The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

What were the other ships parked by the cantina where Mando and Boba hooked up with Bo-Katan and Koska?

Especially the one on the left. You see the cockpit nose and forward landing gear.

Also.... Stop me if you've heard this one.

Two Mandalorians walk into a bar....

Why are Gamorreans skinnier now?

13 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I almost forgot to say it: Cara Dune is awesome. :D

That "my gun is jammed!" scene was hilarious. Did her blaster sound different to anyone else?

Anyone else thinked about Despair roll? XD

4 minutes ago, Eoen said:

Why are Gamorreans skinnier now?

Bib Fortuna was eating all of their rations?

1 hour ago, RLogue177 said:

What were the other ships parked by the cantina where Mando and Boba hooked up with Bo-Katan and Koska?

Especially the one on the left. You see the cockpit nose and forward landing gear.

I would like to know also. It seemed very, very familiar but I couldn't place it. Also, were we supposed to recognize that planet?

2 hours ago, RLogue177 said:

What were the other ships parked by the cantina where Mando and Boba hooked up with Bo-Katan and Koska?

Especially the one on the left. You see the cockpit nose and forward landing gear.

The one in the middle is a Kom’rk -class "Gauntlet" Fighter-Transport owned by Bo Katan, the stats are in starships and speeders.

Edited by Eoen

So I waited to watch the last two together. Just finished both "The Believer" and "The Rescue". Fun double header but it was hard to avoid spoilers on my various news feeds.

I really liked both.

Book of Boba Fett looks good. I wonder if it is based off of ideas they had for the movie they were going to do.

Luke just didn't look quite right. I really wish they'd gone with Sebastian Stan. Or at least given him a beard or something. Eyes didn't look right. But man, One Bad Mutha_#&^! He straight up took all those droids out. He rocks up in just his X wing. Very fun.

Still would have preferred Ezra or Windu though. But very cool.

37 minutes ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Luke just didn't look quite right. I really wish they'd gone with Sebastian Stan. Or at least given him a beard or something. Eyes didn't look right.

I thought he pretty much looked right, but he wasn't expressive enough. Especially when one is comparing with real-life Hamill, who has always been a pretty physical actor with his face. I agree a beard could've helped, but I'm also just not sure they chose the right technology. These AI face replacement programs are so good now, it's hard to believe that's what they used given how it looked.

I enjoyed the first half of the finale, but was honestly kind of bored by the second half. First half action and dialogue was great, and Katee killed it all the way. And of course who doesn't like the dynamic of 4 badass chicks laying waste? :) Moff was predictable, but Giancarlo sold it well.

The dark troopers were completely underwhelming. Shot after shot of them marching and thumping but nobody ramped up the tension. They should have at least broken something that needed fixing, or had some consequence other than making the heroes a little more nervous each shot. The troopers move too slow, fire too little, and I can't say I liked that the first one was "toying" with's a droid, and only a few droids like R2 have a motive beyond their core programming.

Then the Jedi shows up. Honestly, when you're used to Ahsoka's speed, or even the Jedi in E1, watching him just stroll through and destroy them all feels a bit ... yawn-worthy. Nobody was really in danger. It's possible they were making a point about Luke's mastery, but given the rest of the second-half action it's more likely they weren't.

I'm mixed about the reveal. I agree with many I thought the face replacement was pretty rough, I'd say it conveyed the fortitude but not the compassion, and Hamill was always able to do both. But for me I could care less about Luke's story at this point. Perhaps E8 (...I haven't even seen E9!) kind of destroyed it for me. Maybe that will change.

And then the ending was too long, like Lord of the Rings long. I liked the face reveal, Pedro emotes really well. R2 was pointless and gratuitous.

Maybe it was the lack of movement throughout the second half that bugged me. They could have walked down to Luke's ship, Mando tearing on the way. They forgot about the little metal ball (or they are saving it for some future thing). If that little metal ball is never mentioned again, that was a totally wasted opportunity.

But overall what a great season! I'm looking forward to more. I will say though, I'm not sure the wider audience is going to care about the "restoration of Mandalore" or whatever. Baby Yoda drew in a lot of people because of cuteness and parent/child emotion, something similar will be needed for the future to keep people watching beyond the core fans. I hope they pull it off.

2 minutes ago, whafrog said:

They forgot about the little metal ball (or they are saving it for some future thing). If that little metal ball is never mentioned again, that was a totally wasted opportunity.

I was thinking that too, but I believe it's going to be Mando's (good grief, there's a perfect word but I'm forgetting it) reminder of Baby Yoda. Like he'll pull it out every once in a while and sigh, that sort of thing.

3 minutes ago, whafrog said:

I will say though, I'm not sure the wider audience is going to care about the "restoration of Mandalore" or whatever. Baby Yoda drew in a lot of people because of cuteness and parent/child emotion, something similar will be needed for the future to keep people watching beyond the core fans. I hope they pull it off.

I actually had multiple people who aren't especially big Star Wars fans asking me for all the backstory of Mandalore, which I was more than happy to provide. They seemed pretty interested in where the story is going from here. There was one, however, who was entirely in it for Baby Yoda. I think she'll still watch the next season, but she's a less likely candidate for enjoying the restoration of Mandalore.

21 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

there's a perfect word but I'm forgetting it


Just now, DanteRotterdam said:


Close, but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for. I suppose it gets the point across.

I could swear it starts with an R.

28 minutes ago, whafrog said:

Baby Yoda drew in a lot of people because of cuteness and parent/child emotion

My wife was one of these people. However she needed me to remind her that there was no Groku in the next to last episode. If you are not hooked after so many episodes then you’re not going to be hooked by anything.

2 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Close, but I'm not sure that's what I'm looking for. I suppose it gets the point across.

I could swear it starts with an R.


Just now, DanteRotterdam said:

My wife was one of these people. However she needed me to remind her that there was no Groku in the next to last episode. If you are not hooked after so many episodes then you’re not going to be hooked by anything.

The story has been brought to what could be an end, and a new story has opened up. Someone who was only interested in the first story would not necessarily be interested in a new story, and might see it as a good place to stop.

It is also worth mentioning that while there was no Grogu in episode 15, it was in the middle of a story involving Grogu. While his presence was not necessary to hook her into the story, his presence in the story may have been what hooked her.
Same goes for the other female I mentioned a couple posts ago.

5 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:



I used a thesaurus and remembered what I was looking for. "Keepsake"

The other candidate was "Remembrance" but that wasn't quite right.

8 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

While his presence was not necessary to hook her into the story, his presence in the story may have been what hooked her.

I think I am going to stand by my assessment of my wife’s interest but thanks all the same.

Just now, DanteRotterdam said:

I think I am going to stand by my assessment of my wife’s interest but thanks all the same.

I was speaking more broadly, using that as an example. I could've phrased it better.

I was joking with you.

Just now, DanteRotterdam said:

I was joking with you.

Okay, but it's hard to tell sometimes.

13 hours ago, Sturn said:

Bib Fortuna was eating all of their rations?

They where skinny in episode 9 as well.

7 hours ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Book of Boba Fett looks good. I wonder if it is based off of ideas they had for the movie they were going to do.

I was afraid they were going to make Boba too much of a good guy since it's Disney. This gave me hope. There was no "Bib shot first".

7 hours ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Luke just didn't look quite right. I really wish they'd gone with Sebastian Stan. Or at least given him a beard or something. Eyes didn't look right. But man, One Bad Mutha_#&^! He straight up took all those droids out. He rocks up in just his X wing. Very fun.

I think I prefer crappy CG then actor that can't possibly, no matter how close, look like the original. In Solo, the actor was really good with the voice and mannerisms, but I had a hard time getting past his appearance. He just didn't look very much like Han and so it affected the movie for me. They obviously couldn't do a CG Han for an entire movie. But, with these clips, I was fine with crappy CG over an actor that looks kinda sorta like Mark Hamill. For example, at the end of Rogue One if they had used a Leia-kinda-look-alike instead of CG, it would have spoiled the moment somewhat.

7 hours ago, Mandalore of the Rings said:

Still would have preferred Ezra or Windu though. But very cool.

I had originally hoped for Ezra, but now understand why it had to be Luke. With Ezra, half of the audience would have been like, "Who's this dude that just ran off with Grogu, wtf?!" I think Luke is the only way to pull this off. There's more closure with Luke. Yes, Grogu left Mando, but hey he left with Luke, perhaps the biggest icon in Star Wars. ETA: I mean if Luke Skywalker showed up at my doorstep and said my daughter has Force powers, I'm taking her with me, I might look at my wife and say, "What do you think honey?" 😂

Edited by Sturn
12 minutes ago, Sturn said:

With Ezra, half of the audience would have been like, "Who's this dude that just ran off with Grogu, wtf?!"

I think even a lot of people who did watch Rebels would be like , "Who's this dude that just ran off with Grogu, wtf?!", because a live action Ezra who is about 10 years older than last time we saw him, what does that even look like? How do you make that instantly at first glance recogniseable to people familiar with the cartoon version?

Bo-Katan and Ahsoka have iconic character designs, but Ezra is pretty generic looking.

Ezra was the least likely in my opinion, we just saw Ahsoka and she is still looking for Thrawn, so there is still the time her and Sabine spent presumably looking for him and Ezra to sort out. I did think having the Jedi throw back their hood and say "I'm Leia Organa, I'm here to rescue you" was a possibility, but my money was always on Luke.