Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

I borrowed a copy of Deathwatch to do the data entry and no longer have access to it so I need someone to confirm the assertions made by DB27 before I make changes please. Since I haven't played Deathwatch yet I'm sure I've made assumptions along the way that are incorrect.

I must admit I interpretted "Mechadendrite Use (any)" as a choice of any of the available types and not "Mechadendrite Use (all)"

Can anyone point me at a clarification of the rules on this one please?

Similarly for the Improve cover and Blessing of the Omnissiah, a quote from the rule book would be good enough .....

Surak - the tech-use bug was fixed in 5.51 (missing formulas). As for the Squad sheet, I must admit I hadn't thought about using the screen and not a print out. Any ideas on how to address this?

I'm going by the fact that there is no "choose one" language after the header in the book, as there is with some of the other classes. Also, there is no other way for a techmarine to get the Mechanicus Implant trait unless he takes it at startup, as it is not an option anywhere else in the tree.

As for the mechanidendrite use, I can't see how it does not mean [all], as there is no other point in the tree at which you can take the talent again. If it truly meant "any one type", that would be severely limiting for a techmarine!


I actually use this program on screen only as I have a laptop and it make it such a breeze to keep track of my character. As far as the squad sheet goes the simple solution is to format it in a more conventional layout rather than rotated 90 degrees with the mirror line, perhaps a tab for using the squad/solo modes on screen and one as-is for using it printed

Thanks again for your work


Another small issue: The Advanced Psychic Power talent (from Ascension) doesn't seem to actually deduct any xp from your total, even if you are not trading in other powers. The actual rule says that each advanced power costs 1000 xp for the first level of talent, but you can sacrifice up to 500 xp to reduce the cost. The second and third levels of the advanced psychic powers cannot be subsidized by sacrificing other powers, which the sheet let's you do now. It's easy enough to get around right now (just add however much xp should be spent to the "other" category on the advancement page), but just thought you should know.

Thank you for this!!


DB27 ....

I've found the Ascended power 1000 xp bug - thanks for reporting it.

I've changed the logic to cap the xp "buy back" at 500xp per advance. Reading through the rules in more detail I'm pretty sure you can apply the buy back to both the Talent (Ascended Psychic Power) and the advancement of an existing Ascended power, so that is the way I've now implemented it.

I've also changed the Techmarine to get both starting traits and not have them as an either/or choice. Looking at the Talents chapter, the Mechadendrite Use now has only 3 choices in the "talent group" and one of those is a starting talent so I suspect that the Techmarine really does have to pick either "Utility" or "Weapon" as his choice when taking the "Mechandendrite Use (any)" Talent. I'll adjust the pull down menu to only offer the 2 choices in the next release.

The updates described in my last post have been tested and release 5.53 is now available at the Dark Reign site.

I've found bug:

Although you have added new lines to 'Elite Advances' part of the 'Advancement' list - all advances past 7th don't appear on character sheets.

So 1-7 elite advances work fine, slots 8-13 don't work.

Mrakvampire, thanks for the bug report.

It is an easy one to fix but not worth a new release in its own right. If you want to fix your version of the sheet, unprotect the Talent Summary Sheet and go to the cell F26.

The end of the formula (D33) should be D39 making the fixed formula read


Note: the font colour for cell F26 is white (on white), so you'll have to edit the formula in the formula bar, not the cell.

When done, protect the sheet again and save.

The previously mentioned bug (Elite advances) has now been incorporated into the new release 5.54 along with another fix for the Devastator Marine starting talents.


As always thanks for your effort.

I've been trying to work ot how to tweak the spread sheet to add some of the fan-created materials our group uses, and the Tattered Fates campaign upgrade table.

Now i'm aware that you can achieve these through the elite advance section of the sheet but the additional tables often get forgotten or overlooked because they are not in the program.

Either way I have tried following your instructions on the last sheet but I can't seem to get excel (2003 version) to co-operate at the moment so any pointers you guys can give would be most welcome.

Also I have noticed a potential bug with the Major Arcana sorcerer powers, although it gives you the blue drop-down box it is un-populated so you can't choose any powers.




The Major Arcana is certainly a bug, the named area currently called "Arcana" should be called "MajorArcanaList"

As for adding option packages, there is not a simple way to do it.(as you have found)

I should have some time next week to take a look at implementing a generic solution that will allow a package to be added to a current rank.
If you want to email with details of what you have done so far, I might be able to help. Maybe you could attach your updated workbook.

So I've been pottering again (oh dear). For Rogue Trader characters I can't seem to get 1st level alternate ranks to work properly, or rather to work at all. Into the Storm is enabled, and I've tried both going through the Character Generation page in full and selecting immediately after choosing initial career, and neither seems to want to work. Am I missing something obvious?


I'm not sure why it is not working for you, it seems to work for me.
Just to clarify, you need to the rank 1 career (in cell Advancement!B4) and then the cell C4 will highlight in Blue. The pulldown menu in C4 should show the alternative paths for which you qualify. If it is empty then you might not meet the prerequisites.

If you are still having problems, could you send me your .rtc file via email and I'll try to determine what is happening.
Otherwise, could you tell me what character you have (home world, birthright etc), Career and starting characteristics along with the version of the spreadsheet you are using and while version of Excel/OpenOffice.

I'm on 5,54 of the sheet, and Excel 2007, trying to get an Astropath to take Transubstantial Initiate. Cell B4 has Astropath Transcendant 1 in place, cell C4 is blank white (the dropdown likewise blank) and the character has 0 corruption points. I've tried this with and without backgrounds costing XP.

Advancing the character to level two makes the Augmenticist available, but the Transubstantial Initiate still isn't visible. Further advancement makes Legend of the Expanse available.

I also tried an Arch-Militant and Rogue Trader, but again there's nothing in the drop-down at C4 on the advancement sheet (which should have Drussian Adherent, which doesn't appear anywhere later either).


That was enough information to find the bug thanks. If you want a short term fix give your character 1 corruption point!
The bug occurs when checking for corruption <= 5 if corruption is blank.

I've almost got the macros working in OpenOffice so a new release is pretty close.

That does indeed seem to work. Many thanks.


I've found another 'bug' in my fiddling with the ver 5.54 sheet. any RT character with more than a 7 in the box for fatee points gets about 18 fate points on the gothic character sheet




I can't seem to reproduce that bug, any chance you can send me the .rtc file or give me more info on your character?

Release 5.55 is now availalbe on the Dark Reign site.

It fixes the following bugs

1. Sorcerer Arcana menu

2. Access to Alternative paths if you have 0 Corruption

3. Skill Mastery (Navigation) not displaying in skill list with Fieldcraft mastery

I'm sill working on the OpenOffice Macros .....

Me again, I'm afraid.

The Lineage: Accursed Lineage: Outraged Scion option appears to have a problem with box H25 (Background Option 2) which is turning up blank. H26 is working fine, and (to save looking up) the same options should be present in both for a "choose two from" (Into the Storm p30).

Trials and Trivails: Lost Worlds: Beyond the Pale also appears to be charging 50 xp rather than 100 xp.

Despite appearances, I really am very impressed with both the sheet and the work put in to it. Otherwise I wouldn't keep playing about with it.


I'm always happy to get feedback to and improve the sheet if possible. I'm going to need some help however, as I don't have a copy of Into the Storm, I borrowed a copy to implement it so at the moment I can't look up the options on page 30 that you mention. What should they be and what affects should they have?

Checking the xp cost for Beyond the pale, the sheet does have a 100xp in the Menus table so I'm not sure why you only see 50xp. Any more info you can share?

Accursed Be Thy Name: Outraged Scion (not Accursed Lineage, my mistake) should give you two choices of Forbidden Lore from a list (Daemonology, Heresy, Mutants, Pirates, Psykers, The Warp and Xenos) to treat as untrained basic skills (in addition to Armour of Contempt). One of those two choices of Basic Forbidden Lore is blank (H25), the other is not (H26).

And Beyond the Pale now comes out as 100 xp. Weird. I may have made a mistake elsewhere when creating the character. Or I'm just going blind.

Hi Memetix,

in 5.55 the Talent ledger for Deathwatch - which worked fine in 5.54 - is broken as only an empty page is displayed and the dropdowns don't work.



EDIT: My fault, and a quite embarrasing one: You simply have to scroll up up until the talents appear :)

Darth Fanboy said:

Accursed Be Thy Name: Outraged Scion (not Accursed Lineage, my mistake) should give you two choices of Forbidden Lore from a list (Daemonology, Heresy, Mutants, Pirates, Psykers, The Warp and Xenos) to treat as untrained basic skills (in addition to Armour of Contempt). One of those two choices of Basic Forbidden Lore is blank (H25), the other is not (H26).

And Beyond the Pale now comes out as 100 xp. Weird. I may have made a mistake elsewhere when creating the character. Or I'm just going blind.

This sheet uses the rule that doubled Talents in the origin path give back 50XP, so likely in your first origin you had a double somewhere after choosing Beyond the Pale, and thus it effectively only cost 50XP.

If you can track down which talent is doubled, you can then give your character the Talented (X) talent for 50XP as an elite advance as an alternative per the rule at the start of the chapter.