PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Camouflage: Initiative : 2eP+1eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-s.png p-s-a.png a-a-a.png

Varactyl Squad: Initiative : 2eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage
p-a.png p-s-a.png a-a.png

Poe: Initiative : 2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
a-a.png a-s-a.png

Poe's squad (6): Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

Going to use Camo's Get the Drop, adding 2 Success to all allied Initiative.

Justification: We're approaching the door quietly, and Camo knows how to do that. We arrive faster than they were expecting and get the drop on them.

Because he used Get the Drop, the battle droids can't possibly beat any of the PCs/allied NPCs since the max they can get would tie the good guys, meaning they go last. So I won't bother rolling for them.

Current initiative:

  1. Camouflage 4s3a
  2. Varactyl Squad 3s3a
  3. Poe 3s2a
  4. Clone minion group (6): 2s1a
  5. B2a(6)
  6. B2b(6)
  7. B2c(5)
  8. B2 launch prep

@EliasWindrider , should it just be a B1 pilot prepping the ship and 3 full groups of 6 B2s? B2s aren't really programmed for manning starships.

Using cool as we are expecting a fight:

Cool Initiative : 2eP+1eA 5 successes, 1 advantage
p-s-s.png p-s-a.png a-s-s.png

What type of ship is it?

Mireska's Initiative (using Cool plus Foresight upgrade) ...

Cool Initiative plus Foresee power upgrade : 1eP+2eA+4eF 1 success, 4 advantage, 5 Light Side, 1 Dark Side
p-a-a.png a-s.png a-a-a.png f-ls-ls.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls.png

Final Results (using 5 LS pips for +5 Successes, Get the Drop for +2 Successes) : 8 Successes, 4 Advantages.

Edited by Bellona
Forgot to include "Get the Drop".

What about Ventress' Initiative?

Cool (Initiative) : 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png a-s.png a-a-a.png

With a Triumph, can I grant a free maneuver to whomever goes first? Like a Boost to their action, or maybe allow them to close range with the starfighter quicker?

Edited by SuperWookie
10 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Camouflage: Initiative : 2eP+1eA 2 successes, 3 advantage
p-s.png p-s-a.png a-a-a.png

Varactyl Squad: Initiative : 2eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage
p-a.png p-s-a.png a-a.png

Poe: Initiative : 2eA 1 success, 2 advantage
a-a.png a-s-a.png

Poe's squad (6): Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

Going to use Camo's Get the Drop, adding 2 Success to all allied Initiative.

Justification: We're approaching the door quietly, and Camo knows how to do that. We arrive faster than they were expecting and get the drop on them.

Because he used Get the Drop, the battle droids can't possibly beat any of the PCs/allied NPCs since the max they can get would tie the good guys, meaning they go last. So I won't bother rolling for them.

Current initiative:

  1. Camouflage 4s3a
  2. Varactyl Squad 3s3a
  3. Poe 3s2a
  4. Clone minion group (6): 2s1a
  5. B2a(6)
  6. B2b(6)
  7. B2c(5)
  8. B2 launch prep

@EliasWindrider , should it just be a B1 pilot prepping the ship and 3 full groups of 6 B2s? B2s aren't really programmed for manning starships.

That works.

4 hours ago, Bellona said:

What about Ventress' Initiative?

Vigilance : 5eP+5eF 3 successes, 4 advantage, 4 Light Side, 2 Dark Side
p-s-a.png p-s.png p-a-a.png p-s-a.png p--.png f-ls-ls.png f-ds.png f-ls.png f-ls.png f-ds.png

With a free black pip from the corrupted crystal that's 6 successes 4 advantage

4 hours ago, SuperWookie said:

Cool (Initiative) : 1eP+2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png a-s.png a-a-a.png

With a Triumph, can I grant a free maneuver to whomever goes first? Like a Boost to their action, or maybe allow them to close range with the starfighter quicker?

With a triumph you go first... and not unless you have a species or other ability that let's you use triumph in a non standard way for initiative.

In that case I'll go first and while keeping up my ongoing effects I will use my action/maneuver to give the next in line a Boost.

30 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

With a triumph you go first... and not unless you have a species or other ability that let's you use triumph in a non standard way for initiative.

I'm pretty sure the Triumph is just a free maneuver, not a jump to the front of initiative.

Current initiative:

  1. Mireska 8s4a
  2. Ker'see 7s1a
  3. Asajj Ventress 6s4a
  4. Camouflage 4s3a
  5. Chee'Okee 4s2a
  6. Varactyl Squad 3s3a
  7. Poe 3s2a
  8. Clone minion group (6) 2s1a
  9. B2a(6)
  10. B2b(6)
  11. B2c(6)
  12. B1 pilot droid

Just waiting on @RuusMarev /Jorin.

41 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm pretty sure the Triumph is just a free maneuver, not a jump to the front of initiative.

Why don't I just open the door for free then, so everyone can just start taking actions.

56 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm pretty sure the Triumph is just a free maneuver, not a jump to the front of initiative.

Most triumphs wins, ties broken by most successes, ties broken by most advantage. If no one else rolled a triumph and you do, you go first.

24 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

Most triumphs wins, ties broken by most successes, ties broken by most advantage. If no one else rolled a triumph and you do, you go first.

That's not true, in the initiative section it simply says "...ranks them in order, from highest number of successes to lowest number of successes. If two checks are tied, the check with more Advantage is ranked higher."

We've never had the person who rolled a Triumph go first.

The only official mention of Triumph in connection with Initiative is in the description for Vigilance, allowing a free maneuver. Every GM I've played with, and the way we've handled it in this game, is that Triumph on initiative allows an immediate free maneuver.

Initiative Order:

  1. Chee'Okee 4s2a1T
  2. Mireska 8s4a
  3. Ker'see 7s1a
  4. Asajj Ventress 6s4a
  5. Camouflage 4s3a
  6. Varactyl Squad 3s3a
  7. Jorin 3s2a
  8. Poe 3s2a
  9. Clone minion group (6) 2s1a
  10. B2a(6)
  11. B2b(6)
  12. B2c(6)
  13. B1 pilot droid
Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt
Triumph houserule
49 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

That's not true, in the initiative section it simply says "...ranks them in order, from highest number of successes to lowest number of successes. If two checks are tied, the check with more Advantage is ranked higher."

We've never had the person who rolled a Triumph go first.

The only official mention of Triumph in connection with Initiative is in the I description for Vigilance, allowing a free maneuver. Every GM I've played with, and the way we've handled it in this game, is that Triumph on initiative allows an immediate free maneuver.here I picked it u

You've never had the person who rolled triumph go first... I have since the beginning of the campaign until you started helping me out.

Googling indicates/suggests that it's an extremely common house rule.... I forget where I picked it up. But I've been doing it for a LONG time.

Edited by EliasWindrider


What does "going first" mean exactly in this context, when allies can use whichever allied slot they agree upon?

Does it mean a whole extra turn before the rest of the combat starts?

Darth Chee'Okee stirring up controversy again...

9 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

You've never had the person who rolled triumph go first... I have since the beginning of the campaign until you started helping me out.

Googling indicates/suggests that it's an extremely common house rule.... I forget where I picked it up. But I've been doing it for a LONG time.

We would include me, and I have no recollection of anyone who rolled a Triumph going first. If it had happened, I would likely have pointed out that it is not RAW and we'd have already had this discussion. And given how much of this campaign I've been around for, I'd guess we've had more Triumphs used by RAW than we have initiative busters.

Maybe you should keep a tighter control on the game and pay more attention to what's happening, that way you can see an issue and respond to it before it's already happened multiple times. If you don't like how I GM, either tell me how you want me to or GM yourself.

I don't like the Triumph houserule because it violates the nature of a Triumph and allows someone with an otherwise terrible roll to pass people who actually rolled well. Triumphs are used to provide benefits to the roll, and cannot cause the roll itself to succeed or fail. Initiative is a competitive check with a difficulty of Simple. A chase is another competitive check, and a Triumph is not an automatic victory. In no other competitive checks outlined by RAW is there a condition that whoever gets a Triumph wins. Instead, they are spent on other ancillary benefits. That's what actually makes Triumph cool and not an "I win" button.

So are we using it or not? Any other houserules I should know about?

10 hours ago, Bellona said:


What does "going first" mean exactly in this context, when allies can use whichever allied slot they agree upon?

Does it mean a whole extra turn before the rest of the combat starts?

It means you score the top initiative slot which you can let someone else take. But it does help PCs with a rank or 2 go ahead of minion npcs.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

We would include me, and I have no recollection of anyone who rolled a Triumph going first. If it had happened, I would likely have pointed out that it is not RAW and we'd have already had this discussion. And given how much of this campaign I've been around for, I'd guess we've had more Triumphs used by RAW than we have initiative busters.

Maybe you should keep a tighter control on the game and pay more attention to what's happening, that way you can see an issue and respond to it before it's already happened multiple times. If you don't like how I GM, either tell me how you want me to or GM yourself.

I don't like the Triumph houserule because it violates the nature of a Triumph and allows someone with an otherwise terrible roll to pass people who actually rolled well. Triumphs are used to provide benefits to the roll, and cannot cause the roll itself to succeed or fail. Initiative is a competitive check with a difficulty of Simple. A chase is another competitive check, and a Triumph is not an automatic victory. In no other competitive checks outlined by RAW is there a condition that whoever gets a Triumph wins. Instead, they are spent on other ancillary benefits. That's what actually makes Triumph cool and not an "I win" button.

So are we using it or not? Any other houserules I should know about?

1) I appreciate the help with GMing.

It means the person with the biggest dice pool isn't assured of going first.... going first isn't an I win button... and it adds an extremely interesting dynamic to quick draw showdowns (a big narrative part of the live play "red talon" edge game that went on indefinite hiatus when my son was born about 3 years and 5 months ago) one of the characters "Thad Bane" (you've probably heard of his infamous uncle, who had killed his father) was a gunslinger (built as marshal sharphshooter because this was before fly casual came out). Given how fun that was for me to GM I think we'll keep the triumph house rule for initiative.

unfortunately I'm not entirely sure which parts of the rules I've been using forever and a day are house rules at this point. I've been surprised a couple times in this campaign wj.g en you've corrected me on rules. I will try to keep a better eye on things though.

So, what's the situation in the Hanger/plan of action..? (Jorin is planning on sprinting to the fighter and take out the droid...)

Chee'Okee is up unless she decides to pass the slot on to another PC.

If Rotta is in the open, Jorin could attempt Pull.


I'm willing to give Mireska's high slot to Jorin so that he can act more quickly if that will help us to get our hands on Rotta.