PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

30 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

I am thinking I want to try zooming to the back of the droids on my turn. Can I take the 2 strain for an extra action to Force speed twice? I was wanting to use Sense to increase difficulty against me, and then run past all of the droids. If I can turn at least half of them around, it would split fire and allow the clones to overtake the droids in front more easily.

EDIT: Well, I guess I am talking about the Force leap... I could have sworn that Enhance lets you move between range bands by running as well. Could it be just a fluff thing?

I've seen it flavoured as Force-enhanced running, and in some cases as short range teleportation (the latter only for Dathomiri Witches).

If Mireska's turn is successful, one of the droidekas will be in Short range if you want Chee'Okee to hit something ...

That would actually be cool, swipe at it as is "passes" through the doorway. While being able to stay in her spot too.

53 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

That would actually be cool, swipe at it as is "passes" through the doorway. While being able to stay in her spot too.

Short range, not Engaged range, so Chee'Okee would have to move to Engage, and possibly move out again afterwards.

(This is assuming that Mireska won't be able to bring it down in one attack. We'll see how it works out!)

12 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Initiative (Cool) : 2eP+1eA 2 successes
p-s.png p--.png a-s.png

Wow that's bad.

Varactyl Squad: Initiative : 2eP+1eA 1 success, 3 advantage
p-a.png p-s.png a-a-a.png

AT-TE Gunners: Initiative : 1eP+1eB 1 success, 3 advantage
p-a-a.png b-s-a.png

Sergeant Poe: Initiative : 2eA 2 successes, 2 advantage
a-s-a.png a-s-a.png

Sergeant Raven: Initiative : 2eA 0 successes, 1 advantage
a-a.png a--.png

CMG(6): Initiative : 1eA 1 success

CMG(6): Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

Droideka: Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

Droideka: Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 1 advantage

B1(6): Initiative : 1eA 1 success, 1 advantage

B1(6): Initiative : 1eA 2 successes

B1(6): Initiative : 1eA 0 successes, 2 advantage

Current initiative order:

  1. Chee'Okee 3s2a
  2. Sergeant Poe 2s2a
  3. Camouflage 2s
  4. B1a(6) 2s
  5. Varactyl Squad(4) 1s3a
  6. AT-TE Gunners 1s3a
  7. B1b(6) 1s1a
  8. CMG1(6) 1s
  9. B1c(6) 2a
  10. Sergeant Raven 1a
  11. CMG2(6) 1a
  12. Droideka-1
  13. Droideka-2

@EliasWindrider , my understanding is that the droids are at Medium range, correct? We're out of the line of fire, stacked up behind the walls on either side of the door. That means that we'll have to take a Maneuver to move in order to fire, correct?

Still waiting on @RuusMarev /Jorin, @MrTInce /Ker'see, and @Bellona /Mireska.

That's reasonable

11 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

If I was the GM, I'd rule it as Cool. You're sitting there spoiling for a fight, and you're the side "dropping the barrier" so to speak.

Under the circumstances I'd count this as an ambush so yeah cool.

Mireska's turn ...

Already activated prior to opening the door: Lightsabre, Portable Plasma Shield.

Manoeuvre 1: Move from Medium to Short range of Droideka A (assuming that it's the nearest one to her side of the door)

... Basically moving from Engaged range with some clones (vague, I know, but we didn't specify who was stacking up with whom on which side of the doors).

Action: Draw Closer action vs. Droideka A.

Draw Closer, little droideka! : 2eP+2eA+4eF+2eD+2eS 1 success, 2 advantage, 5 Dark Side
p-a-a.png p-s-a.png a-s-s.png a-a-a.png f-ds-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png d-th.png d-th-th.png s-f.png s-f.png

The Force is definitely not with Mireska right now! :(

No LS pips means that Draw Closer was not successfully activated (Droideka A remains at Medium range).

2 Advantages spent to give +1 Boost to any allied character ... that will be whoever is next (Chee'Okee? @SuperWookie ) unless he/she doesn't do anything requiring a Boost die in which case it will go to the next in line.

Manoeuvre 2: Move back from Short to Medium range from the droids, so that she's back at Engaged range with "some clones" again. (Cost = +2 Strain)

Incidental: activate Centre of Being 3, plus Improved and Supreme versions (increase enemy critical requirement by +3, works against all attacks). (Cost = +1 Strain)

Current Wounds/Strain by end of Mireska's round: 0/17 Wounds, 3/17 Strain.

That was a disappointing turn for Mireska. Hopefully she can do something to protect the clones and possibly distract the droids during her OOT.

OOT: Ready to use Circle of Shelter/Guardian of the Republic/Parry 3/Reflect 3 talents (plus Improved versions), Centre of Being 3 activated (against all attacks). Peerless Interception only if things really go pear-shaped during her OOT.

Edited by Bellona

I think I move down to slot 6 if I needed to use Cool for my Initiative check. So give the boost to Camo.

Edited by SuperWookie
21 hours ago, EliasWindrider said:

Under the circumstances I'd count this as an ambush so yeah cool.

Do you want me to swap out 2 of Mireska's green dice for 1 yellow die?

It will only reduce her Advantages by two (if removing the last two greens) and give her a yellow die instead, so I don't think that it will make much of a difference in this case.

15 hours ago, Bellona said:

Do you want me to swap out 2 of Mireska's green dice for 1 yellow die?

It will only reduce her Advantages by two (if removing the last two greens) and give her a yellow die instead, so I don't think that it will make much of a difference in this case.

Yeah, the only potential changes are pushing you above Ker'see (likely, but irrelevant) and giving you a free Maneuver.

Initiative order:

  1. Ker'see 6s2a1T (acted)
  2. Mireska 5s4a (acted)
  3. Sergeant Poe 2s2a
  4. Camouflage 2s
  5. B1a(1)2w 2s
  6. Chee'Okee 1s4a
  7. Varactyl Squad(4) 1s3a
  8. AT-TE Gunners 1s3a
  9. Jorin 1s2a
  10. B1b(6) 1s1a
  11. CMG1(6) 1s
  12. B1c(6) 2a
  13. Sergeant Raven 1a
  14. CMG2(6) 1a
  15. Droideka-1 1a
  16. Droideka-2 1a

Sergeant Poe:
Maneuver: Move to fire (cover, so +2 Soak)
Action: Shoot at B1a: Shooting at the B1s : 2eP+1eA+1eB+2eD 0 successes, 1 threat
p-s.png p--.png a-a.png b--.png d-f.png d-th-th.png

Hrmph. Those blanks though. 1 Strain.

Maneuver: Move to fire (cover, so +2 Soak and Tactical Evasion upgrades the difficulty of attacks targeting him once)
Second Maneuver (2 Strain): Draw DC-17 (right)
Action: He's actually not going to target the remaining droid in B1a, because it doesn't have that great a pool. Given luck today, it'll probably hit whoever it shoots at, but Camo has a lot of potential for Scrap 'Em! since he won't be using dual pistols. That double Boost is pretty good, especially with Auto-Fire. Instead, he'll target B1b. Clanker Killer 2 for 2 Advantage: Shooting at the B1s : 3eP+1eA+1eB+2eD 3 successes, 1 advantage
p-s.png p-s-a.png p-s-a.png a--.png b-s.png d-th.png d-f.png

Clanker Killer and Design Flaw push that up to 3s5a, with FaB 2.

2 Advantage for a crit deals 14 damage past Soak, killing two and damaging a third. 1 Advantage=Boost to next, 2 Advantage=Boost to Varactyl Squad, FaB 2=Boost to AT-TE Gunners.

Scrap 'Em! (2 Strain) for Varactyl Squad, Chee'Okee, Jorin, and Clone Minion group 1. This provides 2 Boost. @SuperWookie / @RuusMarev , you by no means have to attack them, I just get to give the bonus to 4 allies. If you do decide to attack them, it's there for you, but I'd suggest not attacking them until Varactyl Squad gets a chance to go so they get the bonus to Auto-Fire.

Maneuver: Aim
Action: Shoot at the closest target (Mireska): Shooting at Mireska : 2eA+1eB+1eD+4eS 2 failures, 2 advantage
a-a-a.png a-a-a.png b--.png d-f-th.png s-f.png s--.png s-th.png s--.png

Misses completely, but passes a Setback to Mireska.

@SuperWookie , you're up. Droidekas are at Medium range. Shields up, so one die is upgraded and there are 2 Setback from Defense (base Lightsaber difficulty 1eC+1eD+2eS).

How do I make a Move attack against one of the droids? Looking for some silhouette 2 debris if we have any available. The Move power says ranged attack, but not if I used a skill or just a flat characteristic.

EDIT: Looks like FaD is the only book that doesn't mention it. Forums say Discipline check vs ranged Difficulty.

Edited by SuperWookie
2 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

How do I make a Move attack against one of the droids? Looking for some silhouette 2 debris if we have any available. The Move power says ranged attack, but not if I used a skill or just a flat characteristic.

EDIT: Looks like FaD is the only book that doesn't mention it. Forums say Discipline check vs ranged Difficulty.

20 damage won't be much against a droideka (20 minus soak is 5), so you may be better off with your lightsaber (3 base damage past soak*). Your dice pool is marginally better and you don't have the risk of not being able to summon the (3?) LS Force points necessary. It's also more likely to crit or trigger Sunder.

*Have you included the damage from Superior into your attack listing?

Should only be 2 Force results needed, and I don't mind taking the 2 conflict since I am at 50 right now. Her first battle ever.

RE lightsaber, yes the damage was increased from Superior already.

I am seeing Soak 8 and 18 wounds on a Droideka, so doing 16 damage (I got 4 successes) to it seems strong?

EDIT: This is if we even have Light Side to flip.

Edited by SuperWookie

Looks like I will be able to do it all if I flip a Destiny point to Dark Side and take 3 strain and 3 conflict. I'd be able to recover 1 strain with an advantage though.

Move (attack) : 3eF+2eP+2eA+1eC+1eD+2eS 4 successes, 1 advantage, 3 Dark Side
f-ds.png f-ds.png f-ds.png p-a-a.png p-s-s.png a-s-a.png a-s-s.png c-th.png d-th.png s--.png s-f.png

Edited by SuperWookie
15 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

I am seeing Soak 8 and 18 wounds on a Droideka, so doing 16 damage (I got 4 successes) to it seems strong?

EDIT: This is if we even have Light Side to flip.

The droidekas were houseruled. See page 29 of the Misc. thread.

5 Soak, 12 WT, +10 Soak when shield is active.

18 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

Should only be 2 Force results needed, and I don't mind taking the 2 conflict since I am at 50 right now. Her first battle ever.

Isn't it 3? One to activate the power, one to activate range, and one to activate strength (silhouette)?

10 minutes ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Isn't it 3? One to activate the power, one to activate range, and one to activate strength (silhouette)?

I thought I only needed one to get the highest silhouette paid for through Strength, but checked the rules and I'll need all 3 of my results in order to pull off the attack. 24 damage against 15 soak would still be 9 wounds (with 3 wounds left over). The squad after me should be able to pick that off?

Edited by SuperWookie
11 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

I thought I only needed one to get the highest silhouette paid for through Strength, but checked the rules and I'll need all 3 of my results in order to pull off the attack. 24 damage against 15 soak would still be 9 wounds (with 3 wounds left over). The squad after me should be able to pick that off?

No, because they can't get through the shield. Jorin could probably take care of it though.

Oh, I see. So our lightsabers basically get by the shield for free, and I'd be doing at least 4 pts of damage on a hit. I still like the 9 points from Move better in this instance.

If we have a Light Side point to flip at all, then I'd like to do that if nobody objects.

Edited by SuperWookie
16 hours ago, SuperWookie said:

I am seeing Soak 8 and 18 wounds on a Droideka, ...

All the common "small" droid stat blocks (B1, B2, B1 Supervisor, and Droideka) are collected on p. 20 of the Misc thread.

The Droideka stats there were originally the RAW ones, but the house-ruled changes were then incorporated into that stat block (in a way which should show which changes were made).

Edited by Bellona

Looks like no objections, so I will flip a Light Side point to empower my Move attack. Taking 3 strain and 3 conflict. Would like to heal 1 strain with the advantage if you can do that on the same action that is causing it to occur?

3 minutes ago, SuperWookie said:

Would like to heal 1 strain with the advantage if you can do that on the same action that is causing it to occur?

You can.

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

So just Move attack and Guarded Stance maneuver after that for the turn.

Just now, SuperWookie said:

So just Move attack and Guarded Stance maneuver after that for the turn.

Guarded Stance only applies to melee attacks, so you may want to reconsider. Taking cover near Camo grants +2 Soak, though.

Varactyl Squad:
Maneuver: Move to cover
Action: Auto-fire vs. B1b: Auto-Fire : 3eP+1eA+3eB+3eD 2 successes, 3 advantage, 1 Triumph
p-tr.png p--.png p-s-a.png a-a-a.png b-s.png b-a-a.png b-a.png d-th-th.png d-f.png d-th.png

Forgot a die: forgot a die : 1eB 0 successes, 2 advantage

That's 11 damage with Pierce 1, so 8 wounds. A second hit for 2 Advantage brings it to 16 wounds, which puts it at exactly WT. With two more Advantage, they'll hit again to eliminate the group. With the Triumph, they'll hit B1c for 8 wounds, eliminating one droid.

They'll pass on a Boost with the remaining Advantage.

AT-TE gunners:
Maneuver: Aim
Action: Blast the undamaged droideka: Shooting at the Droideka : 2eP+1eA+2eB+1eC+2eD+2eS 1 failure, 1 advantage
p-a-a.png p-a.png a-a.png b--.png b-a.png c-th.png d-th.png d-th.png s-th.png s-f.png

Good grief. Pass on a Boost.

NPC luck has been terrible this round (with the exception of Varactyl Squad, and they only half count).

  1. Ker'see 6s2a1T (acted)
  2. Mireska 5s4a (acted)
  3. Sergeant Poe 2s2a (acted)
  4. Camouflage 2s (acted)
  5. B1a(1)2w 2s (acted)
  6. Chee'Okee 1s4a (acted)
  7. Varactyl Squad(4) 1s3a (acted)
  8. AT-TE Gunners 1s3a (acted)
  9. Jorin 1s2a @RuusMarev , you're up! Might want to try and eliminate Deka-1, maybe with Saber Throw?
  10. CMG1(6) 1s
  11. B1c(5)3w 2a
  12. Sergeant Raven 1a
  13. CMG2(6) 1a
  14. Droideka-1(9w) 1a
  15. Droideka-2 1a