In April I made a threat about the 5 heroes everybody wants to see before the game ends. At that time we would anticipate that moment to come so soon. With 2 packs of the presumed last cycle spoiled for the most parts, we only have about 50 mystery cards left. So would like to know what you think should be addressed in terms of player cards ( EXCLUDING HEROES). I will try to settle for a Top5 but feel free to do a Top 10 or Top5 per sphere if you feel the need.
I am an elf guy, so don't be suprised:
1. Good non-unique Noldor questing ally preferably Lore or Spirit: while I consider most unique Noldor allys to be great, I cannot say the same for the rest. I like the Guardian of Rivendell and obviously the Stargazer is great but in non-sailing quests the upkeep of the navigator is steep for non-Erestor decks.
2. Good Noldor ally in Leadership: I really hope they make the Gildor AP the Noldor AP. Right now I not see many compelling reasong to play leadership with Noldor. Erestor is good (nowadays a bit overcosted) and I guess the Warden can work but there is just not much more. A great toy for Gildor and an ally with stable-potential would go a long way.
3. Lore weapon for Silvan: Forged has gone a long way to help Noldor to get weapons on Glorfindel and their other heroes. Silvan should also get some help here as they have two green heroes that would benefit greatly from a +2 attack weapon. It could even have a cost of 2.
4. /5.Green/red silvan events: We still miss 2 for the collection. It would be cool if the green one was for interacting with the victory display or healing. Red one could be stat-boosting.
Honorably mentioned: Ally Aragorn. Sphere would not matter, but as we will likely get Spirit Aragorn hero, this won't happen.
Dunedin support: Just 2-3 true difference-maker would be great.