On 10/29/2020 at 1:00 PM, ComtriS said:Resurrecting this thread as I think it's time that we as a community decide what to do about the 12 CK heroes (as FFG never will at this point).
Here's my attempt, keeping @Zaltyre 's changes, and based around @rugal 's work.
I think it makes sense to keep all the numbers unchanged and just try to balance the Hero Ability/Heroic Feat. Please let me know what you think of this set below.
Brother Glyr: unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: In addition to your 2 actions on your turn, you always receive 2 movement points.
Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn to recover all Fatigue. Until the start of your next turn, each time you suffer 1 or more Heart, you suffer 1 fewer Heart, to a minimum of 0.
Red Scorpion: Unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: At the end of your turn, you may suffer 1 Fatigue to recover 1 Heart, or suffer 1 Heart to recover 1 Fatigue.
Heroic Feat: Use when you are attacked to force the attacking monster to reroll some or all of the attack dice (you choose which dice). The new results must be applied.
Mad Carthos: Unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: Once per turn, when you use a skill that costs 1 Fatigue, reduce the cost to 0 Fatigue.
Heroic Feat: Action: Perform an attack with a Magic weapon. This attack deals +3 Heart.
Varikas the Dead: Unchanged from @Zaltyre 's version
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: At the start of your turn, recover 1 Fatigue.
Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn if you are knocked out. Recover all Heart and Fatigue. You may still perform 2 actions this turn.
Laughin Buldar : unchanged from @rugal 's version.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: You may treat 1 of your equipped Melee weapons as if it only had 1 hand icon (even if it has 2 hand icons).
Heroic Feat: Use as your entire activation to perform 3 attack actions. If you do, you cannot move this turn, not even by suffering Fatigue.
Hugo the Glorious : similar to FFG's CK version. Small tweak to the Hero Ability to allow all defense dice to reroll. This is also the one case where I'd like to change stats a little bit; thinking about changing the health to 14.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: If you do not move this round, you may reroll 1 of your defense dice each time you are attacked.
Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn. Double the Heart on your attack roll for each attack you perform this turn.
Aurim: Similar to FFG's version. Tweak to the Heroic Feat to improve consistency -- now keeps drawing search cards until he finds a potion. Makes his Hero Ability always useful, and makes him less capable of being a gold generator for the hero team.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: Each time you use a Potion, you and each hero adjacent to you are affected.
Heroic Feat: Use at the start of your turn to draw a Search card.
Bogran the Shadow: Similar to @rugal 's change. Increase Pierce to 2. And change Heroic Feat to target adjacent.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: Each time you attack a monster adjacent to another hero, your attack gains +1 Heart
Heroic Feat: Action: Perform an attack, then place a hero token in your space and remove your figure from the map. At the start of your next turn, replace the hero token with your figure.
Eliam : Similar to @rugal 's change. Kept the Heroic Feat. New Hero Ability.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: While you have 2 Melee weapons equipped, each time you attack an adjacent monster and do not roll an X, deal 1 Heart to one other monster adjacent to you.
Heroic Feat: Use at the end of your turn. Until the start of your next turn, each time you are attacked by an adjacent monster, you may suffer 1 Fatigue to attack that monster before it rolls its attack dice.
Kirga : Combination of FFG's version and @rugal 's version. Kept FFG's Heroic Feat, used @rugal 's Heroic Feat as a Hero Ability and made it weaker. Might have to add something like "You do not block line of sight".
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: A monster may only target you with an attack if there are no other heroes closer to that monster and in its line of sight.
Heroic Feat: Use during another figure's activation to immediately perform a move action. You may not interrupt another player's action unless it is a move action.
Landrec the Wise : Similar to @rugal 's. Improved the Hero Ability.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: Each time you attack and do not roll at least 1 Surge, gain 1 Surge.
Heroic Feat: Use when performing an attack, before rolling dice. This attack gains: Surge Surge: +5 Heart
Tobin Farslayer : Similar to FFG's version. Slight improvement to Hero Ability. Added the option for +2 Range.
FFG CK abilities:
Hero Ability: Each of your attacks that targets a monster that is at least 3 spaces away from you gains: Surge: +2 Heart
Heroic Feat: Use after attacking a monster that is at least 5 spaces away from you (after attack dice are rolled) to deal +3 Heart to that monster.
You asked me my opinions so here they are :
Which font do you use ? It seems like not the official one ?
I love Glyr so much ! Perfect. And same for Mad Carthos, Varikas and Red Scopion.
Maybe Buldar's feat should be kept as it but rewrite, the way it is, it is not clear. Maybe "action : for each monster in your line of sight, perform an attack with a melee weapon targeting that monster". Should ve simplier and clearer.
I am not so sure about Bogran. I was thinking of many other ideas like for his hero ability "each time you enter another hero space, you may move 1 space" and his feat "action : remove your figure from the map ans place it adjacent to any hero, then perform an attack". But I need to test this before having real feedback.
kirga was a brain killer to me, but maybe the adjacent is a good option. The real threat on her is that she has good health and can avoid many attacks, so with familiars, this is horrible, and with the wolf this can be a weird situation. I do think that her hero ability should be totally removed and changed as they did with Ronan's Pico. And her feat seems a bit weak to me. I was thinking about hero ability "You lose movement points at the start of your turn instead of end of turn. You may spend movement points at any time during any player's turn as long as you do not interrupteur another player's action useless it is a move action" but no idea now for the feat
Landrec should read "no surge" and not 0 surge. But offering this to all heroes is too I think. Many especially during act 1. I think it should be limited to once a round and giving him +1 stamina. Most weapons have around 50% chance of having a surge, and then it gives to 100%. Ouch !
Tobin. Giving him either + 2 range of surge + 2 hearts is interresting but I would leave it as it. Feat coule be changed to : "use when you perform an attack targeting a monster at 5 or more space. That monster suffers 3 heart"