Excel based Character Sheet

By Memetix, in Rogue Trader

First, thanks for all your effort.

Have you implemented Cybernetics for characters? Specifically Explorators?



Another bug, most likely with office 2010.

Whenever you place Psy Rating 6 into the Elite Advances, the worksheet throws up a Circular Reference Warning.

Character is a Rank 11 Inquisitor with the Psyker's Gift selection.

First off: Hi, and thank you for the great effort!

Now, a little request/mini bug.

In the Origin path you can choose Tainted, and spend 200XP to choose a mutation.

IF you choose Ravaged body, you will get 1d5 mutations.

That is not acounted for. Is it possible that you can add some sort of a list with the mutations so you can tick them off if you have them?

It would be really cool, and helpfull... For us that likes mutations ;)

Sorry for bad grammar, am from Sweden.

Cheers and keep up the good job!

Great feedback - let me respond to some of the points.

Cybernetics - I'm not planning on implementing anything specific for this. I'm afraid you'll need to add the details into your character description.

Mutations - I like them too, however the code for gaining an extra 1d5 would be fairly complex. If you add the extra mutations as text into the Mutations data entry box, they will appear correctly on the final character sheet.

Modern CS - I realized that this sheet would not be able to cope with the wealth of extra talents available to Ascended characters, so I removed it. HOWEVER, I've been working on a partial re-implementation given the number of comments about its disappearance. It won't cope with very high level characters, but will perform well for low level characters.

Cyclic formulas - this is the bane of my life with this sheet, however the bug mention was a coding error on my part and easy to fix. The whole Mind's Eye opens/Psyker's gift is a complex piece of coding and I'm making more changes to ensure it works as expected.

Expect 5.4 soon .....

Psy Power sheet not regstering Psy Rating 3 sub selections.

Using newest version on Office 2010.

I'm glad to say the number of bugs being reported is down to a trickle now and the spreadsheet is starting to feel pretty stable.

Thanks for all your help in finding and fixing the bugs.

Version 5.41 is now online and fixes the last few bugs with the power sheet as well as a fix in the load code for older save files.

My plan is to give the sheet a week or so of stability before I embark on an expansion to cope with Deathwatch. If anyone is aware of someone making the data for Deathwatch available please let me know, it will save a lot of time and effort if I could import a list of Careers with talent/skill availability.

Great job on the sheet.

On the modern sheet for the origin path, I noticed the Trials and Travails section is pulling the Lure of the Void information.

Fortress World planet of origin for RT appears to be missing its starting Hatred talent.

Fortress World .... I've used the generic Hatred (Background) talent for the Fortress world. There are quite a few places where a Hatred that is specific to your background is required, so I inverted this one as a cover-all. Does this talent appear correctly on your sheet Darth Fanboy?

Modern CS - thanks for the finding this one, its not worth a release as yet .... but if you want to fix it in the mean time, unprotect the Modern CS and go to the cell with the error (AT113), its formula has a typo, where it says TrailsAndTravailsChoice it should say TrialsAndTravailsChoice. i.e. the 3rd and forth letters are transposed. This error occurs twice in the formula so both need to be changed.
Then protect the sheet again and save it.

In the next release, I'll include this fix and also remove the name ranges that are spelt wrong.

Ah yes, it's in the talent sheet and the character sheet, but I was looking for the drop-down menu that isn't there.

One question - how can I add new lines to Elite Advances? 7 elite advances seems too few for my players...

Elite Advances ..... adding space for more is actually a very big job. It would involve changes to the Advances sheet (more space), the talents sheet (consolidation), the Talent summary sheet (display) and both character sheets (display). Finally the VBA code for load and saving characters would need to be updated and made backwards compatible.

None of this is impossible, just a bit difficult to get right without breaking other parts of the sheet.

Are you aware that you can tick any greyed out talents (on the talent sheet) and change the xp cost? If you are simply taking the talent early, I'd recommend this approach if possible. You might need to all the upcoming ranks (on the Advancement sheet) in order to see all the upcoming talents.

I'm happy to consider extending the Elite advances area in the next release, or even supporting "bolt on" elite packages,
How many Elite advance slots would you recommend?

It is really a tough question... Let me explain something...

I have PC in my group. Inquisitor 9 (Scum). He has gained Sworn Radical elite advance package. So he picked up Paranoia, Resistance (Interrogation), Hatred and Unshakeable Faith. It's already 4 elite advances.

Moreover, we have several elite advances that he gained via adventures (Red Cages, etc.) - it's another 3 talents (that he hasn't got in his progression)

Moreover. He has a Dark Pact with Daemon, and this Pact gave him Sorcerer, Master Sorcerer and Favoured of the Warp talents. It's another 3 .

Recently I've created several new talents. I tried to include them into rank progressions via 'Fixed Data' and 'Advances' - but after several attempts to new lines, I figured out that all other data has been messed up. :) So, if someone from my group tries to get those homebrew talents, they also have to be included to elite advances. 2 for sure.

So, I would recommend to have 10-12 slots for Elite Advances. But it of course depends.

I certainly wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of your character ..... pacts with Daemons are all shades of wrong!

That aside ..... if you want to add to the fixed data to get around the problem - it's not a bad solution. You need to work on the blank spreadsheet - save it, then load in your character .rtc file. All should be fine. You can then tick the "new" talents and re-save the character. If you add them with the character loaded, as you spotted all the tick boxes will no longer line up below your new entries.

I'm going to have a look at Open Office compatibility and then I'll add some more space for Elite Advances.

In my last post I said update the Fixed Data sheet, when in fact I meant the Advances sheet.

i.e. on the blank sheet, update the Advances sheet, by adding in the new talents into one of your existing levels (ranks), then load the .rtc and tick the new talents, then save the new .rtc.

As it happens, I'll get a chance to add more elite advance space today, so its not as important anymore.

Q. Does anyone have experience of Open Office macros? The Load and Save VBA code uses features that appear at first glance to be unsupported in Open Office. Any offers of help would be really appreciated with the port.


Version 5.5 is now online with support for Deathwatch.

Goto the Dark Reign character sheet downloads section to update..

Into the Storm Origin paths are not presenting a down menu for their subcategory. ie Birthright->Fringe Survivor-> Heretek path is not presented, nor is it for lure of the void->New horizons->Archeotechnologist. Same goes for several others. Is this due to their being a purchased path? Other than the origins issue I'm loving the spreadsheet. Just takes forever to load in Open Office.


Did you do a hard recalculate (Ctrl-Shift-F9) as recommended in the instructions for Open Office?

When I do that in OO 3.2 the menus work correctly for me.

I did. But for some reason, after the initial origin path input, no further down selections are available. Am I the only one with this issue?


I must admit the problems you are seeing sound identical to what I see when I first load the sheet into Calc however the Ctrl-Shift-F9 Hard Recalculate always fixes it for me (using 3.2 on Windows)

I have fixed a few bugs and published a new release (5.51). There was nothing in there for your issue, but it may help.

First of all, this is a great sheet, thank you.

I've noticed one issue, and i have a question.

First the issue, the Assassin is missing Basic Weapon Training (Las) from the Rank 1 (Sell-Steal) advances.

Next a question on Elite advances, I took Resistance (Fear) from the Red Cages, which cost 200, but when I put 200 in the Elite Advance it doubles my amount of spent XP to 400.

Obviously, I just changed it to 100 to get the amount of spent XP to be correct. But this was fine in the version 4 sheet, then when I loaded my character to the version 5 sheet, noticed I was 200 over, took me a while to track it down to the Elite Advance.

Red Viking

Thanks for the bug reports

The elite advance bug will affect all talents that I summarise (i.e. sound constitution, resistance (X) ....). I have found the bug and it will be fixed in 5..52 release along with the missing rank 1 talent for the Assassin.


Thanks for the very awesome Character sheet.


Fantastic work on the sheet, you just got the Deathwatch stuff out before I e-mailed you my typed data for it.

Two small bugs I've found with the DW side of the sheet;

the first is the Tech-Use upgrade seems to be missing entirely (rank 1 for 800exp initially)

The second is that although the Squad/Solo mode sheet looks cool as presented it makes it very difficult to use on-screen.


Really useful sheet, but I wanted to point out a few things for the Deathwatch Techmarine:

The "Imporve Cover" and "Blessing of the Omnissiah" abilites are not either/or, they are both included for every techmarine.

The "Use Mechanodentrite" talent from the Rank 1 Techmarine advances should say [any] instead of picking from a list of mechanodendrite choices, meaning one purchase of the talent gives you access to all of the possible mechanodendrite types.

Great work!