[Mafia] Starfighter Sabotage

By Bertie Wooster, in Star Wars: Armada Off-Topic

On 8/29/2019 at 8:09 PM, LTD said:

## role confirmed

LTD’s entire game.

On 8/30/2019 at 6:43 AM, LTD said:

It’s a very pleasant spot in this jungle.

should we examine the body?

Or just sit here looking at each other?

On 8/30/2019 at 9:06 PM, LTD said:

Cal Dias is always scum.

##vote caldias

On 8/30/2019 at 9:07 PM, LTD said:

But then so is Madaghmire...

On 9/1/2019 at 9:21 PM, LTD said:

Just be aware that the end of day one occurred well into the middle of my night, so my non-activity was entirely legit.

I have no more leads of any kind.

But I'm always suspicious of Caldias and Madaghmire, for what it's worth.

On 9/2/2019 at 6:05 AM, LTD said:

I'm an Australian - I don't salute any flags.

On 9/2/2019 at 10:30 AM, LTD said:

Another uneventful day... I’m heading to bed. Gnight!

On 9/3/2019 at 4:05 AM, LTD said:

I have no ideas about who to vote for. I agree that voting for non active players may well be the best procedure.

Im inclined to vote for Jabba just because I cannot be bothered to decrypt messages - but at least he is posting.

Forty is new to these games, and is likely as confused as the rest of us about what to say.

##vote clontroper5 because of not much posting.

On 9/3/2019 at 2:14 PM, LTD said:

Heading to bed. Looks like the Clon train is growing.

On 9/4/2019 at 11:57 PM, LTD said:

Well, there are six left. Four to lynch.

So assuming there are two scum (if there are three then it would already be game over) we would need all four town votes to lynch a scum. So that's not encouraging.

I think it's time for claims and for trackers etc to reveal what they have been doing this whole time - assuming that there are roles and we are not all just vanilla.

(This game has reminded me how much I don't like these games. Please remind me in future not to play them.)

On 9/5/2019 at 2:30 AM, LTD said:

Bah! Tell

On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:


On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:


On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:


On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:


On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:


On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:


On 9/5/2019 at 2:31 AM, LTD said:

##vote The Jabbawookie

On 9/5/2019 at 4:53 AM, LTD said:

Yes, I'll be around and involved.

These games just frustrate me because it's all guesswork and belligerent posturing.

##unvote The Jabbawookie

22 hours ago, LTD said:

Ok, heading to bed.

I’m not joining any trains in case the two scum jump on and win the game.

11 hours ago, LTD said:

I have nothing new to contribute.

Obviously there are two scum, otherwise the game would already be over. If there were three, they could all jump on a single vote and end the game.

I don't understand the situation where Bertie says a two v. two game would not necessarily end the game, depending on roles. I guess a jailkeeper could lock up the mafia who is doing the killing, but two would never win a vote in that situation. I don't understand.

I again think it's time for a mass claim, and then a stab in the dark.

Six players, two scum, so a one-in-three chance of getting the right person.

I know it's not me, so two-in-five I guess. 40%.

It's lynch or lose. The best chance we have is if we push a scum then the other scum won't jump on so it will take four hard votes to win.

I think we already have a vote on Madaghmire? I'll join that train, and if the scum jump on and end the whole thing that's fine.

I'll vote in a couple of hours.

Time to claim.

(Lord Preyer - your politics is very interesting at the moment. Time for the Queen to assume supreme executive power for a week or two I think... How many problems in British democracy would be solved by: 1. Compulsary Voting, and 2. Single Transferrable Vote Preferences? Answer: Almost all of them. Also - the Ashes are ours, proving Australians are superior in every way).

7 hours ago, LTD said:

##vote madaghmire

6 hours ago, LTD said:

##unvote madaghmire

Unless there's a counter claim, what's next?

3 hours ago, LTD said:

I’m running out of time. I’ve got maybe six hours until I am unconscious again.

##vote Lord Preyer

3 minutes ago, The Jabbawookie said:

Me too. It would be incredibly brazen to blindly claim that first thing, and scum doesn't seem to have any way of scanning.

Which makes you and Cal the top of my list, though I don't particularly trust GNIPs.

Well that’s awkward because you have been my top Town read for sometime (and if Mads isn’t Town too then... GG ScumLord!)

Have done LTD’s game. Will compile GNIP whole game next. Could someone do Cal’s please? That’s my suspect pool at least.

On 8/30/2019 at 12:40 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

##role confirmed.

So. . . a traitor? :)

GNIPs whole game.

On 8/31/2019 at 12:00 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Hmm. While I agree with LP that day one usually is a drag, rushing through it isn't a great solution. Now granted, his method seems to have worked so far, in that it stimulated conversation, but I dislike his encouragement of speedy lynchings D1. So, I shall

##vote @Lord Preyer

for now.

On 8/31/2019 at 6:33 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Definitely the quick lynch, but I am not sure about the approach. One on hand, it leads, and is intended to lead, to quick lynches, on the other it may have an effect by rushing the Mafia through D1 without time to lay any weeds. . . However I think overall the risk of rushing is not worth the potential benefit of messing with scum's plans, especially since D1 typically doesn't have any coordinated scum planning (how could it?).

Now granted, if LP really does do this in other games, it might not be entirely scummy, but then again we wouldn't know that he does it as town, do we? We only have his word, as a potential scum, to go on. . .

On 9/1/2019 at 8:31 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I understand pushing for a lynch early enough to avoid a no-lynch, my problem was that you seemed to desire rushing it, and that is about as bad as a no-lynch, since there is less conversation and no real accusation/reasoning behind the speedy lynch.

Right now, I am most suspicious of Caldias, since he had the opportunity to lynch you and instead redirected the train, in the last few minutes, onto clon, seemingly only because he required fewer votes, when you already needed only 1. It seems to me like procrastinating, either to save a scum buddy (which would, obviously, incriminate you), or to deny town the helpful info of the reveal whilst being able to make it seem completely unintentional.

On 9/2/2019 at 6:57 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Well, with not much going on and time slipping by, I shall

##vote @Caldias

for the reasons I mentioned above, and to attempt to get a conversation rolling.

On 9/2/2019 at 7:34 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Hmm. I sorta disagree. You voted somebody else, he attempted to go along with it. To me, the second and third votes are the ones responsible for forming/redirecting trains. Cal is still suspect for not voting to at least have a kill at the end of the day. A first vote can be left alone. But he added a second, at a time when it was highly unlikely that anybody else would be around to vote clon, let alone the two people we needed, and LP needed one vote only. Therefore, I hold him primarily responsible for the no-vote (though by withholding your vote from LP, you also have suspicion cast upon you).

You both cut it pretty close to the wire. With less than an hour left you voted, and he finally voted correctly with barely any time left. Had you been following the thread, you would have noticed that he had posted the time left further up that page. So, either you weren't following, and made a post that made it seem as if you were, or you were following and wanted to avoid the lynch. Both are suspect. I would vote either of you for it, but as I can't vote both, I'll stick with the one who was most procrastinatingly active at the end of D1.

On 9/2/2019 at 8:55 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Should and likelihood of being there are two separate things. In most of the other games we have played, few people were around for the deadline.

That is because that is how I see it. You might not have liked what was happening to LP, but that doesn't mean you change a vote with so little time to spare. I have had to vote a number of times for people I would prefer not to have on the evidence then at hand, but for the lack of time to find somebody else. At the very least his death would have revealed something useful to town. Right now, we do not even have that to go on. Thus, your changing your vote purely based on clon's edit and subsequent penalty seems to me like grasping at any chance to muddy the waters around LP with insufficient time on the clock for that to be beneficial to town.

I disagree. It was not clear to me at the time, nor is it clear to me now. This sounds more like temporizing, in an attempt to shift blame. If it was so clear, why didn't you speak up? You didn't defend LP, even when he was at L-1 with 4 hours on the clock - i.e., the logical 'Shucks, only thing I can do' end of D1 lynch target.

That there may or may not have been a scum on his train is, ultimately, irrelevant. The same could be true regardless of whether he was scum, as it is a good move for scum to vote the clearly doomed member to gain town credit. That in and of itself should have borne no weight with your decision to vote him, nor is it a good argument here.

Your D1 posts (below) are not those of somebody who believes that LP's train was clearly pushed by scum, nor of somebody who particularly has a vested interest in seeing somebody dead. You don't even mention clon as a target until he's easier to kill. I do not find these actions helpful to town or indicative of somebody actively searching for scum.

As you can see, pretty insubstantial. As a result of our conversation, I think I shall



##vote @Madaghmire

for now, though @Caldias 's lack of defense concerns me.

On 9/2/2019 at 9:49 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

You didn't push me. I was pushing you, in a sense, and you did not adequately assuage my doubts. I voted you because I do not like what you are saying. Why should I vote you otherwise? You have not expressed suspicion of me, you have not indicated that you are investigating me - quite the opposite. And now you attempt to cast aspersions on my vote by claiming you pushed me , and my vote was retaliatory?

On 9/2/2019 at 10:22 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

And I contend that you are acting rather late for somebody to whom the guiding hand of scum was 'obvious' the previous day. You have not bothered to counter my accusations, you are merely ignoring them by claiming I am reacting to a push on your part. I find this scummy. The more you do so, the more I will, too.

On 9/2/2019 at 10:37 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:


On 9/2/2019 at 11:19 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

:D I was telling Jabba the same thing. . .

Not, of course, that it is up to you to allow it. . .

On 9/2/2019 at 11:58 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

What's the remaining time?

On 9/3/2019 at 4:55 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

That might be why he was targeted. Based on my past behavior as mafia, sometimes the best kill is the non-obvious one because of it pointing to absolutely nobody.

Jabba wanted to ask a sensitive question. I am not sure why he would trust us with answering honestly or why he thought we'd trust him with the answer, but I guess he asked us so that, should we three trust each other, at least nobody else would know.

On 9/3/2019 at 6:18 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

In case you just gave away the code, may I suggest that all further communiques, should they be allowed, be done using Beta?

On 9/3/2019 at 6:24 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Even that might not have helped.

Right, I forgot. Well, that's settled. We have barely 12 hours left, and barely anybody has voted. This is turning into a remix of D1.

On 9/3/2019 at 4:49 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I do not like the idea of voting clon, but, should another half hour pass without any action being taken, I shall hammer him in order to prevent a no-lynch scenario. My eye is still on Mad and Cal as the main suspects, though LTD is slowly creeping up there with his limited input.

On 9/3/2019 at 5:21 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Well, as stated:

##vote @clontroper5

@Bertie Wooster I believe that is hammer.

On 9/4/2019 at 6:52 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

For lack of change:

##vote @Madaghmire

Additional reason: he has so far pointed suspicion at 2 of the 3 dead (did he claim to suspect Matt?). His arguments are steadily bringing town down, and his reads are clearly warped, as his suspects turn out to be innocent.

On 9/4/2019 at 7:14 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Huh? By my clock we had about half an hour, maybe 45 minutes.

Also, you say that, laying the blame on me for hammering a town player (phrased as if we both knew he was town and you were against his lynch) when you were the one pushing said lynch, and I made it clear that I only did it to prevent a no-lynch scenario.

On 9/4/2019 at 7:54 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

D1 you shifted the train from LP to clon. D2 you did nothing to remove suspicion or attention from him. Granted you did not vote first that day, but you vote was cast D1 and as far as the impression I got from you was, you were perfectly content to vote him again. Thus, as I see it, it was your action D1, and lack of counteraction D2, which sealed clon's fate.

On 9/4/2019 at 8:13 PM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I sealed it in that sense, yes. But you cannot as a result absolve yourself of blame as well. Had I not done it, we would have had a no-lynch twice in a row.

On 9/5/2019 at 1:08 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

My next suspect is Cal, who used to be my primary suspect before Mad entered the scene.

I have no good read on anybody else. LTD doesn't post much of use, which is always suspicious, and Jabba and you are, currently, not carching my attention either way.

On 9/5/2019 at 1:09 AM, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Gah! *catching.

19 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

The "step back from mad" didn't happen. I hammered clon (unhappily) to avoid a no lynch scenario. At the earliest possibility I voted Mad again (your "resurrection").

Isn't that miss lynch and lose? If we didn't vote (not that I am advocating that) it would be 3 v 2 tomorrow, with 3 needed to lynch. This is assuming, of course, that there are only 2 scum.

17 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Ever since I first voted Mad, he has been my prime suspect. I only unvoted him to hammer clon in order to forestall a no-lynch scenario. I would have preferred to keep my vote on Mad.

15 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Indeed, I have already given my reads in response to LP above. The order is:

1) Mad
2) Cal
3) LTD
4) LP
5) Jabba

14 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I had, earlier. That was merely a recapitulation. However, if you insist:

1) Mad - I suspect you most of all, because of what were, in my mind, poor and unsatisfying answers to my questions, which raised more suspicions than they squelched. Additionally, you have been pushing most for those I suspected least, and have consistently been shown to be mistaken. Furthermore, your methods leave something to be desired. You bring attention to lynch victims, insinuating suspicions of them, but await others to make the first move in most cases, and then claim to be clear of blame in their deaths, whereas it was based on your arguments that they were lynched. Finally you, like Cal below, voted Clon ostensibly as a result of an edit. I am staggered that that would be considered worth voting. It seems more likely that you both were attempting to vote for the one who needed one less vote to lynch.*

2) @Caldias - I suspect him due to the no-lynch result of D1, which was down to his actions (or lack thereof). I do know whether he was trying to save Preyer or not, but either way his actions have caused me to have doubts regarding his allegiance.

3) @LTD - I suspect him because of his lack of content, helpful or otherwise, and the habit of merely stating what is obvious when he does post (such as his 'It appears a train is forming on clon' post). Additionally, it seems likely that the scum may try to pursue a policy whereby one of their members is active, and the other not, so as to keep one or the other under the radar and out of general attention. LTD could easily fit the description of a 'silent partner'.

3) @Lord Preyer - I suspect him due to his D1 behavior, though I am willing to let that slide, as well as his possible connection to other potential scum, such as Caldias above (if Cal tried to save him, could it be as a scum buddy?).

4) @The Jabbawookie - I can't say that I really suspect him too much, though his attempt at fishing has me partially concerned. Also, like LP, process of elimination implies that, if Mad and Cal are not both scum, he may be the second partner.

*Why did you desire to redirect pressure from LP so late in the day, after having not really bothered about his defense? To me, it seems that either one or the other of you was town, unknowingly colluding with scum, or there are indeed 3 scum present and LP is the third. Both of these seem weak to me, but as I can't take the edit as a serious reason to vote somebody, I am struggling to find an answer. If, however, one of you was indeed town, then I am willing to concede that it was probably you, as Cal was the one whose vote was needed to finish off LP.

14 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

Except that you told me D2 that the LP push was 'obviously' scum engineered. Was that only obvious after nightfall? You made it seem that it was obvious at the time, which was partly why you didn't vote him. And yet, did you say so? No. I would have expected you to at least state that the case against him was weak and being pushed by scum, and then go after those voting him with rather a lot more pressure than you seemed to have done.

Essentially, you didn't have to defend him as a player (how could you, without having any past actions to go by?), but you could easily have defended him as a target of an 'obviously' scum train.

5 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I assume you weren't blocked in any way? If you were, that would be helpful in knowing what other roles are out there.

On 8/29/2019 at 6:34 AM, Caldias said:

I was still in? Or is this a different game?

Caldias’s complete game.

On 8/29/2019 at 12:50 PM, Caldias said:

nah you're cool! I just got confused because it was a different thread title. I'm all understood now.

On 8/29/2019 at 8:31 PM, Caldias said:

##role confirmed

Never give up, trust your instincts

On 8/30/2019 at 5:18 AM, Caldias said:

So, how's everyone's day been? No one died yet so that's good so far.

On 8/30/2019 at 2:47 PM, Caldias said:

Now it's a party!

##vote LTD to keep the Good, Bad, and the Ugly standoff going

On 8/31/2019 at 3:41 PM, Caldias said:

Oof, in Atlanta with in-laws, didn't realize we were so close to day's end. I agree LP looks like the easiest target but I'm concerned about some voting for him. Clon's whole think you are town but golly gee we need a lynch thing looks slightly suspicious, like setting up plausible deniability. Despite being out of town I'll be around and will vote before time.

On 8/31/2019 at 6:43 PM, Caldias said:

Ugh ##unvote LTD

##voye clontroper5

On 8/31/2019 at 6:44 PM, Caldias said:

##vote clontroper5

Sorry about all that, on my phone and trying figure this out while juggling family stuff

On 8/31/2019 at 6:51 PM, Caldias said:

How much time is left?

On 8/31/2019 at 7:05 PM, Caldias said:


Sorry I missed the window, woulda switched but looks like day is over.

Sorry guys

On 9/2/2019 at 3:40 AM, Caldias said:

I'm at dinner at DragonCon, but checking in. Agree why LP was targeted but am interested in what Clon edited.

On 9/2/2019 at 9:52 PM, Caldias said:

Thanks, clon. I appreciate you at least addressing this. Could be a misclick as you say but it looked like the best D1 suspect we had

Understandable! I'm in inlaw **** until tomorrow so haven't been able to be as present. Happy to provide my perspective.

My intent was on voting LP, but once a better lead came out I figured it was worth getting information from clon at least before sentencing LP. LP's screed did and push for a quick lynch did seem a bit iffy, but not enough to condemn as for-sure scum. Clon's mystery edit seemed more egregious to me, as it could be he edited some phrasing that tipped his hand for being scum.

I thought I had more time to wait, and couldn't be locked on the phone. I asked for how much time so I knew how long I had before I had to switch back to LP, but unfortunately it was closer than I thought. Not having a clock makes it hard to keep track of the exact deadline. By the time I could check after Bertie answered it was 3 minutes after the deadline.

I'm sorry I wasn't able to make the vote happen, that's on me. Ghost is pushing Mads hard, and Mads reads the most town as he seems to be scum hunting, but I'm not sure if Ghost reads scum or just town who wants answers. Could go either way.

LTD has a pretty good reason for not helping swing the vote, but he also just sort of drops generic shade without much substance. Not sure what I think about him yet.

On 9/3/2019 at 3:55 AM, Caldias said:

Agree that scum got lucky Day One in pulling off a no-lynch, but we didn't get zero information.

Weirdly Matt was targeted. He seems an odd choice to me since he was off either train. Seems like if I was scum I'd leave him alive as an easy target to push. LTD was the only other one off one of the main trains, and I know he's got a weird time zone so obviously some slack needs to be given there. I think it might be worth looking into why Matt might've been targeted? I didn't see anything that lept out at first glance, but will take a closer look in a little bit.

I hear you, Jabba, and if it was like the minute of I would've posted the vote. But it was three minutes after time was up according to the forum timestamp, so I knew it was well too late. I like to follow rules so I don't think it's good sport to throw a vote on my end, knowing time is past, in hopes that the moderator doesn't notice.

On 9/4/2019 at 6:22 PM, Caldias said:

Hey all, sorry I wasn't as present toward the end. When I checked to vote it was already hammer.

We need to nail a scum today, unless a role is able to guess right and block their kill at night. We are effectively at lylo.

To Mads' points, Forty is cleared by virtue of death as is clon. To me, Jabba doesn't look great, and the code thing made me trust Ghost a bit more. Jabba might be misguided town but could also easily be scum using code as a way to be helpful without actually being helpful. Ghost calling that out and translating built credibility in my book.

Activity hasn't been rampant, but LTD has mostly been quieter than most. I am also leery of Lord Preyer. There were good reasons for going after him Day One and I agree he has appeared more helpful lately, but I can't help but wonder if I hadn't made a huge mistake helping draw the train off him on Day One in favor of Clon's editgate.

On 9/5/2019 at 5:44 AM, Caldias said:

Forgive my word vomit, only now getting to respond.

I gotta say, if anyone can be blamed for shifting the vote from LP to Clon, it's me. Mads voted before I did but I called it out before him. So that should def be on me.

The code thing to me seems to try and game outside the confines of the game. That might not be your intent, but that's how it came off. I don't think any of the roles conferred any sort of code ability.

Mads, you read town to me mostly because you're scum hunting, and in my experience when you're not town you're scum hunting but there's more of an edge to it, or you seem to target people harder. I haven't seen that, so either you're awesome at hiding scumtells or you're town.

I can agree with LTD that the posturing can be frustrating, but that's also part of the game. LTD, you're high on my list because of how you've acted but now that you mention it the behavior could chalk up to just being frustrated with the game's pace/events.

Lord Preyer, the one thing that bugs me is your pushing back just now on role claims. I'm not saying we're 100% at a role claim yet, but it's lylo so if there was ever a time to claim, it's now. I forsee everyone having to claim today barring some major revelation.

9 hours ago, Caldias said:

We will likely need to claim, but as Bertie pointed out, given role combinations make it POSSIBLE we aren't necessarily at lylo, but effectively we're at lylo. Did you read the rest of my quote, saying we will almost certainly need to reveal roles before the end of the day?

Sorry about inactivity, I sound like a broken record but the hurricane forced schools to close here even though we are 3 hours inland. But I've had to wrangle 2 kids since 1:00 or so.

Will take a look in a bit after the kids go to bed, seems like there was a bit more activity today than the last few days.

4 hours ago, Caldias said:

After reading I don't have much else, sadly, other than feeling less scummy about Jabba because of his investigating/vote tallying. However, I feel I should respond to this:

I get the shadiness-lookingness of my Day One, and I agree it probably would've been safer to lynch LP. I've said as much in previous posts. I don't think Clon is one to cheat or anything, but that was the best day one lead we had, and I stand by applying pressure, especially since it looked like we could've gotten the votes off. Nailing scum day one is better than not. I understand RL stuff has mafia consequences. If you think I'm the best look for lynch, then so be it.

The code speak I won't go into, but you've got to see why that's shady and would've drawn negative attention your way. Sure, you don't see my pointing to it as shady as substantive, but neither is reiterating points I made myself about my own Day One actions. Your vote/post list, though, was very helpful.

2 minutes ago, Lord Preyer said:

This actually seems like a pretty reasonable line of thought. With a Mad/Preyer scum team ruled out, I may have to reassess my read on you. Tomorrow, because it’s 2AM here.

Well I’m going to bed.

I imagine the day ends before I wake, so cheers all. GG.

8 hours ago, GhostofNobodyInParticular said:

I assume you weren't blocked in any way? If you were, that would be helpful in knowing what other roles are out there.

A roleblocked player would not normally be notified if they were blocked, unless they were an investigative role (tracker, cop, etc.) and expecting a results PM from the GM.

Edit: I don't think this makes logical sense, but that's what is on mafiascum. Presumably this is because the presence of a roleblocker isn't supposed to be obvious in semi-open and closed games?

Edited by Bertie Wooster

Hmm. Well that's disappointing. I am prepared to claim, but I would prefer it if @Caldias and @Lord Preyer did so first. For now, I am willing to accept Mad's claim.


##vote Caldias

Sadly, my claim isn't going to keep me alive, probably, but I think it's best to be honest so town can maybe sort the madness. I'm vanilla town.

If LTD is town, is it still possible to get a scum hung without a scum player helping us?

Assuming his vote on LP is misplaced*

29 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

Assuming his vote on LP is misplaced*

I doubt it. 4 town, 4 to lynch. Still, if you and Cal are telling the truth, then it would be either LP and LTD, LTD and Jabba, or LP and Jabba. There is a 1/3 possibility that LP is scum.

Unfortunately there is no way to verify either of your claims. I was hoping that, had you been blocked, you would have been notified, and thus the blocker would confirm your stories.

At this point, I think the best thing to do is force LP and than Gnips, or vicey versa, to claim.

I agree, we have until what, 5pm EST?

32 minutes ago, Madaghmire said:

At this point, I think the best thing to do is force LP and than Gnips, or vicey versa, to claim.

No need to force. I am a town roleblocker. I blocked Cal night 1 and Mad night 2, which us why I was asking - if Mad was lying, he might not have done an action.

20 minutes ago, Caldias said:

I agree, we have until what, 5pm EST?


That is, 5pm EST is last chance to get your vote in.

Less than 4 hours.

Edited by Bertie Wooster

@Lord Preyer your claim is requested. If we don't hear from before the time is nearly up, I shall likely vote you.

I wake up to LTD being gone, so either:

LP is scum.

LTD is scum.

Or we’re @#$%ed.

Really? This is a pretty **** disappointing show.


Everything gets censored... 😕

On a more dignified note: I would sooner vote LTD than LP, because Mads was cleared, and without that LP has generally been his usual constructive, positive self in this game, while I know from a previous game’s scumchat that he detests lying. It just leaves a better taste in my mouth.

Just logging on after another meltdown day in British politics!

I have two points to make so bear with me please