Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

Hi Memetix,

I really like the modern sheets look, and to be honest I hadn't looked much at the Gothic sheet. But now that I have, I do like that it shows the percentiles of the skills so you don't need to add all the numbers together time and again. And it looks very nice and easy too for quick reviews.

Other than that I find it useful to have descriptions for some talents or special abilities. Maybe you could let the player choose wether or not a description should show on the sheet. Like with the possibility to add a bonus to the skills, you could have a box with an option for a description, and if the user adds a text here it will show up under or next to the talent/special ability.

I would also like a small text showing what xp is needed for the next rank.

And that about it :)

Other than that it looks great!

Version 4.7 is now online - it includes support for all background packages from the Inquisitor's Handbook as well as Noble Born and Forge World (Dark Heresy characters).

I will start the upgrade to support Ascension next ..... watch this space.

Sorry folks - I introduced a silly bug in 4.7 that affected which skills are shown as available (Basically they show up one level higher than they should).

This is fixed in 4.71 and now online at Dark Reign. If you have 4.7 I recommend an update.


Could you add a "none" option to the background choice in case you want to go back to not having one. Otherwise you need to actually stay with that one rather than play around with points to see what you want. Or do we only choose a background if we really want it, because you can't take it away afterwards?

Were you going to add in the rest of the specific homeworld choices from IH (like Dusk, etc.)?

I don't have the books to hand, however I implemented the background packages as optional. i.e. if you don't want to pick one you can leave it blank.

You should be able to the entry in the cell to clear its effects. I hope this helps.

I haven't added the specific sub-world options from IH. It will be easier to do this once I have done the Ascension overhaul.

First of all, thank you for a great character sheet creator!

Now, I read that you're going to implant Inquisitor's Handbook and Ascension. Will you add the extra career paths aswell?

I'm having some trouble getting it to work as I have my Assassin taken the path as a reaper.

Thank you!


My plan is to implement the alternative career paths, however the rewrite is turning out to me a massive job so it may be a while before I release a new update.

Thanks for the answer, and best wishes with the project! :)

Hi All

After a lot of hard work and hours of data entry I've produced a new spreadsheet that supports all the new material in the Inquisitors Handbook and Ascension.

It is at the beta test phase. There are so many options now that I cannot sensibly test it all myself. If you would like a pre-release and feel able to help provide feedback please email me and I will send you a copy.

My email address is on the instructions sheet of the current release (4.71)

The new design allows for easier data entry of new material, which is good news given the 2 new books just released.

Once I release 5.0 I will start a new forum thread and a new download area on the Dark Reign site and put the 4.7 release on hold.

Just wanted to say awesome work! However I have a quick question in respect of xp. How does one enter "earned" xp in order to track it? I notice the cell on the data entry tab makes reference to cell M18 (iirc) - yet can't see where one can enter that data.

Any suggestions on that? I don't want to overwrite the data in that cell in case I break something by accident :S

It is safe to overwrite the formula Kalan - it is only there to give the correct starting xp (500 for Rogue Trader and 400 for DH).

The new release is almost through beta testing. It will contain all the data from Inquisitors Handbook and Ascension as well as some from Into the Storm.

Version 5 is finally ready for release - thanks for your patience and special thanks to those who offered to help with the testing and future data entry.

The new release is fully backwards compatible with your saved characters (.rtc files), however in almost every other way it is a complete rewrite in order to support Ascension, Inquisitors Handbook and Into the Storm.

The new sheet will be easy to extend as and when new material is released, it has been thoroughly tested, however I suspect that as people use it more in anger, bugs will be found. Please feel free to email me any issues, or post questions on this forum.

I hope the sheet continues to help your enjoyment of roleplaying in the 40K universe.

Version 5 doesn't work for me. I can't choose a profession or anything (homeworld...). The drop-down choices are all error messages (#Bezug -> #reference) - I am using a german version of Excel 2007 (in compatibility mode). The older versions (4.1 - 4.71) worked without a problem. Did you change something in how you used references? Or is it a language problem?

I hope this can be fixed - I really like your sheet and would like to use the "Into the Storm" stuff.


Sorry to hear there are problems. I suspect this will be a problem with Language compatibility as it seems to be working fine for other users.
All the down menus are calculated in the hidden sheet called "Menus".

I don't know how good your Excel skills are. If you could unhide the Menus sheet (Right click on a sheet tab and unhide) and have a look at the far right hand columns where the menus are calculated it would be really useful to know what you find.

The other place to look is on the Character Generation sheet itself. There are some hidden columns to the right of the input area. If you unhide them and look at the tables where the names of the down menus are created you should be able to check that the named area actually exist in your spreadsheet.

It might be easier to debug this if you can email the results, possibly with screen shots plus translations of the error messages.

I get the #Bezug error (illegal Reference #Ref) in the Lookup and Menu columns. Excel says, that the "Indirect" part of the equation produces the error - I think the problem exists because german Excel expects a ZnSm (for "Zeile"=Row and "Spalte"=Column in german) format of indirect references while english excel uses RnCm.

Curse Microsoft for translating everything else in their Makro language but leaving this part to trip the user. enfadado.gif

I found this page to explain the problem. Maybe you could implement one of the suggested solutions?

I tried to change my Windows language to english but this doesn't seem to be possible with Windows 7 Home. Another reason I should have gotten the Professional version. serio.gif


Can you send me an email - I think I have a fix and I'd like to send you a copy for testing.


PS. My email address is at the bottom of the Instructions sheet

it is very nice!

Thanks M8te!

Very much appreciated, and many thanks.

Small oddities, though. It seems that the sheet is charging 1 XP for the Trials and Trivails: The Hand of War Hatred choice in Rogue Trader. Likewise the Motivation: Exhilaration: The Thrill of Warr appears to have a cost of 202 XP.

Actually, going through, several options on the origin path seem to have these odd. costs.

Is anybody else seeing the same xp anomalies as Darth?

I can't reproduce them myself.

Darth - what version of XP are you running?

Sorry - I meant what version of Excel are you running?

Excel 2007 on Vista.

And now it's not doing it. Odd. Very bloody odd.

After further prodding, it only seems to turn up when the career is set to Arch-Militant. Flipping the career to anything else seems o make the problem go away.

I can confirm this issue with the arch-millitant and hand of war.

Is the gothic sheet design of your own creation? I ask because i would like to find out if that view can be submitted to the myth-weavers website as a template for their online character sheets. They run a play by post website that allows (amongst other things) die rolls within the posts.

Is your layout for the gothic sheet something I can submit?

OK - found and fixed the xp bug, it occurs when you gain 12 or more starting talents.

I've also fixed a few of the origin path options that were not granting the chosen talent correctly or not showing the correct down menu.

I'll do some testing then post an update today.

cd8dman - the sheet is my own design and I'm happy for you to post it along with a link back to the dark reign site so people can download it.