AMA with Alex Watkins

By FFGEvan, in News

Is there any update on Clone Wars for Armada? Is it still projected around Q4 2020? Or has it moved earlier or later?

Related, what are the plans for the Clone Wars core set? Will it be a combined faction set, like the current Armada and both Legion starter sets? Or is there a plan to do single-faction starter sets like what X-Wing got?

when will the l5r koteis be listed, what is coming for l5r store events, what l5r tournaments are coming?

can we stop having the more then two l5r events at a convention, paywalls suck.

can we have u.s. koteis at stores or hotels?

My question for Alex is X-Wing OP in Australia:

How many Grand champs do we get?

When can we expect Store Champ Kits to hit our shores? Does it align with the US season dates for the store champs for example or will there be a month skew due to delivery etc?

Thanks mate!

Many stores will not support organized play at all, but that's especially true for the cooperative games. Why will organized play not allow game groups to purchase game night kits and run them themselves? Communities are already doing the majority of the work in promoting your products - give them the tools they need to grow the player base.

Why did Destiny take a year off of OP to reorganize if you were just going to kill the game? I think knowing the motivations behind that decision would help restore consumer confidence in FFG for those who are interested in the other games. Otherwise it feels like we lost a year of OP for an empty promise.

On 12/31/2019 at 4:21 PM, Hinomura said:

I've attended L5R Worlds every year, and the event has gone from strength to strength with a full and varied program, incredible participation bling, and lots of opportunities to earn prize tickets. I don't hesitate to recommend it to my L5R-playing friends, and was delighted to see so many of them there in '19.

My question though is this: can we please get a much earlier announcement of when Worlds will be? It would make attending so much easier if we had a definite date, ideally before told to attendees the year before. Please help us maximise attendance and give us as much promotional time as possible - we want to sell it to our play groups and get even more folks there!

8 hours ago, Aztarun said:

Last month, FFG open applicantions for retailers, communities, and conventions OUTSIDE of the US and Canada that want to host a Kotei in 2020. Do you have more information about the process or when will the firsts approved events will be revealed?

I included the two above questions because they are absolutely important and we would love to have them answered.

My question: In the 2019/2020 Kotei Season, Fantasy Flight Games has introduced the Tides of War mega-game. This is similar to the mega-game elements that have featured throughout most of the history of Legend of the Five Rings during its time as a CCG under AEG and WotC. Does Fantasy Flight Games OP see the Tides of War mega-game as an experiment in player engagement, or is it a new direction in its plan for interaction with the L5R Community and something to expect going forward? Or is this too soon to tell?

What are your three favorite dinosaurs?

Can you comment on the situation in Syria?

Hi Alex,

A specific question and a more general follow up!

1. Can we expect the Hotshots and Aces card pack, Vonreg's Tie and the Fireball to be legal for the X-Wing UK system Open, assuming they are released before the event? Or will we need to follow the US 11 day 'cooling off' period?

2. More generally - is there are way to better communicate with players about which stuff will be playable for a tournament when there are new released with imminent, but no actual confirmed, release? I feel this is especially pertinent in the run up to large, important tournaments where players are trying to practice lists but don't know if certain things will be playable. On the back of the moved forward hyperspace points, it would be useful to know this sort of information.


X-wing related:

Can smaller kits be produced for more remote regions so that we can get in on the SoS action as well as make the normal tournaments more accessible? We love X-wing but don't see much support and the kits we can get are really expensive which pushes entry prices to ridiculous heights. Would be nice to have scaled kits for our community size. It would also make stores more enthusiastic about obtaining kits as players would definitely come to more events if we had great prizes available.

Edited by eRADicator67

How much can you bench press?


In your opinion, which marmoset is the best?

  • Kit Contents for L5R Store Championships and Prime Championships? Stores had to order them blindly, which is never a good practice.
  • What is the future of the Seasonal OP Kit? Seems like we haven't had much news about them recently. With the recent news of layoffs, the outlook for Seasonal OP kits seems grim.
  • Additional Kotei/Grand Kotei locations/dates?
  • L5R Prime Championship location/date announcements?
  • Is there anything you can do in the future to get information about the location of Store Championships to the player base?
  • What steps have you taken to ensure that the debacle of last year's Elemental Championship season does not happen again (particularly in regards to kit contents and timely distribution)?
  • If the DIY Koteis in Europe go well, is there a possibility that there can be DIY Koteis in the USA/Canada?
  • Did you feel like Invitational Worlds for L5R was as successful as you wanted it to be? Will the next World Championship be invitational again, or will you do something different? If you do something different, how soon do you expect to inform the community?
  • Why was adding Matt Holland to the OP team the best decision you've ever made?

Edited by PhoenixInferno

What are your plans about AH3?

Xwing. According to FFG Discord communications it looks like official release date for the remaining Wave 6 ships is January 31st. Applying the 11 day rule Von Reg and Fireball miss the UK System Open by three days. Can an exception be made?


Will dice be in the prize support Prime Championship kits?


Why not arrive to spain the crane and unicorn tournament kits?

Edited by shinta_hid

Hello there! You probably already know that but to make things clear to everybody reading the question: This monday (january 13th) Galápagos Jogos (bought by Asmodee last year) - the oficial Brazilian distributor of FFG - announced that they were canceling the L5R line here in Brazil, no more product besides the last 3 clan packs and no more oficial suport for the OP. Thankfully we still have the chance to keep the game alive with the open Kotei events. My question is, since Galápagos wont do anything here in 2020, could the Brazilian community through players or our local stores be alouded to buy the OP kits for this season directly from FFG/Asmodee NA? I know that it's not your policy (contact your local distributor is always the answer) but I was wondering if an exception could be made due our unique situacion here. It'd give us a huge boost in this front and we need all the help we can get to keep the game alive. We are trully passionate for this game, but Galápagos didn't know how to handle things here and strugle to even get the releases coming.

Edited by sangoi

Hi Alex!
My question is for Legion. I come from Perth - we have a fairly small community and event kits like a Prime are a tough sell for local FLGS events.

Is there any plan to have a lower level (no world's ticket) structure with prize support for smaller 8-12 person store champs or leagues?



Hi Alex,

Longtime listener, first time caller.

Can I ask when we can expect the first release of the crumble recipe? Also, what kind of rotation can we expect? Will it be as Keyforge for example, rotating a fruit out once per six months to add for variety and adding extra fruit/spices in thus mimicking what is done with houses and new rules in the game. Maybe move from Rhubarb to Apple. Possibly throwing in an extra spice, like cinnamon.

I feel these are burning questions the community needs! Well as long as it is not burning the crumble!

Kind Regards


P.S. Thanks for the hard work FFG put in to the events and look forward to seeing some FFG at the Keyforge UK Nationals in February.

Edited by Mechababoon
grammar and spelling mistakes

Marvel Champions

  • Will we see more promo character cards for the new expansion characters like we saw with the launch kits for Marvel Champions?
  • And will future organized play kits have a higher production count compared to the launch kits? I recall stores having a difficult time trying to get those kits for launch week.
  • Since this is a co-op game and not a competitive game; are there any plans to have major game events similar to Arkham Nights where players can get together at FFG to play and receive exclusive promos? Or will this be treated more like Lord of the Rings and only have store events like the 'Fellowship Events'.
Edited by ElSuave

Thanks for this!

Question about Star Wars: Legion.

According to the Star Wars: Legion Tournament Regulations document a Prime event with 17-24 people should play three rounds of swiss then cut the top two. This could potentially leave one player, that could have driven hours to get to the event, with an undefeated record and no chance to get an invite (due to tie breakers). I highlighted the 9-24 tier (common size for RPQ/Prime events), this problem is at each tier.

Why is this the recommendation? For events with a single "grand prize" (e.g. an invite to worlds) why do you potentially recommend against playing until there is one undefeated player?

Edited by Screwtape

Hi there! Questions for KeyForge :)

1. Is it possible that a Weekly Archon allotment would ever be added to GEM with all the different formats?
2.Will Bo1 Adaptive ever be considered an official format?

Thanks for taking questions - looking forward to the stream!

L5R question - Do we have any idea when we may be seeing the announcement for Canadian dates for this years Kotei, and will we be getting more then one to cover both East and West coast groups. We were in the unenviable position with the Grand Championship we held this summer of only getting about 5-6 weeks to reserve tickets (with a cut off to pre-register 1 week prior) which hurts attendance as that doesn't leave perspective players a lot of time to plan for the trip. Given that for US players passports are a requisite to travel to Canada getting the dates out as soon as possible so that planning can be made would be a massive help to drive attendance.L5R question - Do we have any idea when we may be seeing the announcement for Canadian dates for this years Kotei, and will we be getting more then one to cover both East and West coast groups. We were in the unenviable position with the Grand Championship we held this summer of only getting about 5-6 weeks to reserve tickets (with a cut off to pre-register 1 week prior) which hurts attendance as that doesn't leave perspective players a lot of time to plan for the trip. Given that for US players passports are a requisite to travel to Canada getting the dates out as soon as possible so that planning can be made would be a massive help to drive attendance.

KeyForge Questions!

1) In a KeyForge timed event, if you go to time and are resolving things for step 1 , can you use Æmber on creatures like Senator Shrix (or other creatures with Senator Bracchus ) to forge a key, or does all of the Æmber have to come from your pool?

2) In a KeyForge Best of 3 tournament round, my opponent and I have each won one game. Time is called as we are setting up for Game 3. How is the winner of the round determined?

3) Not OP related, but there's been a noticeable lack of response in regards to questions that are sent to the KeyForge Rules Questions email. Every player of every game wants their game to do well and see new things come through design and development time, but it feels like a bit of a slap to the community to ask for questions at the end of each Crucible Cast and then never respond to them. With the recent layoffs at FFG and Asmodee, would FFG consider reaching out to third party, fan-community resources to help fill in some of these gaps?

As previously asked, I would like FFG OP to respond to the 9-24 player prime events with 3 undefeated players

Can FFG put in chess clock time control guidelines as an optional rule to use for formal to premier events? Like if my opponent and I agree to use the clock, what should be timed, what shouldn't be timed, etc.?

Going off of that, do you believe that chess clocks could be required in the future?

If OP could reply to my email regarding Gencon Legion, that would be fantastic.

On the subject of X-Wing OP and formats:

The response for everyone starting to play Hyperspace I've seen has been overwhelmingly positive for preferring it over Extended. If support continues and most players enjoy it more, is there any chance Prime/Grand/World Championships might be moved to the Hyperspace format, or are those decisions written in stone for 2020?


Edited by Brunas