Top 5 player cards you still want

By RebelX, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

In April I made a threat about the 5 heroes everybody wants to see before the game ends. At that time we would anticipate that moment to come so soon. With 2 packs of the presumed last cycle spoiled for the most parts, we only have about 50 mystery cards left. So would like to know what you think should be addressed in terms of player cards ( EXCLUDING HEROES). I will try to settle for a Top5 but feel free to do a Top 10 or Top5 per sphere if you feel the need.

I am an elf guy, so don't be suprised:

1. Good non-unique Noldor questing ally preferably Lore or Spirit: while I consider most unique Noldor allys to be great, I cannot say the same for the rest. I like the Guardian of Rivendell and obviously the Stargazer is great but in non-sailing quests the upkeep of the navigator is steep for non-Erestor decks.

2. Good Noldor ally in Leadership: I really hope they make the Gildor AP the Noldor AP. Right now I not see many compelling reasong to play leadership with Noldor. Erestor is good (nowadays a bit overcosted) and I guess the Warden can work but there is just not much more. A great toy for Gildor and an ally with stable-potential would go a long way.

3. Lore weapon for Silvan: Forged has gone a long way to help Noldor to get weapons on Glorfindel and their other heroes. Silvan should also get some help here as they have two green heroes that would benefit greatly from a +2 attack weapon. It could even have a cost of 2.

4. /5.Green/red silvan events: We still miss 2 for the collection. It would be cool if the green one was for interacting with the victory display or healing. Red one could be stat-boosting.

Honorably mentioned: Ally Aragorn. Sphere would not matter, but as we will likely get Spirit Aragorn hero, this won't happen.

Dunedin support: Just 2-3 true difference-maker would be great.

Neutral ally aragorn would be great!

Usual stat line with hp down to 4 or 3, a decent ability and a cost of 3.

Edited by Halberto

1) Honestly, I would prefer ally Aragorn over a spirit hero version. Is there any reason to believe, we will get spirit Aragorn anyway? Additionally I would like more allies of important characters like Éomer, Éowyn, Théoden, Frodo, Fatty, Gríma, Beregond, Targon, Bergil, Dáin Ironfoot etc.

2) Furthermore, I would like to see some way for dwarves to become ranged, like a Throwing Axe attachment, or a ranged dwarven ally. Dúnedain Signal or Elf-friend plus Rivendell bow is unthematic.

3) Some dwarven healing would be nice as well. Sure they have a lot of hitpoints, but I do not like to always rely on Wardens of Healing for that task.

4) Extra cards for Isengard/Doomed could enable a Isengard deck to work. Right now there is not much in terms of allies and the events can be used in many deck types.

I just got Steward's Fear and now have all the Outlands cards. The archetype can certainly be very powerful, but I have come across some short comings, therefore I came up with an idea for some unique Outlands allies that can contribute to the deck, but are hopefully not either too overpowered or too overcosted. These allies will clearly not come to the game simply because we're getting them as Gondor allies this cycle.

Angbor - Lore Cost 4 (unique)


1 Willpower

1 Attack

1 Defense

2 Hitpoints

You may not play Angbor if there is another copy of him in your discard pile.

Response: After Angbor enters play, draw x cards. x is the number of Outlands allies in play.

Derufin - Tactics Cost 4 (unique)


1 Willpower

1 Attack

1 Defense

2 Hitpoints

You may not play Derufin if there is another copy of him in your discard pile.

Response: After Derufin enters play, deal x damage to an enemy. x is the number of Outlands allies in play.

Duilin - Spirit Cost 4 (unique)


1 Willpower

1 Attack

1 Defense

2 Hitpoints

You may not play Duilin if there is another copy of him in your discard pile.

Response: After Duilin enters play, reduce your threat by x. x is the number of Outlands allies in play.

Bergil - Spirit Cost 1 (unique)


1 Willpower

0 Attack

0 Defense

1 Hitpoint

Action: You may shuffle Bergil into your deck to ready a hero.

Gondorian Refugees - Spirit Cost 3


1 Willpower

0 Attack

2 Defense

3 Hitpoints

While this ally is in play, your threat is counted as 3 fewer.

Forced: Damage from undefended attacks must be assigned to Gondorian Refugees.

My top five would be:

5. Bergil ally/hero card that interacts with Pippin and Beregond in some fashion.

4. Better Barliman Butterbur ally, maybe in spirit this time. Same stats, something like: Response: After an enemy card has been revealed, exhaust Barliman to increase its engagement cost by 5 for each Hobbit hero you control. (in hobbit deck basically avoid an enemy, in one hobbit deck should also work as supporting pillar)

3. I feel like the game still needs a solid alternative for other spheres for Unexpected Courage. UC lacks the restrictions that armored destrier, fast hitch, armored warhorse etc have. Would probably be boring but would help balance, something like 3 cost tactics UC. Or maybe a 0 cost UC in leadership that you need to pay 1 for using.

2. Spirit Aragorn, obviously, everyone loves Aragorn and i'm no exception.

1. Most importantly, a character i've been awaiting for 8 years or something, Gandalf the White. I know the naming controversy, but i will repeat myself over and over Gandalf the White is a really different character and deserves his own card. Add a sentence that doesn't let you play heroes or allies named "Gandalf" and you have "Gandalf the White" working. I can see him as a ridiculously powerful hero or first 7 or 8 cost ally. Whatever they do with him, i WANT HIM

21 minutes ago, Felswrath said:

I just got Steward's Fear and now have all the Outlands cards. The archetype can certainly be very powerful, but I have come across some short comings, therefore I came up with an idea for some unique Outlands allies that can contribute to the deck, but are hopefully not either too overpowered or too overcosted. These allies will clearly not come to the game simply because we're getting them as Gondor allies this cycle.

Angbor - Lore Cost 4 (unique)


1 Willpower

1 Attack

1 Defense

2 Hitpoints

You may not play Angbor if there is another copy of him in your discard pile.

Response: After Angbor enters play, draw x cards. x is the number of Outlands allies in play.

Derufin - Tactics Cost 4 (unique)


1 Willpower

1 Attack

1 Defense

2 Hitpoints

You may not play Derufin if there is another copy of him in your discard pile.

Response: After Derufin enters play, deal x damage to an enemy. x is the number of Outlands allies in play.

Duilin - Spirit Cost 4 (unique)


1 Willpower

1 Attack

1 Defense

2 Hitpoints

You may not play Duilin if there is another copy of him in your discard pile.

Response: After Duilin enters play, reduce your threat by x. x is the number of Outlands allies in play.

Bergil - Spirit Cost 1 (unique)


1 Willpower

0 Attack

0 Defense

1 Hitpoint

Action: You may shuffle Bergil into your deck to ready a hero.

Gondorian Refugees - Spirit Cost 3


1 Willpower

0 Attack

2 Defense

3 Hitpoints

While this ally is in play, your threat is counted as 3 fewer.

Forced: Damage from undefended attacks must be assigned to Gondorian Refugees.

I honestly think they need a max limit of like 4 or 5 or they are pretty broken at least the one with card draw and threat reduction.

I like the refugees

4 hours ago, Zura said:

My top five would be:

5. Bergil ally/hero card that interacts with Pippin and Beregond in some fashion.

4. Better Barliman Butterbur ally, maybe in spirit this time. Same stats, something like: Response: After an enemy card has been revealed, exhaust Barliman to increase its engagement cost by 5 for each Hobbit hero you control. (in hobbit deck basically avoid an enemy, in one hobbit deck should also work as supporting pillar)

3. I feel like the game still needs a solid alternative for other spheres for Unexpected Courage. UC lacks the restrictions that armored destrier, fast hitch, armored warhorse etc have. Would probably be boring but would help balance, something like 3 cost tactics UC. Or maybe a 0 cost UC in leadership that you need to pay 1 for using.

2. Spirit Aragorn, obviously, everyone loves Aragorn and i'm no exception.

1. Most importantly, a character i've been awaiting for 8 years or something, Gandalf the White. I know the naming controversy, but i will repeat myself over and over Gandalf the White is a really different character and deserves his own card. Add a sentence that doesn't let you play heroes or allies named "Gandalf" and you have "Gandalf the White" working. I can see him as a ridiculously powerful hero or first 7 or 8 cost ally. Whatever they do with him, i WANT HIM

I've thought a lot about Gandalf the White. My main desire for him is to have a Gandalf that reflects his rallying ability and complement Narya and similar abilities.

Gandalf - (unique) Lore

Threat 14

Willpower 3

Attack 3

Defense 3

Hitpoints 5


Setup: Search your deck for a Neutral Song attachment. Add it to your hand.

Response: After Gandalf exhausts from a player card effect, spend 1 resource from his resource pool and raise your threat by 1 to choose 1: Add x resources to another hero's resource pool; or Choose a player to draw x cards. x is the number of resource icons Gandalf possess.

I want an event that readies attachments.

I don't care how badly it breaks the game.

We wants it....

- First and foremost, Saruman hero

- Blue Wizards neutral allies

- New, unique Palantiri

- More artifacts/arts of the enemy/doomed support

- Goldberry encounter ally, although that's already probably coming.

I want Saruman hero.

Speaking of which, I recently noticed that if Saruman were to ever portrayed again, Charles Dance seems to be a very good fit.

Edited by John Constantine
33 minutes ago, player3351457 said:

I want an event that readies attachments.

I don't care how badly it breaks the game.

We wants it....

And the attachment it readies can be exhausted to replay event. :D

Spirit Aragorn, just because it bothers me that he's represented in 3 out of 4 spheres. I need them to make one more for my sanity.

I'd love an Eomer and/or Eowyn ally

Also, converting the saga Anduril into an attachment for Aragorn.

Only 5 and no heroes eh? Let's do one for each sphere and neutral

Lore - Huorn - 3 cost ally that you place into the staging area and you can exhaust to deal 1 damage to an enemy that is placed in the staging area to replicate their part in The Battle of Helm's Deep, a forest that destroys enemies that enter them. Could also have a similar effect with when an enemy engages you exhaust to deal 1 damage but I like the idea of a staging area Ally for something a bit different and thematic.

Tactics- Stone Giant, Gandalf did say there were good Giants, so would be cool to see one. Maybe starts with Toughness 1 and when he enters play discard or put out of play a non-unique active location to show him "stopping up a Gobilin hole.

Spirit - Fembrithel or a generic Entwife, even as an objective ally would be pretty cool to see and finally let our Ent friends find their spouses. Some kind of effect to exhaust to search the top 5 cards of your deck for an Ent and put it into play.

Leadership - Bergil, Gondorian unique ally that could not be able to attack or defend but have the effect "Response: When a Gondorian ally is defeated return Bergil to his owner's hand to put that ally back into play, with 1 damage token on it so he could help with some keep some of those costly Gondorian allies in play.

Neutral (or Spirit if we don't get our hero version) - Aragorn, it's about time we got an Aragorn ally to fill the role of missing Fellowship allies. He could be Spirit or Leadership and grant +1 Willpower to heroes and have the effect that if your threat rises above 40 he loses the ally type and gains the hero type.

Spirit Aragorn and Lore Arwen heroes that play nice together.

Unique Noldor that heals. I want one that can make an all Noldor Fellowship. (Not Ioreth.)

For the last two, make Dunedain good solo. (Without using Damrod.)

I may also add if there was something each trait needed:

Eagles - Eagle healer and maybe one that goes searching for tactics events/attachments that have Eagle art on them hahaha. Or an

Ents - Location clearing Ent like the Saga one. Also Ent-wife hero!!! Come on FFG female heroine!

Dunedain - an ally or trap that can blank an engaged enemies abilities to take out archery and other nastiness. Or even one that can do something even a small something to enemies that can't have attachements. Call it some kind of Mine (or exlpoding acorn! Haha) that can deal damage to an enemy that is immune to attachments when an enemy is added to the staging area.

Dwarves - Miner that heals as he mines? Or that can forge new armour/weapons for his kin.

Gondor - Ally to save allies like Gamling is to Rohan.

Rohan - Another ally Mount specific to Rohan allies that lets them attack into staging area.

Silvin - Condtion removal "healer" or trechary cancellation unique one.

Noldor - Celebrimbor's Ghost! Haha Or some kind of ring-forger that can search a deck for a ring.

Dale - Trader that searches your deck do an attachment when he enters play.

Hobbit - Frodo Ally that is similar to his spirit version raising your threat by 1 to cancel a damage.

Isenguard/Doomed - Ok they really need a hero Saruman here to make it all mesh together and allow him to gain other benefits from doomed player cards like readying, resources and card draw.

Outlands - attachment that lets a Gondor unique Spirit Gondor hero gain Outlands trait since they clearly missed it on Lothiriel.

Secrecy - Card draw resourceful equivalent.

-Two or less heroes Readying attachment that lets it attack back an enemy that attacks it.

Beorning - Honey patch that lets them cancel a damage each round. Actually locations in general would be sweet for lo traits and races, may no be the most thematic or maybe something being tied into next years "product shift" but locations would be sweet and really add some more drama if you had a main one you had to defend and smaller forward posistions, Siege weapons and shops/stables you could put into play.

Neutral/Other - Stome Giants, Huorns, and Army of the Dead spirits.

12 hours ago, Bullroarer Took said:

Unique Noldor that heals.


  • Blue wizards (ally card, maybe with two sides or versions somehow?)
  • Eagle hero
  • Frodo and Aragorn allies
  • Saruman hero
  • Additional valour support
2 hours ago, Amicus Draconis said:


Actually, probably better in the fellowship contract. You may well have resources left over after you get your fellowship set up.

Lorefindel, Elrond, Arwen as a hero lineup? With the twins, Erestor, Galdor, Lindir, and Gildor as the other 6 uniques?

It's not going to be a rapid setup, but it could be very powerful once it gets going. Could run Cirdan instead of Elrond, but you lose on his boost to Glorfindel's healing.

3 hours ago, Amicus Draconis said:


OMG I had completely forgotten about him. (He still sucks though.)

17 hours ago, Amicus Draconis said:


Probably he meant a "good" noldor that heals... although I like quite a lot the caregiver. Really useful to heal AND get in the discard pile the cardsyou want there

Edited by Halberto

Sorry to bend the rules but I REALLY want:

Spirit Aragorn

Lore Legolas

Non saga Anduril

Lore Arwen

To this point, with the recent release of The One Ring, Gollum, Tom Bombadil and probably Wilyador, my short-list of wanted cards have insanely dwindled. I will start with what I don't want to see:

- To this point of the game's life with so few cards remaining, I would hate seeing some duplicates (with the one exception). So **** no for new Arwens or Barlimans or whatever

- No Gandalf the White. Gandalf became the White because he fought the Balrog. The Boon "Beyond All Hope" attached to Gandalf is Gandalf the White


1. Spirit Aragorn, like every one else

2. The Blue Wizards, though I suspect we won't get them

3. Saruman hero

Then it's ok, we have basically everything we need

What's this saga anduril people are talking about? The only narsil/anduril card I know of is "Sword That Was Broken." I don't see any Anduril in ringsdb. To me that's the #1 missing card from the game.

14 minutes ago, cfmcdonald said:

What's this saga anduril people are talking about? The only narsil/anduril card I know of is "Sword That Was Broken." I don't see any Anduril in ringsdb. To me that's the #1 missing card from the game.

Anduril shows up in the saga campaign as a boon card - I don't think those show up in RingsDB. It costs 3 resources, gives attached hero +1 to all stats, and gives the response "after attached hero defends against an enemy attack, exhaust anduril to declare attached hero as an attacker against that enemy."

2 hours ago, cfmcdonald said:

What's this saga anduril people are talking about? The only narsil/anduril card I know of is "Sword That Was Broken." I don't see any Anduril in ringsdb. To me that's the #1 missing card from the game.