The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

1 hour ago, Sturn said:

Now I'm seeing it for at minimum $300, even on retailer sites such as Walmart. C'mon, even big businesses are getting into scalping??

But seriously...Walmart’s site is really vague about what products are actually sold by Walmart, and what’s listed on their marketplace (similar to the Amazon marketplace)...3rd parties with online space through Walmart.

On 12/6/2020 at 3:43 PM, RLogue177 said:

Boba: Warrior Princess

I'd watch that

The ending though! Classic!

Great episode, good and inspiring for the session I'm running tomorrow.

Well that was very RPG wasn’t it?

14 minutes ago, DanteRotterdam said:

Well that was very RPG wasn’t it?

Indeed. I don't have an optimised combat group, so there'll be more sneaking about and all that when they infiltrate an Imperial base/prison tomorrow. They don't have a second team of snipers, and a getaway driver ... so that'll be interesting :ph34r:

I really liked this episode, not as "kaching!" as others, but I felt it was solid, good action, cools scenes, nice banter, the episode 7 (now mandatory?) no-helmet scene. The seismic charge ... Aye. Great stuff. Great.

"Roll to hit. Upgrade the difficulty because of the danger of the rhydonium."

"I got a success. But also a despair."

"Aww... Your blaster is out. What will you do now?"

This is very, very much the way! :D

Cara Dune is awesome.

Mayfeld is hilarious.

Boba is slick. I'm actually kinda disappointed he gave the armor a new coat of paint, but it did need it.

Rhydonium, new Juggernauts, the Imperial Vehicle Corp and Shoretroopers, everything I'm forgetting, man it was so good.

And then the ending scene!

No complaints on this one.

One question though: Where did the raiders get all the thermal detonators?

I have spoken.

I guess pirates get a good discount on thermal detonators. Somebody really scored on their Negotiation roll!

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Boba is slick. I'm actually kinda disappointed he gave the armor a new coat of paint, but it did need it.

I cringed for a second before realizing it actually made sense. If you finally found that '67 Camaro you drove as a teenager in a trash dump, you would probably give it some body work and a paint job in no time. I did note that he purposely left the dent in his helmet.

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

One question though: Where did the raiders get all the thermal detonators?

Stolen during a raid on the Imperials of course.

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Rhydonium, new Juggernauts, the Imperial Vehicle Corp and Shoretroopers, everything I'm forgetting, man it was so good.

These was some of the best parts for me since I'm an unapologetic Star Wars gearhead. Baby cargo juggernaut. The Shoretroopers and vehicle crew still showing up gave some more canon to the idea that they are still around, not just something that died away soon after the Ep. IV period.

Avoiding their silly Rogue One description, this solidifies when I will insert the Shoretroopers in my campaigns. Previously they were described as veteran troopers selected and assigned to beach terrain duties. I had quickly changed that to veteran troopers assigned to protect important surface installations. This helps toss the "Coastal Defender" descriptions we were previously given. I had imagined these specialized troops had disappeared by the time of the Battle of Endor (why didn't we see them defending the shield installation?), but this episode shows they were still around.

Next question to tackle in my personal canon - ATST crew uniforms. In RotJ we see something quite different at the controls of the ATST, instead of what we have seen for vehicle crews in Rogue One and now Mando. I think I'm going with the ATST crew we saw in RotJ were from the Imperial Navy. The Imperial Navy was manning the defense of the installation on Endor, so we see standard Stormtroopers (they are everywhere, used by all Imperial departments) and Navy Troopers from the Death Star 2 project as security troops and vehicle crew. The uparmored crewmen and Shoretroopers are solely Army assets.

Edited by Sturn

Excellent, I just didn't understand the point of scanning your face on the Imp terminal if it's not restricted to Imperial staff only (as a secondary protection)... so I came to only 2 conclusions.

1 - They searched a reason to show the Mando's face and they finaly couldn't find better..

2 - Mando is already registered in the Imperial database... why I dunno

3 minutes ago, Rosco74 said:

Excellent, I just didn't understand the point of scanning your face on the Imp terminal if it's not restricted to Imperial staff only (as a secondary protection)... so I came to only 2 conclusions.

1 - They searched a reason to show the Mando's face and they finaly couldn't find better..

2 - Mando is already registered in the Imperial database... why I dunno

Probably just so they know who is using it, not so much as a password protection.

Other than that, just don't overthink it. Reason #1 is probably pretty accurate.

I think it's so they can have a record of who was using it. Like cameras at an ATM.

And I'm sure it will come up later. Mando's face might get plastered all over the 'net, and he's force to reconcile that he has been seen without his helmet. This could lead him to a struggle with what he was taught as a Child of the Watch and what he has seen from other Mandeloreans like Bo.

Edited by kaosoe

Liked the way Mayfield wasn’t certain whether they were letting him go or executing him so he couldn’t say anything. Their language could have meant either.

I suspect they were local resistance, not pirates. Why would pirates be trying to destroy the cargo.

1 hour ago, Rosco74 said:

Excellent, I just didn't understand the point of scanning your face on the Imp terminal if it's not restricted to Imperial staff only (as a secondary protection)... so I came to only 2 conclusions.

1 - They searched a reason to show the Mando's face and they finaly couldn't find better..

2 - Mando is already registered in the Imperial database... why I dunno

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Probably just so they know who is using it, not so much as a password protection.

Other than that, just don't overthink it. Reason #1 is probably pretty accurate.

Imperial captcha.

1 hour ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Probably just so they know who is using it, not so much as a password protection.

i.e. no droid accessing the network through human/organics interface.

Oh. And that seismic charge callback to aotc. Mmmm!

Upon rewatching, I have remembered three things:

The AA gunsstrongly resemble Bofors 20mm dual mounts, which makes my cold metal heart very happy indeed (as long as they're pointing the other direction).

The raiders are basically just the Klatooinians with different rubber faces. They even sound exactly the same.

Lastly, I believe my interpretation of "that's just what they want people to think" regarding Mandalore's alleged destruction (that "they" is the Empire) has been borne out, as Mayfeld referred to both Mandalore and Alderaan as being gone.

Another stellar episode. Bill Burr either really nails his character, or they just asked him to play himself as far as timing and delivery. He's got more emotional range than I expected though, nice to know. If he's in more episodes, I certainly won't complain.

For the rest, I really like the tone, a trust-building/team-building episode. And it seems that gritty reality is getting through the Foundling cult bubble, because he put his helmet back on...

What's the species of the pirates/insurgents?

2 minutes ago, RLogue177 said:

What's the species of the pirates/insurgents?

I just hope it's not yet another one Disney spits out just because they want to. There are so many species that already exist that need screen time before they make new ones.

7 hours ago, SuperWookie said:

I just hope it's not yet another one Disney spits out just because they want to. There are so many species that already exist that need screen time before they make new ones.

An idea was put out on the Star Wars Explained aftershow live stream. In the concept art during the closing credits, the pirates (or “pirates”) were human, but after the roll through the village to refresh us on the Empire’s oppression, the production decision was made to make the pirates some generic alien race so it wouldn’t be quite as obvious and troubling that Mando was mowing through people trying to take their world back in order to get his kid back.

16 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

An idea was put out on the Star Wars Explained aftershow live stream. In the concept art during the closing credits, the pirates (or “pirates”) were human, but after the roll through the village to refresh us on the Empire’s oppression, the production decision was made to make the pirates some generic alien race so it wouldn’t be quite as obvious and troubling that Mando was mowing through people trying to take their world back in order to get his kid back.

Anyone have stats for Genericans?

I'm guessing 2s in everything, 10 in Wounds and Strain. No special abilities. 125xp.

9 hours ago, RLogue177 said:

What's the species of the pirates/insurgents?

They look like Iktochi to me.

Just now, micheldebruyn said:

They look like Iktochi to me.

The flaps aren't horns though, Iktotchi have horns. They look oddly familiar to me, but I can't pin down anything.