all mortar weapons should get indirect fire IMO.

Edited by Khobai

Rebels/CIS player here so I also share my wish list. Not including what was confirmed to be getting buffed:

  • Han- The weakest Rebel commander right now and with Cassian, Sabine, and soon Lando he could use some love. Maybe a little buff to Chewbacca as well so they get some more combo things going on.
  • Jyn? - Sort of sucks that she only sees play along Cassian, but I sort of like that about her as well since it feels thematic. With pathfinders also coming down I do wonder if she will just play a supporting role to everything else around her and stay as is.
  • commandos- sort of hope they get a rework along with the scout troopers. Would love to see them taken over strike teams.
  • 1.4 FD Laser Cannon- I'll be honest I don't remember if this unit is good or bad anymore lol. Would lean to maybe a points decrees to the generator in order for this unit to be a counter to both a tank or infantry meta.


  • Droidekars- Really the only CIS unit that I would push for a buff since everything else in the faction is pretty solid. Maybe increase how much it regenerates shields to really make them really tanky ............. Or just lower the cost.

6 minutes ago, Khobai said:

There is one problem here: the range bands on the guns need to change. There is nowhere the ATST can use Arsenal 3 at this point unless it splits fire. So the range bands would need to change (as I suggested above)

main guns 1-4
twin blaster 1-3
grenade launcher 1-2

so it can use 3 weapons at 1-2

I realized this after I posted, still makes it awkward though. Don't get me wrong, I play the ATST as an assault tank with the grenade launcher, but most prefer to play tanks as long range artillery. A change in range bands would help both versions out.

48 minutes ago, SirCormac said:

I like this idea, would be interesting.

Here I must disagree. Fleet troopers with the Scatter Gun are only 7 more points and hit harder, and they are never taken, because, as you say, they die too quick. Scout troopers with Red dice would hit hard, but still be limited to ground movement. I think it would be very fair. Compare them to Mando's. Mando's don't hit as hard but have crazy defense and mobility. Scout troopers would be more glass cannon but slower. Regardless, it's all moot because they won't fix Scout troopers.

fleet troopers are fine though. And they do get used in specific lists.

they are a glass cannon unit. glass cannon units are supposed to die quickly. thats the glass part. the cannon part is the fact they do way more damage than any other corps unit.

you seem to think fleet troopers should do more damage than anything else but shouldnt give up anything in return. thats not how it works. they trade defense and range for more offense; and tradeoffs are what keep the game balanced. fleet troopers are very close to where they need to be.

the problem with scout troopers is they die even faster than fleet troopers do because they only get a 4-man unit size and the heavy weapon is too expensive to be worth it. if the cost of the heavy weapon was reduced for scout troopers and they could reasonably run a 5 man unit their survivability would be noticeably better.

scout troopers definitely should not have a red save though. because theyre a glass cannon unit in the same vein as fleet troopers. scout troopers trade away their red save in exchange for doing way better damage. working as intended. the 4-man unit size and the fact the heavy weapon isnt worth taking is the problem with scout troopers and thats what needs to be fixed.

but one thing glass cannon units do share in common is that theyre all highly dependent on terrain. but thats more a problem with board setup than anything else. so yeah the board setup rules could definitely be tweaked a bit to be more accommodating towards units like fleet troopers and scout troopers.

I also think a keyword like stealth should be added to the game. units with stealth could reduce the range weapons can fire at them. So a unit with stealth 1 could only be shot at by range 4 weapons if theyre at range 3. And range 3 weapons could only shoot at them if theyre at range 2. Stealth is a keyword rebel units like pathfinders could desperately use. And it might fit on scouttroopers too.

28 minutes ago, SirCormac said:

I realized this after I posted, still makes it awkward though. Don't get me wrong, I play the ATST as an assault tank with the grenade launcher, but most prefer to play tanks as long range artillery. A change in range bands would help both versions out.

The occupier tank is the long range vehicle for Imperials. And the occupier tank certainly needs a buff to make it better in that role. Would like to see the occupier tank get an ordnance slot or an artillery style weapon option. Or even just the option to carry a stormtrooper with an HH-12 since everybody has extra HH-12s they can glue on their occupier tank.

The AT-ST should be more in-your-face though like it is in return of the jedi. The AT-ST should have high offensive output and high survivability but limited range. I think arsenal 3 but limited to the 1-2 range band is perfect for the AT-ST.

I also would like to see the AT-ST go upto 12 health to be more on par with the Saber Tank. But thats probably asking too much.

Edited by Khobai
3 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

1.4 FD Laser Cannon- I'll be honest I don't remember if this unit is good or bad anymore lol. Would lean to maybe a points decrees to the generator in order for this unit to be a counter to both a tank or infantry meta

I've been using it since it was released and up until I swapped full time over to CIS. As it currently stands, it isn't a bad unit. It's primary problems stem from it being completely stationary, which will never change. SirCormac's idea of giving cover 1 to the E-WEB is a pretty good idea if a buff was to be given to it.

6 minutes ago, RyantheFett said:

Droidekars- Really the only CIS unit that I would push for a buff since everything else in the faction is pretty solid. Maybe increase how much it regenerates shields to really make them really tanky ............. Or just lower the cost.

I'd like to see a 10 point drop and/or recharge 1 or 2.

Droidekas need a 10 point drop and should be able to capture objectives if they didnt enter wheel mode.

Just a thought on cumbersome. Instead of outright removal, maybe a rework of the RRG saying something along the lines of "during an attack, if a unit is using a weapon with the word "cumbersome" moved during this activation, it can not use aim tokens during the modify attack die step." Just an idea to keep a sense of "realism" showing how while a team moved with a heavy gun might be clumsy with it until established, but allowing it to still be usable.


As others have said: Droidekas should get a point reduction. -10p, minimum.;I'd even give them Full Pivot while not on Wheel mode or Generator 2.

The B1 Upgrade box Personnel upgrades need some rework, too.

- Security Droid : 9p to negate AI: Attack, but exhaustible. Sorry, I won't spend an action for that - and for +3p! It should get Cycle or ditch the Exhaust altogether. The T-Series Droid will cost 18p (twice as much), but has a way better gun, Reliable 1 and no AI: Attack at all times ; there's no doubt which one I'd choose (and even yet I'd rather use the T-Series on B2s or BXs).

- OOM Droid : 12p to increase the Coordinate: Droid Trooper from R1 to R2. Neat ability, but not worth an entire extra B1. Should drop to 9p.

- The Rad Trooper should also have a bone thrown at it. The weapon is good, but being the most expensive option at R2 makes no one interested in it. -2p would be okay-ish.


- The anti-cover torpedo is hardly used. Making it 1-3 would do wonders.

- T-Series Pilot: Bonuses are too meh. Drop it to 3p.

B2s : the HA upgrade (blast weapon) could get a -2p discount. I hardly use it nowadays.

All droid troopers : Integrated Comms Antenna is really bad for 3p in a world where the better Long-Range Comlink for 5p isn't taken. 1-2p would be enough.

Personally I just want them to do something to make the HH-12 viable. I think either the exhaust or cumbersome has to go. And also a points drop.

Edited by Scientia06
4 minutes ago, Scientia06 said:

Personally I just want them to do something to make the HH-12 viable. I think either the exhaust or cumbersome has to go.

Problem: Mathematically it’s already superior to all other Stormtrooper weapons vs any unit with Armor. You might not like it, but it’s still better.

So, why errata instead of changing the points for tournaments to cajole players to use it? Errata is an extreme thing to do for something that is ultimately just not being used due to player preference, not because it’s not good.

2 hours ago, SirCormac said:

It's pretty simple. The ATST pays 170 points for 16.5 expected health. The AAT and the Saber pay the same for 18 (and the Saber has native Outmaneuver and both can benefit from Aggressive Tactics) while the ATST cannot. Regardless, going on 'paying for health' alone, the ATST would pay 155 to pay for the same expected health as the other two.

And the AT-ST has weak point rear, while the Saber has weak point rear and sides, no? And the AAT has weak point 2 rear, a pretty massive disadvantage.

29 minutes ago, Derrault said:

Problem: Mathematically it’s already superior to all other Stormtrooper weapons vs any unit with Armor. You might not like it, but it’s still better.

So, why errata instead of changing the points for tournaments to cajole players to use it? Errata is an extreme thing to do for something that is ultimately just not being used due to player preference, not because it’s not good.

Any upside to the HH12 is outweighed by the downsides of it having exhaust and cumbersome. It is bad.

Furthermore, despite the fact the HH12 is "mathematically superior" than other weapons vs armor, the fact remains its absolutely terrible vs armor. Its not good at all in an anti-armor role.

Ever try firing an HH12 against a saber tank? You do like 1 damage. Its pathetic. Players dont use it because its bad at anti-armor. It is a bad weapon. period.

You are literally better off sticking impact grenades on your troops than using an HH-12. And when impact grenades are a better option you know theres something wrong.

29 minutes ago, Derrault said:

And the AT-ST has weak point rear, while the Saber has weak point rear and sides, no? And the AAT has weak point 2 rear, a pretty massive disadvantage.

You neglected to mention the saber tank has outmaneuver and can pull dodge tokens off friendly models as well as use Plo Koon to get 2 dodge tokens.

The AT-ST is way less survivable than the Saber Tank. That is a fact.

And weak point 2 rear is not a massive disadvantage unless youre driving backwards at the enemy. How else is the enemy going to get behind your range 4 tank? It doesnt happen unless you do something incredibly stupid.

Literally the only conceivable situation where rear weak point 2 is a disadvantage is if an airspeeder gets ignored then gets incredibly lucky and somehow manages to pivot the AAT with a harpoon. And if you cant beat someone using Airspeeders with CIS youve got bigger problems than your AAT having weak rear armor.

Edited by Khobai

I personally would like to see rebels and imps be brought up to the same bar that has been set with clones/cis. Maybe some type of theme for the factions like how cis have order control and clones have token sharing. some point changes are due (han, wookies,dewbacks for example) as well as some reworks (airspeeder).

My wishlist is I would love to see the airspeeder get critical 2 or maybe even barrage. I’d like to see the standalone commando/scout trooper squads be made viable. Vader needs some love, maybe the commander goes up to 10hp no surge or gets MotF 2 (I find it ridiculous he only has 1 when dooku has 2). His command cards are also somewhat lackluster comparing them to other force users.

cis is the most balanced faction to me, the droidekas need a points reduction but other than that the faction is well designed and plays great. Clones do need some sort of tuning down. I wouldn’t over nerf them. I think Rex should go up a little bit in points. The token sharing is a very powerful ability, especially with tactical 1 on some units. Maybe make it so standbys can’t be shared? Or limit overwatch to 1 per army. The overly defensive play style that standby sharing has brought out is not thematic at all and probably wasn’t intended on the developers part.