PBP Alt Univ: Clone Wars: OOC

By EliasWindrider, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny Beginner Game

Droideka RAW is Misc. p. 20, original suggested upgrade p. 25 29, final GM-approved version p. 36.


Does the raised shield result in its Soak going from 5 to 10? Or does it have two layers of "soak", one being Armour 1 (only when the shield is up) and the other being Soak 5 (all the time)?

This is completely confusing, especially since RAW shields only give a Defence value (expressed as Setback dice), and Armour is supposed to be the next (separate) layer of protection. In fact, for protection the RAW vehicles have Defence (shields), followed by Armour - but they have no Soak in addition to the Armour. For them, the Armour is their Soak. So why do the Droidekas have both Armour and Soak?

If the Droidekas have both "Armour on the shields" and "Soak on the chassis", then why can't the Breach 1 weapon cut through both?

Furthermore, does the Droideka have WT 18 (RAW), WT 12 (as suggested on Misc pp. 29 and 36), or WT 15 (as stated on this page)?

... It's incredibly late for me here (as in, I'm seeing the sunrise) and I have a busy day ahead of me after I get my much-needed sleep, so I won't check back in until sometime Sunday evening (my time).

Edited by Bellona
Corrected a page number. :)

Is Jorin's Droideka still have shields, or are they down? (I'm guessing I'm still in short range?)

If Jorin attempts a saber throw, I'm I rolling a Lightsaber attack with my two Force dice, correct? (just making sure I'm reading it correctly)

7 hours ago, Bellona said:

Does the raised shield result in its Soak going from 5 to 10? Or does it have two layers of "soak", one being Armour 1 (only when the shield is up) and the other being Soak 5 (all the time)?

This is completely confusing, especially since RAW shields only give a Defence value (expressed as Setback dice), and Armour is supposed to be the next (separate) layer of protection. In fact, for protection the RAW vehicles have Defence (shields), followed by Armour - but they have no Soak in addition to the Armour. For them, the Armour is their Soak. So why do the Droidekas have both Armour and Soak?

If the Droidekas have both "Armour on the shields" and "Soak on the chassis", then why can't the Breach 1 weapon cut through both?

I'm not sure why it's so confusing. It adds 10 Soak when the shield is active. And, as I stated, it was changed to add 10 Soak, not 1 Armor. I view them as synonyms and use them interchangeably because I houserule that 1 rank of Pierce ignores 0.1 Armor.

Breach can't cut through both because it's all part of the same target, and you apply the Soak from both at the same time.

As for RAW shields, I don't like them. I have a houserule for vehicle shields that they operate identically to Reflect/Parry, and I have houseruled Personal Deflector Shields to provide 10 Soak in addition to the 2 Defense. As-is, PDSs are really weak and not really worth it since you can get the same Defense for far fewer credits. This was to fix a particular unit that was basically built around the shield, but the way they made it durable was to significantly buff its chassis, which means it gets the durability boost from the "shield" even when the shield isn't deployed.

And it's page 29 of the misc. thread.

I made a mistake in relaying the information earlier, it only has a WT of 12, not 15.

2 hours ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

I'm not sure why it's so confusing. It adds 10 Soak when the shield is active. And, as I stated, it was changed to add 10 Soak, not 1 Armor. I view them as synonyms and use them interchangeably because I houserule that 1 rank of Pierce ignores 0.1 Armor.

Breach can't cut through both because it's all part of the same target, and you apply the Soak from both at the same time.

As for RAW shields, I don't like them. I have a houserule for vehicle shields that they operate identically to Reflect/Parry, and I have houseruled Personal Deflector Shields to provide 10 Soak in addition to the 2 Defense. As-is, PDSs are really weak and not really worth it since you can get the same Defense for far fewer credits. This was to fix a particular unit that was basically built around the shield, but the way they made it durable was to significantly buff its chassis, which means it gets the durability boost from the "shield" even when the shield isn't deployed.

And it's page 29 of the misc. thread.

I made a mistake in relaying the information earlier, it only has a WT of 12, not 15.

@Bellona this is what I agreed to 5 soak without shields, 15 soak with shields, 12 WT

@Bellona if you're upset with anyone about the droideeka houserule, be upset with me, I should have put it to a formal vote and should not have assumed that no one objecting at the time without being prompted for a response was tacit approval. That's on me. But undoing it now/ taking away a player request that agreed to would cause just as much grief. Is this a huge deal to you?

Unrelated I was thinking about ventress losing one of her sabers in the next mission (rescuing jabba's son) the one with the corrupted crystal. Purifying the corrupted crystal would cause it to revert to its "previous" properties and I know that there is a crystal that you are looking for although I forget what it is... would you rather go that route or the hondo route for narrative reasons.

On 9/13/2020 at 6:19 PM, EliasWindrider said:

@Bellona if you're upset with anyone about the droideeka houserule, be upset with me, I should have put it to a formal vote and should not have assumed that no one objecting at the time without being prompted for a response was tacit approval. That's on me. But undoing it now/ taking away a player request that agreed to would cause just as much grief. Is this a huge deal to you?

I've changed the Droideka stat block on Misc p. 20, the OOC post on p. 104, and the IC post on p. 22, all to reflect the house ruled "upgrades".

Edited by Bellona
Corrected a page number. :)

What is Ker'see waiting for?

10 hours ago, MrTInce said:

What is Ker'see waiting for?

After camo uses the tank to destroy the shield generator you'll be able to shoot

Edited by EliasWindrider
9 minutes ago, EliasWindrider said:

After camp uses the tank to destroy the shield generator you'll be able to shoot

Can I see him or should I make a roll?

4 hours ago, MrTInce said:

Can I see him or should I make a roll?

You'll probably notice the blast when the shield generator goes up. :D

4 hours ago, MrTInce said:

Can I see him or should I make a roll?

You can see him, but it's a bit distorted due to the shield


Just an OOC reminder of what I posted in the Misc thread: Mireska immediately used her XP to buy the Strength upgrade for her Sense power. Now each round the first two attacks on Mireska are upgraded twice each .

(Not trying to be annoyingly repetitive, just helpful.)

After @RuusMarev goes, I'll do Varactyl squad.

Here's the current status of all NPCs, compiled for your convenience:

Droideka A, 5 Soak +10 from Shield (3/12) 1 Upgrade, 2 Defense
Droideka B, 5 Soak +10 from Shield (5/12) 1 Upgrade, 2 Defense
Droideka C, 5 Soak (0/12)
Droideka D, 5 Soak (0/12)
B2s (5 wide), 6 Soak (4 down, 5 spillover wounds)

Varactyl Squad, 5 Soak (1 down, 5 spillover wounds)

Initiative order by roll:
1: Mireska 9s1a
2: Varactyl Squad 4s4a
3: Camouflage 3s1a
4: Jorin 2s3a

Suggested initiative order:
1: Camouflage (due to certain talents)
2: Jedi
3: Jedi
4: Varactyl Squad

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

After @RuusMarev goes, I'll do Varactyl squad.

Here's the current status of all NPCs, compiled for your convenience:

Droideka A, 5 Soak +10 from Shield (3/12) 1 Upgrade, 2 Defense
Droideka B, 5 Soak +10 from Shield (5/12) 1 Upgrade, 2 Defense
Droideka C, 5 Soak (0/12)
Droideka D, 5 Soak (0/12)
B2s (5 wide), 6 Soak (4 down, 5 spillover wounds)

Varactyl Squad, 5 Soak (1 down, 5 spillover wounds)

Initiative order by roll:
1: Mireska 9s1a
2: Varactyl Squad 4s4a
3: Camouflage 3s1a
4: Jorin 2s3a

Suggested initiative order:
1: Camouflage (due to certain talents)
2: Jedi
3: Jedi
4: Varactyl Squad

Oh, are we waiting for Jorin?? dangit, Jorin.. wake up..

Are A&B still without shields?

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Are A&B still without shields?

No, they have their shields. You are able to ignore their Defense rating though.

For the duration of the encounter, Jorin ignores 2 points of Defense (on droids) and Autocrits droids.

am I still rolling setbacks?

Just now, RuusMarev said:

am I still rolling setbacks?

Yes, but not the Setbacks from their Defense rating.

So if you have a Setback from Threat, you'd roll that, but you ignore up to 2 points of Defense.

Jorin v Droideka : 2eA+3eP+1eC+1eD 4 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
a-s-a.png a--.png p--.png p-s-s.png p-tr.png c-th-th.png d-th.png

(I'm not sure if I am missing anything from the pool)

Just now, RuusMarev said:

Jorin v Droideka : 2eA+3eP+1eC+1eD 4 successes, 2 threat, 1 Triumph
a-s-a.png a--.png p--.png p-s-s.png p-tr.png c-th-th.png d-th.png

(I'm not sure if I am missing anything from the pool)

Nope, that looks right unless there's anything from Advantage/Threat, which I don't think there was...

You deal 6 more damage to it, which puts it to 11/12.

You score an autocrit, which you need to roll.

What do you want for the Triumph?

1 minute ago, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

What do you want for the Triumph?

You could upgrade Mireska's check.

Then if the Varactyls or Camouflage roll a Triumph and don't have anything better to spend it on, they could give Mireska an additional upgrade, bringing her pool up to YYG?

@Bellona , tagging you in case you've got feedback on that idea. If you aren't planning to attack next round, it'd be a waste.

crit : 1d100 92

7 minutes ago, RuusMarev said:

crit : 1d100 92

Nice! +10 from the previous Crit is 102: Maimed. One of the target's limbs (selected by the GM) is permanently lost. Unless the target has a cybernetic replacement, the target cannot perform actions that require the use of that limb. All other actions gain Setback.

@EliasWindrider , the way I've handled this in my games is to have it cut off one of the arms, meaning that it loses Auto-Fire and only has Linked 1, also losing the Fire Sweep ability. (My understanding is that Droidekas have Linked 1 and Auto-Fire)

Edited by P-47 Thunderbolt

I'll send the Triumph to Mireska :)

Just now, P-47 Thunderbolt said:

Nice! +10 from the previous Crit is 102: Maimed. One of the target's limbs (selected by the GM) is permanently lost. Unless the target has a cybernetic replacement, the target cannot perform actions that require the use of that limb. All other actions gain Setback.

@EliasWindrider , the way I've handled this in my games is to have it cut off one of the arms, meaning that it looses Auto-Fire and only has Linked 1, also losing the Fire Sweep ability. (My understanding is that Droidekas have Linked 1 and Auto-Fire)

it's head looks like a limb......