The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Just now, Tramp Graphics said:

I agree with @Jegergryte , you’re assuming that the “map” is of the whole galaxy. It is more likely a sector or even system map of local space. Canonically, it’s still listed as being in the deep core at coordinates L-10.

Except that one of the characters said "the New Republic has Outer Rim jurisdiction" or something along those lines as a way of saying "the Empire shouldn't be here."
That suggests they are in the Outer Rim.

"Still listed" isn't worth anything since nothing official has come out revising where it is.

It could be just a portion of the map, but it didn't look like one.

Don't get me wrong, it could be, it's a fair assumption ... it makes sense to move it into the unknown regions and the outer rim, what with the Imperials lying low and all. But we don't know at this point.

Legends sources place it in the deep core, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's there in canon.

Mando's map in the ship was ... well... everything has been placed around the same slice on the map as far as I can recall. Doesn't have to mean anything. It's a visual cue letting us know he's travelling. Fact is, we have no idea where it is, and I think that's intentional, I don't think the creators feel beholden to any published map of the GFFA.

Edited by Jegergryte
Just now, Jegergryte said:

Don't get me wrong, it could be, it's a fair assumption ... it makes sense to move it into the unknown regions and the outer rim, what with the Imperials lying low and all. But we don't know at this point.

Legends sources place it in the deep core, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's there in canon.

Mando's map in the ship was ... well... everything has been placed around the same slice on the map as far as I can recall. Doesn't have to mean anything. It's a visual device letting us know he's travelling.

The only Canon reference given for Tython's location on Wookieepedia is the map from The Force Awakens Beginner Game (which I believe is just the map from the CRBs). It also references its inclusion in Nexus of Power. Both are from this game, which draws heavily on Legends and has sort of Canonized some things from Legends.

5 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The only Canon reference given for Tython's location on Wookieepedia is the map from The Force Awakens Beginner Game (which I believe is just the map from the CRBs). It also references its inclusion in Nexus of Power. Both are from this game, which draws heavily on Legends and has sort of Canonized some things from Legends.

I forgot about that map...

Yeah. As I edited and added; I don't think anyone at LFL feels beholden to any published map.

33 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Except that one of the characters said "the New Republic has Outer Rim jurisdiction" or something along those lines as a way of saying "the Empire shouldn't be here."
That suggests they are in the Outer Rim.

"Still listed" isn't worth anything since nothing official has come out revising where it is.

It could be just a portion of the map, but it didn't look like one.

29 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

The only Canon reference given for Tython's location on Wookieepedia is the map from The Force Awakens Beginner Game (which I believe is just the map from the CRBs). It also references its inclusion in Nexus of Power. Both are from this game, which draws heavily on Legends and has sort of Canonized some things from Legends.

20 minutes ago, Jegergryte said:

I forgot about that map...

Yeah. As I edited and added; I don't think anyone at LFL feels beholden to any published map.

Tython also appeared in current comics. In particular, in the Doctor Aphra series. It officially appears in issue 40.

9 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Tython also appeared in current comics. In particular, in the Doctor Aphra series. It officially appears in issue 40.

Do they specifically state "Tython is in grid coordinate L-10 in the Deep Core"? If not, then it doesn't really have any relevance.

So, yeah... That was quite a lovely episode.

One thing I really liked was Boba Fett's voice. Morrison took an effort to sound a lot like Boba's original voice, rather than doing just his own regular voice like he did when redubbing Boba for the special edition of The Empire Strikes Back.

5 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Tython also appeared in current comics. In particular, in the Doctor Aphra series. It officially appears in issue 40.

Fair point, but not necessarily important or relevant when it comes to the planet's location in the show. Despite Disney's aim at one "level" of canon.

Fact is. We don't know where Mando and Grogu travelled (except to Tython), but Fennec's comment about the outer rim and the new republic carries some weight, yet, she may be confused about their location... I'm not sure there's a well functioning galaxy wide GPS-like network after operation cinder... Perhaps it'll be resolved somehow in the upcoming visual guide..?

15 minutes ago, Jegergryte said:

Fair point, but not necessarily important or relevant when it comes to the planet's location in the show. Despite Disney's aim at one "level" of canon.

Fact is. We don't know where Mando and Grogu travelled (except to Tython), but Fennec's comment about the outer rim and the new republic carries some weight, yet, she may be confused about their location... I'm not sure there's a well functioning galaxy wide GPS-like network after operation cinder... Perhaps it'll be resolved somehow in the upcoming visual guide..?

I’d say she’s more than likely confused about their location, given that I am sure she wasn’t piloting nor navigating.

As for if the comic specifically mentioned the planet’s galactic location, I have no clue. I haven’t personally read it. I just looked up the information regarding Tython in canon. And canonically, it is still in the deep core.

9 hours ago, Eoen said:

Aren’t imperial capital ship turbolasers green?

Yes. But it is probably related to what kind of gas that used and the imperials dont have the reliable access they used to have.

4 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I’d say she’s more than likely confused about their location, given that I am sure she wasn’t piloting nor navigating.

As for if the comic specifically mentioned the planet’s galactic location, I have no clue. I haven’t personally read it. I just looked up the information regarding Tython in canon. And canonically, it is still in the deep core.

And what's the source on that? A map skimmed from a Legends source.

27 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Do they specifically state "Tython is in grid coordinate L-10 in the Deep Core"? If not, then it doesn't really have any relevance.

Tython is in Canoga Park. I have hiked those trails...

13 minutes ago, Daeglan said:

Tython is in Canoga Park. I have hiked those trails...

So Tython is Hollister Peak? That is deep core.

Edited by Eoen
3 minutes ago, Eoen said:

So Tython is Hollister Peak? That is deep core.

Stoney Point. yes

Anyone else starting to feel like Imperial ships pack stormtroopers in like clowns in a little car? First the Gozanti had somewhere around 40 aboard, and now these small craft seem to each carry a couple dozen. It was also a little unusual how long it took many of the stormtroopers to get off the first lander.

Well...that was all kinds of awesome! Nail biter from beginning to end. Two catastrophes, two new friends. How very EotE! :) Dangling threads re-woven. All my reservations from the previous episode...gone. I never cared about Boba Fett, though I thought he was well-handled in TCW. This is the first time though I think he's finally gotten due treatment, to the point of actually giving a ****.

That little silver ball is going to be key...

Honestly, some of this stuff is predictable, but like they say, there are no new stories, only old stories retold. And they are doing a bang up job of retelling...

Edit: also nice to Robert Rodriguez at the helm, even though I dislike most of the movies he writes, he's an excellent director.

Edited by whafrog
37 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

And what's the source on that? A map skimmed from a Legends source.

No, not from Legends. The map coordinates come from the TFA beginner game, as has already been mentioned. That map is a canon map, not a Legends one. Also, every mention in canon states that it is in the deep core region. These include The Complete Locations , and TFA Visual Dictionary . Nexus of Power also lists the planet as being in the deep core. That is a canon source.

One line of dialogue by a character who most likely wasn’t really paying attention to the star maps, nor helping navigate, does not change that.

43 minutes ago, HappyDaze said:

Anyone else starting to feel like Imperial ships pack stormtroopers in like clowns in a little car? First the Gozanti had somewhere around 40 aboard, and now these small craft seem to each carry a couple dozen. It was also a little unusual how long it took many of the stormtroopers to get off the first lander.

Gozanti having forty troopers is a bit much, but the dropships having two dozen isn't actually all that high a capacity. The First Order version could only carry twenty, but the LAAT/i could carry thirty. Dropships aren't built for comfort, so I find two dozen perfectly plausible.

34 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, not from Legends. The map coordinates come from the TFA beginner game, as has already been mentioned. That map is a canon map, not a Legends one. Also, every mention in canon states that it is in the deep core region. These include The Complete Locations , and TFA Visual Dictionary . Nexus of Power also lists the planet as being in the deep core. That is a canon source.

One line of dialogue by a character who most likely wasn’t really paying attention to the star maps, nor helping navigate, does not change that.

Oh, you know where Anaxes was on that map? The Core. You know where Anaxes is in Canon? The Outer Rim.
Nexus of Power is skimming from Legends, and is just an RPG sourcebook. If it was a novel that placed it in the Deep Core, then it'd be more relevant. But it isn't. It's basically a Legends source, but since it's official it becomes listed as Canon on Wookieepedia.

Where is Tython labeled as Deep Core in the TFA visual dictionary? And Complete Locations is a reissue of a 2005 book, all they did was add new stuff.

Where does it say Anaxes is in the outer rim in canon? What source? All of the information I found still lists it canonically in the core; specifically in the Azure system in the Azure sector.
I do not believe Fennic’s statement about the New Republic controlling the Outer Rim was a reference to Tython. Rather, it was likely an inference to the fact that Moff Gideon was operating out of, and had tracked the Razor Crest from, the Outer Rim.

So, we keep coming back to: we "acksewhally" don't know. We have unreliable sources, which means we cannot safely conclude. We can merely assume and speculate.

Also, for the show and the films, these things don't really matter that much.

“I was aiming for the other one...” is an amazing oneliner.

Where Tython is or isn't aside, I was kinda hoping we'd see a little more of "ancient Jedi ruins" in the flyover of the place. Overall I thought the episode was alright, would have liked a bit better of a "big reveal" for the Dark Troopers. I always like Ming-Na, but was actually disappointed when he went back to meet up with Cara; I was kinda hoping we'd get back to a bit more of the "rotating cast of temporary party members that have to work together due to the situation". The "the party can always go back to their home town and carefully plot out their next move" is not an element of RPG gameplay or storytelling I really enjoy, really breaks up the momentum IMO.

Edited by False God
2 hours ago, DanteRotterdam said:

“I was aiming for the other one...” is an amazing oneliner.

It immediately put my wife and I in the mind of Jayne Cobb’s, “I was aiming for his head.” 🤣

(This is not a bad thing.)

Edited by Nytwyng
6 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Where does it say Anaxes is in the outer rim in canon? What source? All of the information I found still lists it canonically in the core; specifically in the Azure system in the Azure sector.
I do not believe Fennic’s statement about the New Republic controlling the Outer Rim was a reference to Tython. Rather, it was likely an inference to the fact that Moff Gideon was operating out of, and had tracked the Razor Crest from, the Outer Rim.

The “official” location has been in doubt since the final season of Clone Wars aired, and Anaxes was included in the Outer Rim Sieges.

Now, before you hastily whip out your “ackshewally” on me, remember that Wookiepedia is a fan-maintained resource, so when you see it saying things like “considered part of the Outer Rim Sieges despite its location in the Core Worlds,” keep in mind that those words come from fans attempting to reconcile what they see as a contradiction. There’s nothing confirming its current canon location from LFL either way (that I can find, anyway), other than...well...Anaxes being part of the Outer Rim Sieges.

7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Where does it say Anaxes is in the outer rim in canon? What source? All of the information I found still lists it canonically in the core; specifically in the Azure system in the Azure sector.

They referred to it as part of the Outer Rim Sieges, eliciting this response from Jason Fry:

I couldn't find it, but I remember seeing a tweet from some sort of official person stating that yes, they moved it to the Outer Rim. Might be in the CW season 7 thread, but I'm not going to scroll through there looking for it.

The only sources I see on Wookieepedia for its location direct to a listing for Fort Anaxes that doesn't actually place it in the Core and to the Force Awakens Beginner Game, which we have already discussed.

The Ultimate Star Wars: New Edition, which was released before The Mandalorian season 1 and The Clone Wars season 7, says that Anaxes is in the Core. However, it also says that Jango Fett's armor is a "durasteel alloy" which is contradicted by the new episode of The Mandalorian. So is it right on the last bit? No, because it was contradicted by a more authoritative source. So it could easily have been contradicted elsewhere as well.

Because it is a reference book, it draws partially on Legends information. Because it is not an original source, it is not authoritative.

7 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

I do not believe Fennic’s statement about the New Republic controlling the Outer Rim was a reference to Tython. Rather, it was likely an inference to the fact that Moff Gideon was operating out of, and had tracked the Razor Crest from, the Outer Rim.

So now you go from "she wasn't paying attention" to "she was saying Gideon couldn't track them from the Outer Rim."
I don't buy either of those. I'm pretty sure a high-priced assassin has enough awareness to pay attention to where they are going. And if they were in the Deep Core, someone would likely have said "We aren't in the Outer Rim." Why would they just throw in an errant line with no attention paid to the confusion it would cause?
And if she was saying Gideon couldn't have tracked them, she'd say something like "Impossible. How did he find us? We came from the Outer Rim, the New Republic has jurisdiction there."

More likely, she was saying "What the heck is an Imperial cruiser doing where the Empire isn't?" because that's pretty much what she said.