The Mandalorian Season 2! [Spoilers]

By P-47 Thunderbolt, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

The Star Wars galaxy is on Orion's Belt. That's why sublight engines can allow people to travel to nearby systems.


3 hours ago, Jegergryte said:

If the distance isn't as great as you seem to presume (I'm thinking you're thinking easily a light year or more, but I may be wrong).....

Yes, I'm going with some reasonable semblance with distances in our galaxy. Note that I gave as one of my examples to fix the sublight drive issue is to make those distances much, much smaller. But, that has never been stated in Star Wars anywhere that I'm aware of so I don't like doing that. And, as you described, the distances would have to be much, much closer then in our realworld galaxy.

What has been stated is the Star Wars galaxy is 100,000 LY across with over 400 billion stars. That is around the same numbers as our own Milky Way galaxy. So, based upon what has been stated in Star Wars sources, the SW galaxy is around the same density as the Milky Way. There will be areas where stars are closer, just like in our galaxy, but only at the galactic core would sublight drives be feasible.

With density close to the Milky Way, we can make comparisons. At the Core of the SW Galaxy, distances could be only .01 LY. For a light speed drive (again, quicker then "sublight"), that is around 3 days travel time! That works. But, the average distance between stars is actually more like 5 LY's. That's 5 YEARS to travel even at the speed of light, let alone "sublight". That's just the next star over, not the next sector over, which could easily take a few centuries or more. That doesn't work. That's why the latest episode makes some of us cringe.

I completely understand this doesn't bug most. But for those that it does matter, I think we have to interpret "sublight" as actually something that far, far exceeds light speed. Ships using thrusters/sublight drives (as opposed to hyperdrives), need to be traveling somewhere near 500x light speed to make it feasible. At that speed, the next star over takes 3-4 days, while the next sector over (just guessing 100 LY's) would take over 2 months. That works for me. So, "sublight" is an archaic term that's a hold over, or there's that typo theory and astrogators were supposed to be saying, "surlight drive". ๐Ÿ˜„

Honestly, I just intend to ignore most of the details of this episode unless they become relevant later.

7 hours ago, Sturn said:

I think it's the "sub" plus "light" thing.

Without explanations, sublight speed means below light speed, and thus such drives would take years, decades, centuries, more to travel the distances suggested. That's not what we see on screen without some sort of explanation - such as change the definition of "sublight" or change the distances between stars to something much, much smaller then in our real galaxy.

If instead they were called, "surlight drives", I don't think anyone would be offering explanations.

Hey there's another one, it's just a typo (B for R) from long ago that stuck. :)

Yeah, but light travels so much faster in AGFFA...The Force Awakens shows that you can see the destruction of a star system in near real time from anywhere in the galaxy. The "light" that carried those images of destruction is the light that "sublight" doesn't match... Yeah...

I think it is probably for the best. I have blanked the whole of the ST

I liked that the raid on the prison ship has had consequences, both good and bad. I enjoyed the egg eating and the spiders.

7 hours ago, Sturn said:

Hey there's another one, it's just a typo (B for R) from long ago that stuck.

This is great. I'm gonna start saying surlight engines. But was it just that one 'r' that became a 'b'? Perhaps it was something wrong with the keyboard and happened more often than that. Maybe it is actually pronounced "Chewracca" and "Ori Wan Kenori". Maybe many Rothans died to get those secret plans. Maybe that bald guy Temuera is playing is actually Rora Fett! :)

6 hours ago, DidntFallAsleep66 said:

unless you're in my lessons.

This is also great. I'm a teacher too and may have to employ some of your methods in the future!

12 hours ago, Edgehawk said:

with Sash Ketter and Jib Dodger, he has some seriously stiff competition...

Wow. I hadn't heard of Jib Dodger. Hilarious. In Imperial Assault (the first FFG game I got into) we have Biv Bodhrik. But Jib Dodger is better.

8 hours ago, HappyDaze said:

Yeah, but light travels so much faster in AGFFA...The Force Awakens shows that you can see the destruction of a star system in near real time from anywhere in the galaxy. The "light" that carried those images of destruction is the light that "sublight" doesn't match... Yeah...

But that was explained, the Starkiller weapon breached a hole Hyperspace or something, that's why it could be seen anywhere. Apparently. :ph34r: I recall this messing up my first viewing of TFA throwing me off ... I have since reneged on my internal agreement about expectations in these instances - I now look for the new stuff, that is changing everything, and I bask in the light of this new knowledge, even when - perhaps particularly when - it breaks with expectations and my notion of "how things are" in AGFFA . It has made (parts of my) life so much better.

9 hours ago, Sturn said:

Yes, I'm going with some reasonable semblance with distances in our galaxy. Note that I gave as one of my examples to fix the sublight drive issue is to make those distances much, much smaller. But, that has never been stated in Star Wars anywhere that I'm aware of so I don't like doing that. And, as you described, the distances would have to be much, much closer then in our realworld galaxy.

What has been stated is the Star Wars galaxy is 100,000 LY across with over 400 billion stars. That is around the same numbers as our own Milky Way galaxy. So, based upon what has been stated in Star Wars sources, the SW galaxy is around the same density as the Milky Way. There will be areas where stars are closer, just like in our galaxy, but only at the galactic core would sublight drives be feasible.

With density close to the Milky Way, we can make comparisons. At the Core of the SW Galaxy, distances could be only .01 LY. For a light speed drive (again, quicker then "sublight"), that is around 3 days travel time! That works. But, the average distance between stars is actually more like 5 LY's. That's 5 YEARS to travel even at the speed of light, let alone "sublight". That's just the next star over, not the next sector over, which could easily take a few centuries or more. That doesn't work. That's why the latest episode makes some of us cringe.

I completely understand this doesn't bug most. But for those that it does matter, I think we have to interpret "sublight" as actually something that far, far exceeds light speed. Ships using thrusters/sublight drives (as opposed to hyperdrives), need to be traveling somewhere near 500x light speed to make it feasible. At that speed, the next star over takes 3-4 days, while the next sector over (just guessing 100 LY's) would take over 2 months. That works for me. So, "sublight" is an archaic term that's a hold over, or there's that typo theory and astrogators were supposed to be saying, "surlight drive". ๐Ÿ˜„

Well, you are also assuming that in no instance (but the core) is it possible that star system may be closer together than your assumed average. And, you are adhering to real world limitations. But sure, "sublight" would probably be more accurately be called sub-hyperspace* or your "surlight" ... we know hyperspace isn't lightspeed, it is in fact closer to wormhole travel ... yet using speed of plot through an alternate dimension.

This image of the route Mando plotted doesn't tell us much, be it implies going by several planets, or bodies in space, using gravity or something as part of the equation ... what those two big (red) ones are or mean is difficult to know, but they seem to be different. Unless this is a galaxy view (in which case you're most certainly right), this area of space seems dense in systems or planets ...

Here's the route plotting: from this, it seems we're at least in a more local area, but then again, while the attention to detail is often considerable when it comes to LFL, they also throw out details and consistency in favour of story, drama and action. Which I wholeheartedly agree with in these space myths.

*Incorrect, as sub-hyperspace allows near instantaneous travel

2020-11-10 (5)_result_1.jpg

Edited by Jegergryte
4 hours ago, Jegergryte said:

Ah, I see your error. That's not his route, he's just got Snake installed on his console to while away the decades that the journey will take him.

3 minutes ago, Dazgrim said:

Ah, I see your error. That's not his route, he's just got Snake installed on his console to while away the decades that the journey will take him.


On 11/8/2020 at 1:44 PM, Inquisitor Tremayne said:

Is no one bothered by the child eating that woman's children? I was weirded out they were playing it for laughs.

Enjoyed the monster parts of the episode though.

Maybe the eggs are a great source of midichlorians.

At least the ST never mentioned midichlorians. That was one positive.

Did we ever see Yoda (or Yaddle, for that matter) eat anything? I know Yoda was nibbling on a sausage or something in ESB. He lived in a swamp, and presumably at swamp tucker. Perhaps it is a dark side of the force technique, where when one eats a living creature it is possible to absorb their midichlorians. Obviously, this controversial technique was unknown to the Sith or we would have had the Emperor chomping down on all kinds of hapless citizens. :)

Or he's just a sentient lizard, and can eat things raw. Doubt there's anything Force-y to it.

We see Yoda nibbling on her Gimer stick, I think, but I'm not sure we ever saw him directly eat anything other than Luke's ration bar.

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Or he's just a sentient lizard, and can eat things raw. Doubt there's anything Force-y to it.

We see Yoda nibbling on her Gimer stick, I think, but I'm not sure we ever saw him directly eat anything other than Luke's ration bar.

Yeah, I wasn't seriously saying it was a possible Force thing.

Was it a ration bar? I always thought it was a sausage! Ha.

5 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Or he's just a sentient lizard, and can eat things raw. Doubt there's anything Force-y to it.

We see Yoda nibbling on her Gimer stick, I think, but I'm not sure we ever saw him directly eat anything other than Luke's ration bar.

We do see him cook and see Lukeโ€™s reaction to it...

6 hours ago, DanteRotterdam said:

We do see him cook and see Lukeโ€™s reaction to it...

"Directly eat anything" as in we see him consume a food of known nature.

3 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

"Directly eat anything" as in we see him consume a food of known nature.

I think his nature of being a puppet that wasn't designed to eat stuff precludes original Yoda eating stuff as in material actually going into his mouth.

16 minutes ago, micheldebruyn said:

I think his nature of being a puppet that wasn't designed to eat stuff precludes original Yoda eating stuff as in material actually going into his mouth.

What about in animation?

My point is, we do not really know Yoda's diet. That's it. That's all I'm saying.

Well, we do know that when he exiled himself on a planed without any take-out food, he picked a swamp planet.

But it also occurs to me that Yoda's diet is going to be decided more by his religion than by his species' natural inclinations towards perhaps eggs and living animals.

Edited by micheldebruyn
9 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

"Directly eat anything" as in we see him consume a food of known nature.

Yeah he brought all that kitchen ware along to be a hermit who doesnโ€™t... oh, you know what? Whatever your point was you are right...

6 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What about in animation?

My point is, we do not really know Yoda's diet. That's it. That's all I'm saying.

Actually, yes, we do know his diet. Not only do a number of canon and Legends sources tell us his dietary quirks, his teeth give us a clear indication of his primary diet. Yoda has sharp conical teeth , the teeth of a carnivore .

On 11/9/2020 at 9:21 PM, salamar_dree said:

The Star Wars galaxy is on Orion's Belt. That's why sublight engines can allow people to travel to nearby systems.


If only ... considering their distance from our sun, at 826 (Alnitak), 1360 (Alnilam), and 919 (Mintaka) lightyears (left to right) ... that's still quite far using sublight engines, just between them.

EDIT: Distance source ( - which doesn't cite any sources ), wikipedia a suggest far greate distances ('s_Belt ) - I went with the smaller numbers... I have no clue which is right ... they may all be in on some conspiracy ... perhaps they are actually just holes in the fabric of space-time ....

Edited by Jegergryte
2 hours ago, Jegergryte said:

If only ... considering their distance from our sun, at 826 (Alnitak), 1360 (Alnilam), and 919 (Mintaka) lightyears (left to right) ... that's still quite far using sublight engines, just between them.

EDIT: Distance source ( - which doesn't cite any sources ), wikipedia a suggest far greate distances ('s_Belt ) - I went with the smaller numbers... I have no clue which is right ... they may all be in on some conspiracy ... perhaps they are actually just holes in the fabric of space-time ....

It's a reference to Men in Black...

(i.e.: It was a joke.)

14 minutes ago, salamar_dree said:

It's a reference to Men in Black...

(i.e.: It was a joke.)

And I gave it a laughing emoji smiley (even if I didn't get the reference ... :ph34r: ). I was only following up with more information, because you made me remember some stuff ๐Ÿ˜‰

16 minutes ago, Jegergryte said:

And I gave it a laughing emoji smiley (even if I didn't get the reference ... :ph34r: ). I was only following up with more information, because you made me remember some stuff ๐Ÿ˜‰


Yes. You need to watch the original Men in Black to get the reference.


Now that's a step up in quality. And the return of an unexpected favourite character.