The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

14 minutes ago, Dazgrim said:

At least the height was right...

Aaaand... I spraid cola over my keyboard laughing...

15 minutes ago, Dazgrim said:

I thought Sabine handed it over to Bo-Katan I don't recall a fight

Teeny bit of conflict but yeah, that is basically what happened.

1 minute ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Aaaand... I spraid cola over my keyboard laughing...

My work here is done.

22 minutes ago, Dazgrim said:

I'm going to have to re-watch season 4 of Rebels, I thought Sabine handed it over to Bo-Katan I don't recall a fight

I thought of that too, but things may have changed, and ... and, I believe not many people knew that Sabine just gave it, only the inner circle, who kept their mouth shut :ph34r: but who knows.

10 hours ago, Daeglan said:

On what authority do you think it was correct to be thou shalt not kill? Is that logical given that it causes lots of problems? IT is clear given the stories that killing was not inherently bad. so if killing is not inherently bad would it make sense that the specific kind of killing might be the issue. not the killing it self? Also we have people who still know how to read languages that are closer to the original language. and we know what words were chosen in those translations.

I'm speaking on the authority that perhaps the original writer may have improperly interpreted the source of the message, and perhaps the later translator may have spoken with the same source and applied errata. As for whether a particular version makes sense, it's religion--not everything in religious texts has been made with the intent to be logical or to avoid causing lots of problems--and that may be according to the intentions of the source.

2 hours ago, Jegergryte said:

I thought of that too, but things may have changed, and ... and, I believe not many people knew that Sabine just gave it, only the inner circle, who kept their mouth shut :ph34r: but who knows.

Yep, Sabine just handed it over, saying basically, “This isn’t my kinda gig. You’re better suited for it, and I support you.”

During that scene in this episode, I said out loud, “ can just hand it over, because that’s how Bo-Katan got it in the first place. Sabine gave it to her.”

Maybe this is a conscious decision to continue the theme of when to hold to and when to break strongly held belief systems?

About 10 minutes or so into the episode, I turned to my son (who’d already watched it) and said that, given the episode’s title and the speculation on which Jedi might have heard Grogu’s call, it would be cool if Luke showed up and said, “I’m Luke Skywalker. I’m here to rescue you.”

When that lone X-wing showed up, I then shouted, “Was I f*&<!|~ right?”

Then later, when he walked onto the bridge, I was just saying, “Say the line, Bart!” 🤣

Edited by Nytwyng

This is the way...

Was it just me, or did those shuttle pilots sound ever so slightly German? Excellent scene. Why don't they take that shot more often? :D
(don't needlessly antagonize the person holding you at gunpoint, Imperial German pilot guy)

Where's Axe Woves? They just booted him out of the story without any sort of explanation. My guess is that they just had to limit the number of characters and he was the first on the chopping block.

The fight between Reeves and Fett, eh, it was okay. I have mixed feelings about it, but that scene... MY HEADCANON IS VINDICATED! Boba is dar'manda, Jango was a Mandalorian at least for a while.

That poor dumb deck officer, just standing in the way of the incoming shuttle and not moving until the last minute. Haven't you watched any holovids? :D

The whole scene in the ship was excellent, but WHY DID YOU NEED TO WALK SO SLOWLY!? Mando's just taking a quiet stroll, casually walking through the hangar. Bit him in the beskar butt later on.

Fighting the dark troopers was pretty cool, though I thought they moved a bit slowly. Oh, yes, I remember something. Phase I and II confirmed! They canonized dark troopers, and in a manner comparable to Legends. Makes my cold metal heart very happy.

I do have a couple quibbles with the design:

  • You couldn't give them bigger guns? I really wanted to see the plasma shell cannon. :D
  • They seemed a bit... intellectually challenged. Robot zombies.
  • The constant punching works well psychologically, but is pretty inefficient. I'd have given them wrist-mounted cutting torches. Admittedly, that wouldn't have worked especially well against the blast door, but then maybe they could start punching things.

Just imagine what R2 could do in one of those suits!

As I predicted, Gideon and Mando fought, Darksaber vs. beskar staff. I was pretty sure that's how the "Bo Katan wants the Darksaber" thing would end up, and had mixed feelings about it. We'll have to see where it goes from here, but at least it probably means we'll be seeing more Mandos.
Always something that makes my cold metal heart very happy indeed. :)
(Hmmm, maybe my cold metal heart has transmogrified into beskar by now...)

They also confirmed that I was right and the whole "Mandalore kablooie" thing was Imperial propaganda.

I think the whole "you can't just give it to me" has to do with Bo Katan having lost it.

When Gideon shot Bo Katan, I was going "Is someone going to check on her? Is someone going to check on her? If they kill her off and we don't get anyone checking on her, I'm going to be displeased. Oh, she's fine. Nevermind, I guess." :D

That's the Luke I remember. The un character-assassinated one. Was it just me, or did he not have a cleft in his chin until he lifted the hood? Might've been a trick of the light. They did an excellent job. There's always the flaws inherent in the process of using CGI to make someone who looks real, but they did a pretty good job.

Lastly, Boba taking Jabba's palace. I thought it was canon that old greasy lekku got forcibly converted to the B'omarr order. Eh, it's still a good Twilight Zone story. I'll be interested to see where they go with Boba in this.

I have spoken.

P-47 Tb... old lekku getting Bo'marred.. wasn't that Lucas Canon?

My childhood walked into an Imperial Light Cruiser.

20 minutes ago, DidntFallAsleep66 said:

P-47 Tb... old lekku getting Bo'marred.. wasn't that Lucas Canon?

Yep, that was various Dark Horse comics, as I recall.

18 minutes ago, DidntFallAsleep66 said:

P-47 Tb... old lekku getting Bo'marred.. wasn't that Lucas Canon?

I was getting my wires crossed. I remembered a story from Return to Vader's Castle (just the sort of anthology I like), but it was Jabba's cousin. I then got that confused with old greasy lekku.'s_Castle_4

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

This is the way...

Was it just me, or did those shuttle pilots sound ever so slightly German? Excellent scene. Why don't they take that shot more often? :D
(don't needlessly antagonize the person holding you at gunpoint, Imperial German pilot guy)

Where's Axe Woves? They just booted him out of the story without any sort of explanation. My guess is that they just had to limit the number of characters and he was the first on the chopping block.

The fight between Reeves and Fett, eh, it was okay. I have mixed feelings about it, but that scene... MY HEADCANON IS VINDICATED! Boba is dar'manda, Jango was a Mandalorian at least for a while.

That poor dumb deck officer, just standing in the way of the incoming shuttle and not moving until the last minute. Haven't you watched any holovids? :D

The whole scene in the ship was excellent, but WHY DID YOU NEED TO WALK SO SLOWLY!? Mando's just taking a quiet stroll, casually walking through the hangar. Bit him in the beskar butt later on.

Fighting the dark troopers was pretty cool, though I thought they moved a bit slowly. Oh, yes, I remember something. Phase I and II confirmed! They canonized dark troopers, and in a manner comparable to Legends. Makes my cold metal heart very happy.

I do have a couple quibbles with the design:

  • You couldn't give them bigger guns? I really wanted to see the plasma shell cannon. :D
  • They seemed a bit... intellectually challenged. Robot zombies.
  • The constant punching works well psychologically, but is pretty inefficient. I'd have given them wrist-mounted cutting torches. Admittedly, that wouldn't have worked especially well against the blast door, but then maybe they could start punching things.

Just imagine what R2 could do in one of those suits!

As I predicted, Gideon and Mando fought, Darksaber vs. beskar staff. I was pretty sure that's how the "Bo Katan wants the Darksaber" thing would end up, and had mixed feelings about it. We'll have to see where it goes from here, but at least it probably means we'll be seeing more Mandos.
Always something that makes my cold metal heart very happy indeed. :)
(Hmmm, maybe my cold metal heart has transmogrified into beskar by now...)

They also confirmed that I was right and the whole "Mandalore kablooie" thing was Imperial propaganda.

I think the whole "you can't just give it to me" has to do with Bo Katan having lost it.

When Gideon shot Bo Katan, I was going "Is someone going to check on her? Is someone going to check on her? If they kill her off and we don't get anyone checking on her, I'm going to be displeased. Oh, she's fine. Nevermind, I guess." :D

That's the Luke I remember. The un character-assassinated one. Was it just me, or did he not have a cleft in his chin until he lifted the hood? Might've been a trick of the light. They did an excellent job. There's always the flaws inherent in the process of using CGI to make someone who looks real, but they did a pretty good job.

Lastly, Boba taking Jabba's palace. I thought it was canon that old greasy lekku got forcibly converted to the B'omarr order. Eh, it's still a good Twilight Zone story. I'll be interested to see where they go with Boba in this.

I have spoken.

I almost forgot to say it: Cara Dune is awesome. :D

That "my gun is jammed!" scene was hilarious. Did her blaster sound different to anyone else?

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

That "my gun is jammed!" scene was hilarious. Did her blaster sound different to anyone else?

I didn't notice any sound difference. But, her repeating blaster had always bugged by about where I had seen it before so I finally did some searching. I originally thought it was going to be a model of the RT-97C that is briefly seen carried by a Stormtrooper in Ep. IV on Tatooine. But, it only borrows the same double saddle magazine from an old German MG15 machinegun. Cara's appears to be a Bren gun with the MG15 magazine. I can't believe I didn't notice before. I'm sure some Brits did? I like that they went to WW1/WW2 stuff again like in the old days, not something totally new. I think the remodeled old weapons give a better Star Wars feel.

Did anyone else have anxiety over the Beskar spear getting red hot? I was thinking, no please don't destroy the spear! I want to see that again we already lost his concussion rifle and ship!
Episode was my favorite since Season 1 Episode 1. Before this episode I had hoped it would be Luke while also hoping Mando took off his helmet for Grogu. I figured I would be let down on at least one if not both. Didn't really think they had the balls to make the Luke decision. When I saw the lone X-wing I was all please, please, please inside. Then when Grogu touched his helmet, I was all please, please, please again.

My original statement of, "My childhood walked into an Imperial Light Cruiser" really summed it up for me. The feels I got were surprising when I saw Luke. I had seen that Luke originally on screen when I was 8 years old at a theater. SW fan for all my life since, to eventually move back to my hometown and actually live about 6 blocks from that theater that recently reopened after being closed for years. Full circle kinda stuff (fingers crossed they put Ep IV in that theater again). I'm an old, grizzled, somewhat cold hearted ex-military and heading towards retirement cop. But this got to me. Thank you!

I'm going with these are fans pleased with the product........

Edited by 2P51
7 hours ago, Jegergryte said:

I thought of that too, but things may have changed, and ... and, I believe not many people knew that Sabine just gave it, only the inner circle, who kept their mouth shut :ph34r: but who knows.

Just watched it again and heard Gideon clearly say [paraphrased] “she can’t just wield it AGAIN...” so there must be something about losing it and having to regain ot through combat.

Edited by DanteRotterdam
7 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Just watched it again and heard Gideon clearly say [paraphrased] “she can’t just weild it AGAIN...” so there must be something about losing it and having to regain ot through combat.

Plus maybe it is somewhat acceptable to be handed the Darksaber once (especially when the one giving it to you is way too young to rule Mandalore anyway and only originally got it because she found it in the first place, and you have other claims to the throne, like being a proper noble) but if you get it handed to you twice without having to fight for it, that just makes you a loser.

Book of Boba Fett, bring it on.


Bib Fortuna let himself go...

4 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Bib Fortuna let himself go...

I thought his hutt impression was fairly good for a man with legs.

I have had an unhealthy obsession with Jabba’s palace ever since I was a young boy. I love how you see these towers yet everything we know is below ground. The whole feel of the place. The aliens, the Rancor,the villains all sleeping in the same room, the Gammoreans, everything...

And then I visited the panel on the creatures in Jabba’s palace during Celebrations in Essen, Germany and I thought it was too bad we would never revisit. Until today...

I got a definite Conan vibe with him sat on the Throne there.

8 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

There's always the flaws inherent in the process of using CGI to make someone who looks real, but they did a pretty good job.

Eh, I've seen deepfake videos on Youtube that looked way more real. For example.

Awesome episode, though!

Maybe the rule about having to win the blade was always there, and already bit her in the *** once, after Sabine just handed it to her.

After all, we still have zero clue what actually happened with Mandalor in between the end of Rebels and start of Mando.

Could be that not rightfully winning meant she was unable to successfully unite the clans, and this contributed to the Empire kicking their arses.

29 minutes ago, Stethemessiah said:

Maybe the rule about having to win the blade was always there, and already bit her in the *** once, after Sabine just handed it to her.

After all, we still have zero clue what actually happened with Mandalor in between the end of Rebels and start of Mando.

Could be that not rightfully winning meant she was unable to successfully unite the clans, and this contributed to the Empire kicking their arses.

Alex from Star Wars Explained had a similar thought in his episode review. It makes a lot of sense.