Announcing Flagship: a web-based fleet builder, analyzer, and RitR campaign manager!

By videege, in Star Wars: Armada

I was messing with a 200 pt. Fleet and the squadron points is at 50 and thought that was odd. (That’s sector fleet rules!). Adding a 200 point “Core Set” format with the 1/3 squadrons set up value may be a good idea for new players using the builder.

Flagship has been updated with the Consular ship data, including the Radiant VII title restrictions. Also updated ACMs.

Flagship has been updated to include the new Separatist squadrons. I've also included a new warning regarding the 1 unique squadron per 100 points limit.

Flagship has been updated to include:

  • Spoiled content (some of this is likely WIP wordings)
  • Added/updated statistics for:
    • Ordnance experts
    • Clone Captain Zak
    • Swivel-Mount Batteries
    • Kraken

Note that because some of the spoiled changes make existing upgrades modifications, some of your fleets may no longer be legal when you load them; for example, if you were using H9s and QTCs, you will see both, but after removing one, you won't be able to re-add it. [personal note: :(]

Edited by videege

Flagship has been updated to include a point correction to leading shots. I believe this completes the Clone Wars upgrade corrections, but please let me know if something isn't correct.

I've also added a warning on the fleet editor if your fleet includes cards banned in competitive play (SAdv, Bail, Pryce).


With the forms closing down in a month, how should we keep in contact with the design team (you)? You’ve done a great job on this and my group enjoys using it quite a bit. I’d hate to see it mothballed before you are ready.

By the way, the special arc fighter named oddball needs his points corrected in the fleet builder. It should be 23 rather than 15 like his brothers.

Special thanks for the quick updates lately. We had a unplanned chance to play today, and having a fleet builder is the reason we were able to scrape fleets together in time.

Merry Christmas!

Thanks for the fix on the squadron - I've corrected the points value.

The best place to point out problems or request features going forward is probably by filing an issue on the project's GitHub page - .

I'm also on the Armada discord (although I don't check it super often). I'm still very much an Armada player and plan to continue support for Flagship indefinitely.

I've also just enabled "discussions" on the GitHub repo, so if you want to talk about Flagship but don't want to file an issue, that's an option too.

On 12/23/2020 at 4:33 PM, videege said:

I've also just enabled "discussions" on the GitHub repo, so if you want to talk about Flagship but don't want to file an issue, that's an option too.

As an avid Flagship user, I'd welcome you to hang out on the Steel Strategy Discord.

Thanks for making the magic happen!