Things to do during the COVID closure

By Kyle Ren, in X-Wing Off-Topic

So I strongly recommend nobody go to game nights or store champs right now. It's just not worth it. I'm kinda bummed about skipping all these store champs and game nights right now.

What have y'all been doing to pass the time?

I'll go first...

Cigar Box Guitars are a fun hobby and very time intensive... here's my progress so far... just the neck and the nut


also been playing a lot of Star Conflict ( ), which is actually a really fun game

I’ve been painting minis through the weekend. I’ve got a huge backlog of Imperial Assault, Super Dungeon Explore and Infinity minis.

Also been playing a bit of War Thunder and a couple board games with family.

Not that I’m finding myself with huge amounts of suddenly free time, I’m still working from home.

Fly Casual will be a godsend.

I can also finally get around to binning old Games Workshop rubbish.

I've been catching up on my backlog of minis to paint from the Shadows of Brimstone game.

What closure? I am at work.

And I'm being forced to see all the people who want to bring in a pet that has had a problem for the last 3 months because the owner now has a day off.

Because #imnotatwork translating into #stayhome is apparently beyond these people.

Edited by Darth Meanie

Someone in the Warmachine/Hordes Painting FB group mentioned that if you leave quarantine without a painted army, you are a monster.

I think they have a point.

In any case, been working on my backlog of minis.


Specifically, the Mice & Mystics crew, tonight.

Edited by kris40k

I’m “essential” staff .... 🙄 🙄 🙄

welp I added more things to the list of accomplished quarantine tasks

bought (and immediately got addicted to) One Shot, very cool RPG with some really clever immersive elements

completed my obligatory Plo repaint

12 hours ago, Darth Meanie said:

What closure? I am at work.

And I'm being forced to see all the people who want to bring in a pet that has had a problem for the last 3 months because the owner now has a day off.

Because #imnotatwork translating into #stayhome is apparently beyond these people.

Please be careful. The virus can be transferred through interspecies contact.

And a cat won’t tell you she’s sick. They are just d#%ks* that way.

*Wow I had to switch out letters in the word I used after posting. How did that word get past the filter?

Edited by Imperial Advisor Arem Heshvaun

Time for a SyFy movie marathon.

Outbreak, Contagion, Extinction... sounds like a fun evening's viewing!

21 hours ago, Zarovichx said:

I've been catching up on my backlog of minis to paint from the Shadows of Brimstone game.

Hey, so am I. Just primed some Oni and Chochinobake lanterns.


On 3/18/2020 at 11:18 AM, Forgottenlore said:

Hey, so am I. Just primed some Oni and Chochinobake lanterns.

Oh nice. This week I've painted, Vampires, Werewolves, Darkstone Scorpions and now working on the Undead Gunslinger Gang.

Been painting a lot this week, painted the Guardians of the Galaxy for the Marvel Crisis Protocol game.

Now I just need to paint Captain america, Marvel and Hulk and I'll start working on some terrain pieces and a board.





I played Arizona Sunshine on my Occulus Quest with a buddy. Before starting the zombie killing, I stopped him and took the time to do a proper handshake. It felt oddly satisfying 🙂

Finally got the boss to knock us down to one-doctor days.

So, I've decided XWM doesn't have enough factions:

SH4FuSv.png m6cs2Me.png

bC6n0mH.png 7yCFCMS.png

rCxdQx6.png lRAdLkH.png

TGPdCBA.png xEiffal.png

wV3xOH6.png mc4k77R.png

yN0o3s9.png v5BH4k6.png

hRlsxNq.jpg lgK5nFY.jpg

FaXzvMD.png fu4Xq0K.png

Cuz I need something to do while my minis dry:


Also, I found your Easter Egg, @Hinnyboy . Tell Abigail happy birthday for me. :D

Edited by Darth Meanie

so my family is watching through the star wars movies again

we just started, and we're going chronologically

honestly the prequels ain't half bad... in my opinion of course

On 3/27/2020 at 6:43 PM, dotswarlock said:

I played Arizona Sunshine on my Occulus Quest with a buddy. Before starting the zombie killing, I stopped him and took the time to do a proper handshake. It felt oddly satisfying 🙂

Rec Room is having a real moment. I talked lots of family into buying quests this last Christmas and now we just all play paintball and stuff together.

Meaning to post this for a while, but member Empire at War? Yeah, its still being modded to this day and there are a bunch of great mods that basically change the game completely.

Empire at War Remake (for space only), Fall of the Republic (if you like PT), and Awakening of the Rebellion (if you like Ground Battles) are the stand outs. I personally like EaW: Remake as its the best looking mod out there. It basically has updated the visuals to a game that is 5 years old rather than a 15 year old game. Also, it stays true to scale, an SSD is a good 1/3 of most maps. It also removes ground battles which I always found as an annoyance, though they do plan on adding ground battles eventually.

Most only work through the steam version of Forces of Corruption, so if you still have the original disk you are likely going to have to purchase the steam copy.

Here is an actual in game of Remake:
