The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Just now, micheldebruyn said:

Counter-argument: how much, in terms of looks, voice, and lighsaber choreography (and lets just throw personality in there as well), is animated Anakin like live action Anakin?

You don't seem to have gone into this with expectations that were at all realistic.

My expectations were perfectly realistic and were fulfilled to the letter. They just weren't high expectations.

The difference is that Anakin started on-screen and they were translating that into animation, which means they are copying a human not a human copying an animated character. He had also had different forms on-screen, whereas Ahsoka has always been animated and had the same voice actor.

That is why it's a break from the Ahsoka I'm used to. With Anakin, we had TPM Anakin which was different than AotC Anakin, which was different (in certain ways, but not actor) from RotS Anakin, which was different from Vader. So the difference doesn't bother me, as there are already different forms and, again, live-action to animation is much easier than animation to live-action. One reason for this is the voice. When choosing a voice actor for animation to copy a live action character, you can pick the best voice and someone who will be good at imitating the actor. When choosing a live action actor to copy an animated character, they have to fulfill certain physical criteria, and so you don't have as much choice when it comes to voice.

It's just that when watching Clones Wars , I do not get the impression that "sounding even a little bit like Hayden Christensen" was what they were going for when casting Anakin.

Really great episode. Not sure if our Mando knew about light sabers mechanics, but I guess he got lucky that his bracers are made of Beskar. I expected a little more resilience from the 2 guard droids, but yeah they did not have electro staves so... And finaly Tython ! great to have a look at the first Jedi planet. I am curious now how one can "summon" a Jedi hehe, and even more eager to see WHO will appear... (Ezra maybe)

I just hope we will see Ashoka again, but I don't think so 😞

3 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

It's just that when watching Clones Wars , I do not get the impression that "sounding even a little bit like Hayden Christensen" was what they were going for when casting Anakin.

The voice isn't the same, but (to me at least) it sounds similar. However, they get the appearance right. With Ahsoka, they miss both. If it was only one or the other (and appearance is the most important) it can be okay. But with Ahsoka, both are off.

39 minutes ago, Rosco74 said:

Really great episode. Not sure if our Mando knew about light sabers mechanics, but I guess he got lucky that his bracers are made of Beskar. I expected a little more resilience from the 2 guard droids, but yeah they did not have electro staves so... And finaly Tython ! great to have a look at the first Jedi planet. I am curious now how one can "summon" a Jedi hehe, and even more eager to see WHO will appear... (Ezra maybe)

I just hope we will see Ashoka again, but I don't think so 😞

After already getting Ahsoka, I can only think of two specific Jedi it could be without it being a complete anticlimax. And they're both from the movies.

12 minutes ago, micheldebruyn said:

And they're both from the movies.

Luke ? πŸ€ͺ

I disagree on the voice, it is close enough to me, at some points I wondered if it was dubbed. Perhaps it is my age, or just early morning watching. But she fit in sound in my opinion.

Visually I knew someone was going to have a go at the shortened lekku/montrals, but it was a a good decision I think. It worked visually and stylistically. And it made her work in live action, longer montrals would have been a bad decision, unless they made them good digitally.

Her moves were good and ninja :ph34r: The sabres great, and her role in the episode great.

9 minutes ago, Rosco74 said:

Luke ? πŸ€ͺ

Luke, obviously.

And Mace Windu, mostly because I think Samuel L. Jackson would give his right arm to be in a Star Wars samurai western. The Mandalorian seem much more his kind of thing than the Prequels. Also, much as I dislike bringing back dead characters, throwing them off high buildings is a very poor way to kill Jedi Masters.

Just now, micheldebruyn said:

Luke, obviously.

And Mace Windu, mostly because I think Samuel L. Jackson would give his right arm to be in a Star Wars samurai western. The Mandalorian seem much more his kind of thing than the Prequels. Also, much as I dislike bringing back dead characters, throwing them off high buildings is a very poor way to kill Jedi Masters.

Mace Windu is probably the only existing character I'd be willing to see take on this role. Personally, I'm hoping for an entirely new character, but Mace Windu would be an acceptable second place.

The drawback to that is all the "I NEEDZ ALL ZE INFORMASHUNZ!"s that automatically stem from his reappearance, the biggest being how his philosophy and thinking has changed since Order 66, how he perceives himself and the Jedi, etc.

I really doubt it'll be either of them though. More likely, I guess, would be Ezra, though that's not something I would encourage.

Ezra is the most logic issue yes, but Luke is not that far behind as Mark Hamill will always love to appear in any Starwars show or movie. I just wonder if baby Yoda will be killed by Kylo and his followers or if maybe he will be a member of them, as Ashoka said she feels fear and he cannot be trained

13 minutes ago, Rosco74 said:

Ezra is the most logic issue yes, but Luke is not that far behind as Mark Hamill will always love to appear in any Starwars show or movie. I just wonder if baby Yoda will be killed by Kylo and his followers or if maybe he will be a member of them, as Ashoka said she feels fear and he cannot be trained

Ben Solo is still only about 5 years old right now.

Just now, micheldebruyn said:

Ben Solo is still only about 5 years old right now.

But he won't be 5 in 12 years, or however long it is before he destroys Luke's Jedi academy.

9 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

But he won't be 5 in 12 years, or however long it is before he destroys Luke's Jedi academy.

It feels a bit beyond the scope of the show.

7 minutes ago, micheldebruyn said:

It feels a bit beyond the scope of the show.

Who said it'd happen in the show?

Honestly, I don't get the impression that Star Wars as franchise is anywhere near grimdark enough to have Baby Yoda go bad or be killed off just to show the evil dudes of evilness are evil.

3 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

And Mace Windu, mostly because I think Samuel L. Jackson would give his right arm to be in a Star Wars samurai western.

Please, please not yet another Star Wars rez.

Not to mention the two best showings in the episode. The Morai in the branch just before Mando and Ahsoka meet. And of course the Loth-Cat in the city proper during the big fight.

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The voice isn't the same, but (to me at least) it sounds similar. However, they get the appearance right. With Ahsoka, they miss both. If it was only one or the other (and appearance is the most important) it can be okay. But with Ahsoka, both are off.

It seems Filoni may disagree with you, as he wrote and directed the episode (very fitting!), to me he is the ultimate authority on Ashoka, and how she should appear in Live Action. I gladly bow to his decision making on the subject.

I thought she was awesome!!!

2 hours ago, Sturn said:

Please, please not yet another Star Wars rez.

I don't consider it a resurrection if the character never seemed to be in any serious danger.

18 minutes ago, micheldebruyn said:

I don't consider it a resurrection if the character never seemed to be in any serious danger.

Hand cut off, burnt by a Sith Lord's lightning, thrown from a high rise. To say that is not, "in any serious danger", is evidence of the problem with few big deaths in Star Wars remaining so. Even bodies cut in half survive due to retconrez. We've gotten used to it so much that unless an AT-AT stomps a big character into a pile of goo, we think they will probably be back somehow.

7 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

After already getting Ahsoka, I can only think of two specific Jedi it could be without it being a complete anticlimax. And they're both from the movies.

Here are my thoughts on which Jedi might show up....

Luke? Probably not due to Mark Hammil being too old for the part unless they do major de-aging via CGI.

Leia? Again probably not.

Cal Kestis from Jedi Fallen Order? His voice actor, Cameron Monaghan, is a perfect match looks wise so this could be a possibility.

Kyle Katarn the protagonist of both Dark Forces, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast? This one is my choice for who shows up, especially since they've already used material from Dark Forces with the Dark Troopers shown at the end of Chapter 12. Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors and the Moldy Crow? Yes please.

Mara Jade? Another possibility.

Ezra Bridger? Depends if he's still with Thrawn or not.

Then again I'm probably completely wrong and we'll see someone nobody expects. 😁

Edited by T70 Driver
3 hours ago, kaosoe said:

Not to mention the two best showings in the episode. The Morai in the branch just before Mando and Ahsoka meet. And of course the Loth-Cat in the city proper during the big fight.

Morai is her name not her species, which is a Convor, and she’s a force entity not really an owl.

Edited by Eoen
27 minutes ago, T70 Driver said:

Here are my thoughts on which Jedi might show up....

Luke? Probably not due to Mark Hammil being too old for the part unless they do major de-aging via CGI.

Leia? Again probably not.

Cal Kestis from Jedi Fallen Order? His voice actor, Cameron Monaghan, is a perfect match looks wise so this could be a possibility.

Kyle Katarn the protagonist of both Dark Forces, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II? This one is my choice for who shows up, especially since they've already used material from Dark Forces with the Dark Troopers shown at the end of Chapter 12. Kyle Katarn, Jan Ors and the Moldy Crow? Yes please.

Mara Jade? Another possibility.

Ezra Bridger? Depends if he's still with Thrawn or not.

I’d add in Corran Horn, and Quinlan Vos as potential survivors. Dass Jennir would be cool too.

Edited by Eoen
32 minutes ago, T70 Driver said:

Leia? Again probably not.

Kyle Katarn the protagonist of both Dark Forces, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II and Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast?

Good points on these, hadn't considered them. The Kyle angle could be a thing due to the Dark Troopers. But I'm still betting on Ezra since Thrawn is being sought by Tano and when Thrawn was last seen, Ezra was with him.

3 hours ago, CloudyLemonade92 said:

It seems Filoni may disagree with you, as he wrote and directed the episode (very fitting!), to me he is the ultimate authority on Ashoka, and how she should appear in Live Action. I gladly bow to his decision making on the subject.

I thought she was awesome!!!

I have no problem disagreeing with people who have "more authority" on a given topic than I do, even people I like. Especially when it is something so up to the person's preference It was pretty immersion-breaking for me, as it just didn't look right. On second viewing, the voice isn't ideal but it isn't so bad. If she looked a bit more like Ahsoka, I may not have minded the voice.

I have multiple problems with the appearance, but here are the most obvious: Her head-tails were far too short. I understand the limitations, difficulties, and drawbacks here, but the point still goes.
Her skin color was too dark. Ahsoka has very bright orange skin, this was too dark for it. When she's in light, she looks more brown, less orange. In Clone Wars and Rebels, she wasn't far off of neon and light just accented her already bright colors.
Best comparison for both these points is Shaak Ti, and they pulled it off for her (though for the head-tails, she didn't have as much screen/action-time and so it's easier to pull off).

I think they used Ahsoka very well (the opening scene was fantastic until she started talking), and the role she holds is quite good. I hope we don't see her again in this show (even aside from my objections to voice and appearance), and I hope the (if any) Jedi who shows up later is entirely new.
I don't really blame anyone for what I see as the flaws in Ahsoka's appearance and voice, and Rosario Dawson very well may have been the best choice, I don't know. All I know is my fears held true in those regards.

Note: I betcha they got Mando that spear so he can duel Moff Gideon.