The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I would love to see a Filoni / Faverau trilogy...... just saying...

8 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

I would love to see a Filoni / Faverau trilogy...... just saying...

A certain segment of the audience (or, at least, a certain segment of the public that has learned they can make money stoking the embers of dissatisfaction into an inferno of rage-inducing conspiracy theories) would eat them alive.

That's not to say I don't think they'd do a good job. I think they'd do a great job. But upon moving from the small screen to the big screen, that certain segment would transition their narrative of division from them being the "upstarts doing Star Wars right and thumbing their noses at Kathleen Kennedy and Disney" to "sellouts toeing the company line of social agendas."

Get Favreau back ON screen, too. Yeah...he voiced Rio in Solo. But an actor who can turn a line that's a callback to product placement from a decade earlier into a tear-jerking moment? Yeah...give him something to do.

1 hour ago, Jegergryte said:

:ph34r: You guys are incredibly and impressively patient with each other.

We're roleplaying that this board has mods.

1 hour ago, Tramp Graphics said:

With James Bond, you have a very different situation as well given that the franchise routinely changes the actor every few movies. As such Bond doesn’t have a “signature” appearance outside of being very “debonair. He doesn’t have a specific height, a specific hair color, or eye color. He’s not patterned after or completely identified by one actor (though it is generally agreed that Connery was the best).

James Bond has source material that has some very specific things established about his height, weight, colour of eyes and hair, scar etcetera...

2 hours ago, Tramp Graphics said:

Sebastian Shaw was only shown from the chest up while in the suit. Hayden wore lifts in order to match Prowse’ height in the suit.

You are kind of obliterating all of your own arguments as to why actor height is important when casting.

54 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

I would love to see a Filoni / Faverau trilogy...... just saying...

I'd rather not. The Mandalorian is a cool show and all, but they're both way too fond of old movies. I don't think they have anything original to say about Star Wars that is worth blowing 250 million bucks on.

4 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

Oh my god. He's absolutely terrible. He's just doing a poor Harrison Ford parody.

Flubbed at least one line, too.

10 minutes ago, Vorzakk said:

Flubbed at least one line, too.

Crazy talk!

He’s perfect! Because...of his height. /shrug

Completely unrelated to the current discussion...

I'm a little saddened that they're spinning off an Ahsoka series so quickly. While the Clone Wars/Rebels version was certainly a fan favorite, I question if Dawson will be able to carry that over. In a way I feel bad for her, those are some big shoes to fill. I also would have liked to see a little more Ahsoka in the Mando before she gets her own deal. If one were only familiar with the Mando, you might be inclined to think Gina Carano (who also needs some more acting coaching but did a lot with a completely new character) would be better suited for her own show (though I've seen there's some troubled waters around her at the moment too). Or maybe its telling I can't even remember what her character's name is.

7 minutes ago, False God said:

Completely unrelated to the current discussion...

...and actually related to the original discussion... :D

8 minutes ago, False God said:

If one were only familiar with the Mando, you might be inclined to think Gina Carano (who also needs some more acting coaching but did a lot with a completely new character) would be better suited for her own show (though I've seen there's some troubled waters around her at the moment too). Or maybe its telling I can't even remember what her character's name is.

Cara Dune. I'm not so sure she needs a show, but it'd be nice to get an anthology at some point (though I am aware of practical concerns around that) that bounces between various characters. She'd be a prime candidate for that. I really want to see some of her dropper ops. My mental image for it looks awesome .

10 minutes ago, False God said:

I'm a little saddened that they're spinning off an Ahsoka series so quickly. While the Clone Wars/Rebels version was certainly a fan favorite, I question if Dawson will be able to carry that over. In a way I feel bad for her, those are some big shoes to fill. I also would have liked to see a little more Ahsoka in the Mando before she gets her own deal.

I don't know that they are, they may just be world-building. I'm guessing that they are going to at some point, but no telling quite when that'll be since they're planning another season of The Mandalorian (at least, I think they are. Was that ever confirmed, or just a leak?).
And I agree with you on Dawson.

10 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

don't know that they are, they may just be world-building. I'm guessing that they are going to at some point, but no telling quite when that'll be since they're planning another season of The Mandalorian (at least, I think they are. Was that ever confirmed, or just a leak?).

I think Mandalorian season 3 was confirmed. No Ahsoka and/or Rebels sequel series (live action or animated) has been announced, just rumored. Then there’s the supposition that I saw that the Gideon storyline connects to the Thrawn name drop and that storyline on The Mandalorian is the “Rebels sequel series.”

As always with such things, I adopt the disclaimer from Letterman’s Stupid Pet Tricks bit: “This is an exhibition, not a competition. wagering.”

Edited by Nytwyng
47 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

...and actually related to the original discussion... :D

Cara Dune. I'm not so sure she needs a show, but it'd be nice to get an anthology at some point (though I am aware of practical concerns around that) that bounces between various characters. She'd be a prime candidate for that. I really want to see some of her dropper ops. My mental image for it looks awesome .

I don't know that they are, they may just be world-building. I'm guessing that they are going to at some point, but no telling quite when that'll be since they're planning another season of The Mandalorian (at least, I think they are. Was that ever confirmed, or just a leak?).
And I agree with you on Dawson.

Ah! Cara Dune, I kinda had this feeling her character name was similar to her actor name (Gina, 4 letters, similar pronunciation). Yeah, with her character I can actually see a "Bad Batch" style show being fun (I hated the Season 7 Bad Batch episodes).

It sounded a ways off if nothing else, and I'm down for some world-building. Not everything needs to be a huge production, a couple of short series, or "trilogies" of 3 episodes would be great for expanding on some of the characters we've seen.

I do hope Dawson gets better. To tread into another heady subject, it reminds me of Bri Larson as Capt Marvel(who I thought was good, but could have been better). Maybe not the perfect casting, maybe some bad direction, maybe not the best writing, or some combo thereof, but there's certainly room for the actor to grow into the role with future episodes.

1 minute ago, False God said:

Yeah, with her character I can actually see a "Bad Batch" style show being fun (I hated the Season 7 Bad Batch episodes).

Hmm, I actually liked those. They were a bit of a retread from the earlier unfinished ones, but I thought they were decent. What did you dislike about them?

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Hmm, I actually liked those. They were a bit of a retread from the earlier unfinished ones, but I thought they were decent. What did you dislike about them?

In the words of Gul'dan, everything .

I disliked the show touching on "good genetics" and "bad genetics" without being willing to delve deeper into it. I disliked that it felt more like a rip-off of the Avengers than original characters with unique personalities. I disliked that it felt like a very generic action movie. I disliked that its inclusion seemed to be little more than a distraction from an otherwise Ahsoka-centered season to introduce brand-new characters as a setup for their own spinoff. I disliked that the fact that they were getting spun-off was announced almost immediately they were shown. I disliked that the "damaged" clone went with the "freaks".

Yeah, everything .

8 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

And if you're making a movie that has young Lando in it in 2018, Donald Glover is going to do an infinitely better job than 80 year old Billy Dee Williams.

Besides Billy Dee Williams was in the next movie.

1 hour ago, False God said:

In the words of Gul'dan, everything .

I disliked the show touching on "good genetics" and "bad genetics" without being willing to delve deeper into it. I disliked that it felt more like a rip-off of the Avengers than original characters with unique personalities. I disliked that it felt like a very generic action movie. I disliked that its inclusion seemed to be little more than a distraction from an otherwise Ahsoka-centered season to introduce brand-new characters as a setup for their own spinoff. I disliked that the fact that they were getting spun-off was announced almost immediately they were shown. I disliked that the "damaged" clone went with the "freaks".

Yeah, everything .

I thought they were light hearted fun. They just another example of a good potential rpg group.

6 hours ago, False God said:

In the words of Gul'dan, everything .

I disliked the show touching on "good genetics" and "bad genetics" without being willing to delve deeper into it. I disliked that it felt more like a rip-off of the Avengers than original characters with unique personalities. I disliked that it felt like a very generic action movie. I disliked that its inclusion seemed to be little more than a distraction from an otherwise Ahsoka-centered season to introduce brand-new characters as a setup for their own spinoff. I disliked that the fact that they were getting spun-off was announced almost immediately they were shown. I disliked that the "damaged" clone went with the "freaks".

Yeah, everything .

I'd go with rip-off of some crappy 90s Image big guns & pouches focused comic rather than the Avengers, but yeah, that pretty much sums up my thoughts about the Bad Batch completely.

It's kind of insane that they're making a Star Wars show that I can't really think of a reason for watching it. The whole concept just feels incredibly not-Star Wars.

1 hour ago, micheldebruyn said:

I'd go with rip-off of some crappy 90s Image big guns & pouches focused comic rather than the Avengers, but yeah, that pretty much sums up my thoughts about the Bad Batch completely.

It's kind of insane that they're making a Star Wars show that I can't really think of a reason for watching it. The whole concept just feels incredibly not-Star Wars.

I don’t know. The entire universe is broken people, faulty droids, hunks of junk, etc. Cloning gone ‘wrong’ seems par for the course. Especially seing how these ‘defective’ clones kick enormous ***.

11 hours ago, False God said:

I disliked that the "damaged" clone went with the "freaks".

In this case, I'm not sure where else Echo would go. Probably nowhere good. He'd need rehabilitation and new cybernetics before he could be a frontline soldier again, and he'd probably not be as good as he was. In the Bad Batch, his abilities and talents would be put to better use.

As for your other objections regarding "bad genes," my guess is that they were just touching on it here and setting up how "regs" think of them (because we start from the perspective of Rex, Jesse, etc.) and then will be expanding on it in the full series. Same with personalities, though I don't think it's an Avengers knock-off. Best comparison I can come up with is Wrecker (overly stereotypical, in my opinion) to the Hulk, but I don't see any parallels of more than maybe one point between the other characters.

As someone who really didn't like the Ahsoka arc with the Martez sisters, I much preferred the Bad Batch arc. I've always had a soft-spot for the clones, Rex and his cadre in particular. I enjoyed seeing him again, and it allowed them to set up the eventual reunion with Ahsoka better, in my opinion. Had they just skipped to Ahsoka, we wouldn't have had the set up on the other end and would just be airdropping Rex and Anakin into the story. It also builds anticipation for the Ahsoka arc (though I'd argue that the anticipation was undeserved, as it just left me waiting for the final arc).

15 hours ago, micheldebruyn said:

We're roleplaying that this board has mods.

Oh I can think of some classes we can pick up: the Strawman, the Circulist, the AdHomie, the Embolder...

Edited by Sturn

So, can we have this wrapped up pretty soon? Friday is almost here.

2 minutes ago, Sturn said:

So, can we have this wrapped up pretty soon? Friday is almost here.

Yes, let's talk about Baby Yogu.


Groda. <_<

Groby Yoga.

Consarn it! The kid!

20 minutes ago, Sturn said:

So, can we have this wrapped up pretty soon? Friday is almost here.

I already peaced out of it. 😁

20 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Yes, let's talk about Baby Yogu.


Groda. <_<

Groby Yoga.

Consarn it! The kid!

Please, please, don’t make a fuss. It’s just plain Yogurt.



4 hours ago, Nytwyng said:

Please, please, don’t make a fuss. It’s just plain Yogurt.



Great, now he'll forever be in my mind as Grogurt.