The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Imagine coming on here all excited about what you just experienced and reading complaints about the length of Leku’s, the fact that a 45 year old human being moves differently from an animated teenager and *gasp* that two people have different voices.

It is not weird that people tend to dislike Star Wars fans as a group.

1 hour ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Imagine coming on here all excited about what you just experienced and reading complaints about the length of Leku’s, the fact that a 45 year old human being moves differently from an animated teenager and *gasp* that two people have different voices.

It is not weird that people tend to dislike Star Wars fans as a group.


Quite a lot of SW fans are whiny twits.

2 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

If Lucasfilm would ever consider adapting the tie-in books to their films into movies, the EU wouldn't have been "decanonised".

I'm watching the entire run of anything Disleen as a Quantum/Alternate Universe... somewhere out there is the original post-RoTJ & 30+years of books, movies, comics etc that's still canon. That way I don't get annoyed, p***ed off or feel the need to rant anymore. I've '.... let it go...' and I've '...Let the past die...' and moved on....

Two universes, two different timelines. Works for me 😂

Alright, watched it again.

The name Grogu has grown on me.

Also, the live action Tano is pretty cool.

3 hours ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Imagine coming on here all excited about what you just experienced and reading complaints about the length of Leku’s, the fact that a 45 year old human being moves differently from an animated teenager and *gasp* that two people have different voices.

Hmm. This is kind of the place to come to discuss what you do and don't like. I don't really see a problem with that. Tell us what you liked about your experience with "The Jedi". Tell us if you thought something could have been done better, or *gasp* you didn't really like something. What's the problem with that. I listed a bunch of things I liked. I listed some things I didn't love. Whatever. It's fun to discuss things with other fans. Have you seen Rebels? Her lekku or whatever go almost down to her waist. Did she get a haircut? It's a dumb design mistake that they could have easily fixed. I still love watching Star Wars and The Mandalorian specifically. I'm so excited for the next 3 chapters. But it's also fine for me (and others) to say they should have made the lekku longer.

OK, loved the soundtrack of this chapter as well. I think they had some Ahsoka themes worked into it.

The down design was great. The cinematography, like when Ahsoka is standing in front of the gate with those huge walls... wow. The fight in the sort of zen garden and calm pond with the clanging of the weapons. Nice. I liked how some of it was left to the imagination while Din Michael Biehn's character listened patiently and had their own little showdown.

On second viewing I'm also ready for more Mando story. So many side stories. Gets a bit tiring. I hope the last 3 episodes are solidly about just Din, Grogu and Moff Gideon, with maybe a bit of Pershing, Greef Carga and Cara Dune as well. I'm wondering if Mando will lose ALL of his armour (not just his helmet). Gets captured and loses it all and has to survive without his indestructible casing. That's what I'd do. Might also be fun if they test some of that Grogu goo on Mando first just to see if it works...

I wish they could bring back IG-11...

1 hour ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

This is kind of the place to come to discuss what you do and don't like.

Agreed, I do that too. But there is discussions and there is nitpicky bs.

35 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Agreed, I do that too. But there is discussions and there is nitpicky bs.

Eye of the beholder. I'm sure you've posted more than a few nits of your own...

Would be surprised if I did.

4 minutes ago, whafrog said:

Eye of the beholder. I'm sure you've posted more than a few nits of your own...

Nah, just smears, lies, and other nasty BS. He's too good for something so petty as critiquing something. 🙄

It's why I don't bother engaging with him anymore on anything of substance. Can't get an actual discussion.

2 hours ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Her lekku or whatever go almost down to her waist. Did she get a haircut? It's a dumb design mistake that they could have easily fixed.

Eh, there are good practical reasons that they didn't (as detailed in the tweet posted by Nytwyng). However, it still looks really off.

4 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

just smears, lies, and other nasty BS

Wow... you are one to talk.

It was nice to get to see a Jedi in the Mandalorian, in a minor role. It was also nice to see Ahsoka realized in live action, though I wasn't terribly impressed with the performance. But I'm mainly here to watch the/a Mando go on space-adventures with a baby greml...I mean Yoda.

3 hours ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Have you seen Rebels? Her lekku or whatever go almost down to her waist. Did she get a haircut? It's a dumb design mistake that they could have easily fixed.

Since it’s been stated publicly that it was done for reasons of practicality in shooting live action, I’d say a conscious decision isn’t a design mistake and doesn’t require fixing.

Based on the lekku we saw in season 1 (which, to me, were rigid to the point of distraction) it would appear that there’s a trade-off to be made when the performer’s going to be in fairly heavy action: light weight for easy movement (which leads to that odd, rigid look to maintain the shape) or natural weight and shape, which impairs the performance.

The obvious go-to response is to say, “Finish them with CGI.” Which is all well and good for a one-off, multimillion dollar expense of a feature film. It’s less feasible for a weekly series, particularly for a guest star, even one with as high production values as The Mandalorian . If we buy into the speculation, for a moment, that this episode is meant to tease the Rebels sequel series/an Ahsoka series, that design is being made with long-term practicality in mind. Which is best for such production: a practical prosthetic that can be used multiple times, or an ongoing CGI expense every time a/the main character is on camera? (It’d be like, since Stephen Amell said he couldn’t grow a good beard, Arrow CG’ed Green Arrow’s classic Van Dyke onto his face every episode. 🤣 )

Maybe at a certain age Leku shrink.
It happens to the best of us.

Luke involved in the New Republic ? I thought he was more involved in his new Jedi Academy training his sister and other padawans

Edited by Rosco74
3 hours ago, Rosco74 said:

Luke involved in the New Republic ? I thought he was more involved in his new Jedi Academy training his sister and other padawans

"The Last Jedi" suggests that he wasn't teaching in the Disneyverse

18 minutes ago, Dazgrim said:

"The Last Jedi" suggests that he wasn't teaching in the Disneyverse

Then what was he doing having students and an academy and stuff?

Although five years after Return Of The Jedi is probably a bit early for him already being teaching, unles he really rushed into things.

Edited by micheldebruyn
51 minutes ago, micheldebruyn said:

Then what was he doing having students and an academy and stuff?

Although five years after Return Of The Jedi is probably a bit early for him already being teaching, unles he really rushed into things.

I’d guess he’s still on his relic hunt as depicted in the Battlefront II story.

1 hour ago, Nytwyng said:

I’d guess he’s still on his relic hunt as depicted in the Battlefront II story.

Wouldn't know anything about that. I coincidentally downloaded it literally just last week because it was only €13, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

1 hour ago, micheldebruyn said:

Wouldn't know anything about that. I coincidentally downloaded it literally just last week because it was only €13, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.

D’oh! Sorry about that.

Did I say “relic hunt?” I dump. Yeah...see...with the war going on, all of the relish in the Coruscant hot dog carts went bad, and...threatened to give the planet food poisoning? (*Whew* Genius cover. No way will he see through that.)

That was an excellent episode. Rosario is great at playing Ahsoka.

My only complaint is that the reasons for her to refuse to teach Grogu the Child felt forced and artificial. I think it would've worked better to have him refuse to work with her because he doesn't want to leave the Mando. Could've ended up with the same quest to go to Tython and it would've made a bit more sense.

I have mixed feelings about the prospect of an Ahsoka/Thrawn series. I love Ahsoka and Thrawn, and would like to see them both on screen, but...

1. I despise Ezra Bridger, and any such show would no doubt feature him in an important role.

2. So far I've been able to hold together a headcanon that includes both all the new Disney material and most of what happens in Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, which is one of my all-time favorite Star Wars stories. I'll be sorry to see that fall apart, which it surely will if they do a post-ROTJ show about Thrawn.

3. After the World Between Worlds and the lightsaber helicopters, I worry that Dave F will inject similarly silly elements into the show. (Mandalorian has been blessedly free of such goofiness.) And Resistance was a steaming pile IMO, hopefully that was just a matter of him phoning it in.

5 minutes ago, DaverWattra said:

My only complaint is that the reasons for her to refuse to teach Grogu the Child felt forced and artificial. I think it would've worked better to have him refuse to work with her because he doesn't want to leave the Mando. Could've ended up with the same quest to go to Tython and it would've made a bit more sense.

I disagree here. Ahsoka was very close to Anakin, so she's going to be very wary of increasing the power of someone she sees as being at risk of going down that path. Doesn't mean it's the right or smart thing to do, but it makes sense for the character. Baby Yoda not wanting to leave Mando can be considered as part of that, as being his attachment and fear of loss, another catalyst for Anakin's dark side.

Honestly, Jedi are terrible. I don't like them particularly much. I like individual Jedi, but not Jedi as a group or as an ideology.

7 minutes ago, DaverWattra said:

1. I despise Ezra Bridger, and any such show would no doubt feature him in an important role.

2. So far I've been able to hold together a headcanon that includes both all the new Disney material and most of what happens in Zahn's Thrawn trilogy, which is one of my all-time favorite Star Wars stories. I'll be sorry to see that fall apart, which it surely will if they do a post-ROTJ show about Thrawn.

3. After the World Between Worlds and the lightsaber helicopters, I worry that Dave F will inject similarly silly elements into the show. (Mandalorian has been blessedly free of such goofiness.) And Resistance was a steaming pile IMO, hopefully that was just a matter of him phoning it in.

Yes, yes, and sort of. I think Filoni was probably just phoning it in for Resistance, that show was way too bad for me to give him full credit. Yeesh. Especially as Resistance wasn't in the "Filoni-verse" as I have heard some refer to it.

It's hard to pin down Filoni, considering the three shows he's worked on have had some very different receptions and content. Clone Wars didn't have the ridiculousness of parts of Rebels, and Rebels wasn't as absolutely terrible as Resistance. However, I don't think he's going downhill. My guess/perception is that he had more freedom with Clone Wars and didn't have Disney breathing down his neck going "make it a kids' show." Don't know how accurate that is, but it's my perception. Then I addressed Resistance earlier.
I actually disagree with you on the World Between Worlds. And I'm someone who hates , and I mean HATES time travel. Never liked it, not even once. Until, that is, we get to the World Between Worlds. I thought it was actually quite well done, interesting, and a solid addition to the Star Wars universe. I can't quite remember what I thought of it when it first came around, so it is possible that my opinion has shifted since then.

One final point on Rebels: Aside from your objection of the World Between Worlds, most (if not all) of the goofy stuff was in the first one or two seasons, and then some of it stuck around. I thought seasons three and four were pretty solid, and got closer to the Clone Wars quality (closer, still not matching). I had some quibbles with where the latter seasons went at times, but overall I liked it.

As for The Mandalorian, Filoni got writing credit for this episode, and I think he did a great job. And I mean a phenomenal job. I would've absolutely loved this episode if it wasn't for my struggle with the live-action adaptation of Ahsoka.

And again, I didn't have unrealistic expectations. My expectations were perfectly reasonable and were fulfilled to the letter. Namely, that it would be hard to make a live-action version of a character like Ahsoka, for a variety of reasons.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I disagree here. Ahsoka was very close to Anakin, so she's going to be very wary of increasing the power of someone she sees as being at risk of going down that path. Doesn't mean it's the right or smart thing to do, but it makes sense for the character.

Fair point, fair point. On further consideration, I agree with you. It works given her history.

10 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

As for The Mandalorian, Filoni got writing credit for this episode, and I think he did a great job. And I mean a phenomenal job. I would've absolutely loved this episode if it wasn't for my struggle with the live-action adaptation of Ahsoka.

I loved the episode, but let's be real, writing a great episode for the Mandalorian is basically a question of whether you can come up with (a) cool villains for the Mandalorian to fight, (b) cool allies to fight with him and (c) decent dialogue to set up the fight. I love the show, but it is not a plot-focused show.

9 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I disagree here. Ahsoka was very close to Anakin, so she's going to be very wary of increasing the power of someone she sees as being at risk of going down that path. Doesn't mean it's the right or smart thing to do, but it makes sense for the character. Baby Yoda not wanting to leave Mando can be considered as part of that, as being his attachment and fear of loss, another catalyst for Anakin's dark side.

Honestly, Jedi are terrible. I don't like them particularly much. I like individual Jedi, but not Jedi as a group or as an ideology.

Yes, yes, and sort of. I think Filoni was probably just phoning it in for Resistance, that show was way too bad for me to give him full credit. Yeesh. Especially as Resistance wasn't in the "Filoni-verse" as I have heard some refer to it.

It's hard to pin down Filoni, considering the three shows he's worked on have had some very different receptions and content. Clone Wars didn't have the ridiculousness of parts of Rebels, and Rebels wasn't as absolutely terrible as Resistance. However, I don't think he's going downhill. My guess/perception is that he had more freedom with Clone Wars and didn't have Disney breathing down his neck going "make it a kids' show." Don't know how accurate that is, but it's my perception. Then I addressed Resistance earlier.
I actually disagree with you on the World Between Worlds. And I'm someone who hates , and I mean HATES time travel. Never liked it, not even once. Until, that is, we get to the World Between Worlds. I thought it was actually quite well done, interesting, and a solid addition to the Star Wars universe. I can't quite remember what I thought of it when it first came around, so it is possible that my opinion has shifted since then.

One final point on Rebels: Aside from your objection of the World Between Worlds, most (if not all) of the goofy stuff was in the first one or two seasons, and then some of it stuck around. I thought seasons three and four were pretty solid, and got closer to the Clone Wars quality (closer, still not matching). I had some quibbles with where the latter seasons went at times, but overall I liked it.

As for The Mandalorian, Filoni got writing credit for this episode, and I think he did a great job. And I mean a phenomenal job. I would've absolutely loved this episode if it wasn't for my struggle with the live-action adaptation of Ahsoka.

And again, I didn't have unrealistic expectations. My expectations were perfectly reasonable and were fulfilled to the letter. Namely, that it would be hard to make a live-action version of a character like Ahsoka, for a variety of reasons.

I think Resistance suffered from They had no idea what they were doing with the sequel Trilogy which left Filoni with a who lot of nothing to work with. The movies had no real plan that anyone was sticking to or being made to stick too so of course when you have no idea where the main story line is going you cant plan around that. Like the first order makes zero sense as laid out and Dave Filoni is wandering in the dark as to what the first order is doing.

14 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

I think Resistance suffered from They had no idea what they were doing with the sequel Trilogy which left Filoni with a who lot of nothing to work with. The movies had no real plan that anyone was sticking to or being made to stick too so of course when you have no idea where the main story line is going you cant plan around that. Like the first order makes zero sense as laid out and Dave Filoni is wandering in the dark as to what the first order is doing.

Even completely ignoring all of that, it was terrible . Aside from any sort of story, plot, or tie-ins, it was awful.

18 minutes ago, DaverWattra said:

I loved the episode, but let's be real, writing a great episode for the Mandalorian is basically a question of whether you can come up with (a) cool villains for the Mandalorian to fight, (b) cool allies to fight with him and (c) decent dialogue to set up the fight. I love the show, but it is not a plot-focused show.

Yeah, well. He did it. :)

The "micro-plot" of the episode itself was pretty good, in my opinion.

7 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Even completely ignoring all of that, it was terrible . Aside from any sort of story, plot, or tie-ins, it was awful.

It was. But I think it was because they working with both hands behind their back in a dark room...

Edited by Daeglan