The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Holy Snizzle! I'm going to watch that again.

Edited by Eoen

Dank farrik!

That was ... well ... another awesome one!

The gaderffii-action: was awesome :ph34r:

The sky-beam-thing: was awesome.

The dark-troopers: Awesome!

Throwing troopers around the cell: AWESOME!

The: we are in your debt! Frikkin' GAAARGHSOCOOL!

I'm mildly disappointed the Dark Troopers were so obviously droids, but otherwise that episode was gold.

Fett was amazing, he looked right and stole the show. And the micro rockets in his knees were cool.

Robert Rodriguez did a good job here I think. Good action, large outdoor scenes, destruction ... and yeah, the DTs could've been utilised more, but this is foreshadowing an encounter/face-off, where Mando must duel the Moff, and the rest deals with a bunch of DTs ... and I think as many as possible of their suprises should be surprises :ph34r: and yeah, they are droids, ish ... let's hope they've taken many (more) cues from Dark Forces - perhaps the Arc Hammer can make an appearance? I'd love that.

Edited by Jegergryte

I await the Razor Crest's replacement with interest.

The Tragedy.

Not sure which was the tragedy: the ship, or the Kid.

Is it just me, or is Boba Fett like a foot shorter than he used to be?

2 hours ago, RLogue177 said:

Is it just me, or is Boba Fett like a foot shorter than he used to be?

Well, Ackshewally(tm) , this was retconned in 2002 with Jango and the fact that Boba is a clone ... so, nuhuh!

This is the way. :D

Cara Dune is awesome, as always, but I'll take any excuse to say that. "I can't do it." "They have the kid." "WHERE DO I SIGN UP!!!"

Dark Troopers are cooool! They look a lot like the Phase II dark troopers from Legends, but also with a Purge Trooper flair. Looking forward to seeing them lugging around their big guns (please?).

Poor Mando. He had no idea what was going on. "Sooo... I guess I'm just supposed to put you here then? Uh... Now what? Can you do the magic hand thing?"

Bringing back Bill Burr? Should be interesting. Not sure it makes the most sense though.

Now we know what prosthetic organs look like, thanks to Fennec Shand.

Boba Fett was pretty cool, and I saw MANDO'A CHARACTERS ON HIS CHAIN CODE!!! Makes me very happy. :)
Then of course there's the awesome combat stuff. Always nice. "I was aiming for the other one."

And they made a nod towards the Open Seasons comic, which is part of my headcanon, so I'm pretty happy about that.

I consider Jango Mando, but Boba dar'manda, and this episode fits with that pretty well.

Baby Groda toying with the stormtroopers was very amusing. (Cooing) "Who's a good little Vader? You are, yes you are!" *tickles*

Now a couple issues: Tython is in the Deep Core, but it's in the Inner Rim, but it's in the Outer Rim, but I'm confused. *Shrug*
Move along, nothing to see here.

Hyperspacing out of atmosphere? I'm going to pretend I didn't see that.

The mortar was awesome, and I was happy to see it, but wow was that a pathetic explosion. Real-life mortars are far, far more effective than that. I guess Star Wars explosives are just terrible.

One last thing: They buffed Beskar way too much for the show in my opinion. It's far too powerful compared to what we see of the armor in Clone Wars and Rebels, and makes me question how the Mandalorians on Nevarro could have been wiped out by anything less than a carpet bombing campaign, especially when they've got home-turf advantage. Without massive amounts of collateral damage, I have to presume that the Imps pretty much only used blasters. Actually, I suppose most of the Mandos probably didn't have beskar since Mando didn't at first, so I can drop that point to a certain extent, but in Rebels we see (based on The Duchess) that Beskar seemed pretty ubiquitous, and not quite that invulnerable. Hmm... I needz the informationz.

I have spoken.

On 12/2/2020 at 6:32 PM, Nytwyng said:’s almost crews...know how to fudge and/or hide differences in height when it’s necessary for the story....


No, they didn’t. The costuming department physically increased Christiansen’s actual height. Even Anakin/Vader’s official stats say that his cybernetics increased his height when he was put in the armor. That’s not a “camera trick”.

On 12/2/2020 at 7:26 PM, micheldebruyn said:

You are kind of obliterating all of your own arguments as to why actor height is important when casting.

Nope. 😝

5 minutes ago, Tramp Graphics said:

No, they didn’t. The costuming department physically increased Christiansen’s actual height. Even Anakin/Vader’s official stats say that his cybernetics increased his height when he was put in the armor. That’s not a “camera trick”.

Now you’re just splitting hairs. (How uncharacteristic. /endSarcasm) Who said that all techniques to fudge performers’ heights are “camera tricks?” You’re the first person to use such a term here.

15 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Bringing back Bill Burr? Should be interesting. Not sure it makes the most sense though.

Ex-imperial ... closest thing I can think of.

19 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

One last thing: They buffed Beskar way too much for the show in my opinion. It's far too powerful compared to what we see of the armor in Clone Wars and Rebels, and makes me question how the Mandalorians on Nevarro could have been wiped out by anything less than a carpet bombing campaign, especially when they've got home-turf advantage. Without massive amounts of collateral damage, I have to presume that the Imps pretty much only used blasters. Actually, I suppose most of the Mandos probably didn't have beskar since Mando didn't at first, so I can drop that point to a certain extent, but in Rebels we see (based on The Duchess) that Beskar seemed pretty ubiquitous, and not quite that invulnerable. Hmm... I needz the informationz.

It’s the difference between lead and supporting characters.

Or, to put it in RPG terms, Mando is a PC, while the other Mandalorians we’ve seen are minion groups with a few rivals tossed in, and maybe a nemesis (the Armorer).

10 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

Now you’re just splitting hairs. (How uncharacteristic. /endSarcasm) Who said that all techniques to fudge performers’ heights are “camera tricks?” You’re the first person to use such a term here.

Except they’re not “fudging” his height at all. That’s my point. And it’s not splitting hairs. Anakin Skywalker, before he donned the suit, stood at 1.85 meters , but Vader’s height is 2.2 meters. So Christiansen’s boots had lifts built into them, and his helmet was also designed to add height to him, all to make him physically taller to match Prowse’ height.

Can we please stop arguing over height? A new episode of The Mandalorian just came out.

1 minute ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Except they’re not “fudging” his height at all. That’s my point. And it’s not splitting hairs. Anakin Skywalker, before he donned the suit, stood at 1.85 meters , but Vader’s height is 2.2 meters. So Christiansen’s boots had lifts built into them, and his helmet was also designed to add height to him, all to make him physically taller to match Prowse’ height.

If they’re altering his height, they’re fudging it. “Fudging” is merely a casual slang term for altering/disguising. I’d ask if semantics are the hill you’re prepared to die on, in order to cling to a point that’s been disproven, but...well...we’ve danced this dance before, just to different tunes.

3 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Can we please stop arguing over height? A new episode of The Mandalorian just came out.


Although I gotta of the first things I noticed was that Boba Fett was 5 inches shorter than the last time we saw him chronologically in TESB and RotJ. 🤣 😜

Just now, Nytwyng said:

Although I gotta of the first things I noticed was that Boba Fett was 5 inches shorter than the last time we saw him chronologically in TESB and RotJ. 🤣 😜

Height is seriously one of the last things I ever notice when watching a show unless it's comparative.

Let's move on puh-leez .

I just love it that we'll likely see more of Boba, Fennec, and Mayfeld, joining/helping Mando and crew get Grogu back.

It's going to be a kickass showdown with beskar spear, darksaber, gaderffii, sniping, third-weapon-wielding-blaster-on-the-shoulder, heavy weapon action and excitement... I hope. Plus, if my dreams are heard, a bunch of Mandos led by Bo-Katan... I assume they are all needed, considering my suspiciouns about how badass the Dark Troopers can be ... and that Moff Gideon must have a base or proper ISD somewhere...

Edited by Jegergryte

Aren’t imperial capital ship turbolasers green?

7 hours ago, Dazgrim said:

Fett was amazing, he looked right and stole the show. And the micro rockets in his knees were cool.

Don't forget the powered punch in his gauntlet. Did we get to see pretty much every gadget he carries in one episode?

6 hours ago, Dazgrim said:

I await the Razor Crest's replacement with interest.

It can't be rebuilt obviously. Somehow finding another old Razor Crest would be cringey. So, a completely new ship, or are we going to see the fall of Boba and Mando gets Slave 1?

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

One last thing: They buffed Beskar way too much for the show in my opinion.

Perhaps it can be hand-waived that individual Beskar smith's can lead to different qualities of Beskar. The Armorer reeks of master smith, so perhaps her Beskar armor is superior to others? In game terms, it could be standard Beskar (whatever qualities it gives), PLUS the Superior quality due to the creator's abilities.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Can we please stop arguing over height? A new episode of The Mandalorian just came out.

Yes, please take that into it's own thread or perhaps just have the willpower to quit engaging each other. Just came back after watching the latest episode, and already had to skim through petty arguments.

Mortars were cool. First thought was, now I can include them since they are now canon (ba dum tss). Second thought, why haven't we seen them before? In my opinion they should have a much bigger blast then the smaller grenades and hand-held explosives we've seen, or they would be pointless to carry around. More punch then a hand-held grenade launcher, or they serve no purpose. As for what we saw on screen, I would have to rewatch to say they were too weak or not. The biggest part of an explosion is fragmentation, and you don't really see that. I've tossed real frag grenades, and they don't APPEAR to do much as compared to their Hollywood counterparts. No fire, just a small dust cloud for the concussion of the explosion. You don't see the tiny pieces of frag flying everywhere. Not to say the Mando creators were trying to be more realistic, but you could easily argue we weren't seeing the much larger frag radius.

Edited by Sturn
2 minutes ago, Sturn said:

Mortars were cool. First thought was, now I can include them since they are now canon (ba dum tss). Second thought, why haven't we seen them before? In my opinion they should have a much bigger blast then the smaller grenades and hand-held explosives we've seen, or they would be pointless to carry around. More punch then a hand-held grenade launcher, or they serve no purpose.

We actually have, in the Umbara arc of The Clone Wars. I believe they were statted in CotR (maybe RotS).

They actually did pack a punch there.

There's an advantage to a high arc of fire, so there are some situations were a mortar would be a better choice than a grenade launcher of equal explosive power.

14 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

We actually have, in the Umbara arc of The Clone Wars. I believe they were statted in CotR (maybe RotS).

They actually did pack a punch there.

There's an advantage to a high arc of fire, so there are some situations were a mortar would be a better choice than a grenade launcher of equal explosive power.

I editted and added to my post while you were responding. There's some more in there on mortars.

Grenade launchers can have a high arc too. They are pretty much the exact same thing, just smaller. A military hand-held grenade launcher is typically 40mm. The standard light mortar is around 82mm. So, in game terms it needs to have a bigger punch then a grenade or you wouldn't be carrying around the more encumbering mortar.

Edited by Sturn
17 minutes ago, Sturn said:

I've tossed real frag grenades, and they don't APPEAR to do much as compared to their Hollywood counterparts. No fire, just a small dust cloud for the concussion of the explosion. You don't see the tiny pieces of frag flying everywhere. Not to say the Mando creators were trying to be more realistic, but you could easily argue we weren't seeing the much larger frag radius.

There were some that hit pretty close to Shan... wouldn't they have had some effect? I remember reading that the standard modern US frag grenade has a blast radius of about 10 yards.

As for the mortars, I've watched combat footage of mortars, and they've got a much bigger boom than the mortar in the show. At least the variety of shell they were using. Pretty sure it was HE.

Without enclosed armor, Shan should have been knocked on her ****, suffer from the concussion effects (dazed on the ground), even if she was lucky enough to miss some of the fragmentation. I'm just trying to give a way to hand-wave it, not defending on-screen explosives realism. Hollywood seems to never get explosives right. At least we didn't see huge fireballs, which would never be seen unless you were firing some special and rarer ammo.

The first real frag grenade I tossed was actually kind of a let down IN APPEARANCE. I never doubted it was more deadlier then it appeared. If you toss a frag grenade in the middle of a clean parking lot, you actually aren't going to see much, as opposed to what you see in movies. Just because you don't see it, doesn't mean it isn't deadly. Thus, I was trying to explain that the mortar attack in Mando might not appear as deadly as it was. Perhaps Shan's helmet was good enough to resist much of the concussion and she was very lucky to not get hit much by the fragmentation. My grandfather was a recipient of a Stuka dive bomber attack. The bomb exploded right over his head while he was kneeling in the open picking up his dropped helmet. He only received two small pieces of frag, and I don't recall him saying he was knocked silly for a long while. So perhaps Sham had some of the same luck that allows me to be here typing this? :)

Edited by Sturn